Arsenal are right to ban Elneny and Pepe from Red List games – World Cup bid at risk?

Is it me or is the honour of England hosting a major tournament not as prestigious as it used to be?

Not helped by some of our ‘fans’ embarrassing their country during the summer, England plan to submit a bid to host the World Cup in 2030.

That may be affected if the Premiership and EFL don’t back down on their refusal to release players for the next international break.

That’s a nice way of saying Concaf and AFCON might be about to blackmail the FA.

Clubs in England are refusing to authorise their players travelling to any nation that is on the UK’s red list due to the government’s refusal to not make them exempt from the 10-day quarantine rule on their return. This includes Arsenal’s Elneny and Pepe.

Premier League Chief Executive Richard Masters said: ‘Premier League clubs have always supported their players’ desires to represent their countries – this is a matter of pride for all concerned.

‘However, clubs have reluctantly but rightly come to the conclusion that it would be entirely unreasonable to release players under these new circumstances.

‘Quarantine requirements mean that players’ welfare and fitness will be significantly impacted. We understand the challenges that exist in the international match calendar and remain open to workable solutions.’

As things stand approx. 68 players will miss crucial qualifiers in Africa and South America which has got federations angry.

The implication is (without anyone saying this) that if the likes of Arsenal don’t reconsider or Boris Johnson steps in, then England lose key votes outside of Europe to even get to the final stages of voting.

That makes a mockery of FIFA bid to clean up the sport from corruption (hence why they want political involvement).

For the last two weeks all we have heard is how fans have been missed in stadiums, how the atmosphere we generate changes things

Football will tick a pr box by thanking health care workers for their battle against COVID.

Yet as soon as federations have to compromise, they show their true colours.

An Egypt don’t want a Salah missing fixture because that impacts on results, which impacts on qualification, which impacts on money.

If people can miss the funeral of loved ones, if people can deal with losing their jobs, if families have to accept not seeing each other … Then football can deal with this inconvenience.

The prem are not innocent by the way.

They are not safeguarding their players by banning them from travelling.

They simply don’t want their employees quarantining for 10 days, missing crucial prem dates. Again money.

During Covid, football has alienated many fans by their greed.

So, if the only way England can host a World Cup is by players not respecting a rule that is safeguarding human life …….then you can keep your World Cup thanks.

Be kind in the comments


Tags Elneny EPL Pepe Red list


  1. why is the club bothered with what Elneny does? He shouldn’t even be getting a second of gametime. The fact he’s legitimately part of the squad and Arteta’s plan shows how deep into mid=/lower mid table mentality we’re becoming.

  2. Look at the positive:

    Arteta has wasted +200 millions of KROENKEs money. Arteta has lost European football -> less money for Kroenke. He might even get Arsenal relegated which surely will plummet our value!

    So whenever we’re doing pathetically bad like today, its always something off from Kroenke. Even getting Arteta fired will be off from Kroenkes money.

  3. We can’t have Elneny and Pepe missing for the visit of the mighty Norwich. If Pepe was playing today and Elneny played 90 mins we would have been leaving the Etihad with 3 points 💪 why haven’t we tied Arteta down to a new 3 year deal yet puzzling 😶

    1. One step at a time, Kev.

      The ink in Xhaka’s new contract isn’t dry, yet. Once the transfer window officially slams shut, the long term futures of Edu and Arteta with us will be sorted out during the international break.

      Trust the process!!! 💔

      p.s: I’m not MO10 😉

      1. Hahaha I’m sure Vinai is preparing the contracts as we speak just need Kolasinac and Chambers new deals rubber stamped then we can really proceed with the process 😜

    2. You guys should seriously consider a like button for comments on this site. I so desperately want to thumb up this comment.

  4. Does anyone know the last time we were last place in the League table after 3 matches? Just curious

        1. No Sue I can’t bring myself to watch football I’m having a dolce gusto coffee and watching once upon a time in Hollywood I’m traumatised from earlier 😆

          1. 🤣 Marseille won 3-1. Guendouzi & Saliba had a good game – he’s still not ready though 🤣
            MA is favourite for the chop…

          2. Nope but Kolasinac, Chambers and Holding are 😂 I think he was last season too Sue but the Arsenal board probably don’t even know we played today that’s how shambolic we are 😕

    1. At least the club record books are now getting updated on regular basis as Areta keeps breaking all the records while Edu is Arsenal’s Robin hood stealing from kronke and giving it to poor footballers and agents in this pandemic era 👍

  5. Arsenal can let their African players leave for their national qualification matches. Their presence or absence won’t make any difference either way; we’ll still lose every game they play or don’t play.

    I can honestly see us being relegated this season, and maybe that’s a good thing. In the meantime, I’ll be at PSG. When Arsenal is ready to be a club again, they should let us know.



    1. That’s another trophy hunter out then.
      At least MA is sorting out the weed from the chaff.
      Don’t worry about coming back, no one will have noticed you’ve gone Jachike 👍👍👍

  6. Thats the trouble you get when Arsenal players of African and South American descent. Kanu was one such missing in the 1999 season .He was a key player and missed some crucial games because of ANC. I have nothing against ANC

  7. It seems that the entire point of this article was to distract people from the real issue of just how bad Arsenal were yesterday, and the decisive action that needs to be taken, but obviously won’t. Such is the lack of will from the so called fans.

    1. Okay Joe, so let me get this straight. There are NINE articles saying how bad Arsenal were yesterday, and you are complaining that the tenth one is a distraction?

  8. I have given up on this pathetic owner and this board. Looks like they are in same boat as some of the fans that our seasons starts mid September after tuff fixtures that is why Arteta is still in job. May be it’s time to switch to some other sports I guess because I don’t see bright future for Arsenal for long time. If they sack Arteta even then I don’t have high hopes of us getting a good manager we will probably hire another cheap manager to get by. I am afraid all our happiness from football went with Wenger now only thing left is misery which keeps increasing day by day.

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