
Arsenal could possibly make a brilliant long-overdue decision – we can only hope

Mirror Sports claims that Arsenal is ready to pay off Mesut Ozil and get him off their books this summer or subsidise his wage when he joins a new team.

The German signed his mega-money deal in 2018 after he held the club to ransom, and he has failed to justify his huge deal since that time.

He has been on the peripheral of the first team for a very long time now and didn’t feature on the restart of the Premier League and missed the FA Cup final all together because he was out of the country.

He has been a problem for the club to ship out as his huge wages keeps blocking any potential suitors from making a move for him.

The report claims that Arsenal is keen to get him off their books so that they can make room for new signings and they will either pay him off or subsidise his wage if he can find a team that will be able to take him on and some of his wages.

Mikel Arteta needs all the money that he can get, and if he can get up to 150,000 per week off Ozil’s wages, he will be able to get one of his transfer targets in.

Hopefully, this report is accurate, it would be the best possible news for most Arsenal fans and give us the opportunity to finally look forward to a bright future.

Tags Mesut Ozil


  1. i said this yesterday or the day before…

    What i would like to happen is, instead of repeating the same posts everyday. Can we have a post on what to expect from the youth who have been promoted to the first team squad?

    I mean we’ve had like 4+ posts on Partey in the last few days that are basically the same.

  2. Seeing as MA did not play MO since restart, then it looks as though he will feature less and less.

    Ozil is in a similar position to Gareth Bale. Both are on eye watering incomes, especially GB, and if they decline or do not feature due to the manager not seeing them as being ‘part of their plans’ then their choices are limited to either staying and probably not playing much, or at all, or looking for a new club and a new challenge.

    Both men have more money than they could possibly ever need or spend so I would presume that taking up this new challenge would be more satisfying. Having said that, Bale seems to be happy to sit it out as RM wouldn’t let him leave for China on totally silly money last year.

    I would like to think that if Ozil still wants to play then he must be coming to the realisation that a move away is good for his soul.

  3. Leno has had some great games , but his overall play on crosses and play out from the back leave me worried always… he could blame the second rate group directly in front. Martinez is a must to sign he was absolutely fantastic. Bellerin for me hasn’t ever been the same since injury and prior to it he couldn’t put a cross on target plus he has always been a turn over and an errant pass waiting to happen…he does one thing well in getting forward…the cross always flatters to decieve.
    If someone offered 50 60million for him that would be good business….thank God for aquiring Tierney and bringing up Sala.. throw in Willian..and finally we may cross the ball to someone…anyone…ON Target…finally put it on someone in a position to score…..Auba? Glad if he signs he’s a poacher…a goal scorer…but hold it up? trap turn and play it off?cover end to end ? All 90?…..those things are actually done by Lacazette….please don’t sell him. Torriera? really liked him he played so hard…and whatever we feel he isn’t good at, he makes up in so many ways with what he is good at, would be sad to see him go. Guendouzi actually played some great games and performed at a high level…as a young guy the level dropped of and the on top of that ..he,s a knucklehead…gotta get his head on straight..but he has real talent. Partey at all costs to provide the steel..adding Saliba and Magalhaes…..Wow…add William and Coutinho….and keep Laca….We will be back in the top 4

  4. Could someone explain the “he held the club to ransom” excerpt?

    If The Arsenal didn’t want to offer Ozil a new contract, they would have just let him walk away – as they did with Ramsey.

    Yet another example of misleading and untruthful quotes, designed to blacken one of our players, by someone with an agenda.

    1. Yes Ozil never refused to play, train or participate in any club event. He was never bashed by his team mates or Arsenal employees. To the contrary he is generous to a fault and participates in various charities. His only sin is having a contract that serves him well and the owner wants to back out. Imagine a Cronki approaching a player in the middle of the season and increasing his salary. Like hell he will.

      1. I should hope he never refused to play
        And do you know that Arsenal have any slight expectation that he will leave? He absolutely has a contract. If he did less than he does to maintain his deal then he could be sued.

      2. I’m not famous nor do I earn a fortune
        I give generously to charity when I can … like most people

        His charitable giving has not one iota to do with football and should not be used to support what happens on the pitch. Neither are connected

    2. He just took advantage of our incompetent board. Demanded such ridiculous wages. Ran down his contract to the last months even if Arsenal had been begging for him and his representative to have a real sit down to sort out his contract extension.
      But he ran it down to the last months and then demanded for £350,000 a week. But the moment he signed it he theb started behaving like a fraudulent cowboy builder.

  5. @Ken1945 You are correct, the club has not been held to ransom. The offering of the contract was entirely to each parts satisfaction, otherwise it would not have been signed. And should Arsenal have offered a contract that they did not want to offer, well it is frankly their loss for being weak and stupid.

    What happened after the signing of the contract is could be said to be on Ozil to some degree though. It could be argued that he has not fully lived up to his part of the bargain. The players part of the contract is to do his best and play as the coach wants and Ozil has not always done that in my opinion.

    Disclaimer: I do not hate Ozil. Yes, he was worldclass in the past. And yes, I would love for him to play like that again but I do not hold my breath.

    1. @The Deluded One, good reply.

      So we both agree that “holding the club to ransom” was just another example of fabricating the actual incident, just like so many other claims on here.

      Now to the opinion that Ozil hasn’t helped matters:

      As far as iIam aware, no-one has said he is the player today that he was when he signed the new contract he was offered.
      But what we need to remember is the fact that Mikel Arteta selected him for every premier league game in 2020 up and until the coronav irus lock down.
      We were unbeaten in that time and Arteta stated that he was pleased with the players contribution.

      Whatever happened between then and now, will one day come to light…and who knows what the answer is?

      I am fully in support of MA, we have managed to get the perfect fit for our club and he knows what he wants and needs from his players – if that means Ozil going, then so be it.

      However, making up false accusations against any of our players, current or past, should be called out and exposed as such. Having opinions on a players ability and worth to our club is a right, but I would hope that any fan would react to repeated false statements…wouldn’t you…no matter who the player is?

        1. Sue, agree 100% – I just wish people would stop making up “facts” to try and blacken someone they have probably never met, but feel entitled to discredit at will.

          It is becoming a recurring theme with Ozil and the abuse from so called intelligent fans is disgusting.

          Can’t wait for it to be over to be honest, but if something is wrong, one shouldn’t sit back and turn a blind eye.

  6. @Ken1945 I am always hoping all Arsenal players are successful in our club. I also think thar Arteta is the perfect person to lead Arsenal through this rather tough process of change.

    I just hope there is a Swift resolution to the situation with Ozil. Wether it is him leaving or him being a part of the team again. And as you I trust Arteta to make the right decision here.

    And I agree fully that anyone should be treated fairly and with respect.

    1. Spot on my fellow Gooner and when this Ozil saga has been concluded, watch out for the next player to become the target of abuse.
      Enjoyed the debate with you.

      1. Who was it before Ozil, Ken? Do tell. I dont buy this theory of yours. Every squad has players fans like less btw. You will find that in any fanbase. From Real Madrid, to Brentford.

        1. RSH, surely you remember Iwobi…or Walcott…or Eboue…or Song…or Giroud…or Ramsey…or Bellerin…or Xhaka…or Mustafi…or Mkhitaryan?

          Can’t be bothered with any more examples, especially as I don’t know how far back you go in your support of the club – but I can assure you, the “hate campaign” has really only started from the names I have mentioned above.

          I agree that fans like this or that player less, but to call a player filth, a thief, or to loathe him etc etc is beyond the boundaries of decency…something that I seem to remember struck a cord with you over the Iwobi episode.
          How many made up claims were made about him?

          1. Ken, im sorry but Ozil is a theif, he is stealing 350k a week, robbing this club of his services (which he has stopped giving) and his attitude and lack of disappointment at not playing is deafening. The damage Ozil is doing to this club because of his willingness to just take his wages and smile is disgusting. I will never defend a player of my team like that ever. He is our icon player, where was he when we needed him in the run in and where was he when we won the Fa cup, what did he do to merit his wages. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. That’s stealing, robbing, shirking, hiding, using or not taking his position at this club seriously, he is a disgrace and i for one will be pleased when his name is off our wage bill so we can get a player or playersin whi actually wants to play for this team, with his wages going to them.

          2. Yes Ozzie that describes him perfectly, the definition needs adding, for example, just like Ozil. People would know exactly what it means then.

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