Arsenal set for ground-breaking tour of Uganda

The Arsenal foundation has made numerous contributions to promote football training all over the World and has supplied football pitches, training equipment and coaches to some of the remotest and unlikeliest countries like Iraq, Indonesia, Jordan and Somalia.

The latest partnership we have created is with the small East African country of Uganda, which has a total population that is similar to London. We have recently concluded talks with the Ugandan National Council of Sports Chairman Bosco Onyik, who is extremely happy to announce the plans in hand from the new partnership. “We went to London last month on January 16th and had three meetings with management of Arsenal FC with the aim of partnering with them,” Onyik told Xinhua.

“We agreed that they will train some of our coaches, give the Uganda Cranes chance to train at the Emirates Stadium in London, build an academy and also have their team to visit in June next year to tour Uganda and play some matches.”

The State Minister of Sports, Charles Bakkabulindi, has also confirmed that the Gunners will be collaborating on the construction of a new academy which will be began next month.”Putting up a well-established academy in Uganda will help develop football better in the country,” said Bakkabulindi.

“The training of coaches will help them develop and spot talent better in the country,” he added. “Football is a big sport that is very marketable and this explains why we are thinking big to have partnerships.”

Do any of our readers come from Uganda? Can anyone tell us about the existing infrastructure in the country?
