Well this was an easy one Arsenal fans. And if we keep playing as we did last night, then I can see Petr Cech getting a lot more Man of the Match awards. His only real challenger for me was Francis Coquelin who was left with so much to do and produced some key tackles.
Cech 9 – I would give him more but he might have better games.
Bellerin 6 – Pretty poor but he is still learning.
Chambers 5 – Nightmare first half but fair play to him for sticking in and getting better.
Gabriel 6 – Nervous but started to show his fight and class.
Monreal 7 – Best defender and helped more going forward, some decent crosses and link up.
Coquelin 8 – Thought Henry was harsh as his job is defending and he did that well, on his own a lot of the time. Passed okay in the 2nd half as well.
Cazorla 7 – Better in the 2nd half. Produced a beautiful assist for Ramsey.
Ramsey 7 – Better in the 2nd hald. Scored a great goal.
Ozil 6 – Got better but really needs to step up.
Alexis 7 – Can’t fault his effort but still searching for top form.
Giroud 6 – Starved in 1st half but needs to do more.
subs: The Ox had an impact but also spurned a chance and Theo did not affect things much.
That was his best performance in his entire Career!
I rather see akpom in our starting XI than one french guy in person of Olivier something, and I am not joking, at least one is learning.
We are going around in circles, we have been for a long time. I love the job that Wenger has done over the years, I am a die hard AKB, still am but I think he’s due for a promotion now. The manager’s character shines through the team and ours is a complicated one, one game we are witnessing some magical football from our team, the next game, its a level of mediocrity that we can’t even begin to explain. We need our players to be consistently motivated from game to game, to play with heart and passion, to fight for every inch of grass all, yes play beautiful football, but not forget that getting the win is the MOST important thing…two inch perfect saves from Cech yesterday was the difference between losing and not losing, only if our strikers fought for that inch at that other end of the pitch…our players are too pampered, yes its okay for players to make mistakes, they are human after all but do our players even know when the stakes are upped? Are they equipped to step up at a moments notice during the game? How can we, the fans turn our fortunes around, since it is unlikely that anything will be done from within? This mediocrity has gone on for far too long.
All i see when i look at wenger is Cluelessness!
I CANNOT believe the Ozil rating.
I didn’t watch the game, was he bad or good ?
i dn’t need a Man of the match ratings……….. Hope many have seen Gabriel is capable of even putting up decent performances…… He was tested against a top team (Liverpool) even when less match fit and rusty after so on the bench and don’t forget he’s got pace too…….. Mert should be dropped with immediate effect!
Agreed I thought his play on the ball was outstanding. His recovery speed excellent.
stop with the carzola exaggerated ratings…..what did he do to deserve a 6?……. Scuppered many passes and shots on goal!……………This is not Carzola
Gee I agree again. Santi and Ozil both have the ball 70% of the time along with Coq when teams play 10 behind the ball.
Wengers gone crazy. I with my full inexperience can see the need to drop ramsey for the ox, it would have been done and dusted before the end of days play, y wnger y
And yet ramsey scored while ox gave the ball away in previous gamea
hahahaha, you are pathetic, and tell me, how many facking mistakes make ramsey a few years ago?… so, chamberlain 1 mistake and bench him forever; ramsey a thounsand of mistakes and play every game…. you are clueless
What would make the most sense is to play Ramsey alongside LE COQ, Wenger has to choose between Cazorla and Ozil depending on the day and play 2 natural wingers for width.
We all see this, no idea why he is stubborn and blind to it.
the only good part about yesterday’s game is that gabriel showed he can do well if paired alongside boss
btw… le coq doesn’t seem to be an one season wonder 🙂
le coq has only played half a season lol
his tenacity is brilliant he saved us as many times as cech did with last ditch tackles timed superbly and interceptions when liverpool were attacking
i think wenger should focus on signing striker who will FINISH our moves unlike giroud cdm is covered with arteta and flam in reserve at least untill jan
No. CDM is not covered with Arteta. We need almost an equally good DM in case of Le Coq (for any reason) not being available.
..and that cech is back to his best….
…and that even disallowed we did score…
…that we kept a clean sheet….
…that we got a point in a game where ourbusual pair wasn’t there….
Come on under the circumstances there were a lot of positives
Once again we were not set up greatly by AW, we always look awkward when we don’t have the ball.
More width and a mobile striker please or it is pointless having Ozil in the team.
I put no blame on our CBs, it was always going to be a nervy moment to play Pool at home with a new pairing. At least we know Gabriel is ready and Chambers needs a little work.
And he (Arsene) will tell us at the end of the season that: slow start cost us title, who the h*ll course it then??? Stubborn old french someone.
LOL at the ratings. Bellerin, Cech, Gabriel and Coquelin were class above everyone else yesterday. Cazorla 7? He lost possession in our own half almost as many times as Chambers.
I did see few mistakes by Bellerin and Gabriel but they made up for them with their pace. Unfortunately, if similar mistakes they did would happen to Mert, he would have no chance to cover it and would get slated..
Ozil was better than Alexis no way he get lesser rating, Gabrial and chambers with same rating?? That’s unfair to gab. And then there’s Giroud 4 for me not 6, he let us down once more.
Giroud is always letting us down,he never performs in the important games when we really need him!
i thought ozil played his ass off yesterday… and apart from cech and le coq i was really impressed with gab and bellerin
I noticed yesterday (again) how Giroud is being way too unselfish in possession. All I saw him do is hold his man and flick the ball through defence. Is that our only tactic?
One of the most important traits I see on great strikers is their ability to find space for a shot. Actually that goes for CAM’s and wingers as well. It seems Giroud can’t do that at all, nor Özil nor Cazorla (anymore). Is Giroud too slow for making room himself? He has pretty good technique.
Özil has never struck me for a long distance shooter (like Coutinho) but that Wenger probably already knew when he bought him. I don’t know what happened to Cazorla’s shooting boots, his fake shots are extremely predictable nowadays.
And that shooting issue goes for the whole team, we never shoot from distance! Ramsey had one shot from 20 yards out yesterday (around 80th minute). It took a wicked deflection from Lovren and could’ve easily gone in. Why we never shoot ?!
Do you really wanna know why?? There’s somebody in charge of all those tactics and his name start with W I don’t know whether you know him.
No I don’t want to know.. I want to live in the sweet delusion!
Giroud was our wick link wenever we pinned liver at their box sanchez ozil nacho and cazorla would play quick short passes waiting for giroud to make room for a shot but he would either miss, trip , complain or stick his tongue out .. we need possesive striker who is creative and aggresive .. aguero like
Wenger will never change we should all accept it and know that we’ll never win the league while he’s still there!
In that case then #WengerOUT
It ended Cech 0–0 Liverpool
Flop of the match: Wenger.
And the linesman
What a moron!!! How was that offside?
Let’s not forget, Luck was on our side somehow, that shot by Countinho could have gone it.
Poor Chambers!!! He looked like a ball boy next to Benteke.
Is our luck fading again…That was an awesome pass from Santi and the run and finish from Ramsey was class…Certainly deserved that GOAL…
Ramsey at CM and cazorla on the bench for the next home game. Play theo on the wings. Ramsey’s runs from midfield are sorely missed. Giroud was isolated in the box 3 players all over him yesterday.
And stop slating our cb pairing for last night. They, along with cech kept a clean sheet. It’s understandable that they would be a little shaky considering they haven’t player in a while.
i agree, but don’t forgett Coq, he was brilliant yesterday, saved us more times than i can count.
Giroud 6 ??!!
his job is putting ball behind opponent’s net
not jumping like Kangaroo
Wrong. Not sole job.
Better teams last season made quality additions and we know our problems but wenger wont solve them. on ratings Cech 9,Ozil 8,Le Coq 7
i rate Coq at 9, he saved us more times than i can count, cech was great, but the work coq did was world class, doing both his and chambers jobb.
We are stuck with this team for the rest of the season.
How many times will I stress the need for ox in dis team?He is so direct, create openings,take on defenders,etc….dis is exactly wat Ozil needs.I read an article on BBC wic was titled ‘Silver enjoying pace…Ozil needs dat too,wile Sanchez provides goal threat,ox shld b threatening at d RW….Giroud,wat will I say dat av not said….Not our standard…..Imagine an ozil with an Henry.
How many times will I stress the need for ox in dis team?He is so direct, create openings,take on defenders,etc….jst take a look at wat Naves brings to City….dis is exactly wat Ozil needs.I read an article on BBC wic was titled ‘Silver enjoying pace…Ozil needs dat too,wile Sanchez provides goal threat,ox shld b threatening at d RW….Giroud,wat will I say dat av not said….Not our standard…..Imagine an ozil with an Henry.
I so wish we bought Coq for 30m.
And, Gary Neville jibe is nothing short of the truth.
Wenger is impossible!!!
Without signings we have no chance of winning anything. Period!!!!! Don’t care what anyone says.
It must be one of two things
1. This manager is so deluded that he constantly lies to himself despite knowing the obvious
2. There is quality in the team but the manager has no clue of what to do
A bit of both, there’s quality but not good enough, and then he can’t get best of what he has.
We just need to hit form, when that happens we can beat anyone in this league. City have hit theirs early and people are talking like this will be their form for the entire season ..it doesn’t work like that. We see every season some team look incredible at beginning, sometimes it’s even a lesser club, two seasons ago it was us. When city get their pride dented they may well drop back down to earth, it could be us that delivers a killer blow.
I was relieved we were not playing man city we would have been hammered been at least 4 down at half time! It just goes to show how far away we are from being anywhere near tittle contenders we are further away then ever afraid will just be fighting it out for champs league places as per usual!
This game showed I was right when I said before the season started that Liverpool have caught up on Arsenal with a great transfer window they had. Clyne looks like probably the best right back in the league and had Sanchez in his pocket most the game. Milner, Firmino, Gomez, and Benteke are all top signings while we only got Cech in.
No sane manager would have Ozil and Cazorla in the middle then put Giroud upront, who is to run through to their passes??? I cant get my head around that.
Giroud is the only striker that i know who backs the net, lean on defenders, wait for pass, get the ball, holds it and then wait till that same player who gave him the ball travels from where he is to the box…and by then, oppositions regroups.
Cavani,54goals in 79games despite playing from the wing and Wenger says there’s no quality.
What does playing from the wing matter? Alexis is still found dribbling to the right if necessary to score.
Cavani,54goals in 79games despite playing from the wing….Ideal signing.
Yeah Id love to get him, Id love if Arsenal said right ..we are going to give him such an offer that he’ll demand to leave. Doubt it but it would be something.
Ozil 6….? I disagree. He did well in the game.
To be honest the season is 3 weeks old and i have had enough already cos i know nothing is going to change 3rd or 4th finish quarter finalist champs league and a decent cup run who can be excited about that its the same every season the club has lost its ambition and until that changes this will just continue season after season at this moment in time i hate being an arsenal supporter and having followed them for over 30 years i never thought i would ever say that!!
You support because you love, if you are only feeling hate well then why bother. We’ve had two cup successes and I don’t care what anyone says ..that felt bloody good. I want more, we all do but still, I cant imagine ever hating the Arsenal. Maybe your over stating or something and just feel fed up, but if it is hate ..?
saw ramsey was given more than gabriel and realised this was the assessment of someone who has no clue about football
Gabriel did well considering he must be a bit rusty from non use. He is a strong, fast and no nonsense defender and I love him (not in that way).
Ramsey is also class. The guy is being asked to be a winger who cuts in and floats around everywhere and does a good job of trying to do so. He is an incredible engine and technique but he isn’t a robot. Not his fault Wenger asks him to do this. The guy setup numerous chances and scored.
Ozil for me did alright but like santi and to be fair the entire team at points, they gave the ball away to cheaply and frequently.
Cech was a wall!
Wenger was ‘average’ like this season and the last, and our players as good as they are (on the whole) will therefore only be just above average because of this.
Let the 4th place race begin!:((
Bellerin and Gab should have got about 5.5, Chambers 5, and Monreal six. As a unit they were bloody awful. Though I think it’s mainly Chambers fault that the jitters set in, he unnerved them all. Im sorry but so so poor, brought us back to the gung ho days only without the gung ho. Luckily liv retreated second half partly because of our play and partly because they didn’t want an open game, well done to them.
oz deserves higher at least a 7. Cazorla was not himself deserves a 4 or 5. Chambers was a bag of nerves all game I don’t rate him at all quite honestly, perhaps he needs more game time. Wenger made a sound choice leaving merts out and playing our quicker defenders. I just wish he played ox or Walcott from the start Giroud was not suited to the pace of last nights game. The problem Liverpool had was they ran out f gas second half and cldnt keep the pressure up. Rogers was wise to increase defense.
Otherwise a very entertaining game Cech was brilliant. Please sign Cavani and Bender then we are good to go. I’m afraid with our current team we are good enough for top 4 but not champions.
I agree with you mate… The guy is completely clueless and it is disturbing to see him on the bean with his insignificant number two, Steve Bould (I wonder his use!). Wenger is predictable and tactically ineffective… He always talks about his experience and intelligence, but he is more and more portrait as a “rookie”…!!!
Chambers! Oh my…!! A day to forget… But there he is about to sit the next games… How is he going to improve???
Who gave us the tag of title contender? I know Wenger never said we were going for the league, so who did tagged us??
This team could not win the league even to save their own lives… Not a chance, not a utter chance… None !
As a matter of fact, we might have more chance to win the CL (yes, I know, really pushing it) because the factor luck can be determinant.
When asked about a striker, Wenger throws the “Welbeck is coming back” thing… I mean is he f*cking serious??
Welbeck is a £16millions package handed to us by Man United with a “f*ck you have him” message attached!
I don’t hate the guy, but there are steps you take when you want to win the league or the CL… He is clearly not doing them… Why? Only his “highness” knows!
We have not been title challenger or something else for more than 10 years and it is not going to happen this season, not a chance.
Like the other guy said, if Coquelin gets injured who will be playing at his place, Arteta? Come on! Even the hard core Arsenal fans would have serious reservations about that… Joke!!
It is frustrating because we have the stadium, we have the fan base (fantastic and always supporting the team), we have the support, but, unfortunately, we do not have the team and more importantly, the manager…!
Again same substitutions, Walcott for Giroud and OX for Coquelin!!
Gomez had a field day until Walcott came in. Ramsey is not a winger. He will always cut inside. The all first half Gomez was cruising in our half of the pitch…!!
Again, easy to predict: top four and hopefully another of those small cup.
Wenger might be smart (so he says) and a believer, but he is far from being pragmatic and crucial when necessary.
Big up to Cech, who kept us in the game.
Why start OG ? Start TW end of. Our team is speed and that first half was so bad that if it was top 3 team we would have lost 5-0 easy. FA cup he dropped OG and for good reason. AW needs to spend and spend now. DM CB CF and a utility player.
Why Won’t Ozil just shoot a damn ball?! I thought he’s a German?
We don’t shoot! Except when Ox came in, Alexis will shoot but maybe he was enjoying the passes with Ramsey, Monreal.
2 outta the 3 goals considered this seasons where shots from outside the 18 yard…
I’ll chop off Arsene Balls when I finally meet him! He cost me a lot yesterday!
the gabriel and belerin ratings? what are you smoking?
esp Gabriel. he was quite easily our 3rd best player on pitch after cech and coq.
i stand to be corrected if otherwise
If only that Rambo goal stood! And if Sanchez and Oli had finished those chances and we had defeated LFC 3.0 then everything would of been soooo different right now.
But was it just more luck for them or is this going to continue as trend? Which we’ve all seen before and and are evidently concerned about!
Year after year the same old song, Deja Vu anyone???? 5 points lost at home in 2 games, no injuries to blame, Denial (The Nile) is not just a river in Egypt, is the state of mind WENGER has brought to this team, fans, owners, this old man control the strings and everyone dances at his tune……the players are fine even Donkey Giroud the problem lies on this nefarious character his time is long gone WENGER OUT!!!!
Ozil 6
Giroud 6 ?????
Bob are you drunk Ozil even on a bad day outperforms Giroud
Ozil was all over thelace with quality passing it’s not fair he doesn’t have a quality forward making runs off him
Arsenal just signed cavani, in my master league
If we don’t get a striker 🙁 sanchez would do a much better job upfront with ox/welbeck on the left theo back on the right. It makes sense to me
But even giroud is good enough (actually not) we still need a striker did I hear I say welbeck or wallco when did arsenal become a lab for experiment
Lets just be honest and stop being emotional about this . Giroud should have scored . I’m As supporter of every player in the red and white but Giroud isn’t going to win us the league. He’s a ok striker, not as bad as some people claims he is .
But not as good as Wenger thinks he is
And why is Sanchez getting 7 and no one is complaining?The guy was just losing balls.And these excuses for Ozil not having someone mobile are so annoying.I need to see him moving forward and breaking the defence instead of small flicks with short passes and those lazy legs that cant shoot!
Thank you mate, you’ve said it clearly.
I wonder why and how come you did not get some “abuse” after your comment.
Usually the deluded and the fans for whom his highness Wenger is a god on football earth, would have had a right go at you… May be some of them are starting to wake the f*ck up…!!
Anyway, for anyone still believing in anything but a top four finish, don’t wake up and smell the coffee, but stay asleep in your own delusion of your dear “master” the guy who knows best, the “professor” (according to the extra deluded ones).
When you want to win the league or show that you want to win the league, you do it like Man City have done since the beginning of the season… They might stumble at some point… Or not!
Who, in hell, gave us the tag of title contender?
I know it is not Wenger… I can even predict that our manager would love to see and hear those predictions and “hypes” quiet down asap… He is not keen and coy for competition…
Anyway, I will be happy with the same results because this squad and manager cannot do better, that is just a fact.