Fabrizio provides Bad News for Arsenal as Benjamin Sesko decides to stay at RB Leipzig

Sesko to sign new contract at RB Leipzig

Arsenal target Benjamin Sesko has decided to stay at RB Leipzig and has signed a new contract with the German club. Arsenal and many other clubs are looking like they’ve missed out on the talented young striker’s signature. Transfer mogul Fabrizio Romano has just confirmed that Sesko has agreed to stay at RB Leipzig and has agreed a “new gentleman’s agreement” for a future exit that is almost like the deal Haaland had with BVB and will see him be able to leave with mutual consent in the future.

Fabrizio Romano wrote on GiveMeSport “Benjamin Sesko has decided to STAY at RB Leipzig and sign new contract on improved terms! Decision made for talented striker, similar to what Haaland decided back in the days at BVB. Šeško will stay at Leipzig with a new gentlemen agreement for future exit.”

This is a massive blow for Arsenal as the club looked to be set on bringing the young striker into the fold and almost seemed like we were going to start to build around him. With a striker position needing to be filled this summer and Arsenal making no secret that were looking for a young talent, Sesko seemed to tick every box for the North London club and Areta’s playing style.

This leave’s Arsenal in somewhat of a bad position as I think a lot of people thought they’d be able to convince Sesko to join the club and buy into the project, but as he looks likely to stay for at least another season, Arsenal will need to alter our plans in the striker department and could put a few plans on hold. Of course, every club has lists and Sesko will not be the be all and end all, there will be other players who match the description of what were looking for, but Sesko did seem to be the perfect option when you had a look at the bigger picture.

It will be interesting to see who the club opt to go for now, could we look for somewhat of a stop gap striker who will complement Havertz up top, and wait for Sesko next season, or will we continue with what the plan seemed to be and bring in another young striker to build the squad around.

Personally, I’m gutted, Sesko would have been my ideal signing for Arsenal and I think he would have fit in perfectly within the squad and system that Arteta has built, but that’s football. Hopefully we have back up plans and will be able to bring someone in who fits in and can do the job we need them to do up top next season.

What’s your thoughts Gooners?

Daisy Mae

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Tags Benjamin Sesko


  1. First it was Hato, now it’s Sesko and there’s also Zubimendi rumored to be hesitant to move to Arsenal. I know it’s still early but this transfer window will be a difficult one for the Gunners.

    1. hmm, yes, beginning to look that way

      if true and Sesko staying, and Zirkzee signing for Milan, then must be getting to plan C and D which is not good

      Hato is very young and probably right decision to get more game time rather than sit on Arsenal bench

      Zudimendi holding out for Barca / Real dream kinda makes sense too

      but none help Arsenal

      and does leave you scratching your head why PL and Arsenal not jumped at

      not exactly sure where we go from here as many of the long term names don’t feel like good fit (Osihmen, Toney), and more recent names (Solanke) underwhelming

  2. Stop eff’ing around and buy the original choice…Ivan Toney. Otherwise the Spuds will sign him, and we will look stupid. Toney is Premier League “seasoned” and will have an immediate impact.

    1. …of not scoring goals…takes us backwards, not forwards

      Toney end of season goal drought shows exactly why good decision to avoid in January

    2. This is what a troll spuds fan I’m disguise would say 🤣

      Dude’s only been in Premier league for a couple of seasons and is closer to retirement than he is to his prime…

      Seasoned in breaking rules more like

  3. Unless, of course, one factors in the level of players at Brentford compared to those at The Arsenal?!
    Toney would be an excellent signing – PL player, London based, known quality…. the only negative is the asking price, but Toney would thrive from the service he would get from all areas of the pitch.

    I do believe Haaland went through a patch when he wasn’t scoring goals, perhaps city115 should have sold him then?

    1. If we go for Toney, I would not pay more than £50 million and given they are asking crazy money, I would not risk that.

      If we do get him for a decent price, then he might be our best alternative. Isak would be the best signing, but he is not affordable. But after the year Toney had, I would hope Toney’s price tag has dropped significantly.

      1. Ivan Toney is simply not an elite clinical goal machine, and nowhere near it, does not make the team better so no point in buying him no matter the price tag

  4. Too bad about Sesko, I was hoping we would sign him. Great player, good tools and size at 6’5 with some pace.

    Question is do we spend big on a striker or downgrade and get a placeholder as a backup?

    Spending big on RW doesn’t make sense because Arteta never rests Saka, so decisions got tougher.

    I still like Roque, and think he could do a job as backup striker if the price is right. We can outbid Juve no problem, and Barca have to raise funds.

  5. I am starting to think we will not sign a proper nr 9. I don’t think we have the budget or room to spend £100+ on a number 9 and the “cheaper” options don’t look like walking into a starting place.

    We will probably go for a small upgrade on Nketia who will warm the bench when it counts.

  6. Arsenal best points tally and most goals scored in a PL season, any new striker needs to be a big upgrade to take us to the next level

    no point in more of the same, or marginal upgrade on Nketiah, that is not what will take us above Man C

    it’s either top notch or may as well give Bereith and Martin-Obi a go, cost us nothing and might become a superstar (and great motivation for Academy)

    Solanke, Toney et al are just middle of the road players who have a purple patch every now and then, for middle table content teams, not going to be leading Arsenal to PL and CL glory

  7. I saw his coming, and I quite understand Sesko’s thinking. Any young player playing regularly for a team like RB who are regularly in the CL, would hesitate to come to Arsenal where he would find playing time scarce to come by. More so now he’s got himself an improved contract!
    Arsenal may now have to assess the other young strikers who have openly expressed their desire to join our club and decide if they are good enough. I have in mind the likes of Bobbey of Ajax and old boy Doyen Malen of Dortmound.
    But, honestly, it wouldn’t be such a disaster if Arsenal fail to sign a striker and bring in a quality winger in the mold of Oliseh of Palace.

  8. I predicted this in a comment on an article on JA a while back. I said Sesko may want to stick with the “devil you know”.
    I don’t really blame him, and no ill feelings.
    I mean, he’s already playing regularly at a top club that is perpetually in the CL. So why risk going to a settled club like Arsenal to be a bit-part player? And now he’s got himself an improved contract!
    So it’s time for Arsenal to look at other prospects especially those that have openly expressed a desire to join; the likes of Bobbey and Malen.
    But rather than sign any average striker, I’d prefer we stick with what we have and rather bring in a top winger and two midfielders. We’d be much better for it.

    1. @CorporateMan – please let us know your other predictions as I have no recollection of anyone predicting this one even yesterday let alone a while back

      please predict the two midfielders, as I agree they are bigger priority (predict two names only, not a long list of maybe’s, predict who we won’t get too), genuine interest here

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