Arsenal teenager is attracting the attention of Turkish club

Arsenal youngster Reuell Walters could be on the move in the coming weeks after catching the eye of Turkish club Goztepe.

The 19-year-old has been a standout player in the club’s youth teams, but he is not confident about breaking into their senior side and is running down his contract.

He would be a free agent at the end of next month, and several clubs in England are showing interest in his signature.

Goztepe is one of them, with Fotospor claiming they are serious about signing the English youngster.

They consider him one of the finest talents they have scouted and hope to lure him with the promise of first-team football.

Arsenal will not stand in his way and have shown little interest in keeping him, so they will not offer him a new deal.

Walters now has to decide if he is ready to leave England and start a new life in Turkey or if he would prefer to join a team closer to home.

Just Arsenal Opinion

Walters has no hope of making our first team in the next few seasons, so the best solution for everyone is for him to leave the club.


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  1. I understand Ipswich are interested in Walters which is understandable as I feel he could hold his own in the EPL.Wherever he goes I wish him every success.

  2. It is a shame but a lot of young players are catching on to the fact that if they stay with big clubs them they will just be loaned out. It is great that he is taking control of his career.

  3. Your article is inaccurate. Arsenal did offer him a new contract and they did not want him to leave and said they were unhappy about the decision but respected that this was his choice.

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