Arsenal v Bournemouth review – Brilliant game and fantastic win

No one could possibly forget last year’s exciting end to this game last season, and we were hoping not to have such a nail-biter this time around, and with 14 shots in the first half hour you would have thought we were certain to be a couple of goals ahead at half time.

In fact, Bournemouth should have been a man down when Saka had his shin attacked with venom, but the weird referee waved play on.

But at the other end, the final ball never happened for us, and to be fair to Bournemouth, they were given a couple of big chances due to Gabriel’s strange errors, but luckily the Cherries couldn’t take advantage.

The suddenly in the closing seconds of the first half, we were awarded a penalty, that to be honest, looked like it should have been a straight goal instead of leaving the trailing foot to touch the keeper, but I’ll take it.

Thankfully, Saka made no mistake and we finally took the lead on the stroke of half time, but I hoping to see us play a bit more clinical in.

1-0 is better than nada!

The second half started like the first and after just 3 minutes Saka wasted a golden chance when the ball was placed at his feet by Havertz inside the Bournemouth box, but again no banana.

Havertz got a bit closer 3 minutes later, but Travers managed to get a hand to it.

Bournemouth started looking dangerous as they probed for an equaliser, and Raya had to make a couple of crucial saves in the next 10 minutes and the bum starting squeaking. We really need another goal to settle our nerves.

And we finally got it in the 70th minute, with a beautiful lay-off from Havertz straight into the path of Trossard who made no mistake to put us 2-0 up and allow us fans to breathe again.

But not for long! 2 minutes later the Cherries put the ball in the net, but with all the pinballing in the box, the referee happily disallowed it due to a (little) nudge on Raya. Thank the refereeing gods..

And then Odegaard missed a golden pass from Saka to put us 3 up, but hit the side netting. The pressure nowhere near over in the last 15 minutes.

Oh my, Martinelli could have quickly got another missed chance, and the Gabriel had a brilliant goal disllowed as Havertz was offside. Surely we have done enough now to put us 4 points ahead of City yet again.

Even the 8 minutes added time was exhililarating, and was excellently capped off by Declan Rice scoring a brilliant technical finish to make the game done and dusted.

Great game!

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  1. Great Results continue
    Clean Sheet and a win
    Please continue this form until the end
    So proud of you

  2. Arsenal simply outclassed Bournemouth

    Great job from Arteta, the coaches and the players. I hope they’ll make a similar good plan for the Old Trafford visit

    1. I bet that would be the game of the @Gai season. I hope Saka is in form on the day. Today wasn’t his day though he scored a goal. Good thing into ManU game is that there is no injury to the defenders. Pathey still sluggish Matinelli yet to pick form.

    2. @Gai I bet that would be the game of the season. I hope Saka is in form on the day. Today wasn’t his day though he scored a goal. Good thing into ManU game is that there is no injury to the defenders. Pathey still sluggish Matinelli yet to pick form.

      1. Man United are also having issues with Rashford’s and Antony’s forms, so I think Saliba and Magalhaes won’t get much problems from their attackers

        I hope Man United will go easy on us, because they might prefer us to win EPL this season instead of Man City

    1. And Bournemouth were lucky to finish with all 11 players on the pitch. Odegaard, Rice, Havertz and Saliba were immense today. 26 wins in a season equalling our record amount of wins in a season and with two more to play. Win the league and Arteta deserves a statue outside the emirates!!!!!

    2. I would agree that we had the better rub of the green, but there were fouls that were not given. Swings and roundabouts

    3. C0YG love love love you all.
      Keep going to the end, pray city drop points.

      Proud of you all.

    4. Bournemouth probably felt hard done by the ref but we totally outplayed them and deserved the win.

      DR was miles ahead of everyone on the pitch and rightfully the MOTM

    5. I disagree.
      There was a contentious decision that should have led to a Bournemouth player sent off. The other key decisions were all standard decisions by referees.

    6. Yes we got some decisions and Bournemouth can feel hard done too. Ref was poor all round today.

  3. 88 goals this season add to that the countless chances missed, this team could easily get 100.

  4. Undisputably, the best Arsenal team since the Invisible… Regardless of how the season ends.l, I am super proud of these lads… COYG

      1. On a humourous note, I always chuckle when someone sees things “with their OWN eyes”!

        I then wonder who elses eyes they could possibly use to see that something!

  5. A really strong first half that wasn’t rewarded sufficiently.

    The second half brought about a Bournemouth revival but we deserved the win – with a goal that wasn’t (lovely strike though) and a really great finish by Rice with good play beforehand

    There were many good performances but Rice deserved his MOTM. Havertz was excellent and Odegaard too – particularly in the first half.

    What is striking now is that Jesus, Martinelli and Zinchenko have lost their starting places.

    1. Trossard FINALLY, eventually getting a start. Jesus FINALLY, eventually not getting in, without merit. It still bothers me, last season, Trossard sitting on our bench and Jesus playing the last 7 or 8 games after injury and doing zilch.

      1. Well Reggie
        Arteta must have been listening 😉
        Can’t disagree that Trossard is there on merit. The team look well balanced

            1. No! Surely you have to play 3 or 4 games to say you have been picked over someone else. How else are you supposed to know? He used to play Trossard as a back up, he niw SEEMS to realise he actually produces, when said players picked over him in the past ( jesus and Martinelli) very often flatter to deceive. How after ine game can i or you see he has had a run. He has to have a run first, before you can have an opinion. 🤔

              1. Now now Reggie.
                Trossard has started 5 of our last six games (on the bench v Munich), and he has scored 3 goals in our last 4 games. Does that not count as a “run” in the team?

                1. Thats what I said Pat, if you read. I said. Basically how can he be said to having a run, until he actually gets one. He has now at last. Before, he was put in as a make weight, when players were injured. It didn’t matter, how many goals he created or scored, he was dropped straight away. Now, he seems to be over Jesus and Martinelli, at last. How can you say, he has had a run, until he actually gets one?

  6. Rice’s goal was just the perfect icing on the cake for one of Arsenal’s best ever signings. To think that there were some “misinformed” punters on this sight who during the summer persistently argued that the money should have been spent elsewhere.

    1. I was definitely a doubter but that did change early in the season. Incredibly that a player can cost 100m and not even be a slight let down

      1. Apart from Rodri, nobody in the prem or beyond was good enough, except Rice. And Rodri wasn’t available.

      2. Speaking of doubters. I have to give a big thumbs up to Harvetz today for his all-round commitment.

        1. Haverz has turned into a menace. He isn’t a striker. That may or may not be a problem in the future.

  7. I still look back at that home game against Villa with a lot of regret.

    The right selection would’ve won us the match.

    I hope lady luck smiles at us making City drop points.

    This team deserve the title.

    1. 👍
      The Zinchenko GJ must play cost us that game, and I hope it doesn’t cost us the title

      1. So zinch and jesus were the reasons we lost that match
        ….wow!!!….your football IQ is out of the world

  8. Loved in Southern Africa. Love love and more love. Go GUNNERS keep up the good work

  9. Big win and three more points in the bag. Another game down, two to go. Old Trafford trip next. COYG!

  10. Eventually a great win. Dominant in the first half but the finishing was abysmal. Very very clever from Haverz to win the penalty, which Saka calmly secured. Eventually the best finisher in the team got the second when Bournemouth were starting to become a menace. The Ref was poor, for both teams. The midfield of Odergaard Rice and Partey are pretty formidable and we should win both final games. Will City?

  11. Rice deserves the motm, but man Havertz’s stat are great this game, both offensively and defensively. If he got an assist or a goal, clearly Motm today.

    2 shots on target
    penalty won
    2 big chances created
    12 duels won out of frigging 20 Duels, he was everywhere.
    The second highest duels were by Tomiyasu in our team at 14 compared to Kai’s 20.

    He’s cooking.

  12. That Aston Villa game is still hunting me till this day.

    Havertz in midfield lost it for me. Arteta got his selection wrong and lost us the game.

    It’s very difficult for Man City to drop points. We can only hope now.

  13. You also have to look at it as Arteta made a lot of right decisions as well to get us here. I for one do not look at the Villa game as the one but earlier on in the season where we had a poor patch before the incredible run. For me we were always going to drop points in this incredible run. You could argue had Jesus taken his chances we could have beat City instead of drawing. Does not matter now we are here and still with a chance they just have to keep going.

    I might be the only one who thought Saliba was man of the match. For sure Declan deserves it as well but with Big Bill’s interventions at the back we would have been in trouble.

  14. Great result and performance. Now hoping City slips a little bit in their next game 😉


    Anyone else thinks Arteta should rest Saka and play Jesus in the next game. Guy looks jaded and his open play goals have dried up a bit.

    1. No. We need to keep this lineup till the end.
      There’s only 2 more matches left
      Saka can get through them. And he can always ve substituted if necessary

  15. Great win. Meanwhile, City are being given the easiest of penalties that are not even close to a penalty. Typical City favoritism crap! Arab money talks..

      1. Really? Guardiol already let off his shot and it was flying high off to the crowd. It wouldn’t have been a goal anyway. Seemed too easily given.

        1. If you didn’t think that was a penalty, you don’t know the rules of football. Ait Nouri kicked the player and not the ball. Penalty! Thats why it was given.

        2. And Haverz was never getting to his ball either. You cant kick a player on the field of play and it doesn’t matter, where the ball is.

          1. To me it seemed like a coming together as Ait Nouri didn’t even know he was running towards Guardiol. His eyes were all set on the ball and he never turned to see if anyone’s there to make an impeding tackle. That was a coming together if anything.

              1. Rule is a direct free kick offense made within the box, I know.. That looked more like a coming together than a foul to me.

              2. So you admit”yes” !!!

                Just as I thought from your determination to insist City won that penalty, when it wasn’t one!

  16. Yes a win but we lost the league with Villa defeat City already 2 up at wolves and can’t see them loosing or drawing any games on the run in all over tittle to City!

    1. Aye. It seems the Villa game was our undoing unfortunately. That loss defies all logic. City rarely slip in title rundowns.

  17. Well City is destroying Wolves.
    Our Remaining games:
    1. Away to Utd
    2. Home against Everton

    City remaining games:
    1. Away to Fulham
    2. Away to Spuds
    3. Home against West Ham

    It’s City’s to win at the moment but there is hope that they will slip up, but we need to focus winning our Remaining 2 matches. Which I honestly believe we will.

    So don’t give up hope


    1. City might lose at Spurs and will not have an easy game against West Ham. Arsenal will beat Everton so we have to win at old Trash old at any cost.

      1. @HH
        They’re chipping away at our goal difference lead though. We need to win both of our last 2 matches by big margins. And they need to at least draw one…

        1. If we won 1-0 and 1-0 and city get the draw we want. They would have to win the other two, 4-0 and 5-0. Thats if we get the chance of goal difference NY.

          1. They did only claw one back on us today. Stating the obvious, City have to drop points before we worry about GD.

      2. HH
        I don’t think any game is easy at this stage.
        Man Utd away is our hardest game.
        For Man City, Fulham away is their difficult game.
        I am hoping for a Manchester double defeat next week.
        It can also be a Manchester double which works against us.
        I cannot see Man City dropping points against Spurs because of the high defensive line they play. Man City are too cute and thus Spurs I feel will get picked off.
        I really do not know what to expect from West Ham or Everton on the final day.

        1. IGL you are absolutely correct and being the end of the season they become even harder.

          If we are to slip it absolutely will be at Trashford and if City slip it’s more likely will be at the Spurs. We need them to get just one draw if we do our part.

  18. Bournemouth defended well in the first half, blocking our efforts on goal. Second half they came out to attack more, which left more space for our attackers. Two well taken goals by Trossard and Rice, who deservedly won the MOM.

    As for our penalty, if that was given against us, I would be fuming.

    1. HD
      It was a “clever “ penalty I agree
      Usually over the course of a game there will be some decisions that are debatable- like the high foul on Saka that was left unpunished.

      1. Sue, the foul on Saka was a 100% yellow, so poor refereeing. If he gives a red, it wouldn’t be overturned. If he gave nothing or a yellow, it wouldn’t, like today be upgraded to a red. It was nasty but borderline. In my opinion. It could have been red but it could have been yellow. The only poir decision was the ref just giving a foul.

    2. Why would you be fuming? It was clever. Haverz or whoever doesn’t have to pull their feet out of the way. He didn’t move or make a movement towards the keeper, he just kept his foot low until it hit the leg of the keeper, who missed the ball completely. The keeper was foolish.

      1. Because he looked for the penalty, which, in my book, is cheating. So if an opposing player done that to us costing us a trophy you’d be ok with it ?

        1. Its not cheating, its clever. Slight difference. He just didn’t change course. Now if he made a move to the keeper then yes, thats cheating. You dont have to get out of the way of a tackle and Haverz didn’t try.

  19. Let’s not forget, though, Rice was good but Party presence has made him better

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