Are Arsenal now “set up for years of dominance”?

Is Arsenal’s current dominance just a taste of what Arteta has in store for Arsenal fans?

Without a doubt, Liverpool and Manchester City have been the best Premier League teams for the past few seasons. Prior to this season, Manchester City had won the Premier League with 93 points, one point ahead of Liverpool, who finished second. One would have predicted that the two teams would fight it out again this season to see who would win the 2022–23 league title.

This season, however, that has not been the case as a sleeping Premier League giant, Arsenal, has awoken after growing tired of the Liverpool-Manchester City dominance and has come out of nowhere to dominate the PL title race. After finishing fifth in the 2021-22 season, Arsenal went back to the drawing board, devised a strategy, implemented it, and is now on a run of 14 wins, two draws, and one loss in 17 games.

This fine run has put the Gunners at the top of the Premier League table, 5 points ahead of second-placed Manchester City; if you haven’t heard, this season’s league title is Arsenal’s to lose.

The Everton legend Tim Howard, who played with Arteta at Goodison Park, has expressed his admiration for the current Arsenal squad. The goalkeeping legend believes that Arsenal will be the team to beat in the Premier League in the coming years.

“They don’t know what it’s like to be the hunted; they’re just having fun; a bunch of young kids, together, learning how to win,” said Howard on NBSCN. “There’s strength in that naivety because they don’t actually know what’s behind the door. When I look at this team, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I will; this team, the balance of this team, is set up for years of dominance, it really is.”

Howard also hinted that Arsenal are slowly becoming the Premier League transfer kings, saying, “Liverpool need a bit of an overhaul, Chelsea have bought every player under the sun, still need time under Graham Potter, Ten Hag is in the process of that planning at Manchester United. This team, they haven’t got a signing wrong, Mikel Arteta and Edu.”

Do you think Howard is right? Is the future looking Red & White?

Sam P

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  1. They got a few transfers wrong when Arteta first arrived, but the last two summer transfer windows have been great. They’ve exercised 3 – 1yr contract extensions for some of our best talent. Only if we get them tied to new longterm deals, which I believe we will, will Howard be correct in his assessment that Arsenal are set up for years of success.

    The other big clubs will strengthen of course, but as this team continues to develop and gain experience together, I don’t see why they can’t compete for the title over the next 3-5 years.

    1. They got those transfers wrong because they thought they had respectful passionate players who’d want to fight for something. Soon as those players turned out spoilt, lazy and uninterested they got rid of all of them. All of them including our captain who had a good record but turned bad after getting an improved contract.
      To me that seems like not getting anything wrong so far, because they’ve made sure the fixed everything that seemed like an error they made under a short time

      1. I agree with what you’re saying that they addressed the errors, but I will say they were still made.

        I was hoping Auba and Willian would work out specifically, but I love how quickly they moved to address it by canceling contracts, even if that meant paying people to leave (both signings made by Arteta/Edu and from the previous regime). It seems like while that was ridiculed by some, there are other teams that are now looking at that model in some fashion to rebuild. ManU and Ronaldo come to mind.

        The results have shown it was the right move and I’m happy to see it.

    2. This current team…nope……nun of these transfers are wrong…..!
      It’s this current team that we have is what Tim is talking about and is now “set up for years of dominance”?

  2. Given the resources available to the likes of Man City,Newcastle and Chelsea and the strong competitive traditions of Liverpool and Man Utd I do not expect any side to dominate the Premier League over the course of the next 5 years.That said we currently have the youngest squad in the EPL and with 2/3 judicious acquisitions we should be capable of being in contention on all fronts.

    1. Good points.
      People are forgetting the sheer financial muscle of those other clubs.
      The likes of MU can spend £80m on a player and it gets only a “passing” mention. Even Liverpool have spent really big from time to time.
      The other three can outspend almost anybody and will probably be willing to accept huge losses and move on if a player does not work out.

    2. Liverpool? The same liverpool that didnt “refresh” their squad and now everyone is either hitting 30 or is above 30? See how bad Hendo, Fabinho, Firminho, milner and Van Dijk have been this season? Salah is slowing down while naby and ox cant stay fit. klopp will need another three year rebuild

      1. exactly…Liverfool has an ageing squad

        they have won everything the champ league, the league title

        the hunger and determination is no longer there

        It will take at least 3 seasons to rebuild a strong team

  3. It’s a very young team with a young manager. It’s actually scary what can happen if we keep them all together and they hit their peak with us. Add the prospect of Mudryk, Felix and Rice, yes if we can assemble that sort of team, even I do recognize that’s a lot of talent and firepower

  4. Thinks its delicately poised to take off for something great.

    The gaffer is targeting the right players in my opinion despite criticism from armchair managers, he has managed to get some and the impact in most cases are immediate, some he hadn’t luck but you could see the caliber players, THEY ARE YOUNG VERY TALENTED WITH VERY HIGH CEILINGS.

    Yes the future argues well for the red and white of London

  5. Still some way to go, but at the moment we are on the right track.
    Manager, players and management/owners seem to be all-in on the plan, and if they can keep it up and not get sidetracked, we may get to the top.

  6. Well folks, some are glorifying the manager a little too much. This is the same gaffer who recently hired Viera and seldom uses him. Albert Sambi is never used. Marquinos is doing nothing worthwile. It’s good all is working in our favor, and may it remain that way till the 38th game, but should it not then watch this space, how the plastic cups will melt and express themselves how they did with Unai.

    1. I don’t see how you’re complaining about Vieira who needs to bulk up and easily gets pushed off the ball not coming on against a very physical Newcastle side. Other than that, Vieira, Marquinhos and Sambi have all been key players in our Europa league games. I don’t know what you’re on about though

  7. On the face of it the club is in a very healthy position. It has been mentioned above that from top to bottom, Arsenal are working well together and the age of the squad should mean a period of greater success to look forward to. By keeping up a strong second half to the season it will act as a honey pot to exciting and talented players wanting to join the club and also for keeping the talent we already possess.

    As much as I would love Arsenal to be top dogs all the time, that is pretty much impossible. To stay in the top4 regularly would be a huge achievement because the the pool is expanding to include more clubs with a chance of taking the title. Newcastle have all the makings, due to the sheer wealth of their owners and Ten Hag is settling in at ManU. Liverpool while not at their best, and Chelsea with new owners & new manager are going through a transitional period, in the same way that Arsenal did post AW, will be back again.

    The club deserve huge credit for turning a difficult period into something much more exciting. Ancelotti started at Everton at the same time as Arteta took over at Arsenal with both clubs in the lower half of the league. We have a lot to be thankful for that although we endured a rollercoaster of emotions at times, the future looks so much brighter now.

    1. I have been listening to the recollections of former players and fans on the untimely passing of Luca Vialli. RIP

  8. Life is cyclical. Things and beings are impermanent. Teams like Utd, City and Liverpool will rise again. Make hay whilst the sun shines is the old adage, so hopefully we’ll be there for a couple of years.
    Things change…quickly though….guaranteed.
    If we don’t strengthen our squad in THIS window we will definitely not stay at the top

  9. No.

    Newcastle now owned by a country. There will probably be more like that in future. We’re not guaranteed that KSE won’t cash in their chips and who knows what comes next if that happens.

    Heck we only recently dodged a bullet in avoiding being bought up by Usmanov, another Russian oligarch – we’d be in the same boat as Chelsea and probably without a rich investor (since it seems to me that Boehly has misjudged the timing of his Chelsea takeover, just as all the other investors are getting out because the sportswashers are moving in).

    All we know for sure… is that the future is uncertain.

    1. @IDKWIC And Boehly’s “investment” firm has those same oilers as its biggest investors! He’s just a front! It’s the oilers who run the show!

  10. Like most of you I believe if we can keep this bunch together then we can consistently challenge and hopefully win honours
    Problem is agents and clubs will be sniffing around and trying to turn our players heads in exchange for hard currency
    I am most pleased that MA has persuaded a lot of the people here who had doubts in his ability to turn a a dysfunctional teams in to something we are proud to watch and support
    He will never be able to please everyone all the time but that is life
    We go from strength to strength with each win and build the belief and confidence, but as we all know confidence and belief is sometimes very fragile so we still need time.
    A few seasons ago we didnt have a defence
    Today we have the 2nd best record
    A back 5 who can play out from the back and not make our hearts stop
    A midfield who can mix it up with the best
    A front line who get us up off our seats
    Onwards and upwards our red and white people

  11. To start contemplating ‘years of dominance’ at this stage of the season is ridiculous and hubristic.
    This season is just reaching the halfway mark and we have not won anything yet. We have done well but really should not be talking about ‘dominating’ anything.
    The squad itself still needs significant strengthening for us to be confident that we can sustain our recent form.

  12. The daft and immature “years of dominance” is a deliberately foolishly used emotive phrase, designed to try to gain clicks by JA.

    As an article to warrant serious discussion it is too ridiculous for any further comment of mine. I prefer not to waste my time on nonsense like this foolish phrase!

    JA, though not inventing that phrase are, as we all know , desperate to report any silly idrea , however far fetched, in order to report it in an “article”.

  13. Some very sensible comments on this topic.
    Will this team improve? Yes – our core will develop and cash will be made available to improve the squad. But once that’s done KFC won’t bankroll us at the same rate – we will need to balance our own books. We are nowhere near being the richest club in this conversation.
    Will we dominate? No, but we will like several others, have our “days in the sun”. There is big money and top managers in the EPL. Clubs learn from each other quickly, so in a couple of seasons others will be playing “Artetaball”. The “Big 6” now will be Arsenal, Man City & Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea and Newcastle, of which we are the poor relation, so it’s arrogant of us to believe we will dominate.
    How will we stay in the pack? 1) Recruit wisely 2) Always have a top, innovative, attacking coach coach 3) Develop our youngsters 4) don’t keep players simply out of loyalty – we must buy AND sell 5) retain our global reputation for entertaining, attacking football so that players grow up Arsenal fans and WANT to come to us

  14. Look, I’m getting worried that we might lose out on the Ukranian kid and probably have to settle on Felix who might not be much of an improvement on Eddie Nketien. Such is the competition to find real talent. The Edu/ Arteta signings have been a mixed bag with Lokonga, Tavaz and Viera being questionable.. Doing reasonably well against Europa League opposition that would struggle in the Championship does not make you a successful signing. Viera is a case in point. He was badly needed against Newcastle but the common wisdom is that Arteta couldn’t bring him on because their defenders would have swamped him. And yet a goal in the final minutes would have made a huge difference in deciding the title. Not a successful signing, when needed.
    As for an era of Arsenal domination, it is too early to breast beat. I remember not too long ago when Arsenal had Fabragras , Ramsey, Van Persie, Wilshire, Nasri, Clichy, Diaby etc on the books and we were patiently waiting for them to get fit, mature and be supplemented by one or two top top players and start a new Arsenal era of dominance And it could have been but through bad luck and lack of ambition it all went flat. Finally, thanks Sue P for remembering Gian Luca Vialli. He was not at his peak when he arrived in the EPL, having had his career stalled at Juventus but in his time with Sampdoria he was the equal of Baggio and Del Piero. RIP.

    1. Considering Saka, Saliba and Martinelli haven’t signed yet it’s premature to say that we are “set up”. We also desperately need another DM. If Partey gets injured we are screwed.

      If they all sign extensions and MA is promised huge transfer budgets for years to come then yes I’d say we are set up.

  15. Let’s not get ahead of outselves and just worry about a successful completion of this season first. One season at a time with effective and efficient upgrading/development of the current squad, by judicious transfers and use of the academy.

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