Arsenal will lose top quality player if they are not careful – madness

Arsenal is in danger of losing one of their best young players if they do not give him a proper opportunity next season and that player is Krystian Bielik.

They are already on thin ice with the 21-year-old and it is not like he has not warned the club what will happen if he is not given senior football. Only last month he said

“My future is unknown but there is one thing I can say for sure: I will definitely not go back to Arsenal Under-23 team.

“At this stage it wouldn’t make sense. If I do not receive the possibility to join the first team permanently, I will have to look for other solutions.

“I feel like a senior player now so I want to play senior football.

According to some reports, clubs are already lining up to sign him and not just in England but also clubs from, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Holland have all apparently made enquiries about Bielik.

Arsenal is running the risk of becoming a feeder club for almost every major league if they are not careful. OK, I know that is being a little silly but what are we supposed to feel when so many of our youngsters are all going out on loan or moving permanently and becoming a success.

We all know that Bielik had a good season with Charlton Athletic and impressed all that saw him play and his performances in the recent U21 Euros cannot be ignored, well, maybe by Arsenal they can.

It would be a travesty if we were to lose the young Pole, we have so little money and need the defence strengthening, I mean, can he do a worse job than Mustafi? I doubt it.

He is very versatile, he is a good central defender but if anything, he is now a better defensive midfielder because of the way he was utilised in that position by Charlton, he oozes confidence and he has that leadership quality about him.

Finally, I watched this video by DT of AFTV fame and he covers Bielik very well, it is definitely worth a watch, he actually makes a lot of sense.


  1. Give him a chance with the Senior team with Reiss-Nelson, Niles, Smith-Rowe, Nkteiah, Wilock, Chambers etc

    We could Def use another DM

    At the very least could play cup matches

  2. I’ll be gutted if we let him go (period) for peanuts – which is usually what happens where the youngsters are concerned…

  3. About time this regime got its act in order.

    Let Ramsey leave for nothing, pay Lichs £70,000 a week for dragging his knuckles around the pitch, pay Suares for a loan deal that saw him play approx. 90 minutes of football, offer ridiculous money in the transfer market and now twiddle their thumbs while one of our most promising youngsters is threatening to leave..two years of waffling and meanwhile Rome burns.

    1. I’ve already last week Ken that he wants to leave (gossip talk I know ) but apparently this regime don’t mess about now so it can’t be true

    2. Expect more stupid decisions cuz i can’t understand loaning Ose Tutu when we have no RB fit .

  4. Be a loss for Arsenal, also what message does it send the youngsters?

    Work hard, get sent on loan, then be ignored. Foolish if we let anther player go without seeing what he can do.

    Scratch my head sometimes; little money and ambition, so why not play Bielik, what’s to lose?

    Seems like we are floundering in the dark without a plan. This winger, no that winger, no wait this winger on a free.

    Need to rebuild defense let’s get Tierney, or maybe this CB, hey this guy is only £7 million. Hey Cahill on a free.

    More frees and 30 yr olds won’t work if we want to improve.

  5. From what I’ve seen of Beilik he is already a better CB than Mustafi, Socratis and sadly the aging Kocielney and with Holding unfit for the start of the season surely he and Chambers will be given an opportunity in the pre season friendlies.If I was Emery I would try Chambers and Beilik in tandem.They have both done very well on loan and have a physical presence which neither of our three experienced CB’s have.

    1. As a CB Chambers was not good enough for Fulham. Fulham. Let that sink in. May however prove a good enough backup DM as his regular blips in concentration would not be as severely punished.

      OT, Ospina had another massive howler against Chile, but VAR saved his ass. Glad he won’t be returning to us.

      Another thing: Tierney has been injured for most of last 6 months. Still, there will be idiots who will say ‘just pay Celtic whatever amount they want. His injury situation will improve when he joins Arsenal because that’s what usually happens’ LOL

  6. Fully agree with you Admin. I have watched him a few times over the years and theres no doubt he has ability and technique. We paid 35m for Mustafi and look what we got. He looks to have bulked up since I last saw him.

    What is the point of having an Academy and not taking advantage of what it produces? I’m sorry I just don’t get it.

  7. As Dan kit, and others say on here, it would be good business to let him go on a free, or for a knock down price. I cannot seem to get through to him, or others on here that this is detrimental to the club, and I cannot be bothered to keep explaining as if I was talking to a child, so I am joining forces with them.

    Either let him go on a free or give him 75k a week!

    1. When have I said it would be good business to let Bielik go ,I would love you to point this out for me so I know I’m not going mad ,don’t think I’ve ever mentioned his name on this website apart from 1 min ago responding to Ken .
      Apparently I’m not aloud to say guff on here as my comment seems to have been removed on the Zaha article .

      1. I was giving what do to with Bielik as an example of your thinking. You criticise me for saying that getting ZERO money in for Sanchez, Ozil and Ramsey was incompetence of the highest order from Wenger and Gazidis, so clearly you feel that consistently devaluing your assets and letting some of them go for free is smart business, and that we’re reaping the rewards for it now.

        But like I said, I am on your side now. Let’s forget facts, and logic, and just go with feelings I guess?

        Ozil is WC! We should be privileged to have such a player at the club. He is worth every penny of his 350k a week, and even if he isn’t, wages are completely irrelevant, and have no impact on the club whatsoever.

        How am I doing?

  8. If he’s making comments like that to the media though he isn’t going to get anywhere near the first team, we know how arsenal act in these circumstances.

  9. I don’t understand why we continue to play the likes of Jenkinson, Mustafi, Licsteiner, Miki, Ozil who time and time again fail to deliver and are simply not good enough.
    Give this game time to Chambers, Bielik, Nketiah, Willock, Nelson etc and lets see what they can do.

    1. Remember when Holding got a chance last year and really impressed. Who’s to say Chambers and Bielik won’t do the same

    2. I am particularly pissed because at one point all CBs were injured/unavailable but none of the academy CBs were given a chance. Heck, he even played Xhaka at CB

    3. ?How old was Tony Adams, Liam Brady, Cesc Fabregas etc? I saw Graham Rix playing first team football at 19 and he had had his first team debut at 17.
      If you’re good enough, you’re old enough. Bielik has the physical size, the ability (why did Arsenal scout him from Warsaw in the first place?) and has played against hardened professionals as a young man in Poland and now in Division 1 with Charlton Athletic. He deserves a chance, given Arsenal’s defensive frailties.

  10. This is simple. Beilik comes in for Torreira cover & whenever hes needed for cup games but has to be in the squad along with Nelson after his loan spell, he is a winger we are crying out for, only way to get experience is by playing. He in an Arsenal man through & through so he is playing for the badge. Niles is another needs to move into the middle where his position is along with Guendouzi and let Xhaka go or sit on the bench… all the so called big boys bar Laca, Auba & Leno have all failed Arsenal if we are honest. Ozil, Mhiki, Xhaka, Mustafi, Monreal and even Koss have let us down.

    This £40m for Zaha is a joke, same as the Suarez £40m+£1… smoke screen to make us believe they are trying for the big ones but then can say when it doesn’t happened “well we tried”.

    Use the Academy for as much as we can then buy what we need after we get rid of a few more in Eleney, Mustafi & Monreal.

    1. Suarez 40M+1 was a stupid joke, there was never an attempt to sign him. Zaha is 50M max, so AFC bidding at 40M is ok IMO.And Zaha is no Suarez, although a different type of player I would welcome to AFC. Maybe 40+M and one player swap may get us Zaha. Tierney should be our focus now. Letting Gibbs go and signing Kolas was another poor decision by the previous regime. Kolas is so poor in defending and with Nacho aging, LB is our priority. Definitely RB needs attention too as Hector is out till November and AMN just cannot do the job. For Mustafi we can use Bielik, but now with this statement, he has done himself no favors.

  11. If both Bielik and Chambers were not arsenal players, and the season they had and we went for them, it would cost us £20m. And as fans we could think youth is core to our future.

    I would like both to be given a chance, even if we go get another defender. I think one current defender is likely to go out on loan. The fact both can also cover in CDM, means the squad appears bigger then it is.

    It is time the fans and the clubs gave opportunity a chance within the group…especially as we need opportunity to beat our comp

  12. There is nothing I would like to see more than the backs of Ozil, Xhaka,Mustafi,Michatarian and Elneny,and the more youthful players, Bielik,Holding,Nelson etc playing regularly for us in the new season and go on to be great players for us, realistically though Emery cannot flood the team with too much youth and I know Ajax have done that but this is the premier league we are talking about here much more competitive than the Dutch league although you have to admire what Ajax did in the CL,Keep Laca Auba,Terierra Leno and add a couple more experienced replacements and then integrate the youth and find the right balance and hopefully we can surprise a few people.

  13. Agree with just about everybody else on here, Bielek must be given a chance now. After all he is not a youngster any more. If we let him go without giving him a chance it will be a travesty. I remember O’Leary and Adams be given a chance and they were younger than Bielek and that didn’t turn out too bad.

  14. Wasn’t w Rooney 16 when he came on for Everton and scored that peach against season … if there good enough play them

  15. What message does it send to young players thinking of playing for Arsenal if we rarely give any of them a chance?

    Has our recruiting been so poor that we simply can’t manage to find young players capable of contributing?

    Is our youth program so poor that we simply fail to produce any talented players capable of helping the first team?

    At 21 Bielik is not young anymore in football terms.

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