
Do Arsenal even have any style of play any more?

Style-Less Arsenal by Beastmode

Since the beginning this season, it’s really been hard to identify the style of play of the current Arsenal team. I have been an Arsenal fan for about 25 years and until this season, I have always known the style of play.

We were used to watching slick passing teams for the majority of Wenger’s tenure, but now this team cannot pass to save their life. Neither is it a counter-attacking team nor a pressing team. Hell, we are not long-balls or hoof-it-up-the-field type of a team. It’s like a Danny Welbeck style of play – you know; jack-of-all-trades but master of none.

People tend to compare this team to Mourinho’s Chelsea team, but these teams are not comparable at all. Yes, Chelsea were boring, but for a reason and purpose. Mourinho knew what he was doing, and he had an ex-factor that will turn a game around. They could defend with the defence they had, and they would score a goal whenever it’s needed. With the likes of Drogba, Lampard, Gudjohnsen, and Robben in attack, Mourinho had enough power to turn it up whenever he needed to. Same case during his 2nd stint, when he had Hazard, Costa, Fabregas, and Oscar in his team.

After the restart, MA was able to use the left side of the field to get the best out of Auba and Saka, and we could actually see what the team was doing. Now, every team knows that and has completely shut down that side. It seems the team is only used to attacking through the left side, that they are now just more confused since that side is no longer effective.

MA needs to find another outlet or a formation that will balance the attack. This team can be a good counter attacking team, if they accept it and use the proper personnel in place…


Tags Aubameyang Mourinho Saka


  1. Arsenal has enough fire power to blow 15th placed Leeds out of the stadium. Nothing to do with style, formation or tactics. Just go out there and play your natural game. Leeds 0 Arsenal 6

    1. Pepe, where is your disagreement with him. Is it in him saying we have enough firepower to blow Leeds out of their stadium (beat them) the notion which I share or in his predicted scoreline. Not too long ago CP beat them 4-1, that as well we have the squad to achieve. But we all know with our superior squad we can as well take some beating. so sad 😞😞😔

      1. On paper our firepower is like a machine gun but on the field it’s more like a pop gun. We shouldn’t underestimate Leeds just because they 15th in the table, trust me it will be a tough game.

  2. No style of play and no identity. It looks like we are just playing a game of possession when we hit the field, not playing in any specific direction.

  3. The only way Arsenal can function effectively is to revert to 433 system. Get Willock/ESR/Ceballos/Willian in the centre of the park along with Partey and Elneny(AMN since Elneny will not be playing for the time being), attack the opposition and be solid in defence. We can be effective provided MA accepts what is going on and rings in the necessary changes in tactics, formation and personnel.

  4. I think its all about the process with us at the moment and I believe ”style” will come, just give it time.

    MA had a lot to do when he first came in
    First he had to tighten the team up, not just the defence as this is a big reason why we conceded so many goals.
    We’re now much more competitive generally than we were, concede less shot and goals per game.
    Now its about finding where we can improve in midfield to start adding more creativity and scoring more goals, once we find that balance we will be a pretty damn good side, trouble is I don’t think we have a player at the club that can add it yet, maybe in January or the summer we could get that missing link, after that its about upgrading little areas.

    We’re on the right path imo, we just need to let MA and his staff do their thing

  5. Nonsense… when we won against the likes of Chelsea, mcity and manU none of you here cared to know what style we had but due to the fact that we are in a crisis some loose cannon can’t just be mute… we fans are part of the problem.

    Can we give this team a break! Was this team better under Wenger? MA is a rookie and new to the system but we all know he needs to start winning games which is most important. Winning games is what it’s all about.

    Arsenal fans we need to take a chill pill 💊 it’s not that deep.

  6. Chelsea had no weaknesses in their starting 1ineups, Think ,the beast Drogba to get a goal out of nothing ,Cole the best fullback of his generation,Essian a rock before his injuries, Czek the human wall and then there were Lsmbard and that centre half what’s his name. I’d better stop there before being accused of being being a closet. told to go to Stamford Bridge,but that was a complete squad professional and efficiently ruthless unlike our current Arsenal heroes. Mind you having Mourinho at Arsenal would be a backward step.

    1. Joe. S what you are rightly saying is that style can only truly be done well by a team of all quality players and I much agree! Our current team is a mile away from this ideal situation , hence our no clear style.

  7. Much clear truth in Beastmodes thoughtful article. I make the point which I believe is much overlooked, though it ought to be obvious to us all, that style sounds like something we all admire – and like all of us I was thrilled by the beautiful style of AW’s first decade teams – but style can only truly go with top quality players

    But we had, back them, not a single weakness in the team and the squad was a million miles better than now. It comes down to quality ofpersonnel available and that includes those who are reliably fit, thus ruling out the Wilsheres, Diabys of that period.

    IN STARK CONTRAST to the many juveniles comments on here from fans who are far too impatient AND who refuse to admit, even to themselves, that our squad is just not good nor deep enough in quality, I am prepared to give MA, whose qualities of future greatness I easily recognise, a PROPER chance to instill his own chosen players and not to be forced to use sub par ones he inherited, simply because right now there is no one CURRENTLY HERE, who is better and reliably fit.
    That seems to me to be fair minded and I PRIZE fair mindedness above hasty overreactionary comments born out of silly over hype of moderate only players. EG Bellerin Xhaka, Elneny, Mustafi and many others sadly.

  8. They have a very specific style of play. All of the midfielders have become defenders. That’s why the defense is improved. They basically play 7 defenders and 3 forwards. They consistently get the ball to one of the 4 “wingers” to stay wide and dump the ball to nobody in the box. They have nobody attacking, creating or passing in the center of the pitch.

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