Arsenal players must take responsibility and fight from now on

It seems like an obvious title, but the facts are glaring at us in the face. We have to win every single game from now on to save our season, and even then we may still miss out on the Top Four.

The one thing we CANNOT afford to do is play another awful game like we did at Wolves this week, and against Palace last week. We really don’t know why our performances have dropped so drastically, but our Greek defender assures us that the players were angry with themselves after the game. “Of course,” Sokratis confirmed. “The players like to play Champions League, they like to win but it is not easy.

“Wolves was a bad moment for us. It was a really bad game from us. The first half, we played very bad.

“All the players take responsibility – we are not stupid. We know that we didn’t play good.

“We cannot change it now so we look forward to the next game.

“We have to win all the games and get nine points and we’ll see if we can be in the top four.”

“We have to be in the best four teams in the Premier League and then after to win also the Europa League.

“We cannot wait only for our one chance. We have two chances and we have to fight for both.”

Of course he is completely right, we simply HAVE to win the rest of our games. The problem is that they should have been fighting to win against Everton, Palace and at Wolves, but that didn’t happen!

I think Arsenal fans will only look forward with hope rather than any confidence at all….



  1. If the attackers and attacking midfielders cannot create a goal in the first twenty minutes, they make it difficult for the defenders

    EPL teams are already familiar with Arsenal’s system, hence Arsenal need players that are willing to take higher risks in the field to break their opponents’ defense. Young players are usually starving for chances and would risk their legs to impress

    That’s why young daredevils like Nketiah and Saka have to be given the chance to start in Leicester. Let Aubameyang, Lacazette, Ozil, Mkhitaryan and Iwobi know that their positions are not safe and they have to always go the extra mile to keep their jobs

    1. Amazingly I agree with most of what you wrote. I just differ on the quote ‘EPL teams are already familiar with Arsenal’s system’. I’m not sure ANYBODY is familiar with Arsenal’s system – including the manager and players! What system is that I ask (not of you, but of Emery)

      1. I believe Arsenal and the other EPL teams have videos/ documentations of how their opponents set up and played in some matches. I know Guardiola, Wenger and Emery used video analysis to see the systems their rivals used at some games and prepared counter plans based on the examination

        That’s why Emery’s 3-4-2-1 looks similar to Wenger’s. Probably Arsenal staffs recommended it to Emery for some games, since it was effective in some away matches last season

        Wolves/ West Ham/ Everton might also use the video recordings to play against Liverpool, which are strong in Europe but could be contained by the likes of them

  2. So far as I’m concerned UE picking a defensive line up only encourages the opposition and puts our defenders in a bad state of mind – scared of making a mistake. So let’s attack and put the opposition in a bad state of mind instead.
    BTW I am very happy to be slagged of here if UE does this and it fails. For me UE has now got to make the tough decisions – and attack!

    1. Emery picked the most attacking lineup that was available to him against Wolves, and Wolves didn’t even need a keeper! It’s desire, work-rate, and quality that’s letting us down at the moment.

      1. Using a lone striker is NOT picking the most attacking line up. He should have used Nketiah from the start along with Laca, not as some panic stricken idea with 20 minutes to go.

  3. I cannot believe I’m saying this, but we’re really missing Ramsey at the moment, and that’s a worry going into next season. Under Wenger, Ramsey was finished, just like so many others, but Emery has got the best out him, and we miss his pressing and work-rate. We just don’t have enough fighters like him in the squad.

      1. @Xxnofx

        Ramsey has done a hell of a lot more than Ozil has! I mention the comparison with Ozil, because Ramsey would have started ahead of him if he was fit.

        The majority of squad is Wenger’s, and so he’s hugely responsible for the current state of the players mentality, given that he’s managed most of these players for years!

        1. What like the 5 defensive players emery bought in but our defence looks worse than it ever has ?
          Is that wengers fault aswell ?
          Didn’t Ramsey win 3 cups under wenger ,what’s he done this year to suggest he’s better than the previous seasons ?

          1. If you’ve been watching Arsenal for the last decade, then you’ll know much worse we were defensively under Wenger. How many thrashings under him? We almost conceded double figures in just one game against our bitter rivals! Bayern want us every week. Are we really that bad under Emery ?

    1. We need an all around box to box midfielder I agree with you on that. Elneny, Guendouzi, Torreria, and Xhaka are all lacking in that department.

      However, for Ramsey’s wage demands we can find better. We lack a real threat in our midfield, and hopefully it’s one of the areas we address this Summer.

      Holding, Sokratis, and Kos with Mavro as our CB’s will probably have to do one more year. Winger and B2B are more pressing issues, followed by another LB b/c Monreal can’t deliver like he used to.

      That’s 3 with our funds Kronke sets out, and if we could sell Mhki and Mustafi then maybe another player. Ozil’s wages will harm any potential sale, and would he really give up his wages he’s owed next couple years?

      Hopefully if we sell enough fringe players to bring in decent backups, b/c don’t think we’ll raise enough to bring in starting quality players.

      We need youngsters to have impact as rotation players, Nelson, Eddie, ESR, Willock, Saka etc… Club needs to make their development a MAJOR priority, because Kronke won’t release funds to do it through quality transfers.

  4. Well there is nothing more for Sokratis to say, but why were we like this is what I want to know. We go almost an entire season, put ourselves in the best position we could hope for, and look at what the players gave us at such a crucial stage. If Che win at Utd well then we might have thrown it away. Not in our own hands anymore, I don’t think Che or Utd fans will be particularly confident neither, all it takes is one team from three to hit form and they should have it, all three are patchy but each of the three has also had long extended runs throughout the season. I don’t think the bookies are sure of what to do neither, I wouldn’t bet on any of this outcome.

  5. Hahahahaha. Don’t crack me up.
    How can you associate the terms “FIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY” with our players?

    They are the weakest bunch i have seen in last 20 or so years.

    The quicker their contracts end or the quicker they are moved on the better.

    Have had enough of these mentally weak guys. I can’t relate to them whatsoever.

    1. Particularly in respect to what they get paid each week to put in performances such as that. I doubt their professional pride, more than their abilities.

  6. The surest outcome is that Arsenal will definitely bottle it again. Then Emery will look at the positives and say we can still win the Europa. Unfortunately, we won’t get past Valencia and we’ll end up with nothing. Which is our new usual until the likes of Wolves and Everton take our Europa league spot!
    We haven’t reached rock bottom yet, so there is still a reason to smile.

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