Arteta discusses the Jesus injury “We will look at the options”

Mikel Arteta and all Arsenal fans now know the seriousness of the injury to Gabriel Jesus, and everyone is wondering how the Gunners will be able to cope without our Brazilian striker.

After our opening game in the Dubai Super Cup, in which we beat Lyon 3-0, Arteta faced the press for the first time since the World Cup began, and of course he was asked about the situation with Jesus’ injury. The first question was if he knew how long Jesus would be out of action.” No.” Arteta replied. “We know that he needed some intervention in the knee. We’ll have to take it day by day, week by week and see [where] it takes us.”

Many people have suggested that his place in the middle could be taken by his fellow Brazilian Gabriel Martinelli, so that was the next question. “We look at the squad and we consider every option obviously, with the players that we have available. There are things that we can try if we have the need to do so.”

And of course the big question that all Gooners would ask him first is whether it would affect Arsenal’s transfer strategy in January. He replied: “What it affects is who we are as a team because he gives us so much, so what we can do after that, when we know the timescale [of his recovery] and when we can have him back, we will look at the options and try to make the right decision.”

Obviously Arteta will have a lot to ponder, with Nketiah desperate to get a run at centre-forward and with Martinelli as an option (especially if we get Mudryk), or whether he will go all out in January to bring in another oven-ready top class striker.

I am feeling pretty confident that Arteta and Edu will study the options in depth, and will then come up with the best solution for Arsenal. They certainly have a good track record so far!

Sam P


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  1. He also said we have a good squad(numbers wise) which I found interesting but then followed that up with by saying, is it good enough to get us to where want to end up this season, which tells me that he wants to add quality in January to help push us over the line, which is encouraging.

    Off Topic: reports coming out of Italy N’dicka has agreed to join in the summer, although not always the most reliable of sources, I hope this is true as he will add quality depth to the CB position going into the CL campaign

  2. This is probably just MA playing it smart.

    I’m pretty sure he’ll have some estimate of recovery time for GJ, but letting other clubs know it is not exactly in Arsenal’s interests.

    Once they know we’re in the market for a striker in desperation mode, teh price will go up and other clubs will run interference by pretending they have an interest to drive prices up and put doubts in our targets’ minds.

    That may happen anyway, but at least this way we can play it down.

    If there’s any good news in this, it’s that there’s still over 2 weeks before the next PL game, so the first month of rehab will be done before we resume.

  3. Am in agreement with both post above.

    School children in England knows by now the gaffer will never show his hands, for more than one reasons.

    He will use the situation to his best advantage, he’s already on the front foot on many fronts.

    One of the fronts that stand out is the many wingers and midfielders we are link with some makes completely no sense, yet we are subject to a constant flow of transfer blows ,with the case of the mystery winger has yet to solved.

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