Not long ago Ken1945 did a very detailed post about comparing the two Arsenal players, both of whom have been called legends by some people.
The article was headed – Comparing Bergkamp with Ozil – An insult or fair comparison?
Here is another detailed post in reply to Ken’s findings, written by Faiz Mikael, and very interesting reading it makes too….
Definitely an INSULT really, Ken, in all manners where comparison is possible, except for vision for that final pass (mayyyybe…)
I really hope that when next season begins, MO is a Goner rather than a Gooner.
Comparing the two players as per overall facts of their Arsenal history, and not just selective facts or stats.
DB – 10 glorious seasons, full of peaks.
MO – 7 seasons – 1 peak season 2015/16, 2 or 3 average seasons, 2 or 3 really bad ones to the point of not deserving to start or be on the bench.
DB – Aside from being a regular assist contributor, a great goal scorer with supreme skill sets as well, magic moments during his career includes “bouncing/trapping the ball trick” to go past Roberto Ayala against Argentina in the 1998 World Cup, the “juggling act” and “lob to the upper corner” goals for his hat-trick against Leicester, and the “follow me the ball” trick he did against Newcastle. Made players around him, be it Ian Wright, Anelka or TH14 look better. People may say that he played with better players during his time, but as much as Ian Wright and Anelka were big names for Arsenal, they were never really a big name or regular internationals for England and France. He was perceived as a flair player but never a lazy or luxury player that must be carried by the team. AW has been quoted to have said that he was the most skilful player he has ever worked with.
MO – I think Santi and Sanchez made him look better than he ever really was at Arsenal. And as for magic moments, I can recall just one from Ozil when we won 6-0 or something against Ludo (something) in a UCL Match. Save for that one single moment, I had never been in awe of him whenever I watch him turn out for Arsenal, not even during the 2015-16 seasons. RVP, the one season Captain, at least got me thinking “Wow, this is one hell of a player, he carried the team and we would not get top 4 without him”. Throughout his career at Arsenal, MO was, and still is, consistently perceived as a flair and luxury player that must be integrated into the team no matter what, in order for Arsenal to win a match or two, or even ludicrously, the big one.
DB was not happy that despite training hard, AW did not play him as much as he used to, and therefore choose to retire at the end of the 2006 season rather than just taking it easy in the next season and continue to collect his wages mostly as a sub. A supreme professional on and off the field though out his Arsenal career.
MO, on the other hand, refused to have his wages cut during the Covid 19 stoppage period, and seems to be quite happy these past 2 years collecting his obscene wages (I can live comfortably doing nothing for my whole lifetime with just 1 week of his wages) doing nothing most of the time. Time and again the formal excuse are another “back pain episodes”. Many here I know, blame the Board for his second contract. I am no fan of the Board post 2006, and I blame them as well, but more so on the wage earner. To demand that much money from the club, and then not try hard enough to deliver either in training to earn the manager’s trust or in games to earn the money, is borderline criminal behaviour. I have no idea why some people are still saying now ‘it’s not his fault’ because 3 professional managers have come in and chosen not to give him that trust, based on how they seen him perform in training and matches.
DB – From the arrival of DB until his departure, you can only say he elevated his team mates, and the club seemed to grow only bigger. absolute positive all around.
MO – You can argue that the rot towards Arsenal not being a big club anymore began when he arrived at Arsenal in 2013. Aside from a big 2015-2016 season, he has been bang average for a 150k+player during his first contract tenure. But when one were to consider he was on 350k since 2017-18 season, he must go down as one of the biggest flops in Arsenal history because TBH except for amusing us with constant anecdotes of his “chronic back pain episodes”, he has not delivered even a 10k per week return on the training and actual pitch, as well as off it. In fact, to me, he looks more like just a constant source of distractions and irritations to the team rather than someone who had actually help to lift the team up.
There may be a good player somewhere inside this little boy but based on the evidence of what he had actually delivered to Arsenal in terms of performance, we should not even begin to think to put him on the same pedestal as the great DB. In fact, after his contract renewal in the second half of the 2017-18 season, to me he looks more suited to be compared to signings such as like Andre Santos. Someone like Fabregas (the flair player…not the little boy person) IMHO comes a bit closer to DB than MO ever did in terms of flair and performance in an Arsenal shirt, but even for him, it was not that close to DB.
To sum up, I heard about DB at Ajax and Holland, and then Italy, and saw him out in our Arsenal shirt week-in week-out and come to respect and have only the highest regard for him as a Gooner.
With MO, I heard about his exploits in Germany and Spain, saw him in bits and pieces at Germany and Real Madrid, but when it comes to seeing him in an Arsenal shirt week-in week-out, I came away hugely disappointed from day ONE. I keep hoping that there is more in his locker to merit his big player reputation,s but to this day sadly he has never come close to the level I was expecting to see. In fact, I would go so far as to say the downfall of AW began the day he signed MO, and concluded when he lost Santi, our magician and the real heart and soul of the team, through long term injury.
I think MO is just a player who frustrated a lot of people because he takes too much from Arsenal, he delivers too little. Everyone can see he has clever movement, vision and final pass, it’s just that he has not applied them on a consistent basis or often enough for Arsenal.
I know that even our esteemed AW himself had compared MO to DB, but that was during the early days of his arrival, where any managers are bound to talk up their new signings. I doubt that even AW himself would be bothered to say the same now about MO after the career he has had with us. To be fair he had not done too bad during AW time, he was just never that good enough for me to warrant comparison or any mention in the same sentence as DB.
Anyway, all I know is that Arsenal really needs to move on from this tiresome MO chapter. The quicker it is done, the better for the club.
When did this site officially become
Because he is on £350,000 a week and not giving us anything back. The highest paid player in Arsenal history. The over hype etc.
If he was on about £100,000 a week and had little hype from a very apologetic section of our fanbase then I don’t think we would be paying him this much attention.
It’s like someone on massive government Benefit. They don’t deserve them. They are just being lazy while collecting benefits when they should be working hard.
We could be spending that money on a player that deserves it or a player that want to help our football club prosper. Ozil is taking up a space in our team.
Just scrounging off the club while offering nothing back in return.
And we’ve been complaining and pointing it out for the past two years haven’t we??
Are we supposed to run ourselves to death with the thought of him?
We all know we don’t want him, drop the everyday argument and complain and just ignore the man till he leaves.
What’s the point in constantly screaming at a dead horse when it’s never gon rise up?
No comparison. Denis was always good, always worked hard all the time. Ozil is a lazy player. Maybe plays one game in ten with passion and that’s his input. He has to go. Too much of a luxury.
As much as i like the fact that both these articles were clearly put together with a lot of thought and research i consider it blasphemy to mention the greedy Turk in the same sentence as Denis the great Denis Bergkamp.
Some of you might remember the policy we had a few years back when we would only offer one year contract to players over 30.
Bergkamp stated that he would be happy to renew as long as Arsenal wanted him and if we didn’t he would go to Ajax to retire.
This one point alone is a testament to the chasm that separates the Ice man from Ozil.
Add to that the consistency and unprecedented skill that Denis bought to our club playing along side both our all time top scorers simply says it all.
I consider him our best ever so by no accident the nickname i use is to honour this loyal man who we were lucky to see produce works of art in our true home on Avenell road.
I just want to shake the hand of MIKAEL and offer him a drink. This article gladdens my heart and shows me that there are still sane and realistic fans on here. He mentions that this article is to combat my friend KEN’S pro Ozil article recently. Though I respect KEN ENORMOUSLY AND CONSIDER HIM A FINE AND DECENT MAN, on Ozil he has a blind spot and Mikaels superb article has perfectly shown how big a blind spot that KEN(and a few other diehards too) still suffer from. Sadly!
Don’t forget Jon you kept telling us how great Emery was even after 90 %of fans wanted him gone ,so how is that any different to this ,again it’s all about Opinions ,just because some fans don’t agree with yours does not make them insane ,unrealistic etc etc etc ,else that would also apply to you regarding Emery .
Agreed 100%.
Some people only seem to consider others opinion to be sensible only when it agrees and validates their preexisting biases and prejudices.
But didn’t Jon Change his mind about Emery when he realised how poor he was?
It took him about 1 and a bit seasons to turn against Emery.
But the likes of Ken have been riding the Ozil horse for 6 seasons. And to this day when the evidence is overwhelming they still are burying their heads in the sand or sticking their fingers into their ears shouting “La la la la la la.. can’t hear you when you criticise Ozil”.
It took a season for the likes of Jon to be honest with themselves regarding Emery. But its coming to 7 years and the Ozil followers are still in denial about the whole situation.
That’s the only difference between the 2 comparisons.
My post in general is that Jon believes that his opinion is that of every other Arsenal fan which is far from the truth ,my post was to show that he is not always right (far from it ).
If An Arsenal fans supports a player then that is their choice ,is it not ?
Seeing they are playing for the team we are ment to be supporting .
Your statement is a clear untruth and I never assume my opinion is shared by all Gooners. Why do you deliberately write lies about me and will you have the humility to apologise, Iwonder? What I actually do when others disagree. is to actively engage with them using my fine way with language. I will not apologise for having an English language first class degree and as I am literate and have strong opinions and this being a democracy, I use my opinions to discuss, often forcefully, with others.
Your miserably wrong interpretation of how I write is a flat lie and you know that perfectly well. Why am I not surprised though!
Goonster, as you know, my article was written after Loose Cannon made a claim that has, to date, been proven to be, at the very least misleading, in much the same way you are doing now.
I really don’t know how many times I have to say it, but just one more time:
Is Ozil anywhere near Dennis in ability, worth to our club? NO
Is Ozil worth his reported salary? NO
Is Ozil the player he was? NO
Is Ozil in MA’s current plans? NO
Is Ozil the reason for all of Arsenal’s failures? NO
Has Ozil let Arteta down? NO
Should the lies about Ozil be challenged? YES and that is what I will continue to do…and so should any fair thinking fan.
I have an opinion that MO is the most talented player, after PA, on our books at the moment and until the coronavirus outbreak, it seems Mikel Arteta agreed with me.
You seem to have forgotten that he selected him for every PL game in 2020, up and until that shutdown…and we didn’t lose one game.
We are told time and time again that Ozil should give up a years salary in order to show he loves the club and he owes the fans something?
He owes them nothing, having been treated the way he has by some of the fans, who call him mentally frail, dross, thief, fraud, useless, was never wanted – the latest slur being he is “filth”, yet you want him to forgo his last years contract and should show the fans respect???
Fans who call him “FILTH” should be shown respect?
What about you show him (and all of our players like xhaka, mustafi, bellerin etc) the same respect you think he should give you.
Even after the great win on Saturday, he is branded as “filth” , simply because he congratulated his team mates…but you were so keen on branding him, you never even thought that MA had given him permission to go and what the reason was, just another opportunity to put him on the rack!!
Just two days after our magnificent win, the abuse and lies start once again – yet he is not allowed to send a message to his team mates?
Get over yourself and enjoy what MA is doing at the club.
If Ozil is going/gone, will I suffer in any way? Not at all and certainly not in the same way you seem to be eaten up with bitterness because he is here for another season it seems.
Sorry this thumbs up was supposed to be attached to @Goonster regarding jon fox changing his opinion on Unai Emery. 🙄
Thank goodness that you agree that Ozil is useless to the club as you have answered “no ” to all your questions. Now that there are no more excuses, the blame shifts to the fans speaking lies. Well nobody asked him to let go of his years “hard earned money”, we want him to work hard on the ground and win games. Justify his earnings, that is all.If he does that that all gunners will be united behind him.Until then 18 million annual earnings for one goal. Fraud.
The congratulations post – to me it meant ” Hey all you players, you chaps exhausted your energy to win a cup! Look at me how I get paid for doing nothing worth it and much more than you morons”
The only people bitter out here are his followers as season after season new excuses are discovered for justifying non performance. Last year poor Ozil had to play with Iwobi, this year it is fans lies and abuse. Next year what? Keep thinking to discover something new.
A thumbs up to a poster who only 2 days ago called you naive 🙄
Dan kit, SO DO I PRESUME THEN THAT YOUR INCORRECT attack on me boils down to you wanting Ozil to stay?
If so, then why , and will you have the guts to make your own position clear. It is quite easy to attack others while keeping your own true view quiet. I never do that and always explain and stand by what I write. No cop outs for me. CAN WE SAY THE SAME ABOUT YOU, I WONDER?
Problem is Jon I have no view towards Ozil ,If Arteta views him as not worthy then I won’t argue .
There is no direct attack but you’re constant aggressive approach do nothing to your posts .
“Your statement is a clear untruth and I never assume my opinion is shared by all Gooners”
but not even 2 hours ago you told us that your view was that of thousands of other gooners .
I would call you a fair weather fan but can only imagine the long winded post I would receive for doing so .
Let’s also not forget you told us you was done with football if it was to return when it actually did after COVID ,but here you are being spouting you normal stuff I’ve had to read for the last 3 odd years .
I will apologise when you apologise to the countless posters you have gone after because they don’t agree with you .
Oh and I could go on and on but I don’t want you telling me you are going to get a lawyer involved like last time .
Snowflake comes to mind (your favourite word )
Dan, I too was part of the Emeryout brigade, but give credit where it is due, he lifted the Europa thrice with a club like Seville, top 3 finishes for Valentia and the success in France. He identified the weak links – CDM, CAM, winger but never got the players he wished for a short term fix( Banega, Zaha, NZonzi) but despite that he missed UCL by a narrow margin and made it to the EL finals. The difference between him and Mikel is that Mikel was smart enough to keep Ozil away from all important matches and it paid off big time. We would have surely lost to City and Pool in the league and would have been 10-12th or lower and with him we would never have made it to the FA finals. If Unai had done that too, he would never have been axed.
Coming back to the topic, you cannot compare a one season wonder to a ten season wonder! Just as you cannot compare Michu (remember him ? Swansea) to Auba or Vardy or Salah. I have more respect for Michu as he retired gracefully when he knew he could not deliver, rather than draw wages doing nothing IMPORTANT for the club.
Loose Cannon, unfortunately the people who denigrate Unai Emery, don’t appreciate what a burden it was for him to be unable to communicate effectively in English. For this reason he proved a bad fit for the Club.
As I pointed out in a previous post in response to ken1945, none of us know what undertakings Emery was given on taking the head coach position, but he certainly did not get one player he requested to rebuild the squad. The shocking run of injuries particularly in defense fid not help him settle on a team.
In response to Dan kit, I responded to jon fox calling me “naive”, as that is something I, very surely, am not. The evidence is there for all to see that Arsenal has spent the third largest amount over the last three years, to finish eighth. The problem is not Kroenke putting in more money, but ensuring his Board and senior executive properly manage Arsenal’s financial and player assets.
But once again Ozzie you miss the point about my post because of you’re fascinating with Emery ,my post was calling Jon out for the way he comes across and Emery was used as an example(which was a fact BTW ) .
Just as a reminder, Auba’s agreed a new 3 year deal worth £250k a week. I brougt you this news last week.
There is an agreement between Arsenal and Willian but he is still waiting for Chelsea’s decision. He wants a 3 year deal
Partey to Arsenal is not off but is very much on.
TransferChecker reported this immediately after the FA cup
The Auba contract has been agreed since March. It was £250k a week and there was no guessing on that one.I just reported it last week. Not signed yet because he may be considering a lot of factors before pledging.
Willian wants a 3 year deal to stay at Chelsea but they haven’t given him that yet. There’s an agreement in place but things could change if Chelsea budge.
Partey deal was never off. Things would become clearer after his season in UCL ends but you should get excited about him because he actually wants the Arsenal move
William has rejected Chelsea’s latest offer
Yes but obviously they are still trying to convince him that’s why I say so. It’s not yet done for Arsenal. We’ve only agreed with him in case everything Chelsea does fails.
My joy is in his desire to play for the Arsenal
Kev No contract can possibly be “agreed” unless both parties “agree” to it by signing. Right now it is merely an offer, surely! In exactly the same way that no house is sold until legally completed.
Same with players contracts and an offer is merely an offer, never an agreement, until signed!
That is false. As an example Wilshere made a video before he left Arsenal amd said he agreed to a contract but still decided to leave because he implied there would be reduced first team football for him. Also these agreements are more verbal than anything else. So if he didn’t agree it would mean he wasn’t happy with the contract terms. Just because he’s agreed to the contract doesn’t mean he would sign it because there at other factors he may be considering like our ambition in the market, way forward and the like.
William will be a great signing IMO ,I’ve just read that the deal is very close ,but again we are talking about the media
Bloody hell, potentially Willian, as well as Coutinho….if these deals do go through, will they just be bench warmers or who will make way for them do you think?
Sue if we get Willian, Coutinho and Partey, it would be good, Arsenal and Arteta intends to ship out up to six players…. Partey would be replacing Guendouzi in the squad.
If we get all three, at least we’ll have someone to keep Pepe up on his feet with competition and Coutinho to replace Ozil, Ceballos, Partey, Xhaka and Torreira won’t be a terrible squad Midfield.
There’s no way I’m supporting selling the Xhaka that Arteta has created
I’d be more than happy with Partey and Coutinho, Eddie. Never really thought about Willian. His age puts me off, if I’m honest, but with one commentator the other week (sorry, forgot who), saying he’s been their best player and they need to tie him down and not leave for nowt, does suggest that he may well be worth a punt…
I honestly can’t see Xhaka going anywhere. If anything Torreira will be the one to go. What do you think about Ceballos? Will we go in for him or just let him go back to Spain?
Sue I don’t want Willian too..his age is disturbing but I’ll be okay with getting him if he’s not getting paid up to 150k.
Aubameyamg is 31 too, so they’re both in the same age bracket… Willian could still offer something, the deal would only make sense if we don’t offer him a big salary.
120-140k would be okay. If he won’t accept it, he can eff off.
I’d like to have Ceballos for another season, seriously I don’t haven any problem with getting enough good players, let the headache be Arteta’s, I’m sure he can handle it. City needed a huge squad too
He can handle it alright 😉
This could turn out to be a very good window for us, Eddie 👍
Fabrizio just tweeted that he has rejected Chelsea’s latest offer and is in talks with Arsenal..I don’t want Willian, but he’s 31, he has 2-3 years of good product to come from him & his contributions would be only have to look at his 9 goals 8 assist in the EPL this season. There’s a reason Chelsea still offered him a contract…wouldn’t be bad for Arsenal though
Dan.. I’ve just noticed your new gravatar 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 hilarious!!!!! I love it…
Still buzzing from the weekend TBH
Bergkamp the great, ozil the waster, Bergkamp the ultimate skill, ozil when he felt like it which wasn’t often, Bergkamp the thinker, ozil the couldn’t care less, Bergkamp the team player, ozil the aslong as I get my wages, Bergkamp the il try and get every ball, ozil the not on your nelly
FFS!! It’s not even 3pm yet and two Ozil articles.
Since the season is over I expect more and more of Ozil articles on this site.
Now regarding this
“I think Santi and Sanchez made him look better than he ever really was at Arsenal. And as for magic moments, I can recall just one from Ozil when we won 6-0 or something”
You didn’t have to lie or exaggerate things to push your views. I don’t wsmt the man at the club anymore because he’s already declined totally but to say other players made him look better is the biggest lie you’ll have to fabricate for him, even went ahead to say he only had one moment of flash brilliance.
When the man was good, he was good and damn good at it. Give him the credit where he deserves it and just get on with it. Other players weren’t responsible for his performances when he could deliver, they did their part and he did his part.
He’s a declined player now, he just needs to move on, and I really want him to move on so we can be free of all these.
Fans tend just say stuff and create agendas when they want. Even Luis Suarez is a declined player who Barca needs to move on yet you don’t see Barca fans constantly moaning and crying expecting a player past his peak to deliver like he used to.
You don’t see Man Utd fans constantly complaining and moaning about Mata. That’s because these players are past it! No longer their former selves, and it’s legal in football to decline.
You guys need to accept that fact and move on with your lives and just wait for the man to leave instead of talking about him everyday expecting or criticizing him for not being the player he was…
This shît is depressing TBH, we’re all tired of it
Dennis Bergkamp signed in June 1995 from Inter Milan for the best £7.5 million Arsenal ever spent. When he had gone 7 games in all competitions without scoring a goal, Stuart Pearce stated in the media that Dennis Bergkamp was a flop and a waste of money. Was he ever wrong. After Bergkamp’s brace in a 4-2 win at Southampton, he went on to score 120 goals in 11 seasons at Arsenal.
As Mikel states from day one Dennis Bergkamp brought flair and class. He joined an Arsenal with an entrenched drinking culture and showed by example, the benefits of clean living, good diet and hard work. As gifted as he was, he spent longer at training and worked harder to enhance his skills. His team mates looked at him and thought if Dennis Bergkamp, with his obvious talent, feels he has to work and practice as hard as he does, then we have to as well. The whole team improved as a result
Graham Souness has stated that Arsenal had the best back five in the EPL, if not world football at the time. These hard men thought they could sort this new boy out by going in hard at training. They soon learnt to their physical harm, that Bergkamp could give as good as he got.
Dennis Bergkamp signed by David Dean and Bruce Rioch went on to become if not the best (with arguably Thierry Henry), then the most complete football player, I and many others, have seen wear the Arsenal shirt. Virtually every player he ever played with says they are privileged to have shared the field with him and he is the best player they ever played with. When Mezut Ozil finally retires, how many will say the same thing about him? The main thing they have in common is the shirt number, yet at Arsenal it will always be synonymous with DB10.
Mic drop👍
One is a Legend the other a Book End
Even without comparing Ozil to Bergkamp, those defending Ozil’s time at Arsenal need their heads examined!
I have felt this same way from the watching a a few games during his Madrid days.
His signing never excited me whatsoever because I had watched bit and pieces of him at Madrid.
I am not going to say that I knew much about Ozil like most of his loyal followers. They seem to have been following him since 2010. The Ozil Arsenal is the one I can talk about confidently.
My first time hearing about him was in may be 2011 when he was being compared to the great INIESTA. So i had to see what this Ozil kid was about. Started watching Madrid games here and there to see what the hype was about. And I was never impressed. I even told my cousin that Ozil would struggle in the EPL if he ever came while INIESTA would prosper. I think that was in 2012 when Madrid played Atletico or something. I just saw a very limited player.
When we signed him I was underwhelmed but happy that we had signed a player from Madrid. I was watching MOTD on BBC and remember Gary Lineker interrupting and saying something like “The BBC understands that Arsenal have agreed a fee to sign Ozil from Madrid. Ozil will do his medical in Spain before the window closes blah blah.”
I was willing to not start with my own preconceived opinion about him. But my already nervous nature about him started to be manifested in that CITY game where we lost 6-3. Ozil was one of the poorest in that game and at the final whistle every player went to our away fans to applaud them. Ozil refused and Mertesacker told him off infront of everyone. He played the same against Bayern etc and from that moment my reservations about him as a EPL player were realised. I knew it was going to be a very bumpy Ozil stay at Arsenal.
The best I have ever seen Ozil play in his whole 6 seasons here was between the last game in October against Everton in 2017 and the end of November. Those 6 weeks were the best Ozil has played in his whole Arsenam career so far in my opinion. But by december he had gone back to the same old nonchalant Ozil.
I was one of the tiny few that were calling for the club to not offer him anywhere near £250,000 a week. But our voices were the vast minority back then. I looked at the situation and not a single big club were in for him. So I don’t know why they panicked and accepted Özil’s £350,000 a week demands.
This is an insult to Bergkamp. How can you even consider Ozil to be legend.?
This is utterly disgraceful
He wearing the no10 jersey is an insult to every club’s no 10 player in the world, from a Sunday league club to Mane of Liverpool to Luca Modric to Lionel Messi
To be honest i have not watched arsenal play in the days of bergkamp,alll i can hear and from some clips i have watched can see that bergkamp is pure class.
No matter how many articles come out slaying mesut i will try my best to defend him cuz in terms of footballing ability he is just as class as bergkamp.But bergkamp is different,he is a legend for a reason
Bergkamp brought many things to arsenal that i know,now mesut may not be that inspiration or the leader you “haters” want him to be but if those around him do their jobs,he will do his as well then he is just pure joy,a player performing in the ultimate.
I know that mesut cant be compared to DB at arsenal but take mesut from real madrid and do a honest assessment in terms of just football and you will see my point of view and why i dont agree with this article.Mesut was just mesmerizing back in madrid.He silenced players like puyol,iniesta,xavi,busquets all spanish legends and earned their respect.Benched Kaka.Silenced the camp nou and almost all laliga crowds.Was constantly the best playmaker in europe and remember messi plays in laliga as well.
To make it really clear for you,auba is one of our best players now right but will you compare him to henry.Will you compare viera to xhaka,torreira or ceballos.You cant right because that was a different time and a different team.We were leading PL back then.
And hell no i am not taking anything from DB the legend, all i am saying is to think different.
Shakir, unfortunately many of us because of age or locality, have never seen Arsenal play live. I myself have only seen Arsenal play once at Highbury against Leicester City in September 1977.
However, I have followed Arsenal from afar and devoured every book, TV Match and video/DVD on YouTube I can find.
Some supporters have only seen Arsenal under Wenger, but Arsenal as well as lean times, has had champion teams under Bertie Mee and George Graham. To me Arsenal’s greatest single match achievement was going to Anfield and having to beat Liverpool away by two clear goals to win the League on 26 May 1989. This is the standard of physical and mental strength I expect from the Arsenal players. The great thing is the comparison can be made between players such as Bergkamp and Ozil because video records exist. However I can only read about Alex James, Cliff Bastin et al. Looking at the record books, how good was Arsenal under Herbert Chapman in the 1930’s?
That was in before 2012-13, now he is silenced by Willok and Smith! Talk of 2020, not 2012! If he was so great, why he did not lift the UCL with RM?How come RM won the UCL after his exit?
FYI, Auba has earned his right to be an Arsenal / EPL legend and if the stays, he can definitely outdo Henry. Henry’s goal ration 0.68, Auba’s goal ratio 0.63 and that too without proper midfield service. Auba would walk into the the invincibles team anytime, Xhaka, Ceballos, Torrera would not make it to their bench.
Ozil is not in the same class as Bergkamp there is no comparison! Bergkamp was a genius and my favourite Arsenal player 😁
Mine too Kev
He had that grace but he also had that dont F**k with me attitude .
Best player I have Ever seen on these shores ,Henry a faction behind
100% Dan! I met a united fan back in the day and he said Bergkamp was his favourite player, that’s saying something coming from a united supporter lol. His vision, awareness, skill was out of this world and was tough.. those goals against Sunderland, Leicester and Newcastle I could watch all day, he was cream of the crop 👊
The Newcastle goal was the stuff of wet dreams ,still my top Arsenal moment and still watch it weekly on you tube 👍
It was insane Dan I was at work and listened to the game on the radio and the commentator was screaming about this world class goal and I thought it couldn’t have been that good and when I saw the highlights I couldn’t believe it 😂 the way he flicked the ball round Dabizas was unbelievable and keep his composure to score 👌
I am sorry Eddie …you got me wrong…I dont want him out of the team. If you check all my write up these past 3 days, you would understand what i actually want most from Ozil and what I can’t tolerate most from this Ozil saga.
As for ” I think Santi and Sanchez made him look better than he ever really was..” I didn’t lie because I assuare you it was and still is my view. I stress that I never intended for others to think I was expressing their views too on the matter.. As for the magic moments .. rightly or wrongly it is the only one magic moment from Ozil that I remember now that made me go wow….(I Swear to God I am not lyingggg:)
Anyway I want to make it clear i wrote back in the JA comment section in response to a very good article by KEN because 1) I strongly disagrees with his views and 2) I got tons of respect for Ken and i just wish he could see my point why. I never asked ADMIN for my response to be publish in the spotlight like ! ( I hope ADMIN can confirmed this) thus i feel a bit slighted (but wont loose a second of sleep) when people accused me of lying or exaggerating to push my views when it was all words from the heart on a subject I am passionate about.
I wish to apologize to Ozil fans here and for that matter Ozil himself if I come off in the above response as a Ozil hater….And I wish to clearly state that I am not a hater of any one of our players at the club….Auba is everyone favourite and that is an easy one but for me my current favourite has got to be Xhaka for what he had to endure just to represent the club. I have huge respect for the man and the player.
Do not apologise for the opinions you have as long as they are not hate speeches. Don’t let anyone bully you into doing that. You made very valid points, some will agree, others will disagree. You owe no one an explanation for that.
You never came across as a hater at all, only a reasonable person expressing your views, which is why I wanted your opinion to be shared amongst us
No apologies needed bro and I don’t see you as an Ozil hater.
I want him out of the club myself, but I prefer hiving credit where its due.
When Ozil was good, he was damn good on his own. Let’s not deny that fact. He’s just not that player anymore, I don’t think he did half of What Bergkamp did also. I’m just tired of having to see us discuss the same issue over and over again.
The point I was making is we all know he’s past it, let’s just drop the constant argument and wait for him to leave
Bergkamp was pure class, not Ozil
I have just realised that this was in answer to my post Faiz, so I apologise for not recognising this.
First of all, can I congratulate you on a well written article, giving your points of view, with no false claims, no abuse of any kind and very interesting as well?
I need to pou out to you though, one very important thing. You seem to be under the impression that I compared Ozil to Bergkamp, something that I would never do – no comparison whatsoever.
DB is the greatest player I have ever seen wearing our shirt.
My article was in two parts – one to debunk the false claim that “some fans compared MO to DB and secondly, why that would be seen as an insult anyway.
So, the first part has, to date, found just one person on JA who actually did compare them and that was back in 2015 – to date, no other example has been provided.
This has proved, in my opinion, that the claim was false and used in order to blacken Ozils name.
Second part, why not compare a legend to a world Cup winner, who both played for our club? I don’t see that as an insult, rather a great discussion point, that proved our Gooner fan base had the same view by nearly 100%.
DB is /was the master and MO the apprentice – but the quote from Dennis regarding Mesut, also showed what he thought of him.
The problem is that the debate, as usual, ends up being either a for or against debate, or goes completely off the subject.
I think you have put your point well and, after reading my reply, I hope you see we are not a million miles apart?
As a fellow Gooner, you must still be on cloud 9 after the cup final.. I still am!!!
Take care and follow your convictions, you sound as if you will anyway… Ken1945
To end after this fine article. THERE’S ONLY ONE DENNIS BERGKAMP. No comparison.