Screw the fans, screw tradition, screw the small teams.
Arsenal have shamefully put their name to the proposed European Super League set to be announced later this evening and already there has been a flood of condemnation from across football and society as a whole.
It seems Arsenal is looking for a shortcut to returning to the big time as they continue to struggle to play in the Champions League.
After the 1-1 draw against Fulham today, only winning the Europa League will see us play in Europe next season.
I wonder if this is the reason why the club has agreed to become one of the founding members of the breakaway European Super League.
This competition is expected to replace the UEFA Champions League for England’s top six who agreed to sign up, according to Mail Sport.
The teams who have agreed to form the new competition have effectively declared a civil war with UEFA.
The bad news for them is that they are not being supported by FIFA, UEFA, the FA, the Premier League or the FA’s from Italy and Spain.
It looks likely to end in shame eventually, but it so terrible to see Arsenal join such an effort.
I feel so ashamed that the leaders at the Emirates allowed their greed to overrun their thinking.
What is football without fair competition? The European Super League effectively makes the founding members eternal lords over the remaining teams.
Admittedly, it would have been an easy way to get back in the big time. However, it also shows that we are so desperate for success that we would shamefully accept whichever way we can find it.
This is an utter disgrace and it is to Arsenal’s eternal shame that they are involved.
But with an American ingrained in the NFL as an owner, it was always to be expected.
Well we haven’t won the Premier League for over 16 years and don’t look like doing it anytime soon so might as well try something new lol
Read about it before you make such stupid comments, Innit.
What a childish response to put a finger emoji up to a perfectly sensible reply from guy. You really are not a thinking fan; that is for sure. BUT IT WILL BE ONLY YOU WHO SUFFERS FROM THIS INABILITY OR UNWILLINGNESS, (AS I AM NOT SURE WHICH IT IS)TO THINK.
You will find, young man, that all fans are firmly against this corrupt plan and a vast majority have morals too and do not seek to gain personal club advantage in an unfair way.
Dull witted folk have difficult lives, as do normal witted fans who simply CHOOSE not to use their perfectly good brains.
Hahaha! I agree
Nothing wrong with the Euro Super League at this stage,
There is the European Union so why not a Super League
teams can still play domestically and the Euros…
it will gradually expand and improve…
the only ones that are unhappy are predominately the UEFA due to less monetary and financial
We would be disgraced in any super league we can’t even look good in the premier league all the while Kroenke gets richer! He’s been a poison chalice ever since he walked into our club and we’ve steadily become a joke under his ownership!
Can anyone tell what this league is??
Not tracked this news so don’t know anything about this League
It is claimed that a European Super League would usher in the end of the Champions League, the most popular cup competition in world football. It is also believed that a Super League would negatively affect domestic competitions as clubs would focus on the breakaway competition due to the amount of money at stake.
“I feel so ashamed that the leaders at the Emirates allowed their greed to overrun their thinking“.
There have been a few of us on here that have been unfailing in our condemnation of Kroenkes ownership.
If we are in fact poised to submit our letter of intent, we are about to be led into a “show pony” European league on which our chances of “success” are laughable.
Worried about whether Kroenke actually bought Partey or not now ?
Kroenke would collect walmart vouchers for his shopping he must think you can take money into the afterlife lol
His wife is the Walmart heiress, so he’s got plenty voucher booklets !
Haha yeah definitely 🤪
What an inane comment on an issue of such importance Innit.
Innit, so disappointed in your lack of class, down at the level of Arsenal FC at the moment.
Any fan calling himself a name like “innit” which is slang, is hardly likely to be a thinker. Profile names are often quite revealing of the person behind them Sometimes not so but often so, as here. He is a selfish non caring person and someone who I would always be keen to avoid meeting in person. Fortunately, his sort are a small minority.
Oí that is a bit of a heavy assumption from a username Mr Silver Fox. Especially from just one comment -considering he has made hundreds.. innit! .. I didn’t think you were so shallow my Lord…
The fact that we were considered is a joke 🤣 every league needs whipping boys
Yeah. Are Leeds, Wolves, Aston Villa also going? We’re at their level, and have been almost 2 years straight.
PJ you read my mind
It an absolute disgrace that our beloved Arsenal would do such a thing. Money is the root of all evil and the rich bas**rds the more they have the more they want
Shameful is correct and if Arsenal or more to the point Kronk goes for it, i will not be interested in Arsenal football club at all. I have supported this club a very long time and we are an English club playing in an English league, that is for me the single most important thing and European football should only be an Extra earned as it is now. I think the league will be a sham and dictated by a couple of teams who have an agenda. Control will be given to the top few clubs, the rest will be just makibg up the numbers. People talk on here about bias, you haven’t seen nothing yet about what we may be walking into. Real and Barca are the architects of this idea that has been banded about in different forms for years. Both clubs are nearly broke and they have an hidden agenda. Any fan who supports this super league ahead of our domestic league are selling our club out. Do fans really want a European league, do we want to get rid of history, derbies and long standing rivalries to be fodder for a spurious league?
spot on Reggie
Well said Reggie
👍 👍 👍
The greed that is in football is a disgrace.
Well said Gary Neville 👏
Did you hear what he said about Totts Sue ? I’m not bothered about them 😂
Well said Gary agree with you Sue 100%
👍 👍 👍 Gary Neville got it right and his anger was there for all to see. These owners are “caretakers” of these clubs.
Man U, Man City, spurs, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea are the English clubs involved in this greed grab league with no relegation, just lots of money. But, i can’t see it happening as players will be barred from international matches, including the World Cup. All 6 clubs would likely be relegated from the Premier League as punishment, not withstanding the legal battles involved because of breaking Premier League regulations by being involved. It won’t happen but the shame and hate of being involved will live on forever.
Well put Declan.
Came over the river in 1913 to North London, being known as the “invaders” ( technically Spuds were playing out of Middlesex then, so there’s an argument there but that’s another story).
Voted into the first division in 1919 under “dodgy circumstances”.
Now this – if we have in fact have stated our intention.
Let’s hope this turns out to be a dead duck- but the stain will remain.
True Dec, not now perhaps, but I fear it will happen in the next few years, and many who see football in a different way to us – in a way the “nouveau riche” type of football fan – will support it. Or the sort that doesnt feel guilty whether they deserve it or not as long as they “win”.
And I don’t think the establishment would win in court, as most counter arguments would be based on “unfair restriction of trade”
Spot on Declan. It wil clearly never happen but even though it won’t , the memory of the sheer intent to diss all true fans to make more filthy lucre for these scumbag owners will fuel fan contempt for a long time ahead. Some of us have been consistently warning against Kroenke but a small minority have preferred to excuse him , saying that he has spent money.
The truth is that he owns a club that has not received a single penny – or dime – of his personal money since he took over back in2007. He is filth and his ilk are filth too. We need this cancerous creature gone from our club OR our club will die. SAME GOES FOR THE OTHER TRAITOROUS OWNERS CLUBS.
Not just Kroenke, but other club owners are also desperate to get some profit in this pandemic era. Arsenal had to borrow millions because they’re struggling financially
If the oil clubs are also desperate to stay afloat in this difficult situation, let alone Arsenal. But it shouldn’t be an excuse to create another league just for money
If the owners can’t sustain their businesses in England, they should’ve looked for buyers
It’s ironic isn’t it ? billionaires borrowing millions to help the club they own, the greed is off the scale.
What should Arsenal do refuse so that another club joins? United and Liverpool are driving the project!! We have to be realistic!!
Yet, Manchester City has not signed up, the richest club in England.
Arsenal are selling their soul for 30 pieces of silver.
I heard Kroenke hasn’t gained any profit from Arsenal yet
He’s losing money. So I predict he’d have to sell, if the Emirates is empty again next season and if we get no CL or EL ticket
Historically by the sheer nature of the position he holds Kronke is entitled to take money from the club, as is his son Josh.
At one point he took 6M over two years for “Advisory Services” rendered.
Although this annual payment was stopped due to supporter group pressure, he and his son continue to take a smaller historical payment.
So the Kroenke family do in fact take money out of the club – and Robin Hood he ain’t !
That news doesn’t make any sense. Because according to Arsenal Supporter’s Trust, Stan Kroenke is the sole owner of KSE UK Inc and the sole asset of KSE UK Inc is the Arsenal Holdings Group – Arsenal Football Club and all other subsidiaries
I used to work for a company that took a loan to stay afloat in a difficult time, similar to Arsenal. The sole owner of that company didn’t take his salary, despite his responsibility as a CEO
You could read the article from Arsenal Supporter’s Trust here:
No reply button directly below your last comment on this ;
“ Kroenke owns “100% of the share capital” of Arsenal according to their latest set of financials but he has been able to take money out of the club for some time prior to taking the team into private ownership.
Since taking up a position on the board at the beginning of the 2008/09 season, the American has been paid at least £25,000 per year in the form of flat directors’ emoluments for each full season worked. He joined the board late in his first season so was only entitled to £17,000.
In December 2013, his son Josh Kroenke took up his own seat on the board and has also been able to take out at least £25,000 for himself for each full season in his post.
This figure is the base level of payments they receive without any bonuses or additional benefit payments attached to the payouts.
Back in 2013/14, the Arsenal group paid a fee of £3million to KSE for rendering of these services.
The following season, the payment was declared again, although this time Arsenal’s books showed that the balance owed was outstanding as of the close of Arsenal’s season, 31 May 2015.
Then, in 2015/16, the payment stopped. In 2016/17, the payment was not mentioned at all and has not been mentioned since, either.“
The Kroenke’s have taken money out out Arsenal Football Club as a matter of record.
@A J : I mean why would a sole owner of a club inflict more damage to his business, by taking money from it?
If Arsenal can’t return the loaned money to the bank because of Kroenke’s salary, isn’t Kroenke the one who should pay in the end?
@A J
Please stop being petty. £25K a year is pocket change to the club and you know it. Kroenke has never taken money out of this club. Besides, it is best practice for every company to compensate it’s directors for their time and efforts. Why do you want Josh and Kroenke to work for Arsenal for free?
Q D.
Are you being obtuse on *uckin* purpose.
Be it a 1p or 25k Kroenke has taken money out of the club – SO THAT ANSWERS THE POINT RAISED EXACTLY !!!
And as of today (19/04) let’s see what the Kroenke’s help themselves to in the future !
There are so many issues to discuss here:
Would the players want to play in such a league?
Have the clubs the legal standing to force said players to play, if their contracts do not state it?
Would the likes of sky be prepared to televise and bankroll such a league…. to the detriment of all other football?
Would the fans of these big clubs be prepared to follow their clubs?
With German and French clubs not, seemingly, involved, would players from said countries be allowed to join clubs involved?
By the way, don’t run away with the idea that Arsenal will be looking to use this opportunity to become “elite” again… the spuds are also involved.
This reminds me of the cricket saga with Kerry Packer – doomed to failure because of the criticism by fans, other clubs and players themselves.
I believe it is an American based idea, funded by an American company, Liverpool were heavily involved, utd were heavily involved, Barca and Real are basically trying to call all the shots as to permanent teams and teams that can be replaced each year. Please Arsenal fans dont support this, even if my info is wrong. The league is being formed or at least trying to be formed for all the wrong reasons.
My question has been answered on sky sports – clubs can ONLY play their players in AGREED competitions.
They are all our domestic affiliated tournaments, the CL and Europa league and that is part of their contract – so where do these “elite clubs” go from here????
English clubs cannot take part in competitions not sanctioned by UEFA without the PL board signing on it.
They would have to leave the prem ken.
@ken 1945 We have been reconised as an elite club.No sane person would object the superleague that would amount to self hate.People perceive this as a direct competition to the premier league because they are english are getting it wrong.Cant complain of a league where we are given a chance to show our worth.I support it 100% lets go for it if the club owners make more money that can help in transfers, football is business why are supporters unhappy when club owners make more money.
LD I wonder why this should be doubted in the first place. There is no elite list without Arsenal in it.
Why can’t we show we are “elite” in our own PL then LD?
We were told by Arsene Wenger that this could/would happen and, as the visionary he was, his words are seemingly about to be proven.
Why would I want to watch clubs from another country playing football week after week?
Gary Neville summed it up perfectly for me – if this is true and The Arsenal are part of it, then kronkie and his greed will have dragged us down into the gutter.
Ken, i am of the opinion talking to people, the majority of real football fans have no stomach for this. I think the clubs are going into this blind and blinkered, not thinking about the fans at all and i dont see any of this ending well. The biggest problem Arsenal have is we are owned by am American owner, who doesn’t give a shit for fans or sport come to that. Arsenal football club is there for him and the fans are used for him. He has no ethical interest in our club, just personal.
We’re already on our way to the gutter under his ownership ship Ken.
Reggie and Kev82, ever since the board sold out to kronkie, our club’s values and reputation as an “elite” club off the field, has been destroyed.
The comments by a few so far, enhances my opinion that “The Arsenal Way” is a thing of the past.
Whatever possessed the board to sell out our soul… money… and that is what this is all about.
Greedy, obscene billionaires who just want more money and have no qualms about how they get it.
Shame on the greedy bastards.
Reggie and Kev, I have replied to you both, but my response is under consideration – Needless to say, I agree with you both.
Yes, well said ken.
Here here Ken 👍 the man is nothing more than a leech and his complete lack of involvement toward the club since his takeover only further proves he’s doesn’t give a damn about the clubs failures over the years… He only sees the club as a brand and his goal is to extend it to make his pockets bigger and bigger, the man couldn’t care less if the club never won another trophy he’s been recorded saying he didn’t buy the club to win trophies! Our board have been disgraceful, they sold the soul of Afc when they sold to KSE and it still makes me sick that we are under the ownership of a company called sports entertainment, this isnt america and we aren’t a WWE franchise we are a famous traditional english football club or at least we used to be.
👍 👍 👍 Gary Neville eloquently said it all.
What I am convinced will happen, when thedust has settled, is that these evil billionaires will realise to their dismay, that have scored a dreadful own goal and lost the respect and any remaining support from virtually 100% of all their fans.
This vile plan will not succeed, as the whole football world is already against it body and soul. We have , I think, still to hear fromFIFA. BUT I have little doubt they will come out against it as it challenges their own power base.
My fervant hope is that the tsunami of antipathy towards these owners from their OWN fans will be huge enough to sweep then all out and that w ordinary fans get some say in how our clubs are run, with fans clubs having a director on the board, at the very least. The fact that when banded together we fans wield enormous power is dawning on more and more fans and the Covid heroics of NHS workers and countless others , contrasts so starkly with the moral bankruptcy of these owners.
I cannot forcast timing of course , BUT I believe a flame has been lit in fans around the globe that may lead to the overthrow of these tyrant billionaires who are ruining the sport the world loves most of all.
In essence KEN, I am hopeful for proper and permanent change for the better in the future. Either we ordinary moral fanfolk overthrow this greed that has infected our game OR we lose the football we have known for all our lives and walk away beaten.
One or the other is certain IMO. IT CANNOT GO ON IN THE CORRUPT DIRECTION IT HAS BEEN GOING FOR DECADES. I will be submitting an article this coming week on what I feel will happen in more detail. Hope you are well and do take care! I hope to get my second jab later this month.
If this turns out to be true, then football as we know and love it will be finished.
I have no interest in watching clubs from other countries week in week out.
A disgrace – I will gladly hand back my season ticket to these money grabbing billionaires and watch local football… the dream is becoming a nightmare!!!
Sorry Jon, hope to get our second jabs next week – stay safe.
KEN I feel and of course share your emotion and guess all decent thinking fans across thr globe will do so too. But esp English fans who grew up with the club in our blood since being tiny kids.
It is now war and either we win or we have lost our club as what it will become will be meaningless and repulsive to us This is what I have been trying to warn about, with the like of Kroenke as owner , for years. I did not , of course, foresee this development but it was always a disaster waiting to happen when snake billionairies hold our game hostage for personal wealth.
You need only an ordinary brain to see what inevitable direction this was always going to lead to. The only imponderable was the timing. Now we know . I have litle doubt the billionaire “poverty” caused by Covid hastened this vile proposal.
Don’t be sidetracked about the money or whether we deserve to be there.
The simple fact that we are one of the six English clus agreeing to it is shameful. It would presage the end of the game as we know it, with an old boys club allowing no promption or relegation. It is purely about the rich getting richer and deciding their own destiny with no external or independent controls – screw the rest of the world. Any short term interested from fans would quickly dissipate as we are ostracised by the rest of football.
Think of what happened when the PDA split in darts. Think of how sad it was when boxing ceased to be run by one body. Now multiply that by a thousand – that is the potential damage this short term, short-sighted greed can do to the peoples game.
This one is definitely NOT a case of “better in than out”, and if what I am hearing is true, I am at this moment deeply ashamed of my club.
“Sir Henry’s model of improving Arsenal’s financial success by moving to an area such as Highbury was based on his observation of Chelsea’s positive financial position despite their lack of success on the pitch.”
Can we really blame Kronke?
“Money talks”.
Henry Norris’s motives were played out in 1913.
We have spent the decades since building a proud history- to come to this ?
Heres an owner who moved his NFL franchise ( Los Angeles Rams) from Anaheim to St. Louis by purchasing a 30% share of the team.
After another century will it really matter?
PS – I am also in no way happy with the move nor do I support such a league.
Yes we can, Vinod, and we must. There is something called a fiduciary duty owed by directors to a company who do not act in the best financial interest of the company ie Arsenal, rather than themelves. I believe this is a short term gain leading in all likelihood to the long-term demise of our club.
What if it brings financial success to the club even without winning anything?
My point was Kronke is trying to do the same thing as Sir Henry did, moving to get more money, previously it was shifting places now its shifting league.
I’m pretty certain any gain will be short term. Any novelty will quickly wear off. Imagine these possible scenarios:
– small league so play the same teams 4-6 times a season
– no promotion or relegation. Same teams every year no thrills re up or down
– no new blood
– long distances to away games
– no tradition
– high subcription costs to view
– ostracised by the rest of the world’s teams
– what happens if the standard is poor ie the super league teams as there is no risk to status cease to be the best teams, and we become like say The League of Wales?
– traditional supporters walk away in disgust
– if it fails will we be allowed back?
I could give you many more, but you get the idea.
guy thank God for someone who can think both morally and rationally and so well said! This evil plan has zero chance of “success” and will prove a massive own goal from these greedy billionaire owners that just MIGHT, when the dust has settled (andgeneral wisespread fan outrage bands we fans together) lead to the overthrow of these evil billionaires.
It just MIGHT mean freedom from Kroenkes evil clutches, even though down the line a little. When mass fan embarrassment against their OWN clubs is made obvious to these scumbags who proposed this farcical plan, they will recoil and pretend we all misunderstood their intentions. We do NOT misunderstand though; we know they are greedy scumbags, intent only on enriching their own pockets while the ordinary decent football fan is expected to meekly comply.
We will NOT comply and that is blindingly obvious. I pray it leads to freedom from the evil ownership of these filthy so called “people” who lack all decency and lack love for the game, which are vital for its health.
Vinod, Henry Norris also spent a large sum to hire Herbert Chapman, the best football manager in the UK. The income the Club earnt was used to then buy players Alex James et al to strengthen the Club and make it successful.
With no promotion and relegation Arsenal will make up the numbers. Embarrassing results won’t worry Kroenke, as they don’t with his US franchises.
Absolutely disgraceful that anybody would want to be connected with this super league. Imo, the EPL and UEFA should let any club joining the league (if it even takes off) that comes under new ownership a chance back in the Prem and UEL/UCL.
Bring on the super league then,perhaps it may be highly appealing to the fans,what can’t break you can’t kill you
You’re joking!
Bring the super league
The level of corruption with UEFA,fifa and English fa they need a good slap on the face fans and clubs have sad very long watching this corrupt bodies
No accountability
No transperancy
Who knows at the end of the day it’s a sports and an entertainment this can be more entertaining than what we have become used to
Two wrongs don’t make a right Pepe. Are you happy never again to play in an English league? If we go there all our bridges are burned. All this just to spite Uefa? And the FA is corrupt? Incompetant yes. You want to see real corruption, join the Super League and enjoy every season being Groundhog Day.
As a proud Londoner with a family having supported the club since the 1930’s much of what surrounds the game has changed beyond all recognition.
There is now a worldwide fan base who have not the remotest connection to what made The Arsenal great to my family down the generations. Will the premier league matter to them? Many support us as well as another European team in the side.
If it doesn’t happen now, there will still be another attempt in the future.
If I’m still alive then, I should like to have the courage to do what the ManU and Wimbledon fans did when they felt their clubs sold out. Start again!
From a handful of contributors it doesn’t matter a jot about what we could lose by joining such a ghastly set-up. It’s all about being at the “top table”
* on the side
Agree, sadly, Sue – I will reprint what I wrote above as its on the same point.
“Not now perhaps, but I fear it will happen in the next few years, and many who see football in a different way to us – in a way the “nouveau riche” type of football fan – will support it. Or the sort that doesnt feel guilty whether they deserve it or not as long as they “win”.
And I don’t think the establishment would win in court, as most counter arguments would be based on “unfair restriction of trade”.”
Traditionalsts, primarily but not exclusively from a few European football strongholds, will be called Luddites. Vinod above asks “in a century will it really matter?” and no it won’t. But it matters NOW. We are a victim of our success, attracting the leaches with money and the casual supporters, who will welcome commercial time outs, mobile franchises and Beyonce at half time. We will change clubs if we don’t like this season’s shirts. We will watch our team play 4 times a week and play Barcelona fortnightly, but never meet a player, because they all live in luxury bubbles on the planet Lythion (google it) and in their spare time (we are reliably informed) sing like Sinatra, write poetry and star in movies, before retiring to run for President.
Or am I getting ahead of myself?
Feeling lika a very old anachronism Sue, but why are we pilloried for trying to keep the values of the game we give to the world? Whiy is change always good, and tradition unimportant? If you chip away at something enough, it is no longer worthy of the same title. If Ilived long enough to recount how life as a football fan was in my day they would laugh and ask why I stood in the rain, sang, made friends for life, travelled, wore silly shirts, laughed, cried, got coralled by police, argued with friend and foe alike, stayed loyal for all of my life. And the saddest part is – only my peers would understand.
SueP, as a “Gooner” by choice, not an accident of birth, I support your sentiments 100%; however being from the other side of the world and not the Borough of Islington, doesn’t make my anger less. I do “have the remotest connection to what made the Arsenal great”.
Fair comment. I shouldn’t have assumed that
I hope you got my general point that many will not have the connection you share.
SueP, thank you, I knew what you were trying to say, that’s why I agee 100%.🥰
Man City are not interested in the Super League.
According to all media outlets they are.
“ Arsenal are one of 12 clubs that have reportedly agreed to join a breakaway European Super League with owner Stan Kroenke set to be on the board of the new competition.
If true, the last line makes “interesting” reading.
However, there will be much rumour out there right now.
Lets hope then, he is sat in the stadium with his son, on their own watching his team with no fans because thats what he deserves.
“Stitched up like a kipper” comes to mind !
Yes AJ and i hope he is!
This is akin to buying up land in a highly depressed region of a city then using all your political influence to secure the development of a rapid transit line to be constructed along the adjacent street under the guise that it will greatly assist those who reside in this impoverished community knowing full-well that this will result in a massive gentrification project, so property values will skyrocket and those aforementioned individuals won’t be able to afford to live in those soon to be redeveloped areas…just another rich getting richer ruse that’s par for the course for our Billionaire King and his Walmart Queen
While paying the lowest possible wages to everyone involved.
We can’t even beat relegation Fulham and we are planning on joining a Super League European(or whatever the middle finger its called).
Ever since Wenger left this club has lost its moral values in ever way. This is pure greed and I am totally against it. Now greedy Kroenke will be pleased to be Vice Chairman of I DON’T CARE TO KNOW THE NAME.
Trust me this is the beginning of the end of the word “competition” in football. Very shameful from Arsenal
It looks more like the character of the club really changed after Peter Hill-Wood retired in 2013 – I don’t know, I’m just looking at the timing of it, and felt like things were changing while Wenger was still here.
That’s not a knock on Wenger, though. He did warn about this super League idea and the erosion over a decade ago, and more recently, but I don’t think he had as much influence over issues like this.
Its a shame what my beloved Arsenal has finally turned into
Trying to work out the end game in this because it just seems like such a long shot that supporters will go for this. Is it a bargaining tool by the 12 owners? Who knows but the next few moves will be interesting.
Makes it easy to pick a team to back in the final four of CL. Cmon PSG!
It could well be a “stalking horse” to get other concessions as you say Trudeau. Let’s hope so, and it already seems to have worked to a certain extent, although if you read the proposals for the new Champions League they are horrendous. Worth finding the time because they will shock you too. Seems like one way or the other, European football is going to hell in a handcart!
Im not sure the fans have any say Trudeau. I suspect onle Barca and Real, who are both horrendously in the whole, desperate and seem to be driving the process, have a fan majority holding. Hence no German involvement as the whole ethos there is to involve fans rather than profit led corporates.
So guy do you think fans of so called bug 6 have any saying in their clubs at the moment?? Nope, nothing. These clubs are still owned and driven by corporates who only see profit. So I don’t see big change there. Football is a business and that’s the reason why no owner gives a shxt about club. It has been going on for ages and this time it has come with a different face mask but underneath it’s the same. If FA cared so much about fans then why don’t they regulate or keep a check in ticket prices. So now when they are about to loose money all of a sudden they are thinking about fans and want to fight for fans. All crap..
yup really stinks Logic. I have 2 hopes
1) as trudeau mentioned its a ploy to get concessions from uefa. Although it appears to be more advanced than that it may not be, like players agents leaking rubbish to get a higher salary.
2) this the most blatent that corporates have ever been in their contempt for fans. The backlash COULD (I dont say will) affect the PR of the corporates concerned, provided it is publicised, and dependent on what and where their markets are. Not Kronkie as he’s mainly US not a huge traditionalist football country. But make no mistake the European fans could make a massive collective sales difference in some areas, and really hit their bottom lines. Imagine for example if Walmart still owned Asda…
Sometime the winner in a big competition loke that needs to be decided by the goal difference-that’s the reason they invited Arsenal to join,they need a sparrin-partner so they can rest players and adjust(up) their goal difference.I can see already(not just I didn’t see it already): Bayern-Arsenal 8-0,United-Arsenal 8-2,Liverpool-Arsenal 5-1,Barcelona-Arsenal 4-0(Messi,being 40 years old,scoring all 4),etc.Only draw will be against Fulham,1-1…oh,wait,they are not a “ big team”,we are,hehehe….
👍 Unfortunately true, antonioro.
I think that in the end you will find it is a super league and domestic, not either or.
I know what all of the acronyms are saying right now but when push comes to shove they will cave to a new form of champions league – I guess that the Swiss model was not enough, or more likely the big guys are playing hardball and we will end up with the Swiss model.
I don’t like it too much but if domestic competition in EPL and FA stays, I would rather see Arsenal in the super high end league with buckets of money than taking a stance and somebody else goes (just my opinion).
Then you care nothing for the wider game and have no morals at all. Your final paragraph thinking is a disgrace and I am so glad I do not remotely share your selfish view for our club. Without a sense of a fair playing field for all, as you prefer, the game I HAVE LOVED FOR OVER 60 YEARS IS EFFECTIVELY DEAD , AT LEAST FOR ME.
👍 jon, so many people, businesses, organization, including football clubs are suffering financially due to the pandemic. Many football clubs will follow Bury FC into liquidation, yet the wealthy clubs want to take more and more of the pie, to the detriment of the grass roots of the game. Where will the future players come from? Academies?
Where is the “common weal”? The interesting thing about the pandemic is that countries like Australia and New Zealand with strong generally competent governments with people cooperating in a sense of common weal have coped well in comparison to the UK and USA, where everyone appears to be out for themselves.
Give it a rest Jon.
You talk a really good game around listening to others and respecting opinion, but only when it is your view.
I fully get that a lot of people don’t like it. I am just saying that if it is going to happen I would rather be on the inside than outside.
Stewart What you outline in your final sentenc amounts to cowardice. For goodness sake, stand up and join the fight for the very soul of our club. Don’t meekly surrender even before the battle has begun and it starts right now(yesterday, to be accurate). Courage mon brave!
Also Stewart, consider if we meekly cave in what would we have left. We would have a world wide club despised by its fanbase and it would be worthless to us , emotionally. HAVE YOU TRULY THOUGHT THAT THROUGH, I HAVE TO WONDER?
Perez as chairman
Henry ,glazer and Kroenke to hold vice chairman roles ,announcement at 9-30 apparently.
No surprise, Dan. We’ll soon be known as
Arsenal Avalanche or London Rams!! And the half time entertainment will be Justin Bieber!! FFS!!
What a disgusting thought Sue, they’ll probably try to break a game up into quarters so that there’ll be more time for commercials, cheer leaders and other diversions. I wonder what Nick Hornsby thinks. The final pages of his book ends with that magic night at Anfield and also disillusionment at how the game no longer belongs to the fans. That was then twenty years ago ,and this is Now.
It’s all about money, even with FIFA, UEFA, PL you name it. All the clubs as well. All I can see is clubs want a bigger share of money and current football governing bodies don’t want to give their large share away. Fans were not considered before and no one gives a toss about them now. If they did then ticket prices won’t have been that high. It a question but why are the fans against such a move? Spectating wise it will be better as we will see Europe’s cream and bug teams fight it out instead of boring and unmatched games of 3rd teir European country champions Vs elite European teams. These below power teams are just in competition to make up the number any ways.
Putting aside the inherant corruption within UEFA and FIFA (mainly because I suspect the SL will be the same) I suspect the issues are several – at least they are for me, Logic:
1 Our British sense of “fair play” – that smaller clubs can never get there.
2 Blatent disregard for fans opinions. OK its happened for years, but never this openly. We like to think that we matter to our clubs
3 Moving even further away from tradition
4 It epitomises all we dislike about modern football – money is all that matters, rich getting more rich, the American model, corporate control, powerless fans
The SL plan is really not about football its about money, and I don’t think the fan reaction is either – Im sure the games will be great. It is primarily Socio-political, and football after all has working class roots. Its erosion of community, lack of representation, greed, unfairness and inclusion though wealth. It is notable how many are objecting DESPITE being invited to dine at the top table.
It’s beginning to make sense now why some players put pen to paper to so called “Arteta’s plan”
I’m totally against it but I think it will happen like most things in life changes and everything with it just look what the internet did to the world and there was big opposition against it but now we cannot live without it, the next generation will except it with open arms most will support two teams one in the super Legue and one in the pl
I was wondering why there was a rush to build new stadiums around Europe,
I think you are right
The next generation won’t give two Bob.
Just when you thought it could not get any worse the corrupt vultures running the club stoop to a new low.
God willing this will backfire and the fans will no longer buy merchandise or turn up at games so the yank feels it in his pocket.
For many years i have lost faith in the greedy hierarchy at our club but i will never lose faith in all the true gooners.
When you have had the privelage to sit in the clock end and look up at our historic clock, or have had the opportunity to stand in the north bank and feel the earth shake when we scored, you will know that whatever they try and do they will never take our Arsenal from us.
Sorry for the rant guys and girls but i am furious that they are trying to throw our roots out with the rubbish.
Reddb10, how is this taking the roots out or against the fans?. How will it make things worse for fans and destroy club history? I don’t understand. If you have an explanation I would love to read and understand how this will have such impact on us fans.
If anything fans outside the so called “top six” clubs are going to be hit the hardest
Even do we are all against it if it happens Arsenals supporters glass is half full
Logic, an odd profile for someone who clearly has no logic, I will happily explain. What this proposal involves is that th same 15 clubs will play in a new breakaway Eupo superleague with no other club having a chance to enter . It is to be a closed shop and thus destoys all the 100 + years ethics of our football league and all leagues aroung Europe where promotion/ relegation is the hook that gives smaller clubs a chance to become bigger ones. The xcitement of promotion / relegation ais a vital part of thfan excitement. Earlier this season even qe were said(by some, though not by me) to be in danger of relegation.
It is a poison chalice and only the richest clubs areinvited It is diametrically opposed to all the historic rules of fair play for all. It will neve r come about as the entire fan base is set bitterly against it and even if they attenpted to force it through, the players would be banned by uefa from playing for their countries and clubs would be relegated by the PREM, OR WORSE STILL, BANNED FROM TAKING PART. So no top player would consent to play in it, which is obvious if you have logic!
Hope that helps but surprised you could not see all that yourself, frankly, given your name of “Logic”
John don’t you get Fu!,g fed up insulting people on here get a life mate, the only difference between you and many you insults on here is your English and grammar that’s all, you not the only supporter who has been to highburry I my self have been supporting buying tickets and merchandise since 1970 so show some respect be a nicer person don’t be a F*****g Kroenke
Jon Fox, it was a question to Reddb10 to understand his point of view. Did I ask you for an opinion or explanation? No, right so why can’t you just mind your own business. Get a life dude!! As usual for you all the world is just England right? You can not think if anything outside of it. A large part of revenue earned by the clubs comes from international fan base, England is a small country with not that big of population just to make you aware and bring you back from cucu land. So all this money earned by clubs and FA from EPL goes to English football grass root right? So that makes ppl like you selfish and in same boat as these club owners. As long as you get the benefit it’s fine right!. For international fans it will make no difference because they were not getting that money filtered through to their grass root football before and it won’t even with this new thing. One thing is for sure they will enjoy better matches. I prefer us to play and compete against teams like Madrid, Barcelona, Juventus then watch us play against Swansea, Fulham, shiefield etc. How is relegation battle exciting part when none of these so called big six ever face it so their fans don’t have to never worry about it. Will you loose your night sleep on shiefield getting relegated?
I understand Reddb10 completely as I stood at the clock end with my parents and when I could, later in life, have a seat in the west stand
This was before the premier league and most likely before English football took the world by storm with the advent of satellite tv and millions tuning in. What was our team in an English league suddenly had followers from all round the globe who quite honestly did not or do not not have the same connection
If that applies to you then I can understand why you wouldn’t care if Arsenal joined this proposed league
If there is no relegation in the super league then what’s to stop Kroenke recruiting players from Sunday pub league
If this is a lame attempt at humour, it has just failed big time!
Sorry Mr Fox Pls don’t punish me
I somehow doubt that the official announcement to confirm the Super League is going to happen anytime soon on the other hand one to deny it ..
Arsenal just confirmed it officially.
For the very first time in my life, I’m ashamed of being an Arsenal fan.
Lack of trophies never made me feel this way
I got it wrong big time!
Arsene Wenger said we would soon see a European Super League usurping weekend domestic football in his final Mystic Weg prediction before he called it a day as Arsenal manager.
That’s because he masterminded with a few others that’s why Emirates was built
I cannot accuse anyone of greed. Even UEFA, Premier league and everyone else against the idea hate it because it will take away money from them so if the top clubs are greedy then so are the organisations.
Thank you for the realism lol. Everyone just wants money. It’s got nothing to do with morals or the good of football no matter how much people on TV pretend it is. Money has been pouring in to the top european clubs for decades now. When Club Brugge win Champions League, then I’ll buy the “ruining football” argument.
I listened to some of the arguments for the Super League and they made sense. The clubs were saying THEY are the ones who sign plays on big transfers and contracts, THEY are the ones who play the games, THEY are the ones who bare all the risk. UEFA does nothing and takes most of the money. In the eyes of the clubs, UEFA is a middleman that needs them more than they need it.
But UEFA and the FA make the rules.
Not if the billionaires have their way!
QD, where are the players going to come from? It will have to be from outside the UK, because there will be no funding for the grass roots development of players. To develop elite players, you need a broad base to the pyramid, properly funded.
Ozil, starting to look more like a hero for refusing to take the pay cut and speaking up about the Chinese discrimination of Muslims. Obviously didn’t fit in with the clean cut corporate image the Kroenkes want to project going forward.
Greed Greed Greed. Greed leads to corruption. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. The sick get sicker. The Times, They Are A Changin. Bob Dylan. Football will be like cricket. Kerry Packer had a vision many decades ago. I was only a kid. We in Australia thought Packer was a raving lunatic. Look at world cricket now. Countries play in Coloured uniforms. There are now all formats of cricket. Red ball, white ball, and now pink ball for day/night test matches, only to make rich BASTARDS richer. Football is heading down the same path. Footballing traditions will be a thing of the past. Is been slowly happening. I remember in the late 1970s and early 1980s this was only a thought (break away league). I was still only a snotty nosed kid. I thought to myself, “not in my time”. How the World Game has changed over the decades. Some good changes, but so many bad changes. What really killed sports was legalized gambling. That’s where and when all the corruption started. With all of the changes in sports worldwide, we the people have gone with the flow of things. But this change will be the nail in the coffin. Traditional things of football will change. It will be Americanized. This is what I foresee: Gone will be the days of supporters celebrating goals. That will be replaced by loud blaring music. All new formats of football will be gradually introduced. Meaning shorter versions of the game. The World Cup will no longer be of any importance. Just look at the oldest cup competition in the world the Americas Cup. That used to be a yacht race. They don’t look like yachts anymore. Who knows, Arsenal’s club name could be changed. When I woke up this morning hearing of this so called you beaut Super League, I thought it was 1st of April (April Fools Day). The traditions of football has been dying slowly for decades. Past greats in the game will become obsolete and non existent. A bit like that crazy movie, Back To The Future. To think that those football clubs entering this Super League or whatever you call it, all announced this at the same moment. Give the Americans half an inch,,, and the Bastards will rule the world of sport. To think we were brainwashed that it were the Chinese that we had to be wary of. It’s been the Sleeping Giants all along (The Yankee Bastards). The repercussions will be serious. The shit will hit the fan. Kronke has been working on this for years. It all makes sense. No wonder why he never wanted to sell. We are F_CKED
so now Arsenal can find their way into a sort of champion’s league without winning. How amazing it must feel for the board.
I cant wait to see the fallout of this war of influence between big clubs who only think about their profit and an organization that is – let’s be honest – rotten to its core.
The Super League does have its Pros and cons. I am leaning towards the pros. As non European fans like myself, who are not what we classify as local supporters might support it more as they would get better viewing experience. A closed off league might also mean trades and inter team player transfers, so thats something that any fan will be excited about. Also, I kind of understand the POV of the football clubs in it. They are the ones who mostly bring in revenue for the UEFA through UCL. I like to think it is Real Madrid, and not Slavia Prague or Olympiacos who brought the most dough for UEFA during 2016-18 during their threepeat. Also it seems only the richest clubs are participating in it, those who populate the top 10 lists. So I guess I have no problem in seeing Arsenal get the recognition that they deserve and being invited to the ESL. It could lead to more money being poured into the club, better players, more chances of winning honour etc.
Now for the cons, I think various posters above me have already listed out many many valid reasons for it to not be allowed to start. My own additions would be that it causes a huge hit to the football associations of the participating clubs’ nations. TV revenue will be less compared to the present. Most prestigious competitions like the FA cup, Kings Cup etc would lose relevance and importance. The biggest hit would be the UEL and the UCL as the teams that matter wont play anymore. The state of international football might also be affected by this.
After all thought, speaking only for myself, I have no problem with the ESL. It will suit my entertainment needs very well. I would also be able to watch Arsenal play against other European powerhouses and the quality of play would be generally much better than say a match against Stoke. Sorry if I have offended anyone with my views.
Points all very well made and as usual, very politely
I can totally understand your point of view because historically you are not part of the football leagues and the competitions in Europe.
Arsenal are at the top table
What if we weren’t?
Would you still support us? I’m sure you like RM as well. I can’t possibly support anyone else so you are looking at this proposal through very different eyes
It goes against any real sense of fair play as far as I can tell
I’m guessing you had your reasons for choosing to support Arsenal. It may have been because we were successful at that time you started following football
For me and the millions who follow football in the uk , largely speaking , do so through family allegiance. We didn’t choose it because it is inbuilt in our DNA
I started supporting Arsenal in 2010, so it was not exactly a glory period. I only remember the league cup final loss to Blackburn at the time lol. Coming to what you said, yeah I completely get the POV of what majority supporters are saying, and I feel that the motion would not be a success. That said, if it was a success, I would rather Arsenal get a share of the pie rather than stare at the ones on the dining table. I completely get your point of view as a long time supporter of our beloved club and respect it. I hope you might understand where I am coming from, as a non European fan and why it is appealing to me.
Sid, although rational in the short term, a very short sited view. The funding in the hands of a few, to the detriment of the many. History and tradition down the toilet. Lack of opportunities to many to make a living from the game they love. Destruction of the grass roots of the game (junior and amateur football the base of the pyramid), due to lack of funding.
I suppose the “super” clubs can spend on their own academies and trawl the favelas of South America for prospective players.
“sighted view”!
but isn’t it just changing who the few are?
As Jon had pointed out earlier, I am an evil doer, or just stupid, so take with grain of salt!
I don’t like what is being proposed but I am happier that Arsenal is on the inside.
I also think that there will be compromise and domestic leagues will be preserved with the top teams playing. Is it perfect, no, but we have been moving that way.
There has been an ongoing evolution/devolution in high end soccer for some time, this is the latest iteration, probably won’t be the last.
Yeah completely agree with your points. I, myself am looking at it only from a short term POV. What you said has a great chance of happening. But I guess if all the leaders are planning to keep their clubs being relevant then they have to take major steps. I hope to see multiple academies being setup, and various deals with charity organizations throughout Europe. Who knows, without the guidance of a truly multinational organization, we finally might see sports not involved with politics? Or being so heavily involved that they would care?
Sorry just read your question, Sue. To answer it, well I might not have supported Arsenal if I was not made aware of it. Say we were in League 2 at the time, and they were not broadcasting in our country then I would not have known about Arsenal and would not have been a supporter. Thats why I thank newspapers for carrying Henry’s pictures during the preview of the 2010 worldcup and referencing Arsenal, lol. And I support RM only because I cant stand Barcelona after they dumped us out of the CL during the 2010 2011 season.
So yeah, I might not completely understand the POV from a native supporter, someone who has grown up supporting the club. In that regards my points are weak and I thank you for sharing your opinion.
If we stayed we could actually win it. Don’t get why you would want to risk a semi-final in Europe..
I feel a Super League should be a consideration only if no recourse on removing them from FIFA,UEFA or players playing for their country.
It should be based on the top six sides of the league and not based on popularity of fan support of a club globally.
Politically & financially would be challenging as lower league clubs who are supported by the
premier leagues would not receive financial support as the Champions & Europa Cups would be devalued in time.