Arsenal v Villarreal Player Ratings – Mostly shocking displays

Well, Arsenal limped out of the Europa League contention with an abysmal performance against Villarreal last night, and it looked like most of the players were injured, burnt, out of form and just generally uninterested in making it to the Final.

Our season is now over and somethings needs fixing over the summer for sure…

Leno- 6
Had very little to do but stopped a good chance when called upon

Bellerin – 5
Got forward a few times, but was hardly seen in defence

Holding – 6
Another one that went forward but without much end product

Mari- 6
Our busiest defender and came away with a bit of credit

Tierney – 6
Considering he was unfit he did very well, but hardly at his best

Partey – 5
It seems he still hasn’t settled in nearing the end of the season, but he wasn’t given much help in midfield

Saka – 4
Burnt out some time ago and really shouldn’t be playing at the moment.

Smith Rowe – 4
Another one that looks extremely jaded, needs a break as well but still better than his peers

Odegaard – 3
Out of sorts as well, seemed to lack enthusiasm like everyone else!

Pepe – 4
Tried but lacked any penetration

Auba – 3
Yes I guess he was unlucky but in fact was hardly involved for most of the game.

Martinelli- 5
Was more involved in 25 minutes than Auba in the whole game.

Willian – Laca – Nketiah – N/A


    1. Everton are just a little bit better than us in EPL table. Ancelotti has also not won anything since joining Everton in 2019 and will be trophiless again this season

      1. People will always find a way to complain. If we hired Ancelotti, I’m sure some fans would be complaining we should’ve hired Allegri. If we hired him, people would’ve said we should have hired Pep. If we hired Pep, people will say we should have hired Klopp and on and on. Not sure how other clubs fans are, but imo we got some of the most negative and toxic fans. Always complaining. See what it brought us with how we pushed Wenger out. Sure we regret that decision by now.

        We should just accept that we have a mid-table team. FFS, we are being carried by a 19 year old.. While our captain, who everyone hailed as ur best player before his contract extension even though besides his goals was utter rubbish, fails to help us. Dont get me started about our lord and saviour Partey, who everyone said would transform our club even though most of those fans didn’t see more than 3 matches of him in an Atleti shirt. Now the same is happening with Bissouma..

        Just accept that we are rebuilding, with a young team and a young manager. Get behind them and have some patience and faith, for once.. and stop being so negative. There are very few other managers who would be doing a better job

        1. I’m sure other club fans are the same, because I read some negative comments from PSG fans about Tuchel on YouTube. I believe those PSG fans regret it now, because Tuchel has proven that PSG attackers weren’t suited to his system

          Basically some fans don’t like non-mainstream comments, don’t think logically and don’t understand football at all. Tuchel and Emery have shown that the players can be perfect for their systems or not

          I also don’t get why we need to get Bissouma, because we’ve got many DMs already. I haven’t seen anything special from him yet

          1. GAI, please name all Arsenal’s DM’s.
            For starters Thomas Partey is a box to box midfielder, who was tasked to hold the midfield on his own in this match. His performances during the season have been impacted by injuries.

          2. @ozziegunner : Chambers, Elneny, Guendouzi, Torreira, Willock, Maitland-Niles and Xhaka. Partey played as a CDM last night

          3. GAI, Chambers, I agree, player of the season with Fulham, but ignored by Arteta; Torreira, agreed but on loan to Real Madrid, where he rarely plays; the remaining players have no proven experience as specialist DM’s.

        2. I know 2 managers who did a better job than Arteta; Wenger and Emery.

          Were you also calling for “faith and patience” with Wenger? How about with Emery? Both had far better results.

          Wow, so let me get a few things straight from your comment.

          1. Auba 1st year won golden boot, lost in 2nd year by 1 goal to Vardy, tough 3rd year but he is trash now? Yet you support incompetent Arteta

          2. Partey with resume full of trophies; Spanish league, Spanish Cup, CL trophy, one of best midfielders in the world; Arteta isolates him alone in midfield, so he’s trash after 6 months?

          Yet, Arteta fluffs and fails over 18 months and you call to support him? based on what?

          My favorite is to call on people to support a failed Arteta.

          No experience managing, no experience building anything in his life, and we are being negative?

          Blindly following is what Lemmings do, right over cliffs. Sorry but I don’t blindly follow anyone, especially an inexperience incompetent egotistical assistant coach who still believes he is the right man despite the total regression and everything blowing up in his face.

          Lowering the standard is what got us here; first with Emery and now with Arteta.

          Your suggestion is to further lower our standards just to support Arteta despite everything showing his failure?

          1. Agreed. There are plenty of managers who could do better…the problem is, other clubs are taking them while we are too slow. Wenger should have to go, the problem Is the job for who replaced him would be massive. That’s why Klopp were the Man o those days but arsenal choose to keep on with Arsene..on this days i think we should try tuchel or nagelsmann…again, we are late…if we are not able to invest, so we should go for bielsa to get the best from our youngsters AND our team, our really good team. If we can invest, maybe se could go for eddie howe

    2. What a knee jerk reaction.When Wenger went 9 years without silverware ( I don’t count those hard fought Emirates Cups) there was pin drop silence, when Arteta is starting his journey you want to dump him? Was he not instrumental in casting out the non performing assets (and many more to go)That for me is one big achievement, making AFC a better place .Is it Arteta’s fault that Auba hit the woodwork?After yesterday’s performance the squad needs to be rectified starting with Leno to Auba(all contributed in our downfall at almost all times) Same result in the EL, different managers. Atleti, Chelsea and Villareal with Wenger, Emery and Arteta. Emery progressing with Villa has exposed that nothing was wrong with him our players are rotten to the core.

      1. You give this squad to Brendon Rodgers, Arsene Wenger, Klopp or Ancelotti and then you would witness that our league position wouldn’t be 9th….
        I agree our squad is not world class but not mid table as well.
        This is good enough to chase at least top 4
        They would get it or not?? That’s different ball game but at least put a fight..
        And that fight come from Manager.
        That motivation come from Manager
        That Innovation come from Manager

      2. @lc…..dumb comments

        give the novice time?….as we gave wenger?. True fans wanted wenger gone 6 years before he was sacked. Give the incompetant novice another season? ……sure to take us to CL 1
        If this is your wish of sucess for the club, suggest you go support the spuds. There you will never be dissapointed.
        If you think the novicr cleared out non performers, boy theres a bridge in sydney i want to sell you

        1. P.doff, the better comparison is Unai Emery, with a far superior CV, yet was not supported in transfer input and discipline, then disgarded. How do Arteta’s results with support in transfers and discipline, stack up against his ?

      3. Not a big accomplishment ripping up contracts, both sides agreeing to it; yet you feel it is an accomplishment?

        Pretty low bar if you are judging success or progress by those standards.

        Better place how? less congested? more parking spaces in the players lot?

        Arteta is a flop, he’s failed on numerous fronts; european footaball, table position, developing youth, sending players on loan, tactics, selections, man management, etc….

        He is embarrassing the club currently, and sorry but that is enough for me, time to cut bait on this rube so the club can move forward with an experienced leader, not Pep’s cone boy.

      4. Nonsense LC, with Wegner the improvement was immediate. True the ingredients were already there,but in terms of style backed by results Arsenal went from Thomas the Tank Engine to a Japanese Shinkansen. Wegner earned the forthcoming good faith. Arteta has destroyed Arsenal’s style and the results are there in mid table mediocrity.

    3. Ancelotti? Everton and Ancelotti have not exactly overachieved IMO. In fact, we might still finish above them.

  1. Well, without European football on the cards, we have to lower our expectations for the new, upcoming players.

    Buendia, Bissouma, Emerson, De Paul, Ryan.. those are good players available and won’t be in the Champions League next season.

    We also have 4 CBs out on loan who have impressed at their respective loan clubs: Saliba, Mavro, Ballard and McGuinness.

    Any chance of us resigning Szceszny? Apparently Donnarumma is heading to Juve and they might have to sell him. Leno can leave, I’ll drive him to the airport personally.

    First we need a new manager though. #ArtetaOut

  2. I think Lacazette and Nketiah will be transfer-listed. It’ll be difficult to sell Aubameyang, but Arsenal should try it

    Selling all our first team strikers in the summer is very important, because:

    – All of them have played under three managers and it’ll be difficult to motivate them

    – We can raise the transfer budget from the sales and the wage bill reduction. Arsenal have to cut their expenditure because there’ll be no European competition next season

    – Arteta or a new manager can buy his own CF, that’s more suitable for his system

  3. ESR didn’t perform as well as he could as tactically he was operating in the same spaces as other players, so not necessarily his fault. Also being told to play with the brake on affects all performances as the pace of our game was so slow especially first half

  4. Going by what Ornstein said on sky sports. It does not look like board will sack Arteta. Because they don’t blame him for the season we have had. Also they think providing him with another summer transfer window will make things work. This is what happens when your owner is cluless about football and has no interest at all. He should have sacked Arteta, Edu and Vinai all together for some time let alone now. We will never be out of this shxt hole because our owner does not even think there is a problem with these dudes so if you can not acknowledge the problem how can you fix it. Oh well looks like another season of ken and the Brazilian retirement planner. I think the Swedish guy should not buy the club now and wait for an year more kronke will come begging him to buy Arsenal from him. With pandemic and out of Europe next season Arsenal is already looking like an investment turning bad for owner. I still cannot believe it getting knocked out by team like Southampton in FA cup and Villarreal in EL makes these clown board ppl think we are on right path and Arteta is not to blame. Now with Wenger gone we are failing into pieces, this shows what he was he for the club. I believe we should not have given him the contract extension but with honour and respect moved him higher up the club management level to run the club. Edu and Vinai not good enough.

  5. I though ESR was the only bright spot yesterday. The only player on the field to really drive the team forward and take risks (save for Martinelli when he came on).

    Partey was disappointing for the most part. It’s true he had no support but still too far too many touches in dangerous areas.

    Leno was shakey with the ball at his feet and generally showed the wrong kind of attitude.

    There has been a rot around Arsenal since Wenger left. Maybe the whole team just needs gutting and replacing wholesale (bar Saka, ESR and Martinelli)…

    1. Sean M: I agree with you. I thought ESR was the only good player last night apart from Martinelli.
      Arteta’ selection: He had to have had Elneny (oce Xhaka was injured in training) instead of Odegaard so that Partey could get protection.

      Sum and bonnum: We did not deserve to go through because we only played 2 quarters of a 2 legged match (2nd half in Villareal and Emirates). This seems to be a recurring trend with Arteta.

      1. That makes three of us Sean. ESR was not the influential force we are hoping he will become, but definitely a notch above anyone else wearing that Arsenal shirt yesterday.

      2. Agreed, I’m not into Elneny, but he should have started yesterday ahead of Ødegård, just to have a midfield. The team was unbalanced and dysfunctional just judging the team sheet and before anybody even kicking a ball.

        1. Elneny is a good solid squad player, who is consistent in his performances and rarely lets the team down.

  6. Your rating is too generous Apart from Leno that hasn’t much to do but made two fine saves when called upon, no player deserve a 5 from last night game .May be the players deliberately put in a dismal performance to get Arteta sacked. He didn’t helped himself too with his disastrous selection, tactics and substitutions. Retaining him as Arsenal coach now is now criminal…

  7. Playing false 9 in away match then playing too cautiously in first half then instead of taking defender off and leaving Auba on he took Auba off when you are going for goal one mistake after another. He has just not last one game he lost over both the legs tactically specially if you take into account our away goal was a false penalty in first place. It is clear as day light this new project is not working so club should wasting resources and energy, should start looking at a new solution. Get an experience manager in first to steady the boat but I don’t accept any common sense from our board as they have not demonstrated high level IQ so far. I still don’t get it why not give UE same time at the club when he was more experienced and proven. If sacking him because he did not meet our expectations then for sure Areta should have been sack early part of this season. You can not have different rules for same job plus give unproven manager more backing and time where as sack a proven manager with better result out put.

    1. 👍 “I still don’t get it why not give UE same time……?”
      That makes two of us!

  8. Tbh i liked how we started the 2nd half and played most of it.
    I hope Mikel and thr boys start strong next season

    1. The first half is how we have played most of this season. Do you want to see same boring football next season??? What is wrong with you guys, no ambition and don’t want team to play beautiful/excitementing football. You want to see same toothless football next season as well.

  9. Arteta tried to play the football they play at oil rich Man Sheiky who have 20 world class players and a recent history of winning big trophies.
    But Arsenal is not Man Sheiky and has no recent title winners.
    8th two seasons running means Kroenke has every right to sack Ateta.
    If this was Emery the guillotine would have already dropped.
    If no action is taken this justifies and will only fuel more fan protest about the lack of ambition.
    Stan could try and save Arteta’s head by promising big signings in the summer but isn’t this what Josh promised last summer.
    A late rally v WBA, Brighton and Crystal Palace would be too little too late and not enough to save the gaffer from the gaff.
    Arteta can preserve his Arsenal legacy if he were to leave by mutual consent which also allows for Arteta’s parachute payment to be released…

    1. A good manager tactics and game plan is based on what resources he has not what others have. If you anaylize closely he did not even play the same football like they do at city. It’s about high time ppl stop comparing Pep to Arteta. Pep’s city are thriving offensively even though he has benched Aguero and sterling, we are not even doing half what city is doing offensively.

    2. The yank relies on advice from the ceo as he wouldnt know a proper football is round.

  10. Arteta has ruined not only the young players like MG, Martenelli and Saliba but also made seasoned top players like Partey and Auba look so bad.

    1. Guendouzi’s season is over, he has suffered a metatarsal fracture… what’ll be next for him I wonder

      1. “metatarsal” whenever I hear this word I think of Martesacker. What a name!

        1. 😂😂 Have you predicted yet, HH? You’re making it very exciting at the top after a great week last week 👏. I was saved by Monday night’s games *phew, wipes brow* hahaha!!

          1. I will soon I haven’t settled yet for today. Yes I saw it couldn’t believe it after having been sure you’ve had a bad week.

            The game is so interesting it’s amazing how tight the top 5 have been and Dan won’t give us a chance. Just when I thought I had good week he had to have one too. The gap is still big there was a mistake in his points.

      2. So we will be unable to sell him during the next transfer window.Will he be given another chance to prove himself with Arsenal next season Sue.?I hope so, for despite his arrogance, he has the potential to be an effective central midfielder.

        1. He is a talent for sure, anothe issue with Arteta has been his man management. Great managers always find a way to turn talented players around when it comes to their attitude. But seems like Arteta’s way is to ship them out.

        2. I’d love nothing more than to see him back in NL, Grandad. I’ve always liked him and believe he has unfinished business with us.. if only it was my decision, haha!!

  11. I am still livid at our performance but noticed no one here has commented on the elephant in the room, the ceo of arsenal fc., tge v. wanker
    Ever since the idiot was brought in in 2010, he has just overseen our slide. I blame kronke for not taking an interest in the club but our vile and hatred should be focussed on this drop kick of a ceo. At very least for hiring the incompetant novice and now for not immediately firing him.

  12. Pepe was by far the best player on the field;; always willing to run at people…

    People have started offering excuses for these young players like “they’ve played many games… blah, blah”.. How many games has Mason Mount played for example???? Why hasn’t he “burned out” yet????

    I keep telling people playing”kids” or academy players whatever they’re called, CANNOT AND WILL NEVER GET YOU ANYWHERE. Every top team plays a maximum of ONE young player.

    HAVETZ is the LAZIEST player in EPL (even lazier than PEPE) but you see his transformation under TT;;; you can easily think he’s very quick.

    It’s time people started listening when we talk!!!!

    MAURIZIO SARRI is the name. NEVER again listen to these lazy PUNDITS heaping praise on average people.

    Our defence is dire!!! And most certainly, MAVROPANOS and SALIBA should start in defence next season alongside TIERNEY and CEDRIC. The rest of the defenders (GABRIEL, MARI, HOLDING, CHAMBERS) are simply PLACE HOLDERS or ZERO-FORCE MEMBERS.

  13. I am looking on the bright side. No European fixtures on Thursday to the backwaters of Europe, focus our attention on the league and getting back into CL and hopefully build a squad capable of competing on multiple fronts. Before the naysayers start with, we are not in Europe we wont attract quality players. The are plenty out there wanting to play in the epl for good wages. Onwards and upwards.

  14. They did not give their best and MA should’ve started with Laca and Auba both together – playing either Rowe or Odegard behind.

    The problem with MA he focuses on tactics and playing “safely” most of the time, giving Ceballos all the chances and waiting for Auba to be as lethal as he is on the left while benching the right players!

    We were doing better with our second-team players in EL, go back and watch the highlights and you can understand what I mean .. we lost it all, no single cup for us this season and I can’t see better “build-up” coming soon!

  15. I agree about Saka. He’s obviously burnt out and who can blame him. He’s expected to carry our entire attack at 19. Foden is allowed to be given a lot more rest because City have other players that can contribute. We should not be relying on one teeanger to produce every game when we have Laca, Auba, Pepe who should be stepping up, and consistently fail to.

    1. Also, I stand by what I said last week about Odegaard. Why should Arsenal try to go all out for him exactly? I can quickly seeing us giving him dumb wages, him not producing and then everyone being mad at the club for signing him. He’s not really lit the EPL alight since he’s arrived. He’s been okay on his best days. Arsenal need to be signing players that can drastically turn our fortunes around. That is not Odegaard.

      1. Ødegård is luckily heading back to Madrid. I was enthusiastic about him after a couple of good games. He’s either undependable or it’s Arteta not managing to get the best out of his squad as is the case with other players.

  16. ESR rated 4 is a No for me. That lad was the only the player that came out to play yesterday, was always driving the team forward. He deserves nothing less than a 6

    Any good manager would build his team around Saka, Gabi, Tierney and ESR since we will be playing only domestically next season. The real rebuilding should start next season, i would personally get rid of the strikers(auba and the rest)

  17. Arteta wants -10 because everything was in his favour for this tie and he failed, his tactics were a stackable offence alone, without the poor season.

  18. Some people have always insisted that Wenger should have gone some years earlier but who can definitively say that Arsenal would have been better than it was under him. If the support that was given to Emery and Arteta had been given to Wenger I am sure he would have achieved better results. Remember that in his last years he won 3 FA cups which means he still had the winning magic. Who knows maybe with a little more support he could have won EPL again? He very nearly won it in 2016 when he came 2nd to Leicester. Arsenal was the only team that beat Leicester home and away and chased them all the way. Of course that time some of our deluded fans were calling for Wenger’s head because he came second to Leicester! Today if Arsenal even became 4th the same people would celebrate on the streets! You will never know the value of your fortune until you have lost it.

  19. Please don’t compare Wenger with Arteta it’s like chalk and cheese.
    When Wenger came he brought in Vieira. When MA came he first used what was there plus Ceballos and won the cup as players he got on loan like Mari were not fit. This season he bought Partey, Gabriel,Willian Cedric, Runnarson. Only Partey has been a success. No creative midfielders have come in who are better and made position their own. Without Partey we are pants.
    More importantly he let go Martinez, AMN (versatile), Willock (goal scoring midfielder)
    So until this is identified and addressed Arteta can talk great games and serve us crap.
    Sadly there were no legs in the side(Watkins) or strength (Antonio)
    Why can’t we buy one of them?
    So annoying Watkins was at Brentford but we are now sniffing the current Brentford keeper who if going by previous keeper judgements it’s a worry.

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