Arsenal fans don’t need to lose their heads, nothing much has changed really

It’s over when it’s over…Arsenal can still do it! by Aziz

In the last two games, Arsenal had lost two-points from a winning position. Arsenal had both 2-0 leads against Liverpool at Anfield and West Ham at London Stadium ‘squandered’, that left many fans and pundits alike wondering if this Arsenal team can sustain the push to the EPL’s triumph come the end of the season.

Arsenal can do it despite these glitches of recent. It’s still within their hands.

Arsenal has to take one game at a time, starting the one against the Saints on Friday and more importantly the one against, the closest foes, the Cityzens, come 26 April. Theoretically, Arsenal needs to win all games NOW and avoid any ‘margin for error’. It’s never a fool’s errand: Arsenal is capable of winning all of its remaining games.

Of course, Manchester City is a brilliant team and, in my opinion, the best team in Europe at the moment, but they can still be beaten.

Man City has some upcoming tricky games that come thick and fast! Their players, like Arsenal players, are human beings, you will never know for certain what they can offer in these games. Fingers crossed, Man City won’t be their usual 100% and Arsenal can capitalize on them. Let’s hope our players do their best during that period, taking into consideration Arsenal has relatively fewer games to play compared to Man City.

Arsenal fans should realize one thing, even if Arsenal had won both games at Anfield and London Stadium, they would still need to get a result at Etihad Stadium and win as many remaining games as possible to make sure they stand a chance of winning the EPL…so it’s only a “minor” thing that changed after these two disappointing draws. So, Arsenal needs to win this six-pointer game against Man City on 26 April, regardless.

Let’s not lose our heads by excessively moaning about players and managers.

They need to believe in themselves, be resolute and go there with one aim, “to get all three points” and win all other remaining games… we will be good to go!

An alternative scenario: If we finish second and play Champions League football next season, I don’t think, it would be a “disaster” season by anyone’s standard…. taking into consideration Chelsea spent over $350 in just the winter transfer window alone and are not in the top four of the EPL!

I would have taken the second position at the start of the season. Wouldn’t you have?

By Aziz Senzia

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Tags Premier League title race


  1. I don’t think raising concern is ‘losing our heads’. I legitimately think we have blown it. I do not see us beating city at the Etihad nor Newcastle. It looks like the pressure is getting to us and we’ve put ourselves in this position which was very unavoidable. Yes finishing second, is progress but i doubt you will find a gooner who isn’t disappointed if we fumble at the end despite leading the whole season

  2. Manchester City have been playing amazing recently and we blew a 5 point lead. Even if we tie with City they have a bigger goal difference

    So we need to win all our remaining matches or hope City drops points like to Brentford maybe

    But certainly it’s not over

    It’s not impossible for us to beat City and our remaining matches

    Also City are also in Champions league and cup

    But focus 1 match at time. Focus on Southampton


  3. If we draw at City and win all our other games we will win the title by one point.
    That is assuming that City win all their other remaining league games.

  4. We need to learn how to keep that early deadliness going throughout the 90 min, don’t back off, and press as if our lives depended on it, we need to give everything we have to give if we’re going to topple the mighty citizens. Let our youth work for us and hope city players get a bit leggy. We’re still in a favorable position so long as our form returns to what it was

    1. Also, don’t get cocky if we go 2 goals up and play aimless sideway passes. I know it’s hard to keep the intensity going for 90 mins but that is what good teams do.

  5. That’s the other possible route, just avoid a loss at city and win any other game…Its far from over, any team can beat any team in the epl, so it will go to the wire..

  6. The EPL is a very special and strange league in the world. Believe me, it’s not done and dusted for AFC…we can still make it. Let’s believe and play our best in the last games…

    Come On You Gooners!

  7. Napoli and Arsenal have been top of their leagues from the start and both are dropping points with reckless abandon. Whatagwan?

  8. Arsenal has only one game to loose till the end of the season. Man city has only one game to loose till the end of the season. The only game mancity will loose is against Arsenal at the Etihad stadium. And Arsenal is going to loose to one of the bottom half’s side. I have this strong believe we are winning this league by just one point.

  9. The performance of one team is going up while the other is not convincing, yet we still put pressure on the young team to do the impossible. This is like kicking a very tired horse to win the race.

    Look at how City finished their previous games in the previous seasons. Their form now is still similar to that if not better. The performance against Bayern was phenomenal, and we expect that Arsenal will do the impossible and beat Man City. Come on guyz, be realistic. Even their manager was out of words to explain how shocked he was. He was emotionally drained…..finished and he needed his cigar and wine to sit in front of the TV to watch the match so that he can believe the results.

    I know many people are sick and tired of one team winning the Premiership, but if we look at it, it didn’t come easy. They have suffered the bruises before, and out of all those battering, they (City) are now a force in European football. It was not easy, and Arsenal has never been there. This is where experience is obtained.

    Arsenal will win one day when the time is right and when they have the right pedigree and character. They still need to build all of that. You don’t buy character and experience over the counter….you need to go there and dig deep.

    Arsenal is a great team and they have done exceptionally well. But pushing them to beat City, is a momentous task. City might be playing in different titles, but the more they play, the more they are confident and ruthless. I don’t think that the number of games before them will make them shatter. Instead, they are growing stronger and better.

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