COYS! Do you believe that Tottenham have any intention of helping Arsenal against Man City?

So, for day one only Arsenal fans support Tottenham. Yet for Gooners of a certain age it actually won’t be the first time!

In 1999 we needed an even bigger favour off our next-door neighbour.

Whereas Man City can win at the Lane tonight, and we still have hope on Sunday, on the final day of the 1998-99 season our only chance of retaining our title was to better Man United’s result. The only issue being who were the visitors to Old Trafford that afternoon …. Spurs!

There’s been plenty of talk of the home sides motivation this evening. Some of it is banter, although Ange Postecoglou is wrong when he says ‘100 per cent’ of Spurs supporters want Spurs to get three points. It genuinely will not shock me if any away goal gets cheered by the home crowd.

Their manager has rightfully acted offended by the notion that his team’s integrity would be questioned, yet to show you it’s not just fans who think like this, Martin Keown was so concerned 25 years ago that he contacted his former assistant coach Stewart Houston for reassurance.

Houston was now working at the Lane with George Graham and was ‘amazed he (Keown) even had to ask’.

Yet over two decades later our ex-defender still has his conspiracy theory. He told TalkSport: “We saw Spurs had gone in front and maybe they looked at that and thought we’re going to help Arsenal win the league.

Their second-half performance was awful. They lost the game and Andy Cole scored a very good goal, you have to say. But he was allowed so much time and space it was ridiculous. John Scales should be ashamed.”

Les Ferdinand almost looked sheepish when scoring, embarrassed to celebrate. The striker has since confirmed that players very much care about the rivalry as much as supporters,

“I was just thinking, ‘This could go down in history as the worst move of my career’,

It was definitely running through my mind. I remember scoring that goal and there being quite a subdued reaction.

That then prompted my celebrations to be quite subdued. I wasn’t one to go crazy anyway.”

To be fair, Mr Ferdinand was a boy hood Spurs fan.

Villa’s draw with Liverpool does mean Spurs can still finish top 4 so at least they have incentive to win. It would be financially irresponsible to not try and win. Try telling Daniel Levy it’s worth sacrificing Champions League revenue for the sake of bragging rights. It would be a sackable offense if any of his employees thought that way. Trust me though, those in the stands would be less sure where their priorities lie.

There of course is a scenario where it doesn’t matter what Spurs do, Man City might just be too good?

Take our emotions of things and base your opinion on what we seem in the last week, Spurs have to play a lot better to even think about being a banana skin. Defensively I’m not sure they can stop the Champions.

Pep Guardiola is approaching this as a Cup Final and you would always back on City to beat Spurs in final.

On balance it is more likely that City will eat up our goal difference than slip up.



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Tags Arsenal title challenge Keown tottenham


  1. Lets promise them a spurs flag at the emirates for a year (next year full season), if they beat Man city and we end up winning the league

  2. Have no idea how they will turn up. They still have top four to play for and bragging rights if they can beat City. Obviously they don’t owe Arsenal anything. They can only beat City if they pull out all the stops and take a two goal lead, coming froma bit of individual brilliance, a bit of luck etc. This will throw a spanner in City’s well oiled machine so to speak. They will also need a favourable call or two from the mostly Northern focused refs. Should City score first, then I don’t see a way back for Spurs .

  3. I definitely think Spurs will nick this one!

    The carrot dangling infront of them to play UCL will be too tempting to resist. I mean who wouldn’t want to play in UCL when the opportunity arises.

    The poll suggesting otherwise was most likely held before last nights match when the probabality of them qualifying was much less.

    They have the advantage on the final day as they play.a weaker team.

    1. I agree with your post.

      Except to remind you that Villa will need only a draw at PALACE to claim fourth place anyway, unless Spurs win BOTH remaining games and overturn a goal difference of minus 8 in Villas favour, in winning BOTH games.

      I for one, not being a miserable defeatist, as so many pessimists onJA are showing themselves to be, am very hopeful that Spurs will take points off City tonight, and hopefully all three.

      My life philosophy is that those who are afraid of possible personal disappointments by always predicting doom for their hopes, are in fact COWARDS! Without optimism that things get better, they rarely ever do.

      And that applies to all walks of life not merely football! Life experience has taught me that truth!

      1. Did you not want to us to go out of the CL jon
        I mean that’s about as defeatist as one could be ,let me guess ,that was different though 😂

      2. Thank you, jon. Your Life Philosophy sounds familiar. But you’re wrong, or atleast very young at heart, if you truely do believe that Tottenham will have a realistic chance tonight against Man City.
        But if you’re right (and I’m wrong) I’m gonna get myself a hotspur tattoo in the a***.

      3. Jon
        I think you have got it wrong. I don’t think we will win the league- purely and simply because City are in a rich vein of form with the glory of 4 on the trot if they beat Spurs and WH. I don’t think I’m being cowardly- more pragmatic I think

        If we do win I shall be singing from the rafters

  4. Speculating only messes with my equilibrium Dan.

    Will be watching it unfold later with fingers and toes crossed.

    Yes, Spurs do have something to fight for and MC may get the jitters. Pigs might fly and you have permission to call me negative in this occasion. And of course, I’ll be as pleased as punch if the result doesn’t involve City getting 3 points

  5. Am not one to believe in conspiracy theories, but blinded by sheer hatred it’s a shame many a silly Spuds fans won’t see the big picture.

    1. Reggie
      Regrettably, I think the same because of their defensive high line.
      I hope you and I are wrong and have egg on our faces as Gunners supporters.

  6. @pat
    after today do you think city will lose or draw their last game? be realistic for once buddy

    1. Doesn’t matter what we think about the last game City still cannot win the league today….

  7. Spuds coach Postecoglou or whatever name he is called has his pride to protect. He has vowed they will give their best against City because UCL is a big possibility for them.
    If they win their last two games they will nick Aston villa to top4. Villa has a more difficult away game to an inform Palace compared to Spuds.

    I don’t know about the fans but players and coach won’t want to lose their last home game. But matching City form is another thing entirely.

    As Arsenal fans we can only hope for the best.

  8. No chance!
    Just like few or no one expected current Manchester United side to beat us last weekend regardless of our past history at Old Trafford, you will have to be big optimist to expect current Tottenham side to lay a grove on City.

    First footballing reason, i watched them play relegated Burnley and they have such a useless forward and even terrible defense. Second no matter what their coach says, there won’t be much motivation to beat us. with their final parade at home last match the clowns has already closed shop for the season! – seems like it’s us Arsenal reminding them they have a slim chance for Champion league.

    1. The motivation is Champions League football, and all the riches that brings to both the players and the club.

  9. Stopping Arsenal from winning the EPL might be an even bigger motivation for Spurs even if it will cost them playing in the CL. I don’t anticipate any favours from Spurs but I expect them to have some dignity.

  10. Against Burnley, Spurs were much better when Madison and Richarlison were introduced; and I was hoping that with that second-half team starting against City, we could have hope of a Spurs’ result.
    But with the confirmation that Richarlison and Bissouma have joined the injury team, I have completely lost hope of anything from the Lane no matter if Spurs really play to win. That team just looks completely incapable of giving City any worries. Sorry.

  11. Normally City at New Tottenham Stadium is one of the best chances for Arsenal, when it comes to see City drop points. Spurs have played very well against the champions the last couple of seasons. They won at home last year (1-0), and the year before they won both matches! But this time, when the game have been moved from 20/4 (FA Cup) to the last week of the EPL season, it’s a completely different story.
    Old Angie Papdopoulos is threatened by the fundamentalists who are Arsenal haters by heart. If the game had been played in april…

  12. Winning against City is lessor evil than forfeiture of CL football ⚽. The latter indeed has alt of benefits to both the players and brand equity. Come-on Spurs come to the party tonight.

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