It was not as easy as you might think to select Oxlade-Chamberlain as the best Arsenal player from a pitiful performance that saw us crash to defeat against West Ham, as he was at fault for that killer second goal and it reminded me of what he did against Monaco but he was the most enterprising Gunner and at least looked likely to make something happen.
Cech 3 – This might seem harsh but because so much was expected and the mistakes were so costly I am feeling harsh.
Debuchy 6 – I thought the Frenchman did pretty well forwards and backwards, especially compared to the rest.
Mertesacker 5 – Started well but after the goal looked a bag of nerves.
Koscielny 6 – He was not to blame but also not his best.
Monreal 5 – His worst game for a while.
Coquelin 5 – Passing let him down and looked more like a game for Arteta.
Ramsey 5 – Headless chicken act from the Welshman. Tried but too hard. Needs to shoot less.
Cazorla 6 – Struggled to really get into the game out wide and there was no space in the middle.
Ozil 5 – Tried hard but it was just not happening. Needs to shoot more.
Chamberlain 7 – Best of a bad bunch with some great driving runs and tricky feet. Must defend better.
Giroud 6 – Did what he could. Starved of service. Defended well.
Walcott 5 – Tried to do too much himself but we were desperate by then.
Alexis 6 – Nearly sparked a fightback but looked a bit rusty.
A little generous..
Specially with ox. He gave away the second goal and cech was caught wrong footed. The second goal killed us. Killed the game. It was directly ox fault.he deserves a 6 Max
A new DM and striker will solve our problems. Theo,ox,Sanchez and welbeck can all play on the wings. So we don’t need a winger after all if we can sign a striker. I’m hearing we are linked with Lucas Silva !!!great player. The type of DM we need.biglia would be a good addition too. Let’s see what happens
With the kind of performance we gave yesterday, even Messi would not be able to solve our problems. A team of 11 first team internationals should not give that performance. The problem with Arsenal is that we do not have a leader like Terry in our team. I think Wenger should give the armband to Koscielny this season, he is one player who has very rarely been guilty of idiotic mistakes for the last 2 years. He should be the captain rather than Mertesacker who himself is below standards almost every alternative game.
Why is Lucas Silva a great player ..because Madrid jersey? Does he even get games. Have to agree that Ox was not deserving of a good rating never mind man of match. Score a winning goal and your likely man of match, so give away killer goal = loser.
Cech – 4.5 Probably needs to get used to poor defending infront of him after having had the3 luxury of a disciplined Chelsea defense in front of him, Particularly the second goal must have been a chock to him. No one tried to close down the threat, all defenders were stnading still and watching. Still Cech should have done better.
Debuchy – 4 Is Belerin injured? Debuchy didn’t bring much going forward and was out of position defending often, looked tired. Bring back Belerin pronto!!!
Mertesacker – 5 As captain should have learned to set up his defense for set pieces by now. Ceck looked bad on the first goal but we should defend each set piece like we are in the world cup final but our defenders didn’t challenge the West Ham players very much.
Kos – 6 Not his best game of the season 😉
Monreal – 6 At least brought some energy going foward and played like he cared
Coquelin – 4 his worst game in a while. His many lost passes and long range passes prevent us from getting in any type of rhythm, also missed too many tackles.
Ramsey – 5 Gives the impression he believes the “Barca wants Ramsey” bs and tries too many things by himself. He is not that type of player IMO. Seems to lack vision of has the selfishness of a striker which he can’t afford as a midfield player, in other words he shoots when there are players better positioned than him. In his defense, what is his role really Arsene?
Carzola – 6 Just not fair to play him out wide. Seemed to have found his ideal place last season playing deeper next to Coq, but of course Wenger has to change that.
Ozil – 6 I know many fans don’t rate him but to me he is class and works harder than it seems. Was one of the few players still tracking back with a few minutes to go. His problem is two fold, Wenger ties his hands behind his back by playing two slow players infront of him (Cazorla, Giroud), every game he makes a few potentially decisive passes that get squandered by his team mates and therefor missed by most spectators.
Chamberlin – 6 brings a lot of energy which is good but is a bit predictable. Tends to run himself into dead end streets with little end product and should have learned not to lose the ball on his own half, also didn’t help an obviously poor Debuchy out by tracking back too late often.
Giroud 4 – Just could not do anything right ( like the rest of the squad). Brought no energy, drifted out to the wings too often leaving no one in the center, needs too much time to get his shot of and should have scored a late meaningless goal from close range instead of missing the target all together.
Walcott – 6 didn’t get enough time. Why was he not started? Started in the CC singed a possibly over payed contract, but was benched???? Makes no sense to me. At a minimum put him on and Ox on both wings next to Giroud, even on the left Theo would be more of a threat than Santi. I have no doubt Theo would have brought some much needed pace and energy had he started in place of Giroud, or better yet leave Ramsey out move Cazorla back to his preferred role in the center further back next to Coq (which would reduce the need for Coq to attempt long range passes) and play Theo on his right wing spot and Ox on the left wing.
Sanchez – 8 I love this guy so much I would still give him an 8 if he scored 2 own goals. But seriously WTF was Wenger thinking bringing him on 2-0 down after one week of training? He should have never played IMO, not worth to risk our season in the first game.
And if you are so dumb to play him, play him at 0-1 down in the hope for a draw, or at 0-0 in the hope for a win, but at 0-2 down whilst we didn’t look close to coming back in the game? Foolish IMO.
Ridiculous ratings, Cech would have conceded even if he stayed on his line, the blame goes to the defense, and why does Ox get 7 when he keeps losing balls in the most dangerous areas?
It was a poor team effort, the players thought it would be a walk in the park and that’s a bad attitude to have.
Cech cost us 1 point if you put te blame on him, Courtois cost Chelsea 2 points.
Yes cech would have conceded the goal even if he stayed in was suicidal defending. Boss was ball watching I blame him for the goal. Anyways it was the second goal that killed us and it was cuz ox loves to dribble everywhere. Same thing happened against Monaco. It’s not his first time destroying us. Now we need to sign a few players and give ourselves a huge boost
me really suspicious cech is mourinhos agent 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
Fair ratings. Cech made one mistake. The first goal I don’t count as a mistake it happens to many top gk. Cech and arsenal will bounce back guys.let’s stay positive
bloody hell – youve chamged your tune.
in less than a day -thats some turnaround
my missus gets like that- usual just give her one to sort her out
(no thats not an offer son)
I’ve noticed that myself lol. He’ll often state one thing but then a couple of columns down he’ll say something that totally negates or contradicts what he was saying. Like with how we need a new striker …Arsenal don’t have a striker good enough to win us anything …but later he will say we can get Pedro and Theo can play striker. Make up your mind.
There is a little saying that goes like this, shiiiiiiit happens. It happened to us and we maybe needed the kick in the arss just to wake up from this dream of winning the title and start performing better. Maybe now Wenger will buy a few WC players in key positions like DM and striker. Also I think we need a winger just in case we lose Sanchez or the ox…
too generous with alot of them.
collectively poor from the players , but wenger lacked tactical nous, bilic punkd him on opening day in his own house,
still cant believe a kid doin his gcse’s had mesut ozil in his pocket-
petr made two mistakes that cannot be overlooked without those errors we would not have lost..but yes we are lacking leaders in that team-same as evry bloody year
like i said at the start of window an all through it we need 3 players, we have keeper still need cf and dm….
the irony of the benzema transfer: if we had bid that same 50 were putting for karim we would have got worlds best striker suarez…instead we get rihannas bf who loves the limelight..
i would have gone for pedro for half the price an roughly the same age…difference being pedro gives his all on the pitch unlike big time benzema…
anyone see sanchez stay on after yesterdays game..evryone had gone home an he was running drills on the pitch on his own…i love alexis
mate u didnt even watch the game…… 🙁 🙁 🙁
Time to bounce back from this disaster! Let’s forget it and learn our lesson. We can’t count on the coq and giroud. We need to upgrade those two positions asap!!!then only we might have a chance to compete for the title! A slow start but we are used to it. Time to start winning again. Time to add a few new faces to the team.
i refuse to talk to u using english..we wil communicate thru the medium of happy and sad faces…so to u i say…
🙁 🙁 🙂 🙁
Sanchez stayed late
to avoid angry fans
car keying his Audi R8 🙂
hahaha hope its the spyder the r8 spyder
You know they can´t even glimpse his car from the garage/parking lot.
Were we second rate?
Or did West Ham
make us look second rate?
Already we are in must win
the next game mode.
Arsenal weren’t good enough in defence or attack. Coquelin kept inviting pressure with his stray passes, yet he is meant to be the guy to relieve that pressure.
Giroud kept going too far wide. I know the edge of the box was packed with West Ham player but he should’ve stayed more central in my opinion, as he’s not that type if player to cause the opposition problem from out wide.
Giroud wide was essentially playing into their hands…
You would think the 3rd time he strings out possession to the cornerflag to release a cross..that it would have dawned on him that he was the only suitable person on the pitch to connect with his own cross.
I can´t see how Theo commands playing time over anyone on the wing, when his effort level is infectious to the opposite extent of Sanchez.
You would also think trailing in the game Santi Ramsey or Ozil never mind the Ox would have been heading straight towards their keeper if OG was forced out wide. I bet he was saying this is how a cross should come in if the ball is outside.
It was a dangerous cross TBF!
For all the painstaking effort he put into it…;-)
Yes Ramsey reverted back to trying to do everything. Santi tried his best to stay narrow…Giroud…kept finding himself in wide areas, where he only highlights how slow he is.
all of our midfielders seemed to see how far they could play away from Ozil, to me he looked his normal self and seemed to trust the others too much to get him the ball back. They seemed to overall lack patience on the ball, and IMHO tried to emulate Chelsea with their directness. We kicked it in normally when no one seemed to have gotten their normal amount of touches in. In turn EVERYONE´s touch seemed to fail them in the most crucial places.
Bilic seems to have tried to employ a bunch of agile African/youth/Mark Noble into literally clogging the middle up. Essentially breaking up our triangle parties and keeping at least a body of the three between the goal.
The triangles we set seemed frenetic, jittery and poorly placed. We lacked patience to simply post-up Giroud outside the box and route traffic through him accordingly. I believe the Reid/Ogbonna pairing scared us off of this to be fair.
THEO is the worst…not 20 seconds in and he can´t be bothered to go after a fairly standard ball left short. You can not teach what he doesn´t have: Desire…not to be confused with pace…definitely not to be confused with extra effort which he consistently fails to exert.
I’m not sure about ratings.
Too harsh on Cech and perhaps a bit generous to Giroud as he had a couple of good chances
I agree that OX was the best player
However, as a team this was a pitiful performance.
Home games are vital to winning the PL.
We need to perform at a very high level at home to win the PL. I would say we can’t lose/draw more than a handful of Home matches
With Liverpool playing well, 4th place isn’t even guaranteed. With United’s defense better than last season and them probably getting a TOP striker soon points will be tight at the top (once we get there).
Wenger needs to make a couple of big signings ideally a DM and either a TOP CF or a LW who can play in other positions (ie Greizmann, Reus or Draxler)
United are going to struggle tremendously for goals…
They´ve left Memphis out on an island…and wonder why he hugs the life-raft that is Rooney. So many fans..and managers underestimate the scouting report.
Seems like the only top-shelf players coming to United are defenders…if this keeps up…it could be an ugly affair playing them and coming out with more than 1 point…Stoke may play more attractive football this season.
mark my words…
depay on one wing ..pedro on the other…rooney in the middle..
they will not struggle for goals
And who´s going to play the #10???
Mata…no way Mou knew better…hell Oscar barely does it for him.
Herrera…maybe, but he seems rather forgotten already. Those are rough seas to navigate in EPL.
Why are you so eafer to mock Man Utd, if I were you after yesterday’s performance I would not be laughing at any other EPL team.What supriority we have to laugh at Man Utd, Chelsea, or anyother team for that matter?
I have read a lot of comment that said how Man Utd were rubbish because they win against Tottneham on own goal but they were not great but i have seen some good football from them.
And also there were a lot of comment here that said how pethatic Chelsea was for drawing gainst Swansea with 10 men.But for me I admire them, with ten men they did not defeated.
We became overconfident and cocky for nothing.And Arsenal was the most shambolic team on the openining day of the season than anyother team.And we are facing Westahm (no disrespect ), not Tottneham or Swansea.As I remeber las season we only got one point from these two teams.
Only we can talk and mock about our rivals even when we lose. Seriously when will we stop that.
Depay coming good or not doesnt concern us now. The point is they won, ugly or not they won. Their defensive performance against Spurs were top notch. So Organised and composed.
We have to win against Palace and get our season kick started. We have some tough games coming so let us focus on our flaws. Rooney scoring goals hardly matters , we have to ask whether Giroud can win us matches or not.
It’s a wake up call, and nothing less than a win on Sunday will suffice for the fickle fans.
That said, Palace are looking dangerous, so on current form a draw would be a result…
Fair ratings and I expect everyone to improve, the league is already looking hard this year, with many teams strengthened and highly competitive.
For me, the league champions this year will truly deserve it.
They always do deserve it, and we for far too long haven’t.
‘Fickle’ about what pray tell?
Perhaps those of us who believe we should be beating West Ham (mid table at best) at home in our 1st match of the new season are being fickle?
Good to see you have as much ambition with your crystal palace draw as the board and coach seem to have with their inaction thus far in the transfer window..
isnt he the one who led to the second goal?useless…all players were poor
We were led to believe WH
was a team of nobodies
badly out of form
coming here to be thrashed.
Yet they rock up with a team
full of scarily talented payers
like Ogbonna Oxford Kouyaté
Payet Sakho and Zarate
who were all lightening quick
silky skilled and completely out classed us.
Well as that song goes
“I wasn’t expecting that”
With age and years of experience in the league, you expect Wenger to be better each passing season. There was no explanation why we should not have won the league when Ferguson left. Most of the top teams were unbalanced in one way or the other, and the only stable team was Arsenal. We lost that opportunity. It is amazing that after almost 20 years in a club and in a league, Wenger is still learning. I really do not know what Wenger’s problem is but I think he is trying to prove a senseless point- that he really doesn’t have to spend big to win something substantial. Honestly speaking, with what we have, a decent manager should win the league, but Wenger is technically deficient. He is one directional and any organized and discipline team will always beat Wenger. So it is a double edged sword again Wenger, he doesn’t want to spend yet he is not tactical. Anybody dreaming to win the league or the CL under Wenger should drop that idea now. Wenger always has a way of messing things up.
as annoyed as i am that we lost at home on the opening day of the season, this might just be the kick up the ARSEnal we tend to need, perhaps we got a bit cocky after such a great pre-season, perhaps they listened too much to all the hype and expectation from fans like us!
hopefully it will convince AW we DO need to strengthen in a few positions!
next game is a big one!
Like someone posted before, if he didn’t know already after all this time then the likelihood is he never will.
cant help but always give the benefit of the doubt…
thats not me being an AKB just rather get behind them all and HOPE
Imagine the abuse Per would have received if he had such a shocker as Kos did yesterday . most people may disagree but with per we look more convincing during set pieces than before
Per was a huge liability. His lack of speed was evident. No disasters but he is a disaster waiting to happen. Bring on Gabriel.
not a Ramsey fan at current. Over plays, flicks, & can’t pass ever since he got linked with barc
against palace
giroud/new striker
have to say i thought monreal was our most consistent player and deserves a 6…the rest were 5 or less with mert ramsey and ozil (and i love this guy) all on 3 wqalcott gets a 2 for showing up which is all he did (not bad days work for a 140 grand)…as most have been saying for 3 years or more a quality attacking option and a quality DM are essential in next 2 weeks…60 m at least needs to be put down on the table
Media posted by Football Memes on Twitter.
BREAKING NEWS: Arsenal and Karim Benzema have agreed on a deal. They have agreed that this transfer will never happen!
There is a positive way to look at this defeat. I got the feeling over the summer that the players were looking at our form from january and taking it for granted. The January to March spell was really impressive yes, but it was not easy. The players really put a tonne of effort in. Over the summer, I got the impression from all the hype, and the ‘Arsenal are Chelsea’s closest contenders’ talk, that the players began to believe their own hype.
They seemed to believe they could just walk into the Hammers game and get an easy win. This was flawed for two main reasons. The Hammers, who we should take nothing away from, are under new management. There is always a new manager effect, positive or negative, but generally a big scalp is taken early. We were naive to believe we would have an easy win. Secondly, and perhaps Wenger’s big mistake, was that we clearly didn’t know how Bilic would set his team up. We seemed to think the no 10 area, playing tight passing would win it for us. We were played off the park in that area. We needed to stretch them, get the fullbacks up, which is where I think Wenger got this very wrong.
Debuchy and Monreal should be played in the games where we need to be sensible, Bellerin and Gibbs should be played in games where we are going to dominate possession. They have pace to track back in counter attacks and the ability and mentality to stretch the game. Monreal and Debuchy were not adventurous enough in the early stages, being way to slow to move the ball on and didn’t attack the by-line, leaving Coq, Kos and Mert to man the fort.
Sorry I’ve taken a bit of a detour from the main point, but hopefully now the players will look at this and understand that they are not guaranteed to win anything. Hopfeully we will get the same work effort we did from January to March for the rest of this season. The plus… That spell came after a loss to southampton… Also 2-0…. Lessons should be easier to learn the second time around…
Ozil was best player only one who attempted and created chances unfortunately for him it just kept bouncing off donkey Giroud or Ramsey, theo etc
A creative player is only as good as the striker in front of him if there’s no movement or horrendous finishing he can’t do anything about it.
No heart no bottle = Arsenal
In a way it’s probley for the best make it the last season for wenger , Pep in nxt 🙂
How could Debuchy be 6 and Monreal 5? If Debuchy is 6 then Monreal should be 8, that guy offered nothing both defensively and attack wise, he offered no width like bellerin. I wouldn’t blame coq for spraying passes out wide, wenger caused it. He was trying to find Cazorla which was his job (recover the ball and give to either Cazorla or Ozil) and that has really worked only for wenger in his own stupidity and sentiments to stop that by pairing Coq with Ramsey, who couldn’t dictate play from deep like Cazorla.
And for Ozil, that guy will always look less convincing until Wenger build the team around him efficiently to bring out the best in him (only God knows how it is so hard for wenger to do so, when he repeatedly did for Henry, Fabregas and Van Persie)… Get this guy (Ozil) proper wingers, e.g Ronaldo and Sanchez because that’s what he thrives on. Sanchez is tricky, pacy and can finish so why can’t he play Theo on the right as he is pacy and can finish too and he’s got some decent cross and he also knows how to assist too.
And Giroud, he may not be the fastest of strikers but he’s just the scape goat. Would people have slated a player like Benzema, Lewa or Cavani if they play for us and we eventually lost? For Christ sake, Wenger knows this guy is slow and he needs pacy players to complement his game, but the man still would foolishly play Ramsey who would neglect his role on the wing and then drift inside and shoot needlessly when he could have passed to a better positioned players. I say it, NO TEAM in EPL won’t be scared of a front 3 of Sanchez-Giroud-Theo with Ozil behind them. That’s Pace, Goals, Width and Tricks. Tell me the back 4 who wouldn’t be wary, if its strength and winning headers, Giroud offers that with maybe ample of goals and assists. If its pace, goals and assits, then Theo’s got that and if its tricks, goals pace and assists then Sanchez’s got that too.
With that, the opposition full backs will be limited because of Theo and Sanchez and the CBs will be occupied too by Giroud, but Mr. Wenger won’t see this but stupidly play Ramsey out position when there are better players that are more suited to that role than him.
Opinions divided… What do y’all think?