AFTV Want Arsenal Fans Back In Stadium Soon – I Wonder Why?

AFTV Want Fans Back In Stadiums Soon – I Wonder Why? By Dan Smith

I have said throughout this pandemic, it’s been a social experiment. Some find it fairly easy to follow guidelines, others have this sense of entitlement when being told what to do.

I genuinely have seen people do things in an act of defiance, e.g., barbecues in parks, the failure to follow the signs around shops, neighbours suddenly adamant they need to stand in the street and have a drink with each other. As soon as they are allowed to do those things, I bet they won’t!

For many they only know an era of instant gratification, they get what they want within seconds with a click of a button. This will be the first time in their life they heard the word ‘wait’.

There is a debate in the game on if, and how long, we should wait for football to resume in this country. Some feel it is morally wrong with so many deaths still happening daily, some disagree. Shockingly some have justifi
ed in their own heads that it is fine if the death rate goes down – not that one loss is one too many.
I never have found out what that magic number is where we accept kicking a ball around isn’t essential.

That’s fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and it’s healthy to debate, it would be boring if we all had the same views. Yet no one should be shouted down or mocked if they feel uncomfortable with the sport restarting. You can’t laugh off this issue, football is not essential, now that 50,000 people have died in the UK. Yet for weeks now that’s what Robbie has done to guests on AFTV.

Yes, he has the freedom of speech, that’s his right, but as a host of a successful channel he holds influence on any young viewers. You can have a disagreement while being balanced, and as a role model to kids he should be educating them with the facts the world faces right now. What an opportunity to pass on some knowledge. Instead he hasn’t wanted to hear the counter point. To try and portray this isn’t a serious issue is irresponsible.

You can do that if the subject is Ozil or Xakha, but not a virus. He then ran a poll with the results being over that 70 percent were disagreeing with his outlook. He claimed he didn’t care about the results. So, if your poll is irrelevant why advertise it. You want fans to vote to give your channel more interactio,n then admit it’s irrelevant (remember that when it’s ‘transfer daily’).

Hasn’t his ethos always been that he does this so gooners can be heard, yet only if they agree with him? Then he has the nerve to criticise football for not valuing us supporters, is telling 70 percent of the public who bothered to take part (which gives you money), that they are wrong, valuing them?

Football’s image hasn’t done well the last two months. We knew deep down it was all about money, but those in power hadn’t even tried to hide it.

Nothing will make owners stop the season, they won’t compromise on neutral venues, and are even trying to change the rules of the game. Well I guess AFTV is no different, it’s a business which it’s priority is to make as much cash as quick as possible. Just don’t say you’re doing this for the fans. It’s so transparent.

I mean why would someone who’s job is a Youtuber covering football be so passionate if anyone even suggests maybe it’s worth waiting a while longer? Oh, that’s right, your revenue streams will be low right now, so having Arsenal matches to preview, review, live watchalongs, etc, increase your income. You’re the same as the government and the Premier League, talking how football can be an escapism. It’s PR talk, it’s all about your bank balance.

That’s why he doesn’t want his subscribers hearing figures of deaths and illnesses, because it hurts his image. That’s why this week he thought it best to move on from the row. Clearly, he’s been advised, judging by comments, to be more sensitive in his approach.

Having a giggle while your mate makes valid points, and dismissing the opinion of those who have been loyal to you is no different to how Stan Kroenke and the FA prioritise us. It is not a good look.

Yet Robbie’s not done there. He’s got his way; football will be back.

Clearly there’s so much money at stake, nothing will stop this country from going ahead, even with nations with lower death rates banning sport till November, even with their own players expressing concerns, heck even though it’s impossible to respect social distancing when you consider the rules of Football.

It will go ahead and even if a player gets the virus (what happened to their welfare being a priority?) the juice is worth the squeeze apparently. Sky and BT can restart memberships, sponsorship contracts are met, UEFA get a concrete idea how to fit in the Champions League – and Robbie gets fresh content.

That though is not enough? I’m amazed to say that, with us only at stage one of Project Restart, Robbie’s next request is for the government to now get crowds back into venues. See what I mean about sense of entitlement?

Only last week clubs were not compromising on neutral stadiums (the likes of the Emirates wouldn’t be happy), now we have to explain to this intelligent man why when families are mourning the loss of over 50,000 people, when Boris Johnson is saying avoid transport, with them not allowed to get a haircut …….. he complains more should be done to get a crowd back in to a building because it’s essential to….. . watch football?

Of all the crazy things I have heard since I first went into lockdown this has bothered me so much. Even those who disagree with the likes of Troy Deeney accept that the idea of 60,000 peeps travelling across London won’t be happening in 2020. Literally he’s the only person in media I heard even brining the issue up it’s such a nonstarter.

Wait a moment what’s he famous for again? Oh yeah, standing outside Arsenal and interviewing those who have just witnessed the match. Wow, does anyone else think that it’s a coincidence that the one person ready to debate why it’s safe to have spectators (yet we still have to social distance at a funeral) is the one man who makes financial gain out of it?

I’m embarrassed that he even tried to claim it would be good for fans moral and help the atmosphere.
His action plan consists of maybe only 10,000 in each stadium, all sitting apart wearing masks. That’s really thinking about your fans. You know what you hammer other companies for not doing?

He needed it explained again about the practicalities of thousands now going up and down the country, how that would stretch the NHS and the Police. How do you monitor that not more than the allocated amount have shown up (Some might want to party outside)? He never thought any of those points through, because it’s not what’s motivating his mind. 500 or even 50 men and women in the stands is 500 or 50 more opportunities to upload a video.

Maybe he should do a poll just to say he doesn’t value fans opinion? I know AFTV get very touchy when criticised but I’m doing no different to what they do to the likes of Ozil.

If they are allowed to tell him to take a salary cut, or say Deeney shouldn’t get paid for wanting to protect a 5-month-old baby with breathing difficulties, then they too have to take it. AFTV are no different to Arsenal, the FA, UEFA, SKY, BT, ADIDAS, etc. They want the game back not for us, not me, not you but to line their pockets.

Which is fine, how the world works and been that way for decades. Don’t admit it, but don’t preach that you’re doing this for the people. The NHS are, you not so much…

Yet to function long term an organisation can’t have its image harmed. Once you lose your innocence, you lose the consumer.

Hey Robbie, shall we do a poll? Oh, I forgot, you don’t care what fans think…

Dan Smith