Amazon’s ‘All or Nothing’ series set to follow Arsenal next season

Arsenal are claimed to be close to announcing a deal with Amazon to be at the epicentre of their ‘All or Nothing’ series for the upcoming campaign.

The last Premier League team to be the subject of the series was Tottenham, but they just so happened to follow Spurs during a campaign where they sacked long-term boss Mauricio Pochettino around mid-way into the season, and hired Jose Mourinho in his place.

The show doesn’t have the best record when choosing teams to follow, having followed Juventus most recently also, as they not only failed to secure the Serie A title for the first time in 10 years, but they needed luck on the final matchday of the season to scrape into the Champions League places, thanks to Napoli failing to beat Hellas Verona which saw them fall down to fifth.

Arsenal will hopefully be able to bring a nice change to that however, although we will have no European football to participate in which could well help us in our bids to win the FA Cup or League Cup, as we as trying to finish back inside the Champions League places for the first time since 2016.

Arsenal’s Media & Communications Director Mark Gonella claims that this will give fans insight into the goings on inside the club, as a chance to appease fans who regularly demand to know more about what is happening behind the scenes.

“We are looking forward to giving our fans around the world a unique insight into how we work day to day. We have one of the biggest global followings in the game and one consistent thing we hear from fans is their desire to see more about what happens behind closed doors at the club,” said Gonnella.

“All or Nothing will give our fans and sport lovers an opportunity to learn more about what makes Arsenal such a special club, our trophy laden history and our ambitions for future success.”

Is the ‘All or Nothing’ series a positive note for Arsenal fans? Could the docu-series be an unwanted distraction with such an important season ahead of us?


Tags All or Nothing Amazon


  1. I hate all these fly on the wall shows and will not be watching this one. Once everybody knows the cameras are there people don’t act normally and usually start showing off and doing things just to make it more interesting. What would be a good idea is if they could somehow film without anyone knowing, but I suppose that would be pretty boring then.

  2. I think it’s bad news, I certainly wouldn’t have wanted cameras following me around at work. It could turn out like “The Office” with Ricky Gervais🤓

  3. Sounds good I watched both the Man City one and the Spurs one, both very insightful! It could go either way in terms of being a plus or a minus effect, well worth the gamble.

  4. We all moan about not knowing what goes on behind the scenes, but will we REALLY learn any inner secrets?
    I doubt it somehow.

    What I really think is positive, however, is the promotion of the club.
    I am really looking forward to watching this, as I never looked at the city version, due to my commitment to The Arsenal – not knocking anyone who did watch it of course.

  5. I am totally with KEN on this matter. It will certainly be a massive promotional success for our world wide support and though I see no real chance of massive revelatory matters being properly aired – as AFC will certainly demand(correctly too) a measure of editorial control – it will be a sure fire commercial success. Which is WHY the club will allow it to happen, though with some degree of control . Otherwise they would not do so. That seems plain to me!

  6. I can only envision two potential saving graces of this sort of organizational microscope being in play…first and foremost, when the Rams were featured, then co-featured a couple years later, on the NFL’s equivalent, Hard Knocks, Kroenke used this as a vehicle for rebranding, retooling and reinvestment…hopefully this will be the case once again, otherwise it will likely become a potentially debilitating and unwanted distraction

    the second plausible benefit is that it could shine a light on just what has plagued this franchise for far too long…albeit these shows can be incredibly contrived, at times, several situations will invariably arise when no amount of forced efforts will be able to conceal the obvious dysfunction…my deepest wish would be that the potential economic windfall of just such a proposition might help restore the professionalism and ingenuity of the Dein era, which would require some much-needed radical organizational changes…I’ll cross my fingers, in this regards, but I definitely won’t be so foolish as to hold my breath

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