Arteta explains once again why Arsenal need two top goalkeepers

Mikel Arteta has defended his move to recruit David Raya in a deal many find hard to comprehend. Raya has joined Arsenal for £3 million on an initial loan deal, but Arsenal can make his deal permanent next year when they pay £27 million.

Some have found it hard to comprehend the need to push for Raya’s swoop since Aaron Ramsdale is still available and has proven that he’s capable of being Arsenal’s No. 1, considering, as of last season, he was regarded as one of the best shot-stoppers in the PL. Lest we forget, he was named as the most valuable goalies at one point this year.

Raya is also regarded as a fine goalie; top teams like Manchester United, Bayern Munich, and Tottenham all wanted him but failed to get him, but Arsenal got him.

Even so, in his latest press conference, Arteta dropped his reasons for wanting Raya to join his project. He said via, “[He will bring] Better qualities for our game model.

“We want two players per position that can do that. You saw, what happened to Jurrien can happen to our goalkeeper; it happened to Courtois.

“We need to be prepared because the question is, ‘Why do you have two goalkeepers of this size?’ But if Aaron were to sustain a cruciate, then what would you say? You would change your question.

“So we have to be prepared; we have to be proactive. We have two excellent goalkeepers now, and they give us exactly what we want in our model, so I’m very happy with that.”

Gooners need not worry about how brilliant the Spaniard could be for them, as his previous coach, Thomas Frank, speaking of Raya’s future and brilliance, admitted: “I think it will not be a loan in the future; that is my feeling and understanding because I don’t think it makes sense to go there on loan where there is big competition for the number one spot.

“Of course I back him; I think he is a fantastic keeper Maybe I’m slightly biassed, but I think he is a very good keeper.”

It would appear that Arteta and Edu have done a good bit of business yet again, and it is only fair that Raya should have a chance to displace Ramsdale, or at least be ready to jump in if Rambo suffers an injury..

Daniel O

Mikel Arteta has defended his move to recruit David Raya in a deal many find hard to comprehend. Raya has joined Arsenal for £3 million on an initial loan deal, but Arsenal can make his deal permanent next year when they pay £27 million.


  1. I don’t see any problem having two quality goalkeepers, we need competition and we need quality players to make the next step. COYG

  2. He’s not wrong it’s showing a bit of foresight and now – our passing among the back will not dwindle should Ramsdale fall ill or lose concentration for a period. It’s a pity about Timber he was our foresight should Saliba fall foul again, our playing from the back and playing a high line suffered during last season’s run-in so hopefully Timber will be back before the title run-in

  3. It’s an experiment that could reap us enormous benefits, the idea of Raya on loan is brilliant.

  4. Managing two top-quality goalkeepers – just another headache for Arteta, added to the growing list of tough calls he will have to make all season long.

    This particular headache could split the squad in two – one half behind Ramsdale; the other behind Raya. Planting an IED or throwing a grenade into dressing room chemistry is not an understatement!

    Add to that, the players will need time to learn the style, habits and tendencies of Raya in an extremely short period of time.

    A recipe for disaster, confusion, unforced errors? Maybe.

    1. There’s competition all over the pitch and now also in our goalkeeper position. It’s how it should be, and hopefully will it make us more competitive and less vulnerable in the crucial part of the season.

  5. Rfrancis, what a thoroughly pessimistic person you must be.

    Most managers would kill for the chance to have the so called “problems ” which you misdescribe opportunities as being.
    If having TWO REAL TOP CLASS KEEPERS to choose from is “a headache”, then what would YOU CALL CHOOSING BETWEEN TWO DUFF KEEPERS( which is NOT the case with our club, obviously, but does happen elsewhere)!

    1. Not really being pessimistic at all. We have been there before, seen the same movie. Does Leno vs Martinez ring a bell for you? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results….Hope you’re not insane, too, @jon fox.

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