Arsenal sold their soul to Kroenke and destroyed the club

As long as Kroenke is the owner this club will NEVER be what it used to be. Selling Arsenal’s best players year after year without replacing them with quality since he bought in, always going for the cheap solution. Then when investment has been made it has been on the wrong players, paying over the odds to get crap in return. The investing also started too late considering how many years we sold off the good players we did have.

Kroenke doesn’t care about football, he doesn’t care about Arsenal and lastly, he doesn’t care what you or I think as long as the club is making money.

If one of us fans owned this club, we would do everything in our power to make sure we were competing, sacking boards, executives and managers. We would invest in the club if needed and we would feel responsible for what direction the club was heading. I know I would.

So to say that the blame doesn’t lie with the owners isn’t right. The owners employ the people that are making the decisions, but if they don’t care, they won’t react when things are not going right.

Look at Abramovich at Chelsea, forget about the money and look at the other decisions done over there in regards to boards, executives and managers. They always compete, and if not, they find the reason and solution immediately. This is because their owner CARE. Ours doesn’t and he never will, he has to go. I mean come on, we all know Arteta was just the cheap “solution”, any other manager would demand investments to be made, that’s why we didn’t get any other manager. I remember Arteta saying that he demanded investing in the beginning, but he went quiet really fast about that.

I feel powerless, I don’t understand how we can keep blaming players, managers, executives and the board, is it just because deep down we know we can’t do anything to change the owner?

Humour me, if Abramovich was the owner from the Invincibles and onwards, do you think our last title would have been that year?

I don’t, I even think Wenger would still be around with a star studded, world beating team, like the snakes running our club told us we would be.

For my own well-being I am considering divorcing football all together. I love this club, but why keep on filling the pockets of an owner who has played us fans for fools for years, it won’t ever change. If I keep buying in to it, I will only get more hurt.

The Arsenal soul is gone, sold like a cheap harlot in a brothel many years ago, and if owners don’t change, neither will our situation.
