Can Tottenham help open Mikel Arteta’s “box of dreams” tonight?

So today could be the day that our Arsenal side could come a big step closer to winning the Premier League for the first time since the Invincibles completed the task in this very week 20 years ago.

And the strange thing as it is not Arsenal that could give us the nececesary boost but our biggest rivals Tottenham Hotspurs, but the fact is that all we can do is cheer on our enemies and hope they can do us a favour.

When Mikel Arteta was asked what he was thinking about tonight’s game at the Tottenham staduim, he was very hopeful, and very happy that we still going to be in the equation right up to the very last day when we face the Boss’ old club Everton at the Emirates.

“My experience in this league in the last 20 years” Arteta said. “is that any team can beat any team. And I lived it in various scenarios on the last day when a lot of teams had necessities, although not much, and the honesty and respect that everybody puts in the games is phenomenal.

“We know we need a result, we need to do our own thing still in the last game, but today we want to really knock that door and open that box of dreams to leave the last and the final day of the season in front of our people with the opportunity to win the Premier League. And that’s something that we’re going to do together. And I’m so pleased that we’re going to be with these players and staff.”

It is certainly a dream for us Arsenal fans, as very few of us would have believed we would still be in the race for the title right up until the final day. All we can do is hope that Arteta’s box of dreams opens up in our favour tonight.

Come on you Spurs!!!!


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Tags Arteta box of dreams Tottenham v Man City


  1. I at least know what the team assembled and managed by Mikel is capable of, but my ONLY grudge is the fact that a mountain is been made out of what we aim to achieve, i’m so dissapointed about it TBH. I hope the “box of dreams” be opened already!

    1. Just like how Spurs fight for every ball and how they even attempt to “walk with the ball” through the City “Park” in the middle.

    2. …and the same score at halftime. City have had two really good scoring chances to Spurs one.

  2. I don’t know the name of the Spurs left-side defender, but he’s giving Walker the freedom of the pitch.

  3. Spurs had their chances and failed to convert. Can’t take anything away from City who did.
    Allanball08. – onwards and upwards for next season (unless MC get too cocky on Sunday).

  4. Well Spurs played well today. We cannot fault them for effort. They just lacked a cutting edge up top. Now we need a miracle from West Ham (really clutching at straws).
    Proud of the boys for the fight shown this time around.

  5. Very disappointing but can’t blame Spurs, they did try. The fact that City’s sub keeper, Ortega, got MOTM says it all. Not one of City’s better performances but they know how to win when it matters. Still a chance I suppose but I just can’t see WH getting anything out of the game. That said we can only beat Everton and hope for the best.

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