Dan’s EPL Prediction League 2023/24 – Close finish as Final placings revealed

Congratulations to Baron who started the day 2 points off the top but wins the title with 11 points (pass on details to admin and we will sort you out a shirt before the start of the new season)

Now let me know if you have qualified who would like to play at the JustArsenal European Championship (we can have other players on standby – just want to gauge interest)

I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for playing .

Here’s to next season …..

Top 24 qualify for euros. Details to be finalised shortly

Baron 281
Drayton 279
Prince 277
Gunsmoke 271
Terrah 271
Ackshay 268
JRA 261
Stephanie 256
Matthew 255
Tom 254
Dendrite 252
GB 248
Sid 245
Sue P 244
Sagie 243
Me 242
Antivirus 242
Goonersia 241
J gunner 237
MTG 236
Okobino 235
NOAS 234
Edu 229
IGL 227

Top 24 Qualify for Euros

O Achiel 217
Williamrick 216
IG 216
J legend 211
Kenya 001- 209
Big slim 207
Big slim 199
I 199
Yayo 196
Splendid 190
J gunz 186
Ayan 176
Taiwo 4321- 175
Zeek 174
Samson A 147
Oladmeji A 139
Oluseyi 20- 138
Bang bang 137
Gundown 124
VZ 118
Fanuel priston 115
Walidomy 112
QB 111
Diehard 109
Adeski 108
Onyango 99
Toney 99
Prince layote 94
Angelo 91
Famochi 91
Admin 88
Ralph 77
J Bauer 75
Dotash 74
Dan kit 73
J Bauer 69
Amir 67
Ayodale A 64
E blaze 51
Elvis 51
Davars 49
Akeno Bonniface 43
Jen 40
Jimmy B 37
Kobin 37


So here are some simple rules which I must insist commenters follow….

You agree not to give any personal abuse to other Arsenal fans. Everyone is allowed to hold their own opinions even if you disagree with them. It COSTS NOTHING TO BE POLITE TO OTHER ARSENAL FANS.

CALLING ALL ARSENAL FANS!please contact us through this link

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  1. I am thrilled to have made the top24 Dan and look forward to being involved with the Euros.

    Thanks for your hard work throughout the season and congratulations to Baron and the runners up who achieved such great scores.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Sue P.
      You’re actually one of my Top 5 favourite members here on J A, alongside Jon Fox, Ken 1945, Gunsmoke & Grandad, in no particular order.

      I look forward to doing this again with you and everyone else who qualified, at the Euros in a bit.
      Thanks once again 💪

  2. I feel really good about finishing 8th place.
    Congratulations Baron
    I love this league so much
    Looking forward to Euros and next season
    Thanks so much Dan for creating it.

    1. Thanks Stephanie, looking forward to doing this again with you and the other great guys here at the Euros.

      1. Congratulations Baron, you took the trophy from me. Dan thanks so much for your time and effort.

  3. My first time of qualifying for the next stage of this prediction league game .
    Big shout to tye Admin and Big Man Dan ,thanks so much for the effort you guys put in. Gods Blessing upon you .

    Time to relax and refresh


  4. Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!

    I feel really elated to have eventually breasted the tape first this season 🥇.
    It’s been quite a journey from day one to this point. It was really intense and competitive, but ultimately exhilarating and satisfying.

    We’ve really raised the bar this year, haven’t we?
    257 points won it last season but it has taken 281 points to clinch it this time.
    Reminds me sadly of how hard City has raised the bar in the EPL(never mind the 115 charges hanging around their neck).
    I finished 64th last season, but here i am, top of the pile this time around. Just goes to show that anything, absolutely anything is possible when we believe and put our minds to it.
    It gives me renewed hope for Arsenal’s chances next season.

    A big thank you to Dan for running this predictions league. Like i’ve mentioned in the past, it’s a thankless job, but thank you for all you do and what you represent on JA.

    A big thank you to Admin Pat and others in the admin team working behind the scene to give us a platform to meet fellow gooners from all parts of the world, relate, bond, build friendships and forge relationships while at the same time, enjoying our common denominator; THE ARSENAL!
    God bless you admin and may your ink for articles never run dry 🙏

    Finally, i also wish to thank everyone who participated in this competition from the very beginning and contributed to making it the beautiful journey it ultimately was.
    Special regards to my closest rivals Drayton, Prince and Gunsmoke 🙌.
    Thanks for raising the bar & pushing me all the way. I look forward to doing this again with you guys at the Euros.

    Thank you everyone, and God bless us all 🙏

    1. Baron, well deserved!!! I must say, it’s extra painful to lose the EPL AND the predictions by 2 points on the same day 😂 but a deserving champion 🏆 👍 well done man.

      Looking forward to the Euros and the summer window. Next season is ours!!

    2. A big congrats to u Baron
      Wow!!!!! What a hard race?
      We go again next season
      Thanks Admin, Drayton and other people that participated in this
      God bless everyone.

  5. Sorry to be a bit of a bug DAN, but what details should i submit to Admin?

    I do not reside in the UK.
    I live in Africa.

    1. Contact admin and he will give you my email and we will sort something for you mate probably for start of next season

  6. Congrats to Baron for Winning the league it was very close up top. Still don’t know how i finished that high lol. 4 correct scores 16 pts to finish the season is nice.

  7. Congratulations again Baron, Clinching it is an understatement, you finished like a runaway train.

    This must have been the most exciting predictor competition in recent memory, that Ding dong battle to the wire, have some of us double checking our tally.

    Surely i will be around to keep you honest when the new season kicks in.

    Special praises must goes to Dan for making this competition such a success and his very engaging articles.

  8. Congrats Baron.
    Thanks Dan for the efforts, wish you good health, stay blessed.
    Kudos to Mikel and the lads, finishing 2 points off the leaders until the last day is an achievement. Good luck to all players who will be next season and those who will be leaving.
    Best wishes to JA Admins and to those who agreed with me and to those who didn’t.
    Stay blessed.
    Signing out

  9. Thanks so much for all your efforts this season Dan! Absolutely delighted to make the top 24 and looking forward to the Eurostar. You are indeed the man! COYG!!

  10. I missed some of the predictions but I’m so happy that I was able to claw my way into top24. Can’t wait for the euros and next season. Thanks bro for putting this up every year.

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