Arsene Wenger and the Arsenal players need to take up the baton and run with it after the confidence boost that will have come from the result and the impressive all round team performance against AFC Bournemouth on Saturday, as a heavy defeat in the very next Premier League game which is away to Chelsea on Sunday would eradicate any positives and put everyone connected with the club right back to the dark place we were in after getting thumped by Liverpool before the international break.
For now, though, I am going to bask in the renewed confidence and optimism I have in our team and look forward to the game at Stamford Bridge. It is funny how quickly things can change in football and I do not think that our own result was the only thing that went in our favour after not much did in the first few weeks.
Jose Mourinho and Man United had their own bubble burst by Stoke City for one, and that could be a massive turning point in the new EPL season. Maureen is already starting to complain and act like he did when things were not going his way at Chelsea, snubbing handshake offers from rival managers and talking about other teams and their players.
Liverpool were taken to the cleaners and showed some real weakness in crumbling to a 5-0 defeat, losing their main threat Sadio Mane for three games into the bargain after his straight red card. The fact that the Ox was left on the bench and then played poorly off the bench as he became the first ever EPL player to lose by such a margin in consecutive games for different clubs must have made a lot of Gooners smile.
Chelsea did not look great against Leicester either, so all of a sudden the title that was looking so far out of our reach may just be within reach after all. Or will it all be doom and gloom again very soon for the Gunners?
Hehe i bet the ox is now crying. Happy for the team and real test up ahead. The work is on wenger and the team to win fans back as so many fans and i myself am still guarding myself from bieng tooo happy as i know that last week result considering arsenal can just be a formality.
Is pl title our target? I find that hard to believe and reckon we are targeting top four and this to needs us at our best (wil be gutted if this is our target instead of a genuine not a must we win but a season where you feel pain in your chest coz you are so close)
please have some alphabet soup.
Wenger clearly stated his target is not to win the PL but his target is 85 points.
And that my boy will be enough to get you the PL Title, don’t you think. It’s not my fault you have problems comprehending posts, The idea that he had hundreds of millions at his disposal all these years, but chose not to spend is absurd. 54m for a striker (Laca) is a sign of ambition to us true fans while you the plastic fans will always be disgruntled and moaning all the time. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it. You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.
Sing with me now. ONE ARSENE WENGER.
That’s a long ramble in exchange for me stating Wenger’s goal.
Let us all rejoice at beating bournemouth! We are back in the title race etc etc: Reality is north korea still exists and Kroenke still owns arsenal. As long as Kroenke owns the club we will go nowhere. Keep calling me negative, but you all know the truth. Dont be fanatics. Feed usmanovs ego. Wear shirts with his name. Hold banners calling for him to save the beloved arsenal. Get a flag with his face on it. All of these things will make him come in make that magic bid of 2billion. If you see the numbers that is a handsome ROI for kroenke, taking into account multiple return rates through various other asset classes and assets. Cmon guys, get behind usmanov.
Usmanov wanted to buy arsenal hazard with his own cash, the board did not even let him do that! The guy is offering to pump in money for free into arsenal and you say no! What a complete joke of a board. And you guys are supporting this with your money? are you guys mad? I guess its expected from deluded arsenal fans.. I hope the fans learn how they’ve let the club down. It is not the board or Kroenke, the fans have let the club down by not trying to make usmanov come in. the regime should not be kroenke out, it should be usmanov in! Sing usmanovs name, this will motivate the players as well, because clearly even they want change! Usmanov Usmanov Alisher Usmanov.
I don’t mean to be rude but really?!? Come on my friend. Sure the board is not spending money on transfers that they should be. However is the answer really to become a team that just spends Willy nilly on players? Has that helped Man City win the league? Has it helped Paris win anything?!?
Would you not have a better sense of pride if AFC built a real team? Guys who fight hard, take some knocks, and rise up to the challenge?
I agree with the fact that the board should spend more. But, to root for a Russian millionaire to buy the team, wear shirts? No. Just no.
“Don’t be fanatics” you say? That’s what a “fan” is. Fan is an abbreviation for fanatic. How about this: let’s root for our team, let us be fanatics.
Let us unite behind our team and be with them through thick and thin. Make your protest in the off season. But if the fans turn on the team during the season it can only negatively effect the players and the season.
Unfortunately, for now, we are stuck with Kroneke and Wenger. Nothing will change by singing names or wearing shirts for Usminov. The only thing that will happen if fanatics do that is it will hurt the team. It will cast a pall over the team and effect everything during this season negatively. So I say, save your protests for the right time; the off season. Now is the time to be fans! Root for our players and team! Let’s make a charge to win trophies.
COYG! Arsenal forever!!
Hahaha! You are funny. Save your protest for the offseason, in other words, save your protests for when they don’t matter and for when there is no platform to protest from.
The last 13 years have shown that if you are patient nothing will change. Wenger will continue to collect his obscene salary without delivering, and the owner will do what he does best: nothing.
I am afraid if you really want change you have to do it in the way that many fans have done it over the years; you have to make yourselves heard until they can’t get around you. You have to make Wenger’s position untenable and there is no better time to do that than during the season and during home games.
@Finding Dory – well said mate but I fear it will fall on deaf ears. They must have their protests as that for some is the only answer that there can be. They don’t see it as unsettling the team- they see it as their right to protest at the so called terribleness of Arsenal. Each to their own I suppose – but they will the first to moan when the players we try to buy turn Arsenal down as they see it as a toxic atmosphere with a divided fanbase.
Has buying players helped PSG or Man City win titles . ANSWER IS YES finding dory.
PSG won the French league 4 times in a row
Man City have won the EPL 3 times since the take over . I don’t know what your talking about but it ain’t facts my friend .
Is that you Usmanov?
“Chelsea did not look great against Leicester either, so all of a sudden the title that was looking so far out of our reach may just be within reach after all”
That last paragraph made me laugh, Chelsea did not look gr8 but the scrapped a win to give them 3 points.. we looked gr8 against Stoke and see how many points we took from that game? Stop feeding people trash, top 4 is still out of reach just coz someone with Godly powers at Arsenal can’t buy the players we really need. until he is gone, we’ll keep our status as “laughing stock” of this era
Now the loyal followers can come and defend their master
Look at yourself in the mirror andhave a word with youself, Lad.
Is that the right attitude of a true fan?
It turns out there is an Arsenal fan in the Cologne side: their goalkeeper Timo Horn. Here’s what he told the non-accountable Independent…
“I’ve always thought of Arsene Wenger as a fantastic manager. “I like the football culture in England and Arsenal just had something in my view that the other teams didn’t have. I’ve always enjoyed the style of football they try to employ even if they haven’t won that many titles.
“People forget quite quickly the times gone by and the years where he made a real impact on the club to get them where they are today, which is why I don’t quite understand the protests.”
He also noted Olivier Giroud as “a player I admire in terms of his style of play.”
Timo was voted best goalkeeper in the German League behind Manuel Neuer last season. His coach said, “Timo has only been to blame for two or three goals since I came to Cologne.” Of course two or three mistakes over four years is enough to have the crowd on your back at Arsenal, but it is different in Germany.
Of his coach, in the interview Timo Horn said, “When he joined the club he told us straight away that he doesn’t want to be one of those coaches that when he comes in the dressing room we all feel like we have to stop talking. Instead he wanted to get involved in our conversations and have a very relaxed approach to exerting his authority.”
And we all know the flack that Mr Wenger gets for that approach – for not thumping the table and shouting, and instead listening to the players comments first before setting out his view. It’s a very un-English approach – to listen to the other guy.
So support our team and the manager.
I looked myself in the mirror and I saw a true supporter who wants my team to get better in all fronts.. but I’m not blind not to see that the guy in charge is past his expiry date. No matter how best he was in his prime years, now it’s not his prime years no more. Even old players move on or rather retire after seeing they can’t contribute to the team like they used to. What’s so different with your master? He is old, outdated, still stubborn and tactically inept but you seem to be blind, is he your father???
“People forget quite quickly the times gone by and the years where he made a real impact on the club to get them where they are today, which is why I don’t quite understand the protests.” He said the times gone by, he got where we are today, isn’t it time to let others lead the team to other heights? Why should it be only him?
Every other top team changes managers and they are successfully, we don’t change the outdated manager and we are stuck where we are, what should we do to get back to our EPL winning ways? You have the answer Wenger’s son..
Wenger Out, sing with me now, Wenger Out
“we’ll keep our status as “laughing stock” of this era, if that makes us according to your brain damage then what makes the trophyless spuds Poch would you call eh, smart boy. 3 cups in 4 years is a laughing stock to you compared to your so called great Poch?
Take a deep breath, smell the coffee, maybe you will feel liberated and not so depressed all the time, be careful what you wish for.
Why always going back to compare us to Spuds? What don’t you dare compare us to Man City, Man U and Chelsea? Those 3 are our level types of teams and not Spuds.. so please try again to type and put comparison based on those 3 clubs
But if you admit that we are now on the Spurs level, then you are right, and have every right to defend the specialist in failure. Coz I see AKBs defend Wenger coz we won FA cups, we are trophyless in the UCL and 14 years trophyless in the league, wake up. We are Arsenal and not Arsene fc, support the team and strive for the better of the team and not the better of Wenger. Smell the coffee young boy, face the reality
Bran99 you’re pretty cute trying to absolve the problem other than wenger. What’s the 99 about? Must be your relative IQs? If it’s your age or DOB you should be very embarrassed. Arsenal will romp through this competition of europa league as we’re the best team in it by far, it just depends on how seriously we take it. Putting everyone’s Anti Arsenal bias to one side it’s pretty obvious looking at the sh!t teams in it. Even the teams that drop down from the CL won’t cause much trouble cos it won’t be Bayern, RM or Barca. So let’s tip our hats and raise a glass to our Supreme Leader Wenger for giving our lives a fresh coat of paint.
Sing with me now. ONE ARSENE WENGER.
I hope there is no way Stoke can make it into EL.
The 99 in my username doesn’t matter, may be Arsene in your name matters as son of, or mrs. I really don’t care.
Europa is not FA cup, wait till everyone gets exhausted and we get smacked by teams we can’t even spell, wishing for us to win the EL but you make it sound like we are already on the final while we haven’t played a single game yet.. I’m not worried about the quality of our team, in worried about cluelessness and incompetency shown by Wenger, can’t even play players in their normal positions and favoritism beats all
@bran99 – sadly Spurs have vastly outperformed us over the past two seasons both in consistency and product of their football but also in yield of payroll. They invest a fraction of what we invest in payroll yet here we are playing Thursday night football. Pochettino has easily out managed Wenger and believe me Wenger would cut his arm off to be in the CL this season and to even have half the players Pochettino has developed.
That’s true, sadly. But this Jembut guy can’t always compare Spurs to Arsenal, Arsenal is the 6th richest team in the world, isn’t it time to show what that money means? 6th richest but playing like 60th richest.. we need better based on our status
You are absolutely right but this JemBut guy is not interested in football for the same reason we are. We want to win the PL and compete with the best he doesn’t share that ambition, he prefers Wenger in charge over any sporting results and then will spend his seasons explaining failures away as bad luck, bad owner bad anything but the never bad decision by Wenger.
Yah, to him Wenger is God.. Wasting time replying to him makes him immortal
I wonder if this great methodology of the Cologne manager which is the same as Wenger’s explains Cologne sitting at the bottom of the Bundesliga.
Look, don’t go to a mind reader; go to a palmist; I know you’ve got a palm. At least you are not obnoxious like so many other people – you are obnoxious in a different and worse way. You feel ecstatic when good stuff happens and depressed when things go wrong. The difference between what we feel entitled to and what we actually get is the source of much misery. Accept life in its entirety; stop thinking in terms of what should be and accept what is. When you live without entitlement, every good thing becomes a wonderful surprise. Even better, expecting nothing means never being disappointed. We all as true grateful fans will have highs, lows and lots of mediums in our life.
Thank you for the probably well-intended advice and misguided effort of telling me how I feel. Perhaps I can return the fortune cookie wisdom you try to spout and advise you to live in the now and not in the past. Reality is in the Now Wenger, your master and your genius is in the past. Embrace the now and let go of the past so your past won’t cover yours now.
wow.some people have a lot of time on their hands ?
hahaha true. was stuck at the airport with a flight delay 🙂
Arsenal is capable of setting up a big surprise this season, with the arrival of Lacarzatte and the presence of Alexis, Danny and ozil we can win the premium league this season, even alone with the Europa league and the FA cup.
All we need is to engage every game with a winning mentality, and see wheather we can get those needed goals. We have those player and squad to do it only when they are serious to win trophies.
Optimism doesn’t just make us feel happier. It also makes us more confident. Optimism helps us believe in ourselves and our ability to bring about a solution. Le Prof is still the right man to lead our club to greatness and we must be careful what we wish for as there are not so many elite managers like him. Our Great Supreme Leader is a person to divulge the secret to winning, to meeting and exceeding goals, to feeling fulfilled and accomplished, and he’ll usually say that optimism is key. Optimism is what helps us deal with unexpected change, crushing stress, and inevitable disappointments. It’s what prompts us to learn from mistakes rather than feel defeated by them. Replacing problem-focused thinking with solution-focused thinking immediately gives you a sense of forward movement, possibility, and hope — the foundations of optimism. Focus on solutions, not on problems. Most people have no control over their emotional well-being. They feel ecstatic when good stuff happens and depressed when things go wrong. Their lives are roller coaster rides: sometimes up, sometimes way down. But what if you could be happy no matter what happens? Like us the true happy supporters that stick no matter what. Instead of blaming others for what’s wrong in your life, focus on what you can do to make things better. Never sulk and try not to feel sorry for yourself too often. It’s your responsibility to make yourself happy: nobody else’s and be happy that our Supreme Leader is still at the helm you ungrateful moaners. Appreciate the sky you see on your way to work each day. Cherish each moment you spend with the people you love. Savor every bite of food you get to eat. Enjoying every experience will give you many new reasons to be happy and bring joy to the monumental Emirates. In short, we tend to have unreasonable expectations. The difference between what we feel entitled to and what we actually get is the source of much misery. Accept life in its entirety; stop thinking in terms of what should be and accept what is. When you live without entitlement, every good thing becomes a wonderful surprise. Even better, expecting nothing means never being disappointed. We all as true grateful fans will have highs, lows and lots of mediums in our life. We’re only human, just like everybody else. So support our team and the manager.
Sing with me now. ONE ARSENE WENGER.
Wake up and smell the coffee JemBut, Wenger is no longer an elite manager. Big Sam would do better than Wenger. At the salary we are paying Wenger, we can easily find a manager who delivers the same as Wenger and most likely more. As long as Wenger is in charge we know we will never win the PL but if we employ Allegri or Jardim or Koeman or Simeoni or Ancelotti there is always the chance of improvement.
Ozil, Giroud and Ramsey should not start against Chelsea….they should come in from the bench in the second half. We need to match the energy and pace of Chelsea to stand chance in this game. We have to match them pace for pace, skill for skill, technique for technique, stamina for stamina and strength for strength. We have the players who can do that. Personally I would go for this formation with Welbeck playing a box to box role because of his strength and energy to help counter Kante and Bakayoko in midfield:
——————–Mustaphi ——-Mertersecker——–Koscieny
At a minimum, we should play Lacazette in the center and Sanchez on the left. Don’t play Laca on the wing.
Or we could go with this formation also with Sanchez being our Neymer for PSG or Messi for Barcelona. Forgive me guys, I just want our MIDFIELD to be strong with pace, technique and skill. Its the ONLY way we stand a chance against this Chelsea side.
——————–Mustaphi ——-Mertersecker——–Koscieny
This is not the game to experiment with Welbeck as DM. We did well against Chelsea in the FA Cup with the likes of Xhaka and Ramsey. I think it much more about Wenger managing to prepare the team mentally to play 100% intensity for 90+ minutes without any lapses in concentration and with discipline and pressing as a team, not just a few individuals.
Our down fall over the years has been Wenger’s inability to get his team to play at their highest potential every week. Our down fall has not been our highest potential. The problem has been we play 1 maximum 2 good games and our level drops. Wenger somehow can’t figure out how to make his team give 100% every game.
No one should doubt that we can beat Chelsea but since we only show up 20% of the season with our A game the odds are not in our favor.
Stop replying to this troll jembut guy..I think he is a hobo..dont u see the thumbs down he usually gets when he writes any comment..I actually think is wenger writing..admin I beseech you to ban that jembut guy..those thumbs down are one too many..NONSENSE
JembutArsene be warned..I will use witchcraft on you if you continue posting comments on this beloved site for true gunners out you cow dung and be warned..this is your last warning..I SWEAR