Aubameyang at it again as he fires Arsenal to further silverware

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang has helped Arsenal onto further silverware after another fine display, leaving Liverpool to wallow in their disappointment.

Arsenal started the match on the front foot, dominating possession and pushing up well into our opponents half, but were unable to make our dominance pay early on. That was until Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang took a half-chance and converted that into a lead.

The Gabonese striker was allowed space by our opposing defenders, and he took no issue in cutting across his marker to create space for a shor, only to place his effort past Allison from distance, putting our side in the lead.

That goal of course changed the flow of the game, and we soon found ourselves lacking in possession, but our organisation and team ethics remained.

Liverpool looked like they were growing frustrated with their lack of serious chances in front of goal, and a little into the second-half, they opted to bring on January signing Minamoto, and the extra runner began to cause problems.

We had limited legitimate goalscoring opportunities in the second-half, while the game had looked like it was going to turn against us, especially following their equaliser from their sub.

While we managed to soak up the remaining pressure from our rivals, we were unable to create any further chances up the pitch, and penalties ensued. I won’t boast that I predicted a 1-1 finish, but I will certainly be happy if the game finishes with my final prediction, despite the named hero having to be changed.

We took control during the penalty shoot-out thanks to the overthinking of Liverpool youngster Rhian Brewster, who hesitates before his run-up only to fire the ball off the crossbar, and our 100% record in the shoot-out up to the fourth put all the pressure on our rivals.

Another of LFC’s breakthrough youngster’s was tasked with the job of keeping his side in the match, a challenge he lived up to, but that left superstar Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang with the chance to fire us to yet another trophy, and of course he did not fail.

Aubameyang gets the hero tag after another Wembley performance, and caps it off with yet another trophy.

Will our Community Shield victory set us up for a rich season full of joy?


Tags Arsenal v Liverpool Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang


    1. Yeah. That’s right… And from what I saw today, we only need 2 or 3 additions to balance off this team. Arteta has done a number on these guys, changed their mentality and removed alot of redundancies. I’m really amazed at how quickly he’s achieved this. He has always had my support but this is on a whole new level… I hope the board gives him all he asks for… He’s like Godsent.

    1. Or better we shouldnt sell and give him the chance in his preferred position.After all it was the same club that gave Guendouzi many opportunities there. Even on the eye test its clear as daylight that he will make a lot of interceptions in the middle.

      1. Give him a chance , I concur ,he did well today. He only needs to sharpen his decision making in the final third

    2. He had Salah, Mane, Zaha and Traore in his pocket and he’s usually able to get past the opponents to go to the byline. Arsenal need players who is good in one-on-one situation and a duel winner like him

          1. Oh . when he came off the bench. We already had Traore in check though. I’m not knocking Niles, I just didn’t remember that performance. I think his best was against Mahrez. Also, Salah was more of Tierney’s problem todya. Niles had to deal with Williams or whatever their rightback is called.

      1. Elneny was also superb today. His energy was immense. There was calmness and maturity to his game. He has a chance to play in the midfield. Xhaka also did well today.

          1. Yes Sue. He has learnt a thing or two at Turkey. Very calm. Good interception. Arteta has what it takes to win the league. That team spirit is there.

      2. When it comes to buying players from Arsenal nobody has money.. they will be pricing our players change.. If we go to buy clubs sky rocket the price for us.. if Chelsea payed 50m for Chilwell then AMN is got to be 50m I don’t care if Wolves can’t afford it let him run down his contract nonsense let them go look for money.. Martinez is 70m I don’t think Aston Villa wants to continue with their interest.. top quality players in this Arsenal side.. and that is not our strongest team against Liverpool XI wowed to say the least.

    3. AMN, El Neny, Bellerin… are all essential to the authenticity of Arsenal. These are good people too, not just great players. They should not be sold, unless someone comes with silly money. I hope we tie these three players into five year contracts.

      Once the cost of Ozil and Mhiki are removed, that should pay for Auba and one other player. So one more season with Ozil, one more rental of Mhiki to his Italian side.

      Still need a world class MF who can bully teams in the middle. They should sell two or three of the central defenders.

      Being top four is not going to happen until that mid-field is better… there is no general in the middle for Arsenal. Auba is a nice guy and great player, but not a general.

  1. My respect for Arteta has gone up to another level. Arsenal are lucky to have him. He clearly knows what he’s doing. It was such a controlled and effectively display for majority of the game. The middle men and those at the back worked tirelessly. Auba scored a fantastic goal today and along with Saka tracked back when needed. AMN was rock solid today and its funny many hink he would not impress in the position which saw him highly rated within the club. Martinez wss also assured between the sticks but I will still like to see more of him again.

    1. The central midfielders in Arteta’s 3-4-3 have to work very hard, be combative and good in the air. Elneny is perfect for that and I believe Maitland-Niles has the stamina/ athleticity to press hard

      1. I dont know why its so difficult to see. On the eye test alone, you can see that Niles falls into the category of midfielders who love to defend as much as they attack. He is a defensive minded box to box player.

        1. On eye test, I think it’s the extra second he takes to make a decision that causes coaches to trust him more out wide than in the middle. Take two occasions. When Tierney played him into the box, he took a touch to control , then took what felt like an extra split second to choose the wrong option. The easier option was to shoot, he played the ball to Nketiah who was marked. Second instance is when Saka gave him the ball outside the box . This time, he rushes his decision, goes for an audacious curler when he had Auba to his left, Nketiah making a run, Bellerin in behind , and a bit of space. He can beat a man, but his decision making needs to improve. Just my observations.

          1. Nice observations but a pisall should be in the context of the fact that he is playing at LWB when he’s not really that in the first place. For me he is not even a fullback and I find him suspect positional wise in matches where Arsenal is dominating. I see him as a CM asked to play different positions due to physical traits. He just does not look like a fullback for me. He looks like a defensive minded box to box player. You can see that in games where he’s played at CM like against Southampton, West Ham, Utd and others. He deserves at least a chance there to stake his claim after impressing other positions

          2. @Kev, I agree he is more of a central mid. Thing is though, I specifically chose those moments of the game because in them , he was positioned well enough to use his more powerful foot, and was actually central where he should be comfortable. He can run with the ball , but let me ask you this. If you had an instance where you are trying to play out of a press . Would you trust him over any of our midfielders to pick the safest and yet most highvalue pass? My answer is no . He tends to pass to whoever is close by . I think the whole point of pushing him to the flank is to get him used to playing in limited spaces so he can improve his decison making. Truth is , he is good. But at what is basically required of a central midfielder , he is not ahead of most of the guys we have. I’d only rate him ahead of Torreira and that’s because he can offer something in attack. But when it comes back to passing, Torreira is still better than him.

          3. Its difficult to fully analyse his passing ability because of the positions he’s been used in and even his roles change. The sample is not big enough for me to say how good his passing at CM would be. What I am saying is that he deserves a chance in the role that saw him highly rated within the club. If he can produce like he did at Old Trafford then he’s more than good enough to be a starter. Arsenal need to have a look at him there

          4. @Kev . On your final point, we both agree. I too think he deserves a chance in the middle. But if the coaches think he can become a world class wide player , then that’s cool.

          5. Well said Joe. AMN is a decent player that does his work efficiently. I like your point and I totally agree with your observations. The problem I have with AMN is his end product, thats going to be his undoing in the middle. If he can work on his distribution, decision making and end product, He will be a hell of a player…

          6. If he can do this in a secondary position then he is expected to be better in his primary position. I see him being better at CM than at fullback

          7. Joe, you’re really good. I look forward to reading more good opinions from people like you, gradad and many more intellectuals.

  2. Aubameyang showed it again, that he’s very dangerous when popping up from the left wing. 3-4-3 is highly effective against big teams, but I believe we’ve got to change to a more attacking formation when facing smaller teams

    1. Yes Gotanidea. Also. One thing I like about arteta is the way he utilises his players. Arteta had no choice than to Play a Xhaka and Elneny midfield against MK dons and Liverpool. And we won both matches. Arteta is a good coach. A good communicator as well. I would like us to continue with the 343 formation all thru the season. It gives us stability in defence and also makes us more dangerous in counter attack. We have many central defenders now. We can compete with the very best. Arteta has beaten Sheffield United, Man United, Man City, Liverpool(twice), Wolves and Chelsea.
      That gives the team the confidence. we should go for Thiago Alcantara. With Thiago Alcantra, we have a chance of winning the league

  3. @jon f0x said we can’t beat Liverpool always trying to be clever,he should apologize or be banned from this site.We beat champions and won the community shield we will be gunning for EPL this season! Coyg!

    1. Interestingly anytime Arsenal play in the FA Cup final or for the Community Shield I always feel no matter what happens we would win. Its like I expect us to win regardless of what the opposition does.

    2. That’s taking it too far! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and Mr. Fox to his as well. Hopefully the win will make him see us in a more optimistic light.
      There is something special cooking at the Emirates and I am glad I am an indirect part of it!😎😎

    3. LD, YOUR PATHETIC JEALOUSY OF ME IS SO OBVIOUS, OTHERWISE YOU WOULD HAVE NO NEED TO MENTION ME OUT OF THE BLUE. Every word you write reveals your jealousy, to those like me who know human nature and study it closely. Just try being honest and say something original of your own, FOR ONCE!

  4. Thank you Aubameyang. I moved happy my prediction was incorrect

    FA cup and Community Shield. Fantastic August

    1. wolf, so many of us have been saying that for ages and, hopefully MA feels the same
      . Suggest everyone goes back one article and reads what the “doom and gloom” merchants were predicting would happen.

      Remember who wasn’t playing, players who are rumoured to come in… and if anyone cannot see where our club is heading, they need certifying 😁 Elneny, AMN, Saka, Auba… we haven’t got any decent players??

      Great performance against the runaway champions – we are still UNDEFEATED after playing pool twice, City and Chelsea.. brilliant Mikel and the boys!!!

      1. Oh come on Ken ! You should know better than that ,it’s obvious we won’t see or hear from them till the next match .
        It’s like they get pleasure from us losing.
        If only we had gotten Arteta in at the start of last season ,I’m convinced we would be in the UCL this season if we had .

        1. Dan, just read that AMN is happy at the club, wants to stay and, until he is told differently, he is 100% a Arsenal player.

          Perhaps now, people will believe that the only way to get ACTUAL FACTS, is to rely on the official website?

          He said this after the game today, so surely even the doubting Thomas’s should let MA select his team?
          I have regarding MO.

          1. He looked good today ken as did Elneny ,I’ve found the situation regarding AMN a strange one because I think we can all see he as talent ,but with reports saying we have knocked back offers which suggests that he is up for sale .
            I’m hoping that Arteta keeps faith with him .
            You will always get fans pretending they know what is happening in the board room ,I’m one of those who will wait until it’s officially on our website or straight out of Artetas mouth .

          2. When we sign Gabriel, the lcb will be occupied by either him or Mari, lwb will go back to KT, except we move AMN to mf, there is no place for him in that defense.
            I feel either him or chambers should go

          3. AMN wants to stay, Arteta wants to keep him, but the Board wants to sell him for £20 million. The way he is playing he has been under valued considerably.
            The head coach has to have the final say.

      2. Elneny is good for our formation! If we just works on keeping possession of the ball, he feels like an almost new signing!

      3. kEN, about AM-N it will be a sad day if he has to be sold after THAT PERFORMANCE. HE IS BECOMING A REAL TEAK TOUGH DEFENDER THOUGH HE HAS SO MUCH MORE IN HIS GAME BESIDES. Our clubs tragedy is though that we need to bring decent funds in, to enable us to spend on decent incoming players. Only our decent players will fetch any money, but I doubt many, if any at all Gooners, will now want AMN to leave. I am certain he himself would prefer to stay, provided he plays.

          1. Ken, so it seems that you and I have opinions! Wow! I doubt anyone has noticed though!

            If you think I am outspoken on here, which of course I AM, you should read my regular political blogs. Or on second thoughts,perhaps not.

          2. Jon, I’m currently crossing swords with a Trump supporter on Youtube, following the disastrous Republican liefest recently.

            She can’t seem to answer direct questions, just like Donald, but it does make life more challenging when debating with those who make up “facts” then won’t answer when one challenges them …enough of politics though:

            By the way, what do you think of Elneny’s display today?

  5. Hey guys how was our performance today ? I was unable to watch the game today due to some work.I heard from my friend that most of the time liverpool was attacking and arsenal were just lucky to win the game on penalties

    1. Your friend lied to you. Arsenal were set up to defend and they did that very well for the first half as they limited Liverpool to to no clear cut chances. Arsenal had the better chances in that half and coould have 2-0 up if the decision making was better. In the 2nd Liverpool were better for most part and had like two clear cut chances from which they equalised. Arsenal then took control of the game after their goal and Liverpool came in stronger at the very end but 1-21-21 is a perfect reflection of the game. There was no luck here. It was through hardwork and determination

  6. Thanks ALL!

    FA Cup and Community Shield good start for the next season, being reasonable in our expectations

    Great job MA! we were missing a lot of players today but we won!!

  7. So many great performances today! And what a shoot out…awesome!
    Can we play at Wembley every week?!
    Ooh gutted I’m not at work until Wednesday, to rip it out of the scousers…it’ll keep 😉
    We love you, Arsenal, we do, oooh Arsenal we love you!!

    1. Go in tomorrow Sue and say your looking for Salah firmino and Sane as they’ve been missing since Saturday 😆

      1. 😂😂😂 ah Kev, that was sweet! Whilst we were lifting the trophy and you saw Klopp and co sloping off down the tunnel, I was waving bye (followed by a middle finger 😂😂😂)

        1. Aww poor Klopp had to play against the low block 😉😂😂 haha Sue sloping off down the tunnel trophyless 😜 we mustn’t sell Martinez or AMN WE MUSTN’T 😄 oh and thanks again Michael Owen, predicting another Arsenal defeat he’s becoming a lucky omen for us 😂😂

          1. No, they were both immense. It’d be crazy to let them go!
            Hahaha Owen, what a muppet! Would love to see the look on his, Gerrard, Fowler, Mcmanaman, Thompson’s faces right now – smacked arse!!! 🤣
            At least we were spared the hampstead heath (teeth) 😂😂

          2. Oh definitely Sue AMN was brilliant and Saka was very dangerous in the first half, what a talent 😄 haha Owen must have hoped Wenger signed him after Real Madrid why else is he so bitter towards us ? 😜. Haha yeah those pearly veneers can stay hidden for all our sakes 😂 Willian better get his skates on and make a showing in the next game. 😄

          3. We’ve got a lot to look forward to, Kev!! Will you be tuning into MOTD later?! I will be…. 😜
            I’ve been bingeing Cobra Kai on Netflix 😉

          4. Haha is it on ? What time 😄 I just we make a few signings as Arteta said he’s happy with squad he has 😳 haha haven’t you seen it already? 😜 Apparently they’ve been filming the last episodes of supernatural very emotional I read 😩

          5. 10.20 🙂
            Yes, but ages ago. Forgotten how much I liked it!!
            Oh no, when will it be out? Another tattoo or not?!

          6. Oh I’ll be watching 😄 did you see the shield with it’s very own seat belt ? 😂😂 I still have 2 episodes of season 2 to watch I’m really dragging this out aren’t I ? 😂 Haha no more tattoos Sue I’m getting too old 😀

          7. Strapped in 😄 Season 3 will be out before you finish 2 haha!!
            You’ll be glued to that then! I may even watch it..
            Price just beat MVG.. oh what a day it’s been!!

          8. Haha yeah strapped in and looking comfy Sue 😀 lol you aren’t wrong, I’ll have to get ripped into Yellowstone season 3 very soon 😄 oh he’s bouncing back from that defeat the other day Sue 😀

          9. Kev and Sue, Michael Owen is a one eyed tosser; however Jurgen Klopp showed his class and was magnanimous in defeat.

    2. Sue, don’t let them fob you off with “it was only a friendly” BS either – remind them of the team they put out and how they played their new signing, while we used our squad!!! 😂👍👏✌️

  8. Haha united fans mocking us again and calling Arteta peps water bottler carrier! I’m sorry we can’t all be blessed to have the Norwegian PE teacher as manager who wins nothing! 😆. apres moi la deluge as they say in the Latin quarter 😄 COYG 🔴⚪

      1. as expected when AMN plays and Ozil doesn’t, we defend as a team and hunt in a pack and capture Silverware.
        AMN an absolute beast, big Emi a winner as usual, Auba at his best, Tierney a class player. 10/10 to Mikel.
        Congrats to Mikel and the lads.

  9. Nice and solid display. Elneny could be fine to have as a squad player . There are games where he could be useful. In this one, he did a good job of keeping possession and giving us an extra body in the middle. I don’t think he’s earned the right to start, but he would prove useful over the crazy number of games we will have this season.

    1. I agree but he wasn’t that much initiative or creative player, most of his plays were to the back while we need someone to press forward and start being creative more, in the last 15 mins of the match he started doing that and we had two chances.

      1. @Wenger91 I doubt the two midfield pivots are meant to be set up as attacking midfielders . They are just both set up as central midfielders . The creative role seems to be (at least since resumption from lockdown) the domain of our right sided attacker. The central midfielders are just an option for people to pass to in order to keep possession. By description, that means they should play the easier pass rather than the risky one. Elneny played prescisely the role ceballos was playing.

  10. The better team won.

    In Arteta we RISE by degrees.
    We ended the season with a Trophy and began a new season with a Trophy, beating the mighty Liverpool back to back in the process (stopping them reaching 100 epl points as well as getting a sniff of the FA cup) – no moral booster better than this TBH.

    Now Aubameyang go sign da thing – Arteta is the best thing that can happen to you.


  11. Probably the only player in the shop window today that let himself down was Bellerin. If we sell AMN and Emi, we are making a massive mistake. I know it was a friendly but well done to the players for showing a bit of fight and the work out should help with confidence against Fulham.

    1. Bellerin did have his moments. He was good at keeping the ball and moving forward most of the time. I guess he will fit nicely in Juve if we are selling him. 27 million is a little cheap though. If qe can con them about his slight deficiencies, 30-33 million is a good price.

    2. Bellerin had a bad game? He did start the attack that resulted in our goal. I think he had a good game.

      1. Yes he had a bad game, the first three balls passed too him, two of them went under his foot and out of play. A bad game or not, it doesn’t matter that much but he is looking a shadow of the player he was promising too be.

        1. You’re judging his game on 3 miscontrolled passes? How about his 4 accurate dribbles? How about the time he releaved pressure by coming out of defense with the ball? How about the times he gave us a breather by drawing a foul? Or are we only supposed to count the bad he did? He did go bust few times, but I thought he did more good than bad. I’d assume you’re one of those that thought Niles was man of the match. Are you sure we couldn’t poke holes in his game too ?

          1. No stop putting words into my mouth, i am judging him on what i see and his lack of strength and ability which has impacted his game. The truth is he has never looked the same player since marcus alonso gave him a going over about 4 seasons ago.

          2. Dont be an idiot Joe, AMN was MOM and he had a massive influence on the game and the players he was up against. He controlled his position, big difference.

  12. Wow, I love Arteta! He is proving to be a big game manager. Yet another great performance against a big team, yet another win against a big team, and another trophy. We were the better team, and fully deserved the win. Liverpool may have had all the possession, but that was clearly the plan, and their goal was very lucky, whereas ours was a work of art. We defended brilliantly, and counted well when we could.

    Martinez 8 – Brilliant again! Can’t see Leno getting in the team anytime soon.
    Bellerin 5 – A few decent blocks, but did give the ball away a lot.
    Holding 7 – Almost got caught out by Mane (although he looked offside), but very solid overall.
    Luiz 7 – Like Holding, very solid, and commanding.
    Tierney 7 – Excellent again, what a signing!
    AMN 9 – MOTM. Really hope we keep hold of this guy. Great shift, calm on the ball, and all at LWB. Scored in the shoot-out as well.
    Elneny 8 – Surprise package of the day for me. Kept possession really well, and linked up the attacks well.
    Xhaka 7 – Continues to put in solid performances.
    Saka 8 – Yet another assist, and always looked good the final third.
    Nketiah 6 – Worked hard, but one can tell his techincal abilities are still not good enough.
    Aubameyang 9 – Scores a great goal, and winning penalty in the shoot-out, sign the contract! World class!

    Cedric 6 – Was decent, more of an attacking threat than Bellerin.
    Nelson 6 – Not on long enough to really rate, but I will do as he scored in the shoot-out.
    Willock 6 – Was a bit of threat, and gave us energy.
    Kolasinac 5 – Looked average.

    Arteta 9 – Is there anything he can’t do? Patched up, averge looking side, against the league champions who were almost at full strength, and we were the better team. The only reason he doesn’t get a 10, is because he left so many of his subs until very late, but I am nitpicking. I am so enjoying seeing us defend well again.

    1. AMN 9? You kidding? And Bellerin 5?, he had a few misplaced, but did well in attack and defense, better than Cedric

      1. I would give AMN and Bellerin 9 and 5, i think the 5 for Bellerin is generous but i will go with it. Although i dont like rating friendlies.

  13. Great win and a big boost for season. Now we need to buy a good CM, we lack that creativity and craft in middle which is very visible. Get that Lyon guy or we can maybe hijack Liverpool deal for thiago.

    1. Mohsan, Arsenal needs physicality, speed and power in a box to box midfielder and a specialist DM before another small technical CAM. So many times over past seasons Arsenal has been bullied and overrun in midfield; time to toughen up. It is very difficult for wing backs or attacking CAM’s to bomb forward if there is no strength to defend or win lost balls back.

      1. I was gutted to have missed the match due to a very important meeting that I had. Sue it seems the headlines I predicted is going to make the rounds. Arteta 2, Klopp 0.

        1. Catch the highlights if you can, Kstix.. absolutely brilliant! Auba’s goal was sweet… and all 5 penalties were superb!! Delighted!! 🏆🎗🙂

  14. @JW Spot on! Niles can’t be going anywhere! It’s early days and he’s young in his career but he’s looking like he could be the closest player we’ve seen in years that could play like Viera!!! (If he keeps progressing)Just a thought

    1. Yeah let him sign now! Arteta promised to get him used to winning and lifting trophies and we are doing exactly that 💯

    1. If not Sue, the spuds have an empty one gathering dust!!!
      Thought the kit looked good by the way.

      1. Yeah the kit is really good.
        That marble design though – at least the scousers’ blood is the first to be spilt and splashed😂😂😂

        Let’s spill all of them blood no mercy.

    1. Everyone did their jobs well and we will only improve from now on. Now let’s get that CM for creativity- Ceballos, McGinn, Grealish, Alcantara, Szoboszlai whoever we deem fit, along with Partey as the Box to Box. Then I guess we will have a smashing window!
      Damn my exams, wont let me enjoy myself this weekend😂😂

      1. Sid to cheer you up even more, wait til you get to my great age. Then you will be only too willing to be young again and sit exams , even with all the stress. Stress keeps you alive and active. BEST OF LUCK WITH THEM !
        What pass mark would YOU give ARTETA so far.!

        1. Thank you so much, Sir! I do hope to perform well this year. Can’t let Arsenal’s achievements get to my head and just gape at the paper, lol!
          He gets a 10 from me! I am someone who generally has low expectations, so am not a strict judge. Still, the feel-good factor is returning about our club and I am loving it!

        2. Sorry, jon, I am glad all my exams (except medical examinations) are all behind me. 😁
          All the best, Sid. If it’s any consolation, my last exam was in 1983 and I still wake up in the middle of the night around exam time, thinking I have one to sit! 🤪

  15. @Reggie,it wasn’t a friendly,we just won a trophy…you tend to be too negative most times you make a comment here

    1. Lykmatt, it is a pre season friendly, it alway has been and always will. The fact that it is at Wembley and it is between the winners of the Fa Cup and league makes it a bit of a special friendly. Great to win it but if i had a choice of one win, either shield or fulham, it would be fulham every time, thats far more important.

      1. It is called a curtain raiser to the new season, each team gets the same amount of money, i beleive 650k from sponsors and it is to raise money for charities.

  16. Congratulations to all. That was not just a community shield, not just another trophy, not just another wembley performance.. but another win which is a good habit to have.

    No Gabriel (I will go off the fact he is 99% done) William Pepe Lacazette and Liverpool had a full first 11 apart from Trent not playing. So, I will take my hats off to arsenal for that shift…half fully fit, half decent!!

    ■ Saka again another assist. I cant wait until he can push through his tender age and become a man who can play 90 mins week in week out.

    ■ Eleny played a steady decent performance but he does not offer that exit pass that Cellabos can. Toerrira Xhaka Eleny are similar players. Willock Ceballos are the kind that will pass and move and drop balls over the top. I think Eleny deserves his applauds but we need to really get Cellabos in (I see his IG stories he was watching us – he clearly is part of the gooners clan)

    ■ AMN is apparently an arsenal makeshift player available to buy but how can we let him go? It comes back to if he wants to play CM and I cant see how if Cellabos doesnt come in how he cant be given a stint there?

    ■ I rate cedric and I feel he will become another excellent squad acquisition.

    ■ eddie had a few chances and he is young and will have them but persistence will prevail. Saying that, we really need Laca scoring this season like the season before last…

    ■ new no.1 keeper in Martinez?

    ■ Arteta is working well with fresh ideas and fresh desire but if he is not backed, he will loss that emotion to managed AFC.

    1. When you say Elneny and Xhaka are similar, but Ceballos plays better forward play, it makes me think you are talking with your heart but not your eyes. Xhaka clearly plays more passes forward than every midfielder we have. Just look at when we had Torreira and Ceballos against aston villa. We just couldn’t move the ball forward.

      Cedric needs to learn how to play a passing game. Many a time I see teammates play a pass to him and then just find out he was standing and not expecting it. It kills the rythm.

      1. Xhaka passes forward well but I said Ceballos wants to drive forward (pass and move) – nothing against Xhaka because he is asked to sit and monitor and get involved forward when needed.
        Ceballos wants to drop balls over the top as well as like Tierney wants to for Auba – he grew into that position under MA.

        To be fair, so too can Xhaka but hes being asked to monitor play and…would we not be wrong in saying he is better then Rodri Fabino Fred Jorginho atm?!!

        Cedric, who has been out of football with an injury when he joined us – yes has alot to do still but are you not impressed with what defensive option he gives when we consider he is a squad player? He knows he is too, so the situation works and therefore we get the best of him in time imo.

        Mari Chambers Martinelli should all be back at some point. I’m liking this competition for spaces and to see how MA will convert them into better players.

  17. Yeah, another trophy! Liverpool meant business as you could see from their line up they put out their best players but we still won. We are building a winning mentality very quickly! Good job to the boys, am happy!

  18. Hbd AMN
    MA is clearly using the strengths of the team,one of the big examples is AMN being used for his pace.

    Wolves may have watched the match.

    The only thing that worries me about AMN is his decision making,he still struggles with it and i think its the main reason him not getting a chance as a CM

    Elneny had a good match as well.Him and xhaka may not be technically or defensively superb all round players but they work hard and MA uses their strengths.


    1. Sue, i hope that Arteta and Edu dont do anything stupid with AMN. I do hope Emi and AMN are just paper talk not reality. We ne players that can dominate other players and their positions, they have that quality. My only thing is , what is his best position, or even position.

      1. You’re not alone, Reggie. It’d be disastrous to let them both go…
        That’s the million dollar question 🤪

  19. Well done Gunners!Keep it up, another trophy in the Cabinet and many more to come I am sure. AMN, Elneny and Belarin must stay, Auba should sign his new Contract asap. Arteta has worked wonders, simply great. Up the Gunners!

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