Analyst reveals Kroenke’s feelings after Arsenal failed to make Club World Cup

Arsenal have missed out on the chance to play in the newly expanded Club World Cup after failing to win the Champions League.

Mikel Arteta’s side needed to win that competition to qualify for the CWC, but they have been eliminated and will aim to do better next season.

It is a blow for them as all the top clubs have been eager to participate in the newly expanded Club World Cup.

Fans will be disappointed that they will no longer get a chance to see their team play on the world stage.

However, the club’s owners will be disappointed at the financial windfall they have missed out on, says analyst Keiran Maguire.

Participating in the CWC guarantees €50 million, which is a significant sum for the finances of any club.

Maguire told Football Insider:

“FIFA seem to be bending over backwards to try to make their Club World Cup competition as lucrative as possible.

“They are effectively trying to blind people by the check in order to try and give the competition some credibility.

“So from a pure bottom line point of view – and that’s exactly where Stan Kroenke comes from – it will be a disappointment.

“However, there is still progress being made and the club appears to be heading in the right direction.“

Just Arsenal Opinion

It is a blow that we missed out on that amount of money, but we will have the chance to play in that competition in the coming seasons.

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Tags Kieran Maguire


  1. £50 million or not, I’m glad we’re out of this awful competition. It might not have been so bad if it were to take place in our close season, but this has to suit teams from all over the world and more often than not comes right in the middle of ours. I remember Ferguson pulling United out of the FA Cup to take place in the inaugural event in 2000, and I don’t think they won a single game, so came home with nothing.

  2. Like you Jax, I’m glad we never qualified for this tournament. Managers moan about the amount of games being played, yet here we are with another competition. Okay it’s takes place every 4 years, but it’s still more games for the already exhausted players.

    Ps, the first tournament starts 15/6/25 and ends on the 13/7/25.

  3. The Kroenke’s have made a major blunder in not already extending the gaffer contract.
    The rod should have been struck while it was red hot, enough progress has been made with the outfit, now the knife will be out having raises the bar earlier.

    It is now absolutely clear our mentality that I have always suspected, is responsible for our capitulation last week.

    Now the gaffer has to get even more ruthless and rid the dead weight.

  4. I don’t like the way Kronkie is portrayed here – he’s backed The Arsenal to the hilt and I suspect most Arsenal supporters have changed their minds about his commitment to the club, be it him or his son.
    As for this competition, maybe when MA has won the PL and the CL… so the season after next? 👍

    1. Ken Kronky has bank rolled our manager. From being a maligned owner, when he took us over. Since he took 100% sole control. He has done his bit to help us win the league.

      1. I can’t fault the guy. My only thought is. How is he going to go about winning the league or CL.

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