Confirmed Arsenal team at Bournemouth – Lacazette and Ozil out!

The big game approaches in one hour and the teams are out…

Here is the team I predicted….
Bellerin Sokratis Holding  Kolasinac
Xhaka Torreira Guendouzi
Ozil  Iwobi

And here is Emery’s choice….

Lacazette must be injured still and is not even on the bench, while Ozil is a sub and we have Mhki and Iwobi supporting Aubameyang up front.

We have our three strongest centre-backs in the back line with Kolasinac and Bellerin as wingbacks with the freedom to bomb forward.

And with Torreira and Xhaka as the midfield duo.

This looks like a very attacking line up to me! I like it!



  1. Not liking the lineup today ,miki and iwobi no thanks 3 at the back aswell ,looks more like a carling cup team

    1. You don’t need not to like it if it doesn’t backfire.
      No idea is a bad one until it doesn’t work out, and a supposedly good idea isn’t good if it doesn’t give results.
      Moreover, this is changing ur formation cos of ur opponent, this hasn’t happened at Arsenal in a long time, so let’s just sit and decide if the formation is good or not after 90 minutes

      1. On the bench, Sue, On the bench, I guess it’s so cos Emery is playing a formation that doesn’t accommodate his natural position

            1. Just a reminder that he’s not been very good this season and has played in matches where we looked average.I soon expect people to say “we miss him already” despite him not being good enough in previous matches.The same happens when Xhaka does play CM.You hear people saying “we miss his passing and we looked lost without him in midfield”.They also forget his bad matches.

  2. Good line up.
    Ozil is benched for tactical reason.
    The formation suits Bellerin and Kolasinac’s attacking qualities. I see either of Mhki or Iwobi scoring. Auba to top the league’s top scorers after this weekend.

    1. Iwobi and miki shouldn’t be anywhere near that 1st 11
      Iwobi with his amazing dribbling skills I keep hearing about and I’m yet to see
      And miki with is spending half his game time on the floor looking bemused that he’s been tackled

      1. His dribbling is not amazing but is still the best dribbler in this team by far.He’s bench quality at best for Arsenal but currently if a player like is to be in form it will greatly help this team since it lacks typical wingers.Should be in the first eleven week in week out due to the current state of the team.I hope Emery does not make the mistake of benching him for e.g like in the Liverpool where he caused problems for their defense.He does well in big games especially against Chelsea when played in his favoured position(LW).

  3. Deep forebodings with this formation and selection. I can see us in deep trouble down both Bournemoth wings with a back three. Why play Mhki at all as he is every bit as lazy as Ozil without the huge talent to compensate? I foresee a change to back four taking place of necessity during the game. We will miss Laca who has a tight groin, so that can’t be helped but I do not like this formation or selection one bit. I would have played a back four , omitting Mustafi altogether and played Ramsey for THIS GAME, with Ozil in for Mhki for sure. We still need virtually a whole new outfield BACK FOUR defence, bar only Holding, IMO. I would also have played Guendouzi instead of Xhaka , whom I still just don’t rate at top level.

    1. Only four minutes gone and we are alredy looking vulnerable down the wings. Change formation NOW Emery or lose!

    2. How Xhaka and Mustafi still start is beyond me.I’d like to assume it’s a case of lack of quality personnel than Emery rating them.How I would rejoice when these two are sold.It will be like when Almunia was no longer our first choice keeper.I don’t agree with you though on the Mkhi and Ozil part as I feel both players if all things were equal should be sold for more gardworki g players.I’d not have Mkhi over Ozil and vice versa for obvious reasons.The favouritism in the starting eleven is clear though.

  4. Hope I’m wrong but it’s the kind of team that makes me think it will be a struggle to keep up with the top 4 …. At least half a dozen players have to prove they can compete over 90 minutes … A loss today could be a real damper going in to Spurs game and a failure to win then will mean epl season all but over by end of year …

  5. YAAIIEY !!!
    Auba not on the left,
    Ozil not starting
    We definitely will play well today
    And I’m expecting a win

  6. What I can’t understand is why the media say we are in transition, we are not playing much differently in formations and tactics and although there was a sense of belief from the fans due to the manager change we look beatable despite the fine run we’ve enjoyed this season so far. But we are drawing against teams now we should be beating and while I can’t quite put my finger on what is missing defensively I feel we are a player or two short of closing the gap into the top four again over a season. I do however think Mhyki is not the player we need

  7. Looking like a pub team so far. Mhki actually gotten worse if thats possible.

    We’re all 6’s and 7’s at the moment, clueless when it comes to attacking.

  8. Anyone who thinks this lot will get us in to top four is utterly delusional … Whatever the result today .. Mustafi kosalunac bellerin xhaka Miki all have to go … Iwobi tries but he is clueless in front of goal … Need at least 5 new players … With the greedy yank in charge we are in limbo for years am sorry to say

  9. As for now spurs are a better side than us. Brtter starting line up and bench players. We do lack quality a lot in the club.

  10. Arsenal need two left backs, four central defenders and a right back.
    Arsenal’s defending is pub team standard.
    God awful, amateurish and incompetent.
    Arsenal are just a very average team….
    Joe Cole is right.
    Chelsea and Spurs are the big London clubs now.
    Arsenal have been left behind in their “self sustainability” nonsense

  11. Close to H/T and most are now playing a bit better, mainly due to that ridiculous own goal giving us impetus and belief. Mkhi our worst player by far. Wrong to select him. Bellerin and Iwobi our best, with Torreira(as ever). Bournemouth just equalised due to two against one down our left back position. Has Wenger truly left, with THIS defence? Crazy to play just three at the back!

    1. Iwobi our best player we must be watching a different match ,he’s been nothing but awful and that’s being kind ,2 awful shots on goal and he loses the ball that sets up their goal ,but hey at least he’s got really good dribbling skills ,

    1. We’re missing Ozil……. apart from him, what other game changers do we have on the bench??? Another lacklustre performance (with Bournemouth scoring for us) surely it can’t get any worse….

      1. I knew the “were missing Ozil” statements would be back.What you’ve forgotten is that he’s not been very good this season.I can remind of you of several of the same kind of matches where he played and did nothing if you want me to.This team is a joke and a lot of the players’ impact are so overrated it’s unbelievable

          1. I don’t prefer Mkhi and Iwobi.I prefer none of the three players.I just don’t like how it’s been made to seem like he would be changed things when he’s very poor in these kind of fast paced matches.

  12. We are such a poor team it’s laughable. It’s going to take quite a few transfer windows to get completely rid of this predictable staleness. Our undefeated run has really papered over some massive cracks. I’m now struggling to see who got the worse deal out of us and Man Utd with the Alexis-Mkhi swap…

  13. I think we will soon find out if Kroenke is really interested in the club.

    The weakness in the team created by AW over the years, is showing.

    Some of the players are just not good enough. But I am quite shock to see us playing with 5 defenders. WTH, we are not really playing a top team.

    And the 5 defenders is just as porous.

  14. Arsenal is struggling against Bournemouth will be the second half
    better? we will be more clinical? see the next episode in few minutes

  15. First major selection / formation error this season that has NOT been swiftly changed. Bonkers to keep this back three who are wide open for second half. You made a bad error today Emery!

  16. I’m expecting this arsenal team under emery to be high and hard pressing across the pitch. For what it’s worth I’d put guzzi in with tori, go 4 3 3 playing mez central to the 3 mids, use 2 of the 3 forwards to track back as wingers with the two wing backs switching to give both pace in attack and resilience in closing down. I like holding and Bellerin but we need a couple of better players around them to protect

  17. Mhki having nightmare game, the rest turned into pub league players. Looked flat for 65 minutes, and they score as i type.

    Such an on and off game, actually want game to end and won’t miss the last 20 minutes.

  18. A really fortunate and undeserved win over an ultimately tiring Bournemouth. Diabolical perf by Mkhi who was like weed Walcott at his most awful, timid, frail, lazy and cowardly. I have seen enough of this man to know he has zero character and IMO is just coasting through a lucrative career for money alone. He has talent , undoubtedly, but his attitude is a disgrace. Auba stunk too despite a nice goal. Xhaka stunk as well and I CAN’T SEE WHAT ANYONE SEES IN HIM. We had the bulk of possession but looked hopeless in attack with lazy and wasteful Auba having to score or be a pasenger . WELL HE WAS BOTH A SCORER AND A PASSENGER TODAY. We missed Laca so very much. Torreira our MotM by a distance, so why sub him when we needed to hold on to a narrow lead and he was not injured? If we play like this next weekend there will be tears in our part of NORTH LONDON. Bin this silly back three Emery and bring in some proper CB’s in Jan. Others who could still hold their head up high were BELLERIN, HOLDING, LENO. Iwobi fluttered and looked good at times but had zero end product. All in all not Emerys best selection game, was it?

  19. Complaints all day amongst Arsenal fans, It’s better be play badly and win the match. Well done boys, more of the same next week.

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