The reasons why Arteta chooses to start Havertz ahead of Trossard

Havertz should be starting ahead of Trossard!  by Daulat NeupaneDon’t get incensed! But don’t expect a revelation either. Reasons are pretty basic and obvious but who cares for the obvious, right? Well, we should.It’s crystal clear to me, and no, it’s not Arteta’s arrogance or bias. It’s a managerial thing and any sensible manager would do the same.Let’s reflect on the Havertz’s spell at Chelsea. He was played out of position, in terrible regimes, and alongside uninspired and confused teammates. And he endured 3 Seasons of such mess & mediocrity. Despite an underwhelming spell, he did stand out among the rest of the bunch. Playing in such an environment at such a young age, players are prone to pick up damaging footballing habits. And habits are a pain to get rid of. You have to nitpick them and voluntarily dispose of them one at a time. And it takes time!Let’s take a trip down the memory lane and remember his exploits in Bayer Leverkusen. He was a different beast altogether. I don’t think anyone would have minded if he came to Arsenal and not Chelsea in 2020.The question I hear is, what does Havertz do that is worth 65 mil? Currently, he is not doing much, at least anything flashy to be noticed. It’s simple as that. But I believe that’s more down to instructions from the Gaffer rather than himself. Havertz is a very aggressive player when making runs into the box. He is an attack-minded player. But he is not playing like that under Arteta so far. I believe it’s clear instructions from the Gaffer to focus just on the basics and do the simple things for the time being. Remember his horrible experience at Chelsea? I believe Arteta is detoxifying Havertz from those bad footballing practices with simple tasks and focus on the fundamentals. Well, it’s a kinda old school method of breaking habits really, nothing new. You slow yourself down and focus on fewer things at a time.
And it takes time!And Havertz is getting plenty of that, doesn’t he? Arteta is giving him all the time, for the time being, because he believes in him. You can’t call it arrogance or bias. It’s simple man management. And he is playing all 90 minutes because he is the one who needs to get his form back and you can’t do it being on the bench.
Now don’t ask me why didn’t Arteta buy someone who was in a red hot form already. I don’t know. Arteta wanted Havertz so he got him. I can only make sense of why would Arteta be so stubborn to let Havertz play all 90 mins. And it’s simple, he needs time. The more time he spends on the pitch, the more he can bring his former self back.Why not start with Trossard and bring Havertz later then? Reason one, Arteta believes in killing the game in the first half and he wants Havertz to be a part of it. Good way of boosting morale and self-belief, isn’t it?
Reason two, it’s because Trossard is in good form already! Btw have you ever seen Trossard dipping in form? I haven’t. So he is a great solution when it’s urgent and pressing because his impact is immediate. He is always freaking sharp. That’s one way of managing in-form players and letting rusty out-of-form players get valuable play time on the pitch. Arteta sees a long-term future in Havertz, it seems. The fact that he is young, just 24, is another major factor.So I am with the Gaffer on this one. Now I believe Arteta is the right man for the club, so I don’t bother questioning his choice of players. What do I know of man management anyway? If a world-class player like Declan Rice says he is seeing football in a completely new way under Arteta, despite playing in the top flight football for so many years, it wouldn’t be an insult to us fans to accept we might as well be naive when it comes to football. Would it?Let’s get behind the team and the gaffer, and if possible, let our players know that they have our support.Onwards and Upwards!
By Daulat Neupane

JustArsenal Show – NEO discusses Arteta’s tactical set up for Crystal Palace v Arsenal

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Tags Havertz Leandro Trossard


    1. ESR and Viera don’t have Havertz’s Height to start with. They blend with the team. Havertz is easier to spot. He is the only tall forward that we have so Arteta is focused on getting him running asap.

      1. Actually, he has given both Vieira and ESR chances. ESR had limited opportunities last season but was not convincing when he played. Vieira played better but lacks physicality.

    2. From my point of view, Viera has shown he is not upto this level and given too much of a chance to prove himself. ESR has been given little chance at all. When he was fit and took over from a laclustre willian after 3 month sat on the bench twiddling his thumbs, he was excellent. Last season i dont think he was fully fit(just my assumption) and got no real chance. This season he should for me, after the Euros have been started at least but again finds himself on the bench. I thought the first season Odergaard was here ESR was head and shoulders better than him. Odergaard was given a chance and ESR not. I do hope we get to see what ESR can do with a run of games and NOT just cup games but i doubt that, unless we have a glut of injuries.

  1. If Arteta has a vision on how his team playing and that vision includes Kai, it just makes sense that he is trying his best to implement Kai into the team asap.

    To say Arteta sabotaging the team or fooling around, it can also be said MA does not want to waste time and opportunities to have the 65m man blend in to the team sooner than later.
    If MA does not do it now against inferior teams, should he test out the new tactics/setup against the better teams, and teams like City, Pool and United? In the CL games?

    Some already said it here… Trossard is completing with Martinelli. There is a reason why MA spent 65m on Kai to play this specific position because he sees what Kai can do there, and not Trossard.
    MA clearly knows what he is doing and what he needs.

    Yesterday when we were doing the double substitutions, camera showed MA pulling Kai aside and giving out instructions. There was no frustration from MA but just plain explanation, plenty of explanations. Sure Kai still has a lot to learn, in order to adapt to this new position.

  2. As the saying goes: if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck – you can bet your last quid it’s really a duck.

    Now if it plays like a flop, behaves a flop and moves like a flop – I’ll say no more.

    The problem is, stubborn Arteta will continue playing low-energy Hertz, bypassing ESR and Trossard (even if he falls on his own sword) to prove to the world Havertz is really worth 70M plus 330pw.

    He will not accept the fact that Havertz is just another Willian deal, part 2.

    1. Lol… Couldn’t agree more…. My question is how many chances is he willing to give Kai before he realises its not going to work… And at what cost.. Arteta is walking a thin line with Kai because all it takes is one bad result and the fallout will not be good for Kai’s confidence and the team dynamic

    2. Fair point to make.

      I would add this, Arteta shouldn’t promote “competition” and “best form plays” while he continues down the path the author mentioned. Seems everyone else must earn time through training, yet Kai is gifted starts.

      Can’t say competition and then have that strategy with Kai.

      Besides, still SMH when the manager spent 65 million and admitted he had no idea where Kai fit in.

      Why not make hay while the sun shines? Why not play Trossard while he’s on form?
      Why not play our best 3 midfielders and Kai learns to play his way in?

      1. I disagree.
        Kai is not gifted any starts. Every player has to prove to the manager that they deserve to start and the manager then has to determine if they fit into the game plan.
        What you are promulgating is for the manager to pick players based on the populist leanings of a limited group of fans.
        There are many games left and Trossard will get his chances. The team will also evolve as the season progresses.

  3. Arsenal fans need to give Havert a break. I believe gaffer will shape him into a fine player. He has all the attributes to be a big player. Talk, physical, pacy and young. Above all he’s in the right environment to excel.

    1. He adds strength with tech to the side, which was missing last year when we played the bully boys and got out muscled. If you look at the 3 main purchases, they all add strength to the side along with technical ability. Kai gives this to Arsenal, his last two games he has the highest duel wins against opposition and gives that long ball outlet for Ramsay.

      1. Yes. He won four aerial duels at Selhurst Park, whereas Saliba, White, Andersen, Doucoure and Edouard just won two

        He is also left-footed, so he can make through passes along the left touchline to bypass the opposition’s RB

        Our LW just needs to wait for those through passes behind the RB

        1. He won 4 aerial duels 😱 wow, what a player. Maybe we should of bought Wembanyama instead.

          1. In a game when the second most aerial duels won amounts to just 2 and that’s by a CB. 4 is good for an AM!

  4. If you must buy a 65 mil pound player, he must be a player that will hit the ground running.
    Arteta and Edu have done largely a good job in the aspects of recruiting players but its not debatable that they’ve got it wrong in some cases too, like Sambi Lokonga, Nuno Tavares, Alex Runarson and even Pablo Viera.
    Imposing an incompetent player on a team is not going to do the team any good, if he truly wants the player selection to be sincerely competitive, team selection should be purely on merit.

  5. Good article Daulat and some good points made – primarily that Havertz needs time to bed in and his selection is Arteta’s doing – it’s not his fault that he is chosen and Trossard on better form is ignored.
    I don’t believe the main gripe would be Havertz playing if this seemingly necessitated half the team being moved to where they were ineffective to fit him in. It may produce a winning team who can play in different formations but if we play drab football to do that it may be too high a price for some of us.
    We may well improve but I will never believe that moving White to CB and Partey to RB is a smart move.

    1. Partey starting at RB seems to be in Arteta’s mind before Havertz even came. Whether that was because Zinchenko was not fully fit, or he is seeing something there is anybody’s guess.

      One benefit of this formation change that I see is high possession we enjoy. High possession means less time pressing and chasing the ball. That helps with managing players energy for a longer period of time. And as the matches will be draw out longer this season, it seems to be good strategy. Fitness will be huge issue this season that very few are aware of it seems. I will go on to say whichever team will manage their players fitness better this season, will win the league.

  6. MA should try Marti as a CF with ESR/Trossard on the left side at some point when the key players are under pressure.

  7. The schedules will become very congested when the UCL starts and we will have tough fixtures coming. That is why Havertz is getting all the time he can get now when the fixtures are comparatively easier.

    A sensible decision imo by Arteta.

  8. It’s not bad to start Kai but where my concern is why can’t MA sub that boy when he fails to deliver and give chance to others like tossard or ESR

  9. How much were you paid for this defense? You tried but I am not convinced. If your line of thought is anything to go by, why did Arteta not do same to Smith Rowe and Nelson. And why would you cough out such huge amount on an off form player? Just listen to yourself.

    1. I was paid a brain that doesn’t jump to immature conclusions and is generally not fidgety. Btw how much of your brain cells did you sell to make a comment that clearly tells you didn’t put much thought to it.

      Nelson, ESR and Trossard, none possess aerial ability, and they mix with the rest of the players evenly making it hard to spot them. Havertz provide that very well, he is easy to spot among the crowd due to his tall & thin stature. There is none like him in our squad.

      If you watched the game against Palace closely, Havertz did provide a lot of outlets to move forward and break the play. He was intelligent to invite fouls, one of which relieved so much pressure during the 91st minute or so. And his tactical fouls are superb actually, one of the traits that used to make me furious when playing against Chelsea last season. Just watch the game again and only look at what Havertz does throughout and how important those actions were. He is not at his best yet by any measure but he is providing that none in our squad can provide even playing at their best.

  10. I don’t think Chelshit played Havertz out of position. He was played as a striker and an attacking midfielder most of the time (which is his natural position).

    Arteta is trying to make him a deep lying play maker who can attack and defend at the same time. This is not his natural skill and the that is why he looks mediocre.

    Havertz is suppose to compete with Odegaard for a starting spot. There is point fielding both of them at the same time.
    But Arteta don’t want to bench a 65m player for any reason, he will rather disrupt the team set up just to accommodate Havertz.


    1. I like your name btw. We all could be wrong haha. But Havertz is clearly not a striker profile. But a false 9 at best. And currently Havertz is made to play like Xhaka did last season and that just tells how important a role Xhaka played last season, that Arteta is willing to play a 65 mil acquition in Xhaka’s role. But that’s why he bought it imo. To play Xhaka’s role with much more technicality and speed. And a bit more proficient when going forward and attacking the box than Xhaka. But at the core, Havertz will be the modernized Xhaka.

  11. Some great analysis you’ve made. I’d also like to add that Arteta doesn’t really see Trossard in that left 8 role. Trossard has predominantly played on the left wing,where Martinelli operates. The player that Arteta sees as an option where Havertz plays is ESR. The question therefore should be, did ESR show that he should be starting ahead of Havertz in preseason? The answer is no for me- at the moment, I feel like Havertz offers more than Emile.If anyone wants Trossard to start matches, then they are implying Martinelli should be benched. I’m not sure about that either. It is good to have good players on the bench too.

    1. Yep, I don’t think Arteta sees Trossard as a Havertz understudy at all. I don’t think he considers anyone in place of Havertz. Havertz just need to become familiar with the movements around him as Arsenal forwards and number 8s change their position so often among themselves it;s crazy. Once Havertz gets used to that, he will be a nuisance.

  12. I dont agree with the article. arteta must play those players who are most suited to the team tactics and winning matches. I am not saying we have not won our first 2 matches but Havertz’s performance does not inspire me with confidence. Better teams will take advantage and Partey is at h is best when in midfield because he is a very box to box player. Havertz just floats around without making decisive contributions except for his pass to Martinelli in the first few minutes against CP. That is not enough of a player expected to be so talented and he should contribute more to the team cause. Because of Arteta’s insistence on playing Havertz, it leaves out really good players like Trossard and ESR on the bench and Partey has to play full back to accomodate Havertz. all these things are not good for the team morale when they see a player not doing so well get starts and full 90 minutes. I am not saying in anyway that Havertz is bad but because he needs time to settle in to Arsenal tactics, he should be gradually phased in the team rather than give him starts and full 90 minutes. The ideal thing would be to start Trossard/ESR in his place and bring him on in the second half. When better players are on the bench, it is not right to start Havertz. Fans should not just follow what the manager is doing and constructive criticism is a must if Arsenal has to reach great heights and truly become the club it so much deserves because nothing or no one is bigger than the Club.

    1. Havertz at his worst provide what ESR and Trossard at their best don’t. It’s not about who is in form currently but ESR, Trossard, Odegaard, Viera they all have overlapping abilities and except for Odegaard’s superb close control of the ball in tight spaces, none other provide any distinguished abilities that separate them from the others. And none possess aerial abilities. Trossard is a tricky player who should rotate with Martinelli, and Fabio Viera with Odegaard.

      Havertz doesn’t press like crazy as many players do, like Odegaard and Nketiah but he closes the passing lanes so well with his positioning he doesn’t need to run. Why waste energy pressing players alone when there are more than one passing lane available to them? Better to be intelligent with closing the passing lanes and conserve energy at the same time. Havertz positioning when pressing is one of the best I have ever seen. Only when the ball gets behind him he starts to press. That might look like he is not interested in pressing but that’s not it. He is a very subtle player and does subtle things so well it goes absolutely unnoticed. But he is not like Ozil who absolutely hated the defensive and ugly side of the game. Havertz doesn’t shy away from making tactical fouls and press when necessary but most of the time he is reading the game and positioning himself accordingly. His off the ball game is impressive. I don’t know how can people not notice that when watching. Once he starts clicking with the team mates and vice versa, his impact will be tangible.

    1. Spot on comment Kevin A
      MA’s tactical unpredictability needs to bed in …as our players better understand their roles and the interplay with others. we will create overloads and opportunities.
      I also think we have been dominant in possession but it’s early days [ against non-top 6 opposition]. GOYG!

  13. A lot of good points made on both sides of the divide concerning Handers who certainly polarises opinion just as Ozil did.The only point I would make is to correct those who see the “inverted” full back tactic as a means of increasing our ball possession.It may do, but only marginally ,but what it has led to is the isolation of our wingers and a reduction in the number of chances we created when our full backs overlapped and got to the byline.To change the roles of Partey and White who were excellent last season, simply does not make sense to me, but then I am merely a fan and do not have the professional expertise of Arteta.However I have a lot more experience of life than the narrow minded world he lives in and I know when there is a problem to fix.He has created a problem when non existed, but does he have the character to admit his errors of judgement?

    1. I agree inverting Partey from RB is something very peculiar indeed. But it clearly has nothing to do with fitting Havertz in the team. It’s something else. Maybe because Zinchenko is not fit enough yet.

      And one of the things that plagued us last season was how predictable we were on attack, with most of our outlets coming from the right side. That made Saka really vulnerable to rough treatments and doubling up.
      Arteta doesn’t want to put Saka at so much risk this season and rather going for a more central control of the ball than on the wings. But we saw White occasionally overlapping with Saka. but not always like the last season. We were controlling the ball centrally and starting to segment our attack from multiple fronts. I think that’s what Arteta wants to play this season.

      1. Inverting Partey has a good rationale as it does give us more potential for dominating the ball. The jury may still be out on how effective it has been but the reasoning is more sound than people are indicating.
        Arteta is not the only manager to use such approaches so I don’t understand why so many on this site are suggesting that it is strange.

  14. Kevin Albone, I guess you love being “the beast of burden” in a team where you have to carry others while they stroll around, with no worries at all about making it on the list next time. Some players toil to earn the team the 3 points in every single game. Others are made to warm the bench and watch his annoying mediocrity. I think all players deserve a certain level of respect in a team. His nonchalance is sickening.

  15. What I’m surprised the most is people were complaining when Xhaka left and were worried how essential he was to the team. Now you have Havertz in his place who is clearly technically better and quicker than Xhaka, and can fill that role and much more. He can combine with our forwards better than because of his close control, and also is taller than Xhaka. And people are complaining again.

    Is it the price tag? Well Leverkusen paid 25 mil for Xhaka, at the age of 30!

    Havertz is just 24, is clearly better than Xhaka in every way, except leadership qualities. And has a ceiling to be much better than he is now. And people are worried we paid 40 mil more for him than Xhaka’s worth.

    Money is cheap nowadays in football. In modern football, money shouldn’t factor into how much expectations we put in players. That era is long gone. You don’t buy players anymore but profiles. Profiles that fit the team and manager’s vision. The money paid is for the profile and the ceiling that profile has, not what the player can do currently.

      1. He is on par with what Granit provided, other than the leadership aspect I stress. And without even being at his best of yet!

        I was a fan of Granit and was always a proponent of why Granit should be an automatic starter for Arsenal, so did all the managers during his tenure at Arsenal.

        I believe Kai will be another undroppable player.

        1. First he was better in everything, now he is on par. So if he is on par you want to tell me that his few performances this season are at the same level as Granits play last year?

          1. He is better because he will provide more Xhaka ever could. Xhaka didn’t reach his last seasons form overnight. It took the experience he gained playing in the Arsenal midfield for seven seasons and Arteta’s decision to play him in the advanced position, whose decision to play Havertz that you’re so against of.

            1. Will he? That is yet to be seen. I am not against Kai, I want him to be top player for us but right now there are players that should be starting in his position until he earns that position.

              1. Kai havertz is the right player for me
                Give him time he has suffered yrs out of position at Chelsea and now he’s trying too regain he’s form
                Think about it if havertz was always on the bench won’t u guys criticize MA For keeping a 65 mil player on d bench
                Now he’s starting y’all are complaining
                U guys should chill havertz will regain his form game by game and if u look deep into stats he hasn’t actually been that bad The only thing i don’t get is why Partey is at RB

  16. Since January there have been quite a few incomings and I do believe it will take time for the squad to settle. Some players slot in quickly and others take longer to adapt regardless of how long they’ve been in the premier league. It does seem that Havertz has his detractors after a very short period and yet other Arsenal players have been given chances and couldn’t capitalise on the opportunities that were given to them.

    We were totally dominant in the first half but failed to take the chances that came along. It goes like that sometimes and is frustrating. I can’t get so aerated after 2 games both of which we won. Neither were utterly convincing but there is a long way to go

    1. Some players slot in quickly and those players should start. Some players need longer time to do that and they should prove themselves in training and as a sub. Leo was our best player in preaseason, is in great form but he is warming bench.
      There is a saying in Croatia that would perfectly summary Kai performanse for Arsenal so far and it goes:”neither stinks nor smells”.
      I would like him to be a hit, but shouldn’t be automatic starter. He should earn his place.

      1. “Neither stinks nor smells”
        I have another quote for you, one of my favorites.
        “Be water, my friend”

            1. If that is true then why do I want Leo to start in midfield and by your own words he is a forward?

  17. Let’s trust the process and give MA all the credit he deserved.
    this is just the begining, we have a lot of bulky fixtures ahead of us so, its MA’s responsibility to manage the team fitness. and its not bad that we have a lot of options at our disposal not like last season. its good for the players to be competative, if you loot out the likes of mancity a player like foden, mahrez, alvarez and so on are on the locker most of the season and they answer the call of the coach whenever they where call upon. so, lets all trust the process.

    1. While Havertz is not a player I would have recruited for a number of reasons, I refuse to jump on the Trossard band wagon as being the man “in form”. He is a very decent versatile forward,( not a midfielder) who can find space in tight areas and is an excellent finisher.He and ESR should be used in direct competition with our current front three as Martinelli and Saka were clearly overplayed last season.Trossard can play in any forward position whilst ESR is more effective from the left.The predictability of our play last season can be attributed to the failure of our Manager to rest our first choice wingers, when good quality replacements were available, and the fact that he steadfastly refused to give Saka and Martinelli licence to rotate.I share the view of many who are of the opinion that Martinelli in particular could be even more productive through the middle, but sadly he seems to be confined to the left flank come what may.Let’s hope our Manager sees the light and makes more use of the talented players available to him

      1. Is Kai midfielder? Noone knows what he is? I hope that MA knows. On what stat do you mostly look at when judging attacking midfielder? Assists. Well Leo has more in half season with Arsenal then Kai in his whole Premiership career. Leo causes terror to the opponents and noone is scared of Kai. I will be very happy if that changes and Kai becomes hit but until that happens he should earn his spot in training and as a sub.

  18. I have nothing against Harvetz.. I just struggle to understand that he is a 65mill player.. Since his arrival in England I have not been blown away by his performances.. To me all he has is his reputation from Germany.. Playing him ahead of a proven performer like Trossard is a travesty… Why is he getting preferential treatment instead of fighting for his place..

  19. For me Haverz has done nothing that deserves him getting the WILLIAN treatment. Rice, yes, Timber, yes, they are both straight in, straight down to business. But Haverz, No, he is getting something he isnt deserving of yet. So far for 3 years he has failed in the prem. Does anyone think that maybe he isn’t suited to the prem? Or are we going to keep finding lame excuses why Arteta should be playing him ahead of players ie ESR, who was treated the same behind Willian, came on after 3 months and was a revelation. Willian was history!!!!!!!

  20. Brilliant article daulat.not many fans understand the psychological aspect of the game all they want is “take to the field and perform” when that is totally not the case if they care to take certain things into consideration.overcoming the psychological hurdle to unleash a players best take little or long time depending on the player in question, moreover Havertz is only limited to the tactical instructions of the gaffer which explains why he played 180 minutes in our first two league games and i’m confident he will shine when the game plan is designed to bring him to the spotlight.saka,martinelli and every other of our players has had and still having that priviledge, your day is your day in this new arsenal NO MAIN MAN.

    1. Last season, Havertz has been part of a losing team more often than not. That’s a huge morale degrading experience a player can go through. Arteta is making Havertz see how it is to be a part of winning team, where players do anything possible to win, like against Palace.

      And we shouldn’t forget Havertz is a young player, not at his peak in terms of mentality and abilities, so a positive grooming can’t be seen as anything negative. Now why Havertz and not ESR? Havertz clearly has a higher potential than ESR I have no doubt. The guy was hailed as a generational talent several years back. If Arteta can bring Odegaard to his best when he was deemed a wasted talent by many, I have to believe he can work his magic on Havertz.

  21. I don’t know what is Arteta’s plan with Havertz but from my point of view I don’t see his value in the team. If by your words he likes to kill the game early why not start with Trossard & bring Havertz on later. It’s just stupid to keep a player who’s on form on the bench for sake of getting Havertz in form

    1. Arteta wanting to kill the games early is one thing. Because Arsenal has an easier run of fixtures at the start, Arteta is letting Havertz taste wins, gain belief, know the tactics, players and such. Believe me as soon as our easier run of fixtures run out and UCL starts, we’ll see a different approach from Arteta no doubt. If there is any time this season to let Havertz integrate with team well, it is now or never.

  22. The writer has shown remarkable understanding around this whole Havertz affair.

    The article is off on two very important areas but so many points raised am inclined to commend the writer for his superior understanding of the issues at hand.

    Havertz as he’s playing just now isn’t doing that bad, but most fans won’t see it at first glance, unless maybe with the aids of replay, Havertz has a different skill set from ESR and Tossard, and though his positioning is good it has some way to go to catch up with Xhaka.
    Havertz speed helps with his positioning, but Xhaka been the longest member at Arsenal may have given him the edge at superior positioning.

    A 91% passing accuracy with two chances created, 39 touches and the most duels won for the second game running, is entering KDB territory.

    1. In any debate concerning Havertz we should not be discussing comparisons with Xhaka as we are not comparing like with like.Apart from his last season with Arsenal Xhaka has been a left sided central midfielder, whereas Havertz has been used as an AM or as a central striker..If Arteta is trying to convert Havertz to a left sided central midfielder, it is highly unlikely to work as the German is not defensively aware.Xhaka on the other hand was very aware but lacked the pace to carry out his defensive duties without having to resort to committing fouls.Rice on the other hand is very astute defensively and has the pace and power to drive forward from deep positions.We may have had to pay a premium for him but Rice is some player that’s for sure.

    2. So Endo from Pool is the best DM. He has best stats in top 5 leagues in last five years.

      KDB territory 🤯 wow
      You have eyes, right? Stats can be so misleading sometimes

  23. I don’t think it’s ever about timing or adjustment period. It’s about attributes. Kai Havertz gives something rarely footballers give. The ability to perform silently. His height, work rate and intelligence gives Arteta the ability to overload the opponents in their own half like no other. I’ve never thought that Arsenal early in the season at 2nd gear gave Crystal Palace a lesson in total domination in football. At the stadium where they are feared by every team including Man City. That’s why Arsenal craved them open again and again until the red card.

  24. If this context is anything to go by, then it’s damn disgusting. Who said that a player who is out of form to play the entire game and the inform not to play even a single minute? is that football. I fear Havartz with his form.

  25. Sadly, I feel Arteta is desperately trying to justify the exorbitant amount Arsenal spent when getting Havertz.

    If Havertz keeps disappointing in his contributions to the team’s success, how long will Arteta take until he finally sits him on the bench?

    I keep writing that i think ESR needs to leave Arsenal and seek gainful employment elsewhere.
    He really needs to be playing first team football, not pulling splinters from his derriere

  26. I understand Rice getting straight into the team as a replacement for Xhaka but Havertz I do not get it.i believe that Havertz should have been gradually integrated.he may not be new to the PL but is to the team,our tactics.he is also not doing him any favours,sticking with him while not performing will make him an easy target/open to criticism. that for me is bad man management.

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