Are any of us Arsenal fans really all that surprised to hear that to club’s owner, or major shareholder, has done something that indicates once again that he sees the club as nothing more than a part of his global business empire and the Arsenal fans as cash cows to be milked regularly?
The latest from our mate, silent Stan Kroenke, is that the American billionaire has taken around £3million out of the club as a dividend payment, something that was suggested would never happen. According to the report in The Guardian, the money was paid to one of Kroenke’s companies for so called `strategic and advisory` services. I wonder if this advice included selling your best players and replacing them with cheaper versions.
Maybe the advice was to never ask the owner for any of his own investment, because you would be wasting your time. Following on from the financial figures for last year showing the club had increased it’s cash reserves by over £50 million, it is nice to know we are paying Kroenke £3 million for his advice.
And the worst part of it is that this amount is just about the same as was earned from the 3 percent rise in season ticket prices for this season. NICE. Gooners already pay more than any other fans, while the club continually fails to invest the money into the players that might see us actually get value for our money.
The two amounts may be a coincidence but it is unfortunate. So thanks Stan, I assume this is going to become a regular thing now. The problem is that until we can get him shifted, there is nothing we can do about except refuse to buy the tickets and merchandise, which is looking like a better idea all the time. How do you feel about this Gooners?
Honestly i thought an article about this would never come.I was starting to believe that there was a conspiracy going on between just arsenal and silent Stan.
I knew it was just a matter of time before this guy started siphoning money out of the club..and mind you..i am assuming that he hasnt done it before in secrecy
So is arsenal fc his bail out “cash cow” investment company, so he pump money from us to aid his troubled other business ventures? Shame on you stan!
It’s not the matter he took $3M out from the club. If he can lead the club to win EPL and Champion League, he can out $30M if he wants, he deserves it. The bottomline is that we don’t trust this guy who can bring us trophy.
So is arsenal fc his bail out “cash cow” investment company, so he can pump money from us to aid his troubled other business ventures? Shame on you stan!
Who is paying for the Emirates? We are. The fans.
Who owns it? Stan Kroenke.
Why couldn’t we have just followed the many European clubs that are owned by the fans. Other Billionaire owners have put their own money into their club and get a profit back as the value of the club rises. Kroenke has milked us fans to put as much money into the club as possible and enjoyed a huge rise in the club’s value without putting a penny into it beyond what he bought his share for.
If someone can give me one benefit Mr Kroenke has brought to Arsenal, I’d like to hear it.
like who? who are fan owned clubs?
Real, Barca and Bayern are all good examples.
So is arsenal fc his bail out “cash cow” investment company now? so he can pump money from us to aid his troubled other business ventures? Shame on you stan!
Ushmanov in! silent stan and his “sidekick” gazidis out! Coyg!
Except genius that a dividend payment is a payment per share and not a payment per shareholder.
If Stan received a dividend then so did Usmanov because he owns shares too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only reason these lies get published is because of bs fans like you that gravitate towards it like a fly to shit…….
@Robin Van Payslip
It wasn’t a dividend payment it was funds transferred to another of Stan’s companies through a standard corporate device of raising invoices to move funds from one company to another.
What exactly is your reason for wanting Gazidis out, could it be securing very lucrative sponsorship deals for the club that have allowed us to have extra cash to buy players that we simply would not have bought otherwise?
Love to see Stan OTF but Gazidis has actually performed his duties well.
As a die hard gooner “im sick to my stomach” about these reports!
He is the main shareholder, he is more than entitled to get a share of profits, that’s business.
Are we not proud we are not a club like Chelsea, how many times have we not bashed them for just blowing money, now you want us to be like them.
He is the owner yet gets less than Wenger and certain players do. In what other business do employees earn more than the owner, none.
Yes this is football, but we still need to remain profitable and 3% if what £30, it ain’t that much.
You have to lough your all going on about a lousy 3Milion when they have anounced that they have 170Milion in the bank end of May, then in June July the 3 new sponsership kicked in around 130milon and a further 23Milion when we qualified for the CL I let you add up all the figures, so let them take 3Milion it’s nothing.
Stan Stan the desperate man.
You’ve gone back on your word.
It’s time to f*ck Off
People have thumbed this man down ? Wow..
Thanks Dan.M
Apparently the cash is being written as “advisory fees”… lol
Well, what did you expect?
The club belongs to him (yes, he is the majority shareholder) and he can do what the f*ck he wants (even Wenger who owns f*ck all does what he wants anyway)…!!
They said the fan association are going to ask him why he was given the money as it correspond/level to the price ticket increase… That same association who “begged” or was “hoping” for Wenger to stay…!! Yeah right!
Kroenke is right to get a piece of the action since nobody is hold accountable in the club, Hey why not? Who is gong to challenge him anyway?
If the club does not make profit we go under, we not going to be debt ridden like Man U or Leeds United.
I am proud the club us run the way it is, I have a problem with the manager and his tactics and poor transfer dealings I.e. CB
ah HELL NO- two muffs on one blog- i challenge thee to a duel!!
I bet all of you have no idea what’s happening. He has been the majority shareholder for how long now? Then as soon as he takes 3 million quid out, it proves that Arsenal is used for a quick profit. You don’t even know what the money is for or any details.
He has always said he would take any money out of the club.
From the Guardian.
Arsenal’s majority shareholder, Stan Kroenke, has taken a payment of £3m out of the club according to the latest company accounts.
Having never taken dividends from his American sports franchises, which include NBA basketball’s Denver Nuggets and the NFL side St Louis Rams, this is a move that has gone down badly with Arsenal supporters. Coincidentally, the £3m figure tallies with the amount the club raised from a 3% rise on season-ticket prices for this season.
The money has been paid to Kroenke’s company, KSE LLC, for strategic and advisory services which relate to Arsenal’s broadband division, the media department which raises funds by selling a three-hour block of weekly content to the lucrative international market.
Kroenke has been asked repeatedly at the club’s annual meeting whether he would take dividends from Arsenal but has always dodged the issue. He has, though, outlined his admiration for the model the Glazer family have at Manchester United, which was a leveraged buyout that loaded debt on to the club.
In a rare interview in November 2011, Kroenke expanded on how he feels this American system works. “Since they took over they have won and they have increased revenues by a huge amount. If I was a fan of that club, I would go there and go ‘Wow!’ because how could you do it any better?
“We have a whole different philosophy I think in the States, maybe, but I think it’s time for everybody to think a little bit. I think they ought to think about who invests in these clubs. ‘He [Glazer] took money out of the club. So what? [LA Lakers owner] Jerry Buss takes money out of his club. A lot of owners in the US do. No one ever says anything about it.”
News of the £3m payment felt all the more of a touchy subject on a night when Arsenal tickets were capped at £10 for the Capital One Cup tie against Southampton, a gesture of goodwill at a club with notoriously expensive tickets in the Premier League.
No doubt the Kroenke payment will be a subject on the agenda at Arsenal’s AGM on 16 October.
He has never taken money out of his other teams and gave his opinion on taking money out of a sports franchise. He never said he would and this Is clutching at straws. All he said was there is nothing wrong with it. It was in 2011 and if he wanted to, it would have been done much earlier.
As I have always said its time for a fans buyout. Just think about it, it wouldn’t take long when we have over 50 million supporters.
We have 130 million supporters.
Overtated a little by mistake. Passed the 100 million mark in 2011 ans currently between 113 and 120 million.
parently the cash is being written as “advisory fees”… lol
Well, what did you expect?
The club belongs to him (yes, he is the majority shareholder) and he can do what the f*ck he wants (even Wenger who owns f*ck all does what he wants anyway)…!!
They said the fan association are going to ask him why he was given the money as it correspond/level to the price ticket increase… That same association who “begged” or was “hoping” for Wenger to stay…!! Yeah right!
Kroenke is right to get a piece of the action since nobody is hold accountable in the club, Hey why not? Who is going to challenge him anyway?
Financially we are in good stead, keep it up guys.
when we awrned the fans about Silent Krook,Ivan G and Wenger being con men most you thumbed us down. Wait and see now
People have to calm down here. He hasn’t taken 50 million quid but only 3. Of all these years he could have withdrawn alot more. This is a big non story and Stan Kronke does nothing in terms of management. This is a big non story.
Here here. Another article that just seeks to inflame emotions with no real depth, analysis or rationale. So what? is my view. As you say he could if he chose take much more. The club remains the epitome of a well run football club and is the envy of many of our rivals.
Thumbs up: Everyone on this site just feels like moaning today for some reason.
Thumbs down: The moaning is valid
That’s totally irrelevant to this story plus facilities are being upgraded and we are spending money on players and wages.
How can you say it’s totally irrelevant, when we are not getting the investment we need to make us great again. I am not talking about breaking the bank but we all know where we need to strengthen.
PS say hello to Stan for me 🙂
Before this flares up, Kronke could have easily put 800 million debt on us like United to pay for the club. After a few years he takes 3 million out which won’t really make much of a difference then suddenly he’s a conman? Who cares. He owns Arsenal and he could have done alot worse.
I think the point is that Chelsea, Man City and Man Utd and even Liverpool (with the Champions League) have given their fans much more to cheer about (and some serious silverware) than Arsenal have over the last 10 years. Whether the investment in a club is leveraged or not is a matter for the owner but serious pursuit of the top silverware is what a top club owes its fans on that basis the Glazers have delivered much more to Man U fans than the Arsenal board have delivered to the Arsenal fans. Therefore Stan’s influence on the club has not been good as witnessed by its slide into a 4th place mentality demonstrates. Lastly Stan should not have taken money out of the club if he said he wouldn’t and trying to disguise it as a charge for services to the club just makes it that bit more contemptible.
We have no evidence that he was disguising any payment. Please research the payment rather than spread further misinformation. Stan Kronke became the majority shareholder about 3 years ago so I don’t see how we ‘slid’ to a 4th place mentality.
What he did is a standard way of taking money from a company under the cover of a form of corporate jargon. I also must take issue with you over another point you made i.e. the club has indeed developed a 4th place mentality slowly (at first) over the last 10 years and it is become ever more obvious that Stan is happy with that while charging the fans top dollar. As much as I dislike Abramovich he is the living proof that an owner sets the standards at a club – imagine what would happen to one of his manager’s if they came 4th in the Premiership????
Abramovich has spent 1 billion. All of his managers has had an unlimited busget unlike Wenger. Keeping at the top spending nothing is godlike. That’s why the analogy is bad.
Dude, you’re arguing with the ignorant and biased. Understanding common sense and logic is not in their agenda…
What would be wrong with Usmanov giving Arsenal the same support as Chelsea get?
A couple of years ago we where the 4th richest football club in the world now we are eighth.
Nope were 4th in terms of value and 8th in terms of turnover 2 seasons ago. This is misinformation.
Sorry you are talking out of your arse, and yes I have given you thumbs down which I don’t like doing to any supporter.
Sorry you are talking out of your arse, and yes I am about to prove you wrong which I don’t like doing to any Arsenal supporter, please check Forbes then accuse me. It’s on Forbes. 1.3 billion.
Try Deloitte a well known firm of accountants not Forbes.
PS I still haven’t fallen out with you I like the debate 🙂 🙂
Delloite says the same thing. 8th in terms of revenue, not 8th richest. The other clubs have moved ahead in terms of revenue, not us going backwards. Revenue is irrelevant with a oor cashflow.
Ps I love debating I don’t hold grudges. I love people who debate.
If only we could all debate, disagree to agree. GOYG
We are still 4th as value. You lying sack of $hit.
Only due to Billionaire take overs who pump oil money into it.
Why don’t we blame Chelsea and Man City for fuel increases, after all that increase is being used to fund their clubs.
Last night’s tickets were capped at £10, had they made it £40 there is most of the 3mil there.
The mo.ey he took was given back by cheap tickets last night, hope that helps you sleep easier
As Arsenal supporters it seems we are to be grateful for scraps i.e. the odd cheap ticket here and there while being fleeced for the rest of the season while on the playing side the question is how far behind the winners of the Premiership will we be at the end of the season.
I would love to be able to say that we would put Chelsea and City in their place (i.e. below us at the end of the season) but unfortunately there is not a chance of that because Stan accepts a lower standard at Arsenal than Abramovich would permit at Chelsea.
I am standing with Arsenal FC on this issue not the owner (he is more than capable of looking after himself).
Oh dear get a grip! He owns the club and has taken a dividend and a small one compared with the 170 ish mil we have in the bank that our stupid manager won’t spend. And why “silent” Stan? He has said far more than some other owners, Abramovich and a few others I could mention. Stop looking for excuses to not attack the real problem, Wenger!!
Thumbs up: the above makes should sleep easy, like a cat licking your tummy
Thumbs down: it does not help, and now you feel constipated
wtf you even talk random crap like i do! are we related?
i knew i should have trademarked the word ‘muff’
Bloody hell, so many moaning downers. When I read the article, I thought he had withdrawn 50 million or something.
Like they say”Bitches always gonna find something to bitch about”
Seems like thats par for the course around here nowadays…
A moaner moaning about moaners, lovely irony.
It’s not about the money, it’s about where our great club is heading.
The fault lies with Ozil
Debuchy and Giroud.
Giroud has stopped scoring goals
these last 5 games.
Debuchi has been invisible for 4 games now.
Ozil was useless v Southampton.
Yes and Ozil has Turkish heritage but looks like a sour Kraut.
Rosicky needs a haircut. Steve Bald just needs hair.
All Arsenal players must start smoking like Jack.
Cazorla should grow tall like Mertz.
Why do fans “sit” in the “stand”?
Ramsey is from Whales.
Sanchez is saving the whale this year with his goals.
Charlie George to start on Saturday 🙂
PS Stan could take 10 million out of the club, if we won the EPL and UCL this season. We all know thats not going to happen without investment.
Hey guys,
I wanted to say good bye to all of you, I’ve enjoyed coming on this forum and discussing many things arsenal. However, the more i learn about arsenal fc the more i see how much this ‘company’ is ripping off the fans and funneling money for mr stan’s personal businesses. With deepest sadness i am as of today a supporter of Barcelona fc because i like their style of play and they’re owned by fans. Take care and all the best.
Are you in PR 🙂
I wish 🙂
Thumbs up 🙂
You won’t be missed, cuz we didn’t know who tha f**k ya were to begin with…hasta…
@ NY Gunner
We all have our down days but hopefully you can stick around for the good ones.
Hahahahaha,farewell my brother hahahahahaha
I hate to break it to you guys but a dividend payment is defined in law (companies act).
This was not a dividend payment by a long stretch.
whoa there tiger. dividend payments? i order u to drop that textbook and play some dmx
Shut em down open up shop
there u go kid 😉
Goodnight all and lets whip Tottenham 5-0 this Saturday.
a win will suffice andrew 🙂
Really we are whining over 3m, come on its a small %! We should discuss and debate this after the january window shuts. Most fans wont care about this report if we buy the players we need.
So, according to our dear Deloitte, we are 8th in terms of revenues.
I can assume that the clubs in front of us have also won major trophies as well as filling their coffers.
I thought we would be first (at least for that) especially with the ticket prices increasing every seasons (1% average).
We are just a bank and not even a good one (as well as having one of the highest paid and overrated manager in football).
Well served….
They may as well spend all the money, it would justify the expensive seats (most expensive in world football…!! For a club that wins Nothing!!) and we might be able to bring some serious trophies to the Emirates.