Arsenal must win a major trophy this season or Arteta should expect to be sacked

What should be the expectation for Arsenal this season? by Vivek Julka

 After nearly £700 million spent and four years on the job, it is time for Mikel Arteta to win a major trophy for Arsenal this season. If not, he should be sacked.

This is a big season for Arteta as there is much more of an expectation to challenge on all fronts this season, especially after our bottlejob last season as we were top for 93% of the season. And so there should be at a big club like Arsenal.

The fanbase should demand success this season as we have spent three quarters of a billion pounds now under this manager. Also, this December, will mark four full years since Arteta became manager. That is more than enough time and money to warrant a major trophy.

We have spent over £200 million this window. It is good we got our deals done early. Declan Rice and Jurrien Timber are good signings. David Raya will not be a bad signing either as he will provide competition for Ramsdale who has been bit shaky in pre-season and also in our capitulation at the back-end of last season.

Although, I think that we still need a proper number nine as Jesus is not prolific, this is the choice Arteta has made currently. He decided to spend the money on Chelsea flop Kai Havertz rather than getting a top striker. These are all his players now, this is his team.

He has now bought 25 new players in. That is a whole new squad. There is no excuse now.

This season we have to win a major trophy now, whether that be the Premier League or Champions League. I believe we have more of chance of winning the Premier League as Arteta couldn’t even reach the final of Europa League let alone win the Champions League.

Despite the fact I love the FA Cup, that on its own should not be acceptable this season. That is the same for the League Cup. We were winning the FA Cup under Wenger consistently during the last years of his reign while spending far less money. He was also achieving the ‘holy grail’ that was top four.

So, enough money has been spent, enough time has been given, it is time for Mikel Arteta to deliver a major trophy. If not there is no doubt he should be sacked.

Vivek Julka

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Tags Arsenal trophies Arteta


  1. Yes, I also believe Kroenke wants an EPL, UCL or EL trophy this season. This is why Arteta won’t have time to promote and nurture the youngsters

    If Arteta fails to do so, I think he would only be forgiven by Kroenke if he clinches the second place in EPL and wins the FA Cup

    Jesus’ injury would likely be a blow to Arteta’s plan. It would be interesting to see whether Arteta would keep Balogun or not

    1. Gai, I think Balogun will leave. From Artetas interview, he wasnt assuring in Balogun and the Boy has been missing games..

  2. We clearly have one of the most talented young coaches around who is rebuilding the culture as well as the squad and the progress he has made in his time is clear to see, if we come second in prem with more points scored than last season and we reach, say, the quarter finals of the champions league, would you not still see this as progress..?
    I think it’s not as simple as saying, no trophies should equal the sack.

  3. If there is one trophy that is often made big or small to fit a narrative or agenda, it is the FA Cup.

    I agree I think to win either the league or the Champions League should be the minimum this season.

    After so much money spent plus the losses of canceling contracts (don’t forget that), patience and extraordinary support from the fans and the owners, when should we expect the big ones?

    If we are to stay in the level of Wenger and Emery what is the point?

    I don’t want Arteta to be sacked but I am not his fan either.

    One thing I don’t understand he learned the hard way after he took over the cost of giving average players inflated salaries. But did he truly learn? His actions says not. Jesus on 250k? Havertz on 330k? Nketiah and Nelson over 100k?

    Good luck selling them if they prove to be dead woods.

    1. I don’t agree on the players you mention. Nketiah case was hugely commented. At this price it was a no Brainer. You can’t judge just on weekly salary. The overall Nketiah contract was 30 for 5 years if I am not wrong. It means that for a decent but not huge striker fee, you have 5 years of a rather young guy. If he does not succeed this year or the next one he will still have value and could be sold 25 or more. Result : he would have played 2 years for almost nothing : Where do you find a decent back up striker for free (fee+salary and homegrown)… ?! Same for Nelson. On the other hand, havertz salary if true, yes, I agree. The guy supposedly wanted us… He is coming out of unsuccesfull season, yet he get a rise in salary. If not wrong he was on a huge part of incentives there and will get even more here without any performance related clauses. So yes, if true, his salary would be a huge salary. For Jesus, I guess that you could not do differently. He was coming from the champions… No choice really’ you can’t pay a champion and a player of this caliber, PL proven, a lot less.

  4. Thankfully our owners aren’t as shortsighted and reactionary as many of our fans, such as you.

    Absolutely, winning a major trophy (which includes the FA Cup) should be the goal this season. But, if we perform well, qualify again for the CL, and compete well in other competitions, it would be a colossal blunder to sack Arteta.

  5. Good job they never threatened Alex Furgerson with the sack during his first 6 years without a trophy or Manu would not have had the most successful manager in the premiership! // you havent got a scooby. Arteta will be Arsenals best manager since Wenger give him time. Top 4 is the minimum with at least a semi final in one of the cups. But he should be “aiming” to win the title or a trophy or at least get close to winning one, but Top 4 is a must win, with an improvement to the squad each year, not just this year.

      1. We are very harsh on Emery. He did better than Arteta on the amount of games he coached. I don’t say he was a great or bigger manager but he was OK. He just did not have the backing Arteta got and faced a rebellion lead by some players. Don’t forget that Arteta had a so so bilan for a while and was close to face a rebellion too and shown the door. The time and backing he got helped him get his players, fortunately for him and the club. But we should not mock Emery and remember that he almost took us back to 4th immediately. Something that took arteta 2 years.

  6. Me I think Arteta should only get typical strong nuber nine and three plus keeping T party at Emirates if we are to compete

  7. Absolute rubbish.Three things people of this persuasion always tend to neglect.First it’s 3.5 seasons,2nd he had to deal with a pandemic year which seriously interrupted his plans.Lastly he’s had to clear up a complete mess as a novice manager.Very disengenuous when demands are being dished out.
    Realistically a genuine tilt at the title,FA cup & quarters/ semi finalists would be acceptable.

  8. LOL – we can’t demand anything because we are not competing in Wonderland.

    We can only influence on ourselves, and has no influence on our opponents. So even if we do everything right there’s a potential to fail.

    Man.City is probably the best team in the World, and now they have spent £100 million+ on Joško Gvardiol.

    With this addition do they probably have the best CB’s in the World also. It will not be easy to make goals against them. Their main striker will keep on making goals and probably make new records this season.

    Will Man.City win all four titles next season or will other team be able to win one or two?

  9. It’s strange to read that the “top four” is now being seen as a “must” and a “minimal requirement” – when, under the previous management, it was seen as not good enough!!

    I have been told that I had an “obsession” with finishing in the top four and that we never celebrated a top four finish with an “open top bus celebration” when I was saying what a great job AW had done for all but two of his seasons in charge and that it has to be the TOP PRIORITY of every PL manager to ensure the club enters the CL every season…. before even thinking about winning it, or the PL or any domestic cup.

    MA has been able to sign players, BECAUSE we are in the CL once again.
    Obviously only four managers can achieve that each year (discounting the winner from the previous year) and if MA achieves that again, he will have had a successful season…. in my opinion.


    Because our club needs the revenue, the prestige and the pulling power of said competition in order for it to stay with the likes of city, united, pool, chelsea and, now, newcastle.

    Mr. Kronkie isn’t going to keep outlaying millions of dollars each season, while letting players leave for peanuts or nothing, if he doesn’t see some return on his investments.

    I have seen enough from MA to believe we should win at least one of the four competitions we are in this coming season, but first and foremost it’s the CL security that MA has to deliver, otherwise I can see him being on a very sticky wicket indeed.

  10. I think our expectations next season as far as us Arsenal (Gunners Gooners, Arteta and the ownership) are concerned is to win the quadrupled. Bar that, the treble that will include the Epl title. Failing to win a treble, then win a double titles that includes that of the Epl or Ucl. Or win singularly win the Epl or the Ucl unfailingly. Or both which will be massive if us won them.
    As to whether Arteta should be sacked if his Gunners team failed to win a major title next season. Well! I wouldn’t want to delve into that. Because it’s a matter in the future and for the Arsenal Board and Arteta to decide on such very important matter that concerns the club.
    Nevertheless, our Gooners’ hopes and aspirations is is to see our beloved Arsenal become the first xlub side ever to gave won the quadrupled next season. And also do another Arsenal Invisible in the Epl. Which are what Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Kiopp have both been striving for to achieved before any manager achieved the impossible wins

  11. You have to remember that the original plan was over several years to build a team to challenge for the title.
    Arsenal’s performance last season was unexpected and shows we are ahead of where we want to be.
    I seriously doubt he will face the sack.
    What worries me is Jesus – I have doubts whether he is the kind of player who can be relied upon to get 20+ goals a season and now he is injured.
    For how long?
    Why are we not looking at striker options is Jesus is becoming a bit of a sick note?
    Perhaps that is being a bit unfair but of all the big-name players we have he is the most unreliable – in my opinion.

    1. What was the original plan Me2?
      I don’t remember anyone saying it would take years to challenge for the title (last years brilliant finish was just three and a half seasons).
      In fact, it was stated that we would win the CL in three years!

      We have certainly come a long way since MA took over from UE, but when do we, as a club, give a concrete time limit for MA to be held accountable?

      1. Ken
        The clock is on and ticking. He should now be held to the same standard that Wenger and Emery were.

        1. Over 600 million spent
        2. Arteta rebuilt team with HIS players
        3. Squad depth now achieved

        No excuses now, finish top 4 or get warning like Wenger and Emery did, miss out twice and get sacked. Arteta has had patience, complete control, and financial backing to the tune of over 600 million.

        Time for them to deliver, can’t make excuses now. I would think Arteta would think them same regarding top 4. If he doesn’t that raises a whole new set of questions.

  12. I think our expectations next season as far as us Arsenal (Gunners Gooners, Arteta and the ownership) are concerned is to win the quadrupled. Bar that, win the treble that will include the Epl title. Failing to win a treble, then win a double titles that includes that of the Epl or Ucl. Or singularly win the Epl or the Ucl unfailingly. Or both which will be massive if us won them.
    As to whether Arteta should be sacked if his Gunners team failed to win a major title next season. Well! I wouldn’t want to delve into that. Because it’s a matter in the future and for the Arsenal Board and Arteta to decide on such very important matter which concerns the club.
    Nevertheless, us Gooners’ hopes and aspirations is is to see our beloved Arsenal become the first club side ever to have won the quadrupled. And also do another Arsenal Invisibles in the Epl. Which are what Pep Guardiola and Jurgen Kiopp have both been striving for to achieved before any manager achieved the impossible wins

  13. Ken, You are absolutely right. Its obvious that being in the CL creates a nice revenue and opens the door to enhanced sponsorship deals as well. In addition, talented players from around the world are more likely to want to come to clubs that are in the CL.
    However, anyone who follows the transfer market will have noticed that all the usual contenders for top 4 have improved their squads. I believe we have a reasonable shot at top four and doing well in all the other competitions but as we all know in the PL any team can be beaten by one which on paper is inferior to your own. Its rather naive,with the season not yet started, to talk about wining anything, lets see how we start first.

    1. Agree completely patH, that’s why I said if Mikel keeps us in the top four, I will class that as a successful season….. anything else will be a bonus.

      If there is no top four and / or no trophies, that’s where he will be on the “sticky wicket” I refer too.

      Good to know that you and I think alike on most things Arsenal… Long may it continue!!

  14. Vivek’s back!😱
    There’s no panic. Arteta/Edu have put together a team capable of winning the Premier League and doing well in the Champions League, and as long as we challenge on these two fronts it will have been a successful season again, and a domestic cup or two would be very nice, thank you.
    He/they will not be sacked unless our performances are so bad that they attract general ridicule.

    1. Nice saying, Jax
      I’m optimistic about our next season but I don’t take anything for granted.

  15. The minimum should be a trophy (no matter the size) and a top four finish. That will give the owners and the fans more faith in what Arteta is trying to do and justify why he should be given more time as coach .

  16. I cannot fathom why MA,s future stay here is being even questioned.Icannot be alone inserting clearly that we have a truly special manger inMa,one who will certainly brhere for MANY years more

    1. It’s Vivek jon. Always negative. I’m surprised he hasn’t suggested us as relegation candidates.

  17. Sure, fanbases demand success. But the ones who think that success just means “trophies on demand” don’t really have much idea how tight things are at the top and what an incredibly hard job football management and administration is.

    I’m afraid this article comes across as pretty clueless.

  18. Arsenal should be able to challenge for trophies but suggesting that not winning either the PL or CL is a sackable offence is ridiculously OTT and completely unreasonable.

  19. Yeah, Atteta is a good coach but having invested over 200m in the team that approximately won the epl last season should be giving hopes to the fanbase of lifting any major trophy let it be ucl,epl or el. short of that will manifest his(coach) weakness and is likely to happen as he lacks a prolific striker and the one whom he have is injured now and then

  20. Top 2 or three in the EPL, even top four will do, considering how other teams have strengthened their squads as well. A quater final or semi in the UCL would be great. And any of the domestic cups. But it will be hard this season. Teams like chelsea and ManU will be more of a threat this season apart from usual Liverpool and Mancity. Not to discount New castle and Brighton. It will be tough.

  21. If the fans stop behaving like fans of other clubs, then we might not end up self destructive like other clubs.

  22. The only demand that I’d make is for us to be competitive at the top of major competitions. I think that’s fair but to demand winning them despite seeing how great the competition is, is a little nearsighted

  23. Wow, demanding we win the PL or the CL or the manager gets the sack. Typical self-entitlement of a JCL.

  24. How about we all just stop trying to be Gary Neville and just support our club, watch and enjoy the football.
    If Arteta ain’t done a good enough job then I don’t know what you’ve been watching or smoking

  25. KEN1945, my learned friend, you mentioned that some on here see you as obsedded with fourth place finish.i am not one of those people, let me assure. no sir,i would put it to you, with respect,that,you,are obsessed with arsene wenger,in fact.well done for standing up for him always, that is your choice,and, i commend you for that choice. i am merely pointing out my view regarding your so called obsession with fourth place. i do not subscribe to that point of view at all.

  26. Calling for Arteta to be sacked doesn’t solve any problem. I’m happy Arteta has made some progress and with our squad top 4 is guaranteed. Do you think by firing Arteta the next manager will do the good job? The next manager will reshuffle the current squad and start again just like what is happening at Chelsea. Arteta found Arsenal in a mess. Most of the players who were at ARSENAL were there just for money nothing else. Arteta built a good foundation for Arsenal. It really surprises me that for the years Arsene Wenger has been there he had never won a championship but we kept him. Please, people….hold your horses. If you don’t like what Arteta just quit being a gunner…..go somewhere else.

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