It is fair to say that in games against a big Premier League rival, a draw and a point is not too bad a result and that has certainly been true for Arsenal in recent seasons, as we struggled to avoid heavy defeats and began to have a terrible record and even a bit of a mental stumbling block when coming up against the likes of Chelsea or Man United.
However, the clash between the Gunners and Liverpool tonight is starting to take on the feeling of a must win for us, and that was only made more clear yesterday as the league leaders Man City overcome a determined Everton to make it three wins out of three, including one over Chelsea. It had looked as though the Toffees might just hold them to a draw or even better but it was not to be and their form looks ominous.
Arsenal simply cannot afford to let them get too far ahead and so the onus is on us to win the game tonight, while Liverpool already have six points and will be delighted with a draw. This might well play into the hands of Brendan Rodgers but if we are to have a realistic chance of lifting the Premier League trophy, this is no time for faint hearts and hedging our bets.
What do you think Gooners, does Wenger need to send his players out with a free rein?
It says a lot that…teams that finished better than us last season are strengthening, and we are not (or have not).
From Matrin Keown
“I would like to see a world class centre forward coming into the club. Someone that really puts the fear of God into the opposing defenders. Someone you can roll it to and they can do the rest,”.
“I see Giroud as almost like a backboard for midfield players travelling from distance to try and score goals and I think there are times when you have got to role it to the centre forward and he has to be the one that makes the difference.
Hope he hates the hold up play as well. Hahahaaa, some useless fans tried to justify their love to OG by relating his performance with his price tag, I wish they could have said the same to Nicklas Bedterner who costed arsenal zero pound and managed to score handsome of goals.
Ok, Let us play Theo today, the man loves to play against the pools. I predict 2-0, Walcot on the score sheet.
Giroud is an OK striker… We need a WC striker. I’m not hopeful on tonight’s match. Sorry but I have lost all hopes. Wenger has destroyed our chances. Hate that old fool
are you moaning because man city bought in sterling? Would you prefer him to the ox? Or is it because chelsea bought Pedro?
Trust me when I Say the players who make the difference are the old boys.
I do believe that signing someone like Gotze, Reus, or even Bellerabi would add some panache to our attack.
City was under-estimated no doubt. others not so much, united, Chelsea, spurs and Liverpool didn’t finish better then us.
Recently I’ve been working on myself a lot, how to hold back when angry and just how to say less or joke about stuff. But to think some folks here called guys like me an idiot, three weeks into the opening of the window, is enof to detonate angrily. They say Wenger is trustworthy and that he knows better than those calling for him to sign. Who’s the idiot now?
I still hope he signs good players, but chances are high he won’t. Where’s the ambition? They came out to say we now have the money and can sign anyone, how much did Chelsea spend on Pedro? Just how much would it cost to get Cavani? Even Benzima, have we offered them £45 and they refused? For how many years shall we scout the Bender brothers? Has anybody ever heard of a guy named Wanyama?
What’s Wenger up to?
pretty sure everyone one knew Wenger was only going to ever buy on the last day…
City look in a different league to us even with a couple of signings i still think were way off challenging for the tittle!
They (City) are the team to beat. But considering how. We struggled against Palace, do u think we stand a chance against City? We play Liverpool today, surely they are better than West Ham and Palace; how can I say we’d “CERTAINLY” beat Brenda??? I should say that just to impress the hypocrites here, right? No, I only hope and wish, I’m not very sure.
Yeah their team looks completely new and improved now with Hart, Kolarov, Sagna, Kompany, Mangala, Fernandinho, Silva, Toure, Aguero, Navas, Nasri freshening things up. Smart work by Pellegrini.
1. Six of the players you mentioned were bought by Mancini
2. Cech > Hart, Koscielny > Kompany, Bellerin > Sagna, Gabriel > Mangala, Cazorla > Toure, Ozil > Silva, Ramsey > Fernandihno. We’re only missing a striker
Walcott > Navas, Sanchez >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Nasri
and yet Aguero didnt score yesterday….
just sayin
That was his point… their team is almost exactly the same as before but just because they played three very good matches people are going overboard like usual.
Thank you Tidan2.
bellerin better than sagna for sure and gabriel might be better than mangala we just dont know but mert certainly isnt, kos and komp not sure pretty even ozil and silva both world class but think silva just edges it (at the moment) the rest is questionable but they clearly have 6 world calss outfielders and we have four…and the only person to blame for this is the idiot grenouille im sorry to say
really like city, title contender… i think i am going to retired become arsenal fans
we should have sign Benteke,.
hes world class and guarantee goals….
Cech is a great signing but not enough unfortunately. If Wenger doesn’t bring in top players in the next 8 days, we may be fighting for 4th place with Liverpool rather than 3rd place.
Liverpool are a bit better this season with the transfers.
City, Chelsea, United are all better with the transfers of Pedro, Rahman
Falcao, Sterling, Depay, Schweinsteiger, Schneiderlin, etc.
We need to sign a DM and CF or winger minimumbin my opinion
Ridiculous to claim United, Liverpool and Chelsea are all better teams than they were last season after 2/3 games – no evidence whatsoever. Even dafter to put the names of Falcao and a guy who has yet to play for them (Rahman) as proof positive of improvement. No-one has said it yet but the best top 5 team so far this year is the team that has changed the least in terms of personnel from last year – City. Mangala, Kompany, Sagna, Toure and Navas look like different players – and don’t anyone embarrass themselves and claim Sterling is the difference.
Some proper muppets on here – mindlessly thumbing up a claim that United, Chelsea and City are all demonstrably better teams because of their signings. City are better despite their signings not because of them. Anyone who reckons Chelsea are better now than they were a year again needs sectioning. Not seen a single minute of United’s play that makes me think “wow” – more solid maybe but the most unthreatening United I have seen in 25 years. Liverpool – well lets wait until after tonight shall we – have a close up look at this unbreachable defence they have suddenly formed after 2 clean sheets against Stoke and Bournemouth.
Lmao, United can’t even get their midfield together, have you ever bothered to watch them under LVG ? And they’re lacking WC strikers. Furthermore, we didn’t need Schweinsteiger, we need a solid DM in their prime. We never needed Sterling or Depay either LOL seriously ? Walcott and Sanchez proven 20goal wingers with Sanchez being better than Pedro, and we already have enough wingers. WE NEED A STRIKER, A REAL NUMERO 9 !!
Not sure if you are having a go at me Goonerlad – but if you are talking to me then we may be at cross purposes as I agree with you!! 🙂
yeah…dont bother explaining to them just keep your good comments
cmon get serious… sterling way better than milner and otiamendi is way better than de michelis…thats before they throw de bruyne in to the mix…so as a team they are undoubtedly better…same goes for man utd with addition of memphis and schneiderlin and daminen though i am not convinced they have a squad to compete with best either…chelsea am less sure about though pedro was an excellent buy but their defence is weaker i think..but they had a 12 point cusion… we are marginally stronger with czech…but football does involve the whole chemsitry and confidence thing….even cohesion to borrow from our idiot philosophiser….still am willing to say that we do not have a squad to compete against best in epl or europe…and the only person to blame for this is wenger
Come on – you get serious as well. City have been very good for 3 matches – both Nasri or Milner could have contributed what Sterling has to date – the fundamental difference is down to their existing players, surely everyone can see that??! Otamendi is in competition now with Mangala not Demicheles – no guarantees on improvement and pretty hard to argue with 3 clean sheets so not sure what more he would add. KdB hasn’t happened yet so lets wait and see on that one.
Bit odd … U slam this guy for apparently making judgements based on 2 or 3’games and then u make judgements based on? …. 2 or 3 games!!!! Not very consistent…. All we can say is that they have brought in better players than they had last year … And yes sterling is much better than Milner or Nasri who is not really an out and out winger … Man city didn’t trust mangala last season but forced to play him with kompany injury and they r right not to…massively overpriced player … We have not strengthened where it matters because of the arrogance of our manager … And it’s not just about bringing in players but his faith in Ramsey (as a winger) and mertesakher when we have better is just as troubling as not adding quality in attack,or defensive midfield
Its a pain in the ass when you know that we wont face liverpool with the strongest line up we own, but rather with the Wenger lova boys.
Ramsey Wing. X Chamberlain V
Giroud Striker X Walcott V
Merti defender X Paulisista V
Every game is a must win, and every game is like a finale for us, coz if West ham can beat us like we where a nothing, so can the others do to. Got a feeling that we will end up with a draw, but i hope i am wrong.
Option 1 :
Option 2 :
Mertesacker and Ramsey will start….
Ramsey put in one of his finest performances last season starting on the ‘wing’ against liverpool.
Please tell me the last goal that Mertesacker, or Mertesacker’s lack of pace was responsible for us conceding?
all i know is that neither are top class footballers..both decent bench players (at least merteshaker was in his prime not any longer)…but cant deliver top honours for arsenal fc…thats just a fact
This idea that u have to buy to be stronger the next season is wrong… U can work on your players development n that way u have improved your squad
You are right Styles – but it is an awkward fact that with everyone clamouring for big spending to “guarantee” improvement and everyone in raptures over City they are the least changed top 5 team and are fielding 10 of their players from last season. Their only new acquisition on display, and lets face it at £50M he has to start, Sterling has been so-so but certainly not the reason City look good – jeez, even Navas looks like a proper player and Mangala is doing a decent impression of a CB now, Toure has decided to turn up again, Kompany reinvigorated etc.
Toure and Kompany were already there!
Yep, 100% agree.
I don’t think anyone in their right mind would dispute that City are an absolute force when in full stride. But when complacency hits, it usually hits them pretty hard. Early days yet.
It cannot be out rightly wrong as you put it.
Obviously players train, day in day out, week after week and year after year with the goal of improving themselves and collectively improving the team (well..some anyway;).
This takes you only so far..
For example if coq gets injured and is out with a hammie for six weeks we will have to rely on Arteta (like early last year) to fill that role..and we all know what happened there.
If Sanchez gets injured who do we call upon to fill his shoes? Wellbeck?
So the likes of Arteta,Flamini, Wellbeck etc are ok and can do a job but if you want to challenge for honours you need to have the best. Training Wellbeck for another 20 odd years would never make him a prolific WC striker in my opinion. Same with Arteta, train him all you want but he will get older and slower and if he isn’t that could at playing off the ball now after all these years why will he suddenly improve this part of his game this season in his bit part role.
No, we can’t buy everyone and have WC in every position but there is no excuse for trying to improve your squad when you are financially able to do so, as Wenger puts it to ‘add something that you don’t already have’…
So how’s about a WC CF, DM and RW/ address the imbalance in your squad Arsene?
Dude.. Welbeck’s first season was underwhelming, i’ll happily admit.
But how can you not see a potentially great striker in there? Physically, he’s an absolute weapon, technically sound, runs at defenders and gets in scoring positions frequently.
First-touch and finishing. If he can improve those two very important fundamentals he’s got the ability and physique to become a great striker.
Josh can’t agree on that. No one will change my mind on DW (not even his mum).
I don’t think he is gifted technically, he has a heavy touch, no tricks/skills to mention.
Yes, he works his arse off, hassles people and will run all day but I don’t think that makes him an AFC type player. Especially we are now looking to push on/challenge (I think).
If he cannot hit a barn door now I have very little faith that the instinct, knack, technique and vision required to be a top footballer (specifically speaking as a Forward) is suddenly going to appear in his game.
I would have sold him long ago if I was the boss and would have filled his place with Griezmann/ Pedro..
Proven talent in one or more positions that does not require ‘more’ development.
Another prediction of mine. Benteke will outshine Giroud with ease playing for Liverpool and Pedro will prove you brits that his talent compared to Walcott is superiour.
Haha i’ll take this as a challenge!!!!
Ks… Giroud will score more goals than Benteke?? A gentleman’s bet!
Awesome Wenger, he makes us sing the same song OVER AND OVER AND OVER again…
Said Wenger has no ambition left for arsenal while some snivelling dudes thumbed me down…there you are anyway, keep fetching water into the basket, i’ll pray for you it gets filled someday.
If #aw doesn’t sign anyone b4 the transfer window slams shuts #wengerout i had enough!!!! Now thumb me down its like a thumbs up for me haha
I’d thumb you down twice if i could 😉 😉
And i’d thumb you down countless times if i could, Wenger OUT!
Benzema back in training for RM (I still think he may go to PSG for big bucks to replace Cavani who apparently has been seen in London….
Wenger to do the same predictable line up as always with same faces in wrong positions.
1-1 draw at best.
Wowzers… I was scared to check the comment section for fear it would be exactly like this. Every comment’s to do with transfers.
So much negativity in the build-up against a side we absolutely throttled last time we met 🙂
How can you all not be looking forward to whatever nonsense Rodgers spouts after the game??
Honestly can’t wait!!
Bellerin Mertz Kos Monreal
Coq Caz
Ramsey/Theo/Ox Ozil Sanchez
It’s just simply better than anything they’ve got, any combination…. And Rodgers is a clown!
You are right dude, i like your conclusion.
That combination is simply better than what they’ve got, just as better than what Westham has got… Take a glimpse at yourself bud, you’re the clown!
Jeez… More like squeeze.
Oooo!!!! Burned!!!!