Well I don’t know why I am so surprised because Arsenal have a habit of doing this sort of thing to us. But the way we tok on a briliant second half of last season all the way through pre-season had given us every reason to expect a strong start against West Ham.
But almost everything that could go wrong for the Gunners did go wrong. Not only did we look nervous and struggle to get our usual passing game going amid some hard work and high pressing from the visitors, but the two goals we conceded were soft and seriously avoidable.
First Petr Cech made an error in running out and getting nowhere near the ball to allow Kouyate a free header from a free kick that probably should not have been. Then some sloppy defending gave Zarate the chance of a shot, which caught Cech out of position and put us in a real bind.
THe fact that they were 2-0 up after two attempts on target shows that it was just not our day but the inability to get even one back ourselves tells you that this was not the Gunners we are used to. Even Alexis Sanchez spurned a couple of good chances late on.
Back to square one Arsenal.
That awkward moment you get reminded of Ooooooooooospinaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Yes we lost but it the end of the world this is how BPl is we had a shock of a performance but we will recover, so please stop being negative, for me it was a good wake up call for wenger and players, we can only improve from here, it only about getting new signings but also the team stepping up. First game of the season with a well prepared team it like they played bad they were good.
Who still thinks we don’t need a new (better) striker…and another DM?
Unfortunately arsene Wenger still does
I know every team has their off days….but our display today was shambolic and nothing short of pitiful.
Even if we scraped a win today it does not change the facts Theo Walcott is a better winger than cf and giroud is better cf than Walcott but he is still far from good enough to be our main cf. We can not win a prem title without a 21 plus cf. Wenger stop being tight pocket please your fans by buying a class or world class cf. Giroud is not class, he is a Sunderland level Kenwyn jones level centre forward.
For too many moons that have passed many intelligent arsenal fans forget the rest have been demanding a world class cf. And for those who claim that our lost today has nothing to do with our attacking play then you need to read and learn a bit more about offensive approach. Applied pressure plays a major role in beating teams. Without good offence the pressure becomes the burden of your own defence. Please no more begging wenger to renew contract for better or worse we need a new manager that has the balls to make the difference
arsenal fansss just one lose every body is losin faith on players? Oh my God! So now coq is useles after he saved us last season? When was the last time we lost a match,? Shal will contiune to win every game? Now cech is no longer world class? Oh my o my get a grip bro, it happens once in a while, the fact remains our problem is wenger how can he start ramsey in d mid nd carzola on d winger? Ramsey must not start every game. Chil we win some nd lose some is part of d game but beliv we think of win d bpl trophy we need striker wc one
Not that our team is bad.
Over confidence i guess? No one turned up.
As far as the striker saga goes Benzema is indeed required.
Arsene Wenger has no shame,no pride,no ambition and no respect for Arsenal supporters.He is the ultimate specialist in failure
Yeah thumb me down all you want
Shut up
Absolutely gutted right now! Was really not expecting this result on our first premier league match this season. We can put the blame on many things but it won’t help the fact that we lost our first league in a promising season. I’m not really expecting much more than our previous season with only Cech being our first team signing so far, even though I’m not blaming Wenger I was hoping for him understand our team better by now and to get his decisions as a manger right in important games and I also was expecting the players to surprise me somehow.
We need to get this right.
1. Playing so many playmakers at the same trying to play one touch to score – just too predictable
and it fails too much.
2. In order to get the right balance Wenger needs to play players in their position. Sanchez and OX
are the only real wingers we got. A new right winger incase OX gets injured (which happens a lot) preferably a winger who can cut in with left foot, and who much like ox can defend, get behind defenses, pass and one who could add goals would also be great. I know i’m asking a lot for that winger. Yes Walcott can score, but without pace and space he adds nothing to the team and him playing as lone striker is another issue. OX is much more valuable for the team.
3. We needed and still need another DM and preferably one like Busquets and do you see Barca changing him when they need to attack more? What about injuries and when fatigue sets in and performance suffers?
4. If Wenger always sticks to the same players, tactics do not change and accept fault when his
decisions clearly are Wrong then I don’t see much hope in the PL league and Uefa CL.
He must stop trying to make Ozil into a Bergkamp. Ozil will always choose to assist rather than score since he LOVES it and it is not in his game.
5. We need to play Gabriel more into the team with Koscielny. We all know what Merts adds to the team but i’m sure koscielny with his experience now can give us that leadership in the back and be the passing CB while playing with Gabriel with. If we play Merts against the likes of Barca than it’s game over.
6. Striker – there is not much to say since we all know what we need.
This team has a really great potential but thats all it will be if we don’t address all our weakness
I’m gutted but I don’t know why I feel more sorry for lads.
Sorry for this being long! Just had share my thoughts and maybe it will make me feel better.
Spot on mate! Wenger should really read some of the comments written here! I wonder how he can’t see the inadequacies in our squad and style of play. Btw Sanchez looks really rusty yet…
I saw from the lineup that we were noy going to score!
Our problems are simple and fixable. We need a striker, we also need a good or even better DM than coq. We do not need another winger, we have wide players in the form of welbeck, Walcott, Sanchez and ox, Iwobi and Adelaide can be those that break in the team as youngsters. Wenger needs to manage his players and stop allowing them to dictate where they want to play. Walcott should be a winger, Ramsey should be Cazorla’s back up. Cazorla has played at every position in the Arsenal attack and has the most success in the CM role. Rasmsey is good but inconsistent, he holds the ball too long tries to make the harder pass and doesnt seem to know when not to shoot.
Yes I agree on DM and a striker but a new RW would not be a bad idea. Welbeck and Walcott don’t add the same qualities as Sanchez and OX bring to the team when playing wide in terms of dribbling, beating a man even passing the ball and this is required in this level for that position. It doesn’t help that they see them self as strikers either, which I also do.
Walcott for me is a luxury player to have but not necessary even though he is really good at what he is known for, but no way him or Welback bring what Sanchez and OX can bring to the team overall and specially out wide. I like the thought of Welbeck and how is development can be great for us. He already has physical strength, short passing, link-up, counter attack and great stamina, but should only be used as backup winger as we should see him as striker. A striker can be great at finishing but normally he will struggle without those qualities, but Welbeck only needs to add finishing to his game and he can be important CF, but we still need a new CF who can challenge Giroud and is hopefully better.
I know we have OX on the right wing but i’m thinking about incase of injuries to OX and him having someone to compete with, someone with experience at top level and at the same time help young Bellerin.
Ozil is being played because of his price tag….ox,rozza,wilshere Ramsey drives better than him in that position.
He loses ball easily plus I miss bellerin.
So sad.tomorrow is another day.#redarmy
i don,t know what happened to coquelin may be he is starting to think he is a zizou,becks….trying long balls when he should keep it short and simple he needs to get back to basics!!
It’s not about Giroud at all pls let’s be true to ourselves, everyone had a terrible game yesterday. And I must say this I have said this a million times before we will never win the league or be true contenders as long as Wenger plays Ramsey in the first 11. That boy is cap over and over again. Because of him Wenger sacrifices the whole team and modern day football just to accommodate him. I don’t want to believe that even Arsene is that naive. He knows he cnt start Ramsey yet he does. Sign Def mid and leave Metersacker on the bench he is not good enough to be in any of then top teams in Europe only Arsenal where we accommodate shit players.Arteta, flamini, Bendtner, Scuilachi, Santos, diaby, Ramsey, sanogo, fabiansky, park, Wilshere, Walcot, the list goes on. In my opinion let Arsene just resign as he will never change and truth be told he will never resign he is just shameless…