Do Arsenal fans agree with Arteta’s style of man management?

Do you Like Arteta’s Man Management Style? by Dan our captain has just had to be dropped for disciplinary reasons suggests Arteta still has work to do to create the environment he wants.

If, like me, you grew up with Arsene Wenger, Arteta’s strictness takes some getting used to. Mr. Wenger would protect his players in public. He would deny seeing even the most blatant of indiscretions. He would give a talent numerous opportunities.

As a result very few speak badly about working with him, many credit him for their success, some even refer to him as father figure. When there were issues Mr. Wenger trusted his players to sort out the problem, encouraging debate to intelligently find solutions.

Arteta has only been a manager for 15 months yet has already done the opposite to all of these points. Instead of teaching a player new skills he will give up on them if he feels they don’t do what he requires. He will say if he thinks a player has let the team down. As the weekend also proved, he won’t turn a blind eye no matter how big a star you are.

Many questioned Mr. Wenger’s approaches in his first year in English Football, when he was altering catering and the training schedule.He went on to become the most successful manager in our history.

Arteta clearly has the trust to make similar choices. Not just to coach the players but put his own imprint into the whole running of the club.

It’s currently not working, but to build a house it takes a brick at a time. Sunday was Arteta putting down another layer.

Do you agree with Arteta’s man management style?

Dan Smith

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