Can Arsenal fans now dream of being Invincibles again next season?

The 2023–24 season was fantastic: our Gunners were the best in the League in terms of goals scored, best in terms of not letting the opposition score, best in terms of goal difference, and raised their best points tally in years. However, they did not excel in the most crucial aspect of winning the league; Manchester City defeated them by a margin of two points.

That being said, what are your expectations for the 2024–25 season as a Gooner?

I understand that winning the league is at the top of every Gooner’s wish list for the club next season, but I believe we should focus on the small victories that may lead to a league title.

What are the small victories?

If Arsenal was able to go unbeaten against the traditional big six last season, they can certainly strive to go unbeaten against every league side. Going unbeaten in the Premier League is difficult; we haven’t done it in 20 years, since 2003–04, but Arteta and his boys could try.

To outwit Manchester City, you must be faultless, let alone aim for 90 points or more, which some believe may be enough for the league title. Arsenal may have what it takes to go unbeaten in the league, considering they just lost once in 2024.

Aside from the league, it’s time Arsenal demonstrated their dominance in league cups. Given how dominant Arsenal have been in the league, they could for sure be a formidable opponent in the league cups if they set their minds to it. Winning the Carabao Cup could provide good motivation for the PL run-in next season. But we also need Arsenal to win their 15th FA Cup next season and remind everyone that they are the FA Cup kings. So attempting a domestic League Cup double may be fantastic.

Aside from dominating England, I think reaching the quarterfinals with our squad last season was fantastic. With great business in the transfer market this summer, I believe we should aim for the Champions League’s latter stages; if we reach the final and win, that’s terrific, but we must surpass last season’s Champions League achievements and continue establishing ourselves as a European force.


Sam P


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Tags Arsenal title challenge invincible


  1. If we had a settled back four then maybe. As we are in the market for a new left back, unless our back line can gel pretty much instantly, then there will be some mistakes probably at first, as they get to know eachother.

  2. Just winning something would be nice it’s now time to deliver trophies will need 4 top quality editions to give us that chance!

  3. Arsenal fans worldwide acknowledge the very fantastic form that the club had for two seasons now, and expect nothing less than delivering the premier league title plus the FA cup and reaching at least the champions league final. These are great expectations and could be achieved if one more thing is done: get a rutless striker.

  4. I’d prefer us to crash the 100-point barrier. Go right through it and set an almost unachievable future target.

  5. Real have worn Champion League and have just added Mbappe. So unless something great is done these are just fantasy dreams.

  6. Lets be good enough to win the league before we talk about going unbeaten or 100 points
    Be humble peeps
    We lost 5 times in the League ( quite comfortably) so not even close.

  7. Let’s see what squad we have first before getting ahead of ourselves. Chelsea, United, will be back in the picture next season.

  8. We would need so many top-class new signings to even think about doing that.
    And it would still be unlikely done.

  9. On the headline alone, aiming for invincibility is an aspiration but nothing more. It’s not impossible for that achievement with the Invincibles to be equalled or bettered in terms of points won. It depends on the ratio of draws and wins which would make the difference for me.

    Jax’s point of hammering 100+ points would be the icing on the cake

      1. The ‘fan base’ question was, whether they ‘dream’ of an invincible season. That’s all this is. What are their dreams?. You find that arrogant?

        1. Yes lol
          If Man United finish 2nd next season ( loseing 5 games ) then said could they go unbeaten / get 100 points / not take Mbappe I would say calm down

          1. Sam may be accused of having rose-tinted glasses Dan, but there is no need to call him arrogant..

            It never hurts anyone to dream….. (And you never know, if we do improve further, then the sky’s the limit!)

            1. Oh we can dream lol
              Long as we are clear that’s what it is
              Why we set ourselves up for banter

              I do say sorry as I read It as a genuine question lol

        1. No Sue in general I think it’s an issue with some Gooners
          The whole Mbappe wouldn’t get in our team!
          Last year us winning the CL !
          The defence of Eddie Nketiah and Reiss Nelson!
          8th and 5th being progress
          Now it’s can we go Unbeaten and get 100 points !
          Although I accept I read that wrong . I thought peeps were being serious lol

          1. You need to take a chill pill Dan.

            The fact is; We ARE going to be invincible and win the Champions League next season! (in my humble…)

            1. @Admin Pat, with the competition in Epl it would take a team to be “supernatural” to be invincible in 38 English games. Epl isn’t German’s league were Leverkusen went unbeaten but lost in a shambolic way to Atlanta 3rd in SerieA table.
              Epl have evolved passed Arsene Wenger invincible erra. Let’s just hope Arsenal keep up there quality up top 1&2 place in the table every season.

  10. invincible, not losing a PL match all campaign (I assume this was not invincible across all competitions which is just plain silly), rest upon an impregnable defence (it is not about ‘new’ strikers), and as a strategic objective to concede the least chances and goals then an excellent foundation to build our title charge upon

    so in terms of strategic approach to each game, i.e. don’t get beat, then is good, but as a season goal in itself then no

    1. Good points.
      What we want to do is be competitive in every tournament and every game, and ensure we have a realistic chance of winning.
      I doubt that many fans are dreaming of being invincible. Winning major titles will be the dream of most fans

  11. How about we think about just winning the next game before getting ahead of ourselves. You can’t set out at the beginning of the season to go unbeaten there’s too many factors come into play, just concentrate on the next game and if it happens then it happens.

  12. For me, winning titles is more important than remaining unbeaten through the season. Arsenal must win the PL and the FA Cup and make deep inroads into the CL and try to win it too. Titles are what matter at the end of the day.

  13. People have set out fascinating scenarios based on the headline. So be careful what you wish for!
    You could go through the entire season unbeaten in the league and end up terribly disappointed. It is possible to place second, out of the top four; or even relegated! Beware the genie granting wishes.

    1. Equally though
      If someone offered me going unbeaten in the league but not knowing outcome
      I would take my chances

  14. It never cease to amaze me that it’s not Spurs fans but Arsenal fans who talk down the incredible achievement of the invincibles.

    That some will look at how many draws they had to downplay it is shocking to say the least.

    How is that even a point or logical thing to say?

    The Wenger hate is real!

    1. Never understood that myself HH
      We keep hearing the league is stronger now than before yet we’ve had one team winning it 5 out the last 4 years and record number of points .
      Golden age of prem was 1998-2008 IMO
      With the best players and best managers the league as seen .

      1. Agree DK and HH.
        That old message that there were only two teams in it during the Wenger / Ferguson years is trotted out by a section of the Arsenal fanbase who still have an agenda against Wenger.
        I can’t remember the initials they went under, as it was so juvenile, it passed me by!!

        Some might say that there were only two teams in it last year, city115 and The Arsenal, if one looked at the final table, but that doesn’t fit their argument.

        When I read how the city115 fanbase are solidly behind their club, despite those 115 charges, it makes me cringe at the behaviour of said section of The Arsenal fanbase.

        1. Man city have won it 6 times in the last 7 seasons. Why so if the league has become more competitive?

          As you have rightly put it, anyone will put anything the way it fits their argument but facts and truth are obvious.

        2. I love the name you’ve given them, city115. That’s what I’m going to call them now too, thanks Ken 👍

      2. I share the same sentiment. We had players from relegation contending and mid table teams competing for golden boots.

        It’s astounding the quality of managers and players of that era not only in the EPL but all over Europe.

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