Do Arsenal have the worst fans in the League? by JH
Three games have been played so far this year, which means that 5 games ago we won the FA cup for a record 12th time.
Now in our first three games this season we have been less than impressive. Leading to the majority on this site to call for Wengers head. After 3 games, in fact, after 1 loss.
Chelsea have the same amount of points as us, they have been equally poor, do we hear Jose out? No
Spurs have less points than us, Poch out? No
Southampton are yet to win, Koeman out? NO
I believe no manager in the world gets the screams for his resignation after one loss, except for Wenger. Arsene Wenger has ended our trophy drought, and took us too 2 successive FA cups, sure its not the big one, but it is something.
He has bought Mesut Ozil and Alexis Sanchez, 2 world class players for a combined £77million, so he will spend if players are available. So far this Window how many major players have moved? Pedro? Benteke? Are these the players that would have kept us off Wengers back until his next loss? Benzema is not available, thats not Wengers fault, just deal with it. Nobody has bought a true star this window, Arsenal react in the window, Real buy Bale, we buy Ozil, Barca buy Suarez we buy Sanchez. This is how we do our major deals, one of the big 3 (Barca, Real, Bayern) buy someone only they can buy, and we buy the first team player they will replace. Which major player has been replaced by another this year?

One thing Arsenal fans should know by now, is that AW will leave when he wants, which will be when he decides he cant take us forward anymore. And the man that follows him is not going to be a Pep, an Ancelotti it is more likely to be the inexperienced Henry, or little know Stoijkovic.
I am not too sure when it happened, but Arsenal fans have become a lot like Liverpool fans, we believe we are entitled to success, WE ARE NOT!!
Yesterday I saw a Graphic on Premier League net spending in the last 5 years.
# Net Spend last 5 Years Purchased Gross Sold Nett Per Season
1 Manchester United £405,200,000 £124,200,000 £281,000,000 £56,200,000
2 Manchester City £417,700,000 £150,300,000 £267,400,000 £53,480,000
3 Chelsea £461,809,000 £246,450,000 £215,359,000 £43,071,800
4 Liverpool £349,000,000 £176,370,000 £172,630,000 £34,526,000
5 Arsenal £253,625,000 £154,600,000 £99,025,000 £19,805,000
6 West Ham £106,900,000 £16,500,000 £90,400,000 £18,080,000
Like it or not, in the Premier league spending accounts for success, so the simple fact we finish top four every year is actually an achievement. Man United can waste £60million on Di Maria. City can blow £58million on De Bruyne.
Chelsea can throw £70million bids in for Pogba. Liverpool can waste £35million on Andy Carroll. We cannot!!
We Make our own money, and we make sure it is put to good use.
We are not entitled to win the title, Wenger should not be sacked every time we lose a game, what happens if we get a manager and he finishes 5th? Do we sack him? Do we get Wenger back? What if we replace Wenger with someone that the likes of Ozil, Sanchez, Koscielny, Cech dont want to play for? They leave, we finish 8th? Do we move on, or will we be more patient?
Arsenal fans seem to expect us to win everything, every game, every trophy. The ridiculousness of calling for his head after 3 games is baffling, it is as if it is now mathematically possible for us to win the league already, who is to say we cant match City’s results from now, and beat them twice? Nobody can say what will happen. I understand people are frustrated, as am I, but to suggest the season is over already is silly.
Anybody who was not calling for Wenger’s head when we won the FA cup has no right to 5 games later. Sure Arsene has flaws, quite a few. But right now he is all we have got. You want him gone? complain after 38 games, not 3.
By JonnHirons
When u try and yet fail, it’s no problem. But not trying at all is what’s bad.
Here’s a better question: Does Wenger really care about what the fans think?? I think we all know the answer to that
Surely, everyone knows the answer to that.
Did you watch how we played against Liverpool??? How could that be Arsenal? A clown here who goes by the name @Jonestown claims I never watched the invincibles, mainly becuz I included Reyes in the team and did not spell Freddie’s name correctly. Just plain stupid. At least I became a fan in 98, not so old but considerably old enof. Fine he (Reyes) did not perform as widely expected, but he was far better than most of the guys in the first team today and only 3 or 4 persons from the current first team could have made the first team back then.
Against Liverpool we played like little kids running around with soap in their eyes. Even our rivals think we are not doing the right thing. Does it bother Wenger? Evidently it doesn’t.
Didn’t they say the money is available and that apart from Messi and Ronaldo, we could sign anyone???
When few hour before the game you are left without both your CB’s then there’s a monumental task to actually try and make the team gel like before. No amount of training will come close to what is happening in the field in such games. Sure, it helps but it is a stretch compared with the real deal.
Given these, I understand perfectly why our first half was a nightmare. As for buying now, I don’t care anymore. Even if we buy right now it will take a fair amount of time to integrate the new signings so they will not make any contributions in the immediate future. Better buckle up because it will be a bumpy ride.
How about leaving Ox and Theo out and persisting with Giroud upfronT with Ramsey on the flank?
You have a point with Giroud but Ramsey worked his socks off the whole game.
True that many of our players should be working harder but it’s just part of problem and not the most important one…giroud or Walcott Ramsey mert and even Monreal should not be starters in a team that wants to win top honours …we don’t have a starting 11 that can match the best in Europe … Haven’t for a decade and wenger has refused to make necessary investmen while bringing in some real jokers …. That’s the reason for frustration… And don’t say but ozil …I love this player and thankful he is in arsenal shirt but he needs right players to bring out best without complementary investment it’s a waste … U don’t build latest high speed rail network and then put on diesel trains from the 60s unless u r an idiot manager
Or unless you have a million people wanting to see a diesel train from the 60s and they pay a lot of money just to see that. People are weird, you know. Where there’s demand, there will be an offer. You can bet on it.
one of the most long useless article of all time.did I hear you say that we buy because the big teams have bought and want to sell?you son of a bit**!%%#! I hate your post..what are you smoking? defending Wenger after all the mess he has caused? some fans will never you mean to say that because Chelsea has lost against city,Tottenham(ueropa) is loosing and Southampton (mid table) arsenal should loose against West Ham at home and be OK with it?Did admin screen this article?
useless,baseless unrealistic article from a headless chicken
Hey curb your anger!
Just because you disagree with someone elses opinion DOES NOT make you right.
Everyone is entitled to express their thoughts without being insulted. Stop it or you will be moderated….
Was that why I was moderated because I was deemed to have been a naughty boy!?;)
All swear words or similar are stopped for moderation to check before publishing.
EVERYONE please do not swear in any form, it’s not big and it’s not smart….
ooh.sorry ..apologies for that..I somehow lost my head..I apologize to all those affected.
i’d rather be called the WORST fan for what i believe is right for this team than join the carnival fanfare of mediocrity!….. Call me Matyr Soopa Aeon!
rodgers says westham is a tougher opposition than arsenal
haha, must be because he expects to lose to West Ham
Yes we have the worst fans in this league, its the akbs,the arsens love childs.whats the point of showing other teams stats,do u realy think we will superpass likes of chelsea or man city?we dont even have a decent strike or a decent dm .You are deluded akb ass licker than a buffon manager.stop deffending that buffon.12 years of same old excuse. We the real fan of this club had enough.all u akb morrons only care about ur wengers job bt dont give damb about this club.stop living in past
Jeez how many times do I have to tell people to stop using brainless insults. This is a site for ALL Arsenal fans. If you only want people who agree with you go make your own site. Anyone who calls other people morons or similar insults will be put into moderation. No exemptions!
Last warning to everybody….
But you wrote the article to stir up the fire.
People can’t curb their anger simply because we have the money and we don’t spend. And how many players have we missed this summer?
We all wanna have a better team, and get better than just a 4th place, or third. Aren’t we?
We have been waiting for more than 10 years.
If we were the worst supporters, then we all have already moved to support other teams.
Thanks admin, it’s bn really annoying these last few days especially! Can’t enjoy the site properly at the moment because of all the anger and insulting, and people calling everyone that isn’t crying/insulting/WOB’ing a bum licking, AKB love child of AW! Wtf is that about?! 1 signing, a few wins and a bit of form and then everything will go back to people claiming we can win the league etc
After 3 games!!
You are a funny one! New to AFC are we?
You must be joking,Arsenal has the most patient fans in the world.We have suffered for over a decade with a manager who seems determined to stagnate the club.Man utd fans couldn’t put up with Moyes for 8 MONTHS!! Chelsea fans despised rafa despite winning the europa league.WHAT DOES THE CLUB DO FOR THE FANS APART FROM RAISING TICKET PRICES AND SELLING FAN FAVORITE PLAYERS??
“Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be” – John Wooden
People say that Wenger turned down Real Madrid because he loves Arsenal. That is BS,he knew very well he wouldn’t last 2 seasons there.Arsenal is the only club in the world that can put up with his consistent failure,stubbornness and delusion.
I disagree, Wengers decision was nothing to do with love, he simply gave his word he would stay whilst we were in debt
I said exactly the same in an article last night. Well said!!! 100% agree with every point raised. Some so called fans here should go and support city or Chelsea. I was asked the question yesterday, wud I renue my season ticket if we were relegated? Simple answer is YES. Being Scottish and also a rangers fan! I support also, even wen out in the wilderness. Coyg support your team.
I support my team, we all do,but I do not support the manager blindly like you akbs.It is like trusting a blind man to help you cross the road.
While you claim you do not support the manager blindly you swallow media and punditry garbage hook line and sinker. Wise people learn and go by the opinions of those that have knowledge and experience. Between a club manager and a pundit it is the former that has knowledge and experience about football while the latter is just a man in the street with access to media. In short, you are all for glorified ignorance as opposed to knowledge. Well done.
And what of Wengers Knowledge?
supporting arsenal doesnt mean we HAVE to support wenger. yes, AW is knowledgeable: does that mean we have to support everything he does? he makes no mistakes? are the pundits always wrong?
Team includes the manager,assistants, physios. I thought you understood that by now. Otherwise you can simply buy the players and let Kroenke and Gazidis to pick the team.
Spoken like a true fan, them akbs dont care about this club,they only care about wengers job.
Put the pipe down! Your high enough lol just em
Does Arsene feed me? Does Arsene pay my bills? But I pay to watch Arsene’s stupidity live, always!!!! Damn it!!!
YES we do. After all, we have the worst manager in EPL history don’t we? It’s match. We are meant together. Case closed!
News just in Mauro Icardi our rising star target (muzzi ozcan)
Wow I think this is the most blasting comments on Wenger than the previous season. More fans really start to awakening.
I still think wenger may sign someone but not what we want. The board stick with Wenger cos they know Wenger bring fans, alot of die hard fans, even we are not challenge, they will stick to him (gay). Arsenal got alot good business mens at the top holding the destiny of arsenal future but all just business mens who money is better than trophy. They use wenger and Wenger use the fans, arsenal is Wenger, Wenger is arsenal, I believe alot of arsenal fans got a soft heart for wenger so they miss use it. Did our team really play beautiful football which wenger bring, No. My point is fans have to hard hearted, even wenger fans, show the board we will not blind and just followers, as a top club fans we deserve a top club ambitious and achievements, challenge in all front competition.
We are not mid table team, we are top club fans
i was a re-born football fan or shall i say= because of AW i started to watch football again because of his style of play he introduced to the EPL ( sexy football ) but saying that as a Arsenal fan i am frustrated for the past THREE and only THREE years of playing silly buggers with transfers believe me if we didn’t have the funds i will be more than happy with what he has achieved so far,
knowing we have had the funds playing games with the media and the fans its not cool,
select a player you want which is possible to buy and buy him early in the window ( like Chelsea have been doing for years), you don’t have to pretend your not buying anyone so your competitors wont strengthen their squad, everyone knows who is buying who and who is going where early in the Window, those agents are like bloodsuckers they will do anything to earn extra buck
Another deluded fan living in denial and finding excuses…..
Every season same articles same excuses…
Last 10 years its the same….next season its gonna be the same again….
I have choose to support Wenger’s team selection in different games. Be it Ramsey, Ox or Walcott on the flank. I’ll support the team. I’ll speak for myself’, I have been complaining a lot lately about this team which is unlike mi. We may not like what we have or we know the team have great potential to do wonders with the right signing but let’s just support and back this team. The last time I checked, Arsenal fans are one of the best in the world. Let’s maintain that please…
The spuds have just signed Heung min son from Leverkusen.Meanwhile the Arsenal scouts,under the orders of Commander Wenger,are still scouring the French Ligue2 for the next Yaya Sanogo.
Wrong!!! Dirtee Toileh
has just been snapped
up by Clackton Utd 🙂
We haven’t got the worst fans it’s just these new breeds of gooners that are spoilt little brats who still haven’t seen bad times in there arsenal careers .
The truth is Arsenal fans
are the same as Liverpool
Man U Chelsea City
Everton Villa and Newcastle fans.
And yes 99.9% the same as Spurs fans.
Trying to claim your fans are some how unique
is bordering on delusions of grandeur.
A team name and shirt colour is about the only difference
between billions of football fans who by and large
experience and express the same range of emotions.
You are completely wrong. Go and read the match report and comments regarding the Arsenal-Liverpool game, on some site called Liverpool Echo. Everything said was positive about the team from the report to comments by the fans. We all know that Liverpool were very lucky to get away with a draw in the game following a wrongly disallowed Arsenal goal. In their world that is part of football and Arsenal should not complain. They reveled at how Liverpool literally ran rings on Arsenal in the first half, yet we all know that in that half Arsenal had more possession (61% if I am not mistaken) than Arsenal, and that Liverpool’s chances came from uncharacteristic mistakes from the defensive partnership of Chambers and Gabriel. They hailed their team for dominating space as claimed by Rodgers without elaborating what that means and how Ramsey managed to score, or how Skertel nearly put in an own goal if they were really dominating space. This is what is called supporting your club and team. Magnifying the positives while minimizing the negatives.
In contrast some Arsenal fans have an obsession with picking the negatives even imaginary ones. As an example, after the Liverpool game, the emphasis from Arsenal fans is on how Arsenal has not scored in so and so home games, ignoring the simple fact that in that game we actually scored but poor officiating robbed us. They emphasized how we were luck to go at half time level because Cech made two brilliant saves while Coutinho hit the wood work. Simple facts ignored in those negative rants are that a goalkeeper is every team’s last defensive pillar, so if Cech made two exceptional saves no luck there he was doing his job. If Courtinho hit the wood work and so did Alexis, and more importantly hitting the woodwork means shooting off target. Its not like the bar or post shifted to prevent the ball from going in. Francis was one of our best performers on the day yet Arsenal fans are licking Neville trash as if its some ice cream. This is why some Arsenal fans, especially here are the worst in the EPL if not in the whole world.
Arsenal had more possession than Liverpool
I have several scouser mates and all are ardent Liverpool fans and they are a lot less praising than the herald or whatever media outlet.
However, They have had bad times so they do appreciate that the club/manager are at least making signings in an attempt to improve their fortunes of the pitch.
I don’t know if you think the same to be true in the case of AFC?
*on the pitch.
Ignoring the half baked history and analysis if u luv em so much go and join them
dont worry mate the vielle grenouille has just signed a 15 year old tractor boy…future looks bright!!!!!!!!
They just call themselves gooners one minute after the FA final and wipe out the label on the first defeat. Arsenal is not the only club to face these people. Learn to ignore them, you will reap benefits later.
How very pious Budd!
I am to ask admin to split JustArsenal into two new sites:
I know where I will be posting..
All Arsenal fans should show their solidarity and debate all opinions in one place, whether you support Arsene or not…
we discuss these things amongst us. we can say we’re not happy w wenger, etc. but when with fans of other teams i’ll not criticise arsenal or wenger.
OK, so where will you post then ?
On here like I have always done!, and you and the other Wenger thought police can’t stop me;)
You assume I do care about you or about what you do. Which is not the case, seriously.
No but you won’t have your leader questioned will you.
& I didn’t say you cared for me now, did I?
I am not sure why do you assume I care about that either at a personal level. I have absolutely no problem questioning anyone for professional purposes or when someone else does exactly that. Especially when the subject is one everyone assumes they are “experts” on it.
You did not said I care but you said that I can’t stop you doing “that”. Hence my answer, I really don’t care what you do as long as you don’t interfere with my own interests.
Dont compare us to Spuds and Southampton pleeezzz…they not CL teams…
We haven’t won the league in a decade and still retain the same manager, yet regarded as the worst fans…
As for JM, they won last season…he recognized that the team was poor after the 1st game and went straight in and brought in a player like Pedro..
11 years since the last league title
9 years since the last Champions League “glory”
7 years since when we actually challenged for the title
7 years since we actually had true options for defensive midfield (Gilberto)
3 years since we had a striker that fits the status of this great club
Yes we Arsenal fans who still are writing here on this forum we are the worst there is and the most impatient as well
Football changes. One needs to keep up.
Tell Wenger that.
Maybe to Guardiola as well. Advocaat or Klopp. Or Simeone, no? Coz is been a while since they failed to deliver. Or maybe Ancelotti. And why forget about Mourinho? He won same 4 points as Wenger. Will you do that for me, please? I am kinda busy right now reading rumours.
Yep, kind of busy myself and the clock is always ticking.
Au Revoir Arsene and Hola Pep.
20 years og being in the elite of European football
Arsenal have the worst fans in the league….HOW DARE YOU TO WRITE SUCH RUBBISH??
Chel$hit had an even poorer start so what did Maureen do? go out and buy Pedro…… Maureen might be a d!ck but he atleast always tries to win and never bul$hits his own fans
meanwhile we are supposedly still working 24 hrs to identify our targets
and please don’t give the excuse that Benzema is not available…. these are the few transfers that have happened this year Jackson Martinez, Mandzukic, Dybala,
Schneiderlin, Schweinsteiger, Arda Turan, Illarramendi, Kondogbia, Khedira, Vidal
not a single one of the transaction was of very high value and please don’t tell me that anyone mentioned in the list won’t have improved our first 11…. was wenger’s head inside kroenke’s a$$ all this time that he could not figure these transfers?????
Support your team no matter what.
Whoever thumbed you down is definitely not a goober.
Most likely a spud!
supporting afc doesnt mean supporting everything wenger does.
Support your team no matter what, but I have to criticize some of the supporters. Very quiet, it irritates me that a portion of the fans just go to watch as if it’s on the TV. Many players have stated previously that teams are now finding it difficult to play at the emirates, which is a plus but I know we can do more.
If you look at other stadiums like Selhurst Park, Anfield, OT there fans are verbally belting out every chant that comes to mind. There’s are reason why all the other fans are calling it the library lets get them to change their mind about that.
The truth is that, if we have money and ambition then why should we wait until deadline day saying that we are working 24 hours, I know sometimes we dont have any other option but it should not be true for consecutive 8-10 seasons, same reasons….same transfer policies…. and similar panic buys….similar league position we will be at the end of the season if Wenger doesn’t buy proven quality…..I love Arsenal but I hate when we draw against a team like Liverpool who were parking the bus and we could not finish… and I hate reasons like players are not 100% ….look at city and there results….This complacency has taken a lot from Arsenal in the last eight years and we haven’t learnt anything.
by “controlling space” rodgers meant “parking the bus ” and crowding.
to say we’re done after 3 games is bogus. to judge success from transfer activity is worse.
to say there has been no progress is foolish.
tell me what team jumped from a trophy drought to winning the league straight away.
besides, what’s with all this if we don’t go into the market, we’ve not prepared ? do you people consider player development? can you predict how oxlade will perform? no .
have you taken a team through a premier league season unbeaten? well I know Wenger has and even though I’d like to say lewandowski in an arsenal shirt, I’ll wait till the end of the season to criticize
finally, stop acting like you can think for the manger. your opinion is cool, but don’t delude yourself into believing that it’s gospel truth.
your tactics might sound extremely logical on this site, but might be less effective practically.
respect the manager and you’ll have less headache
since you are giving examples, in the same period Juventus went from being the Italian champions to being relegated to becoming 3 time Italian champions (one being an undefeated season)…. by the way they also did build a new stadium while they were still winning leagues…..
and the worst part is that in the last decade when we could not buy from the market, we were also not able to develop a single world class player from our academy and we still boast that we give chance to youngsters
meanwhile i will still search the internet day and night for any new signing… go through all the bullcrap that the newspapers will through at us in the name of upcoming arsenal transfer and cry after every game we lose cause our manager lost his marbles and our players lost their balls
I just want arsenal to play beautiful football again. Always hungry game in game out. Show the ambitious than talk about ambition. We talk cohesion but I can’t feel it when the team on the field. We must show it on the transfer or on the match days or else is just any talk show. At the end if we can’t be the champion at least we challenge for it not like mid table teams fans already known that at every end of season where they belong.
How about we see their achievement in the past 10 years
1.Manchester United: 5 EPL Titles, 3 League Cups, 5 Community Shields, 1 Champion League, 1 FIFA club world cup.
2.Chelsea: 4 EPL Titles, 4 FA Cups, 3 League Cups, 2 Community Shields, 1 Champion League, 1 European League, 1 FIFA Club World Cup.
3.Manchester City: 2 EPL Titles, 1 FA Cup, 1 Community Shield.
4.Liverpool: 1 FA Cup, 1 League Cup, 1Community Shield,1 Champion League
5.Arsenal: 3 FA Cups
6.Westham: None
If we count the major trophies clubs won
1.Manchester United: 5 EPL and 1 Champion League
2.Chelsea: 4 EPL and 1 Champion League
3.Manchester City: 2 EPL
4.Liverpool: 1 Champion League
5.Arsenal: None
6.West Ham: None
So you see if Arsenal claim to be a big team not winning EPL for ten years and not winning CL in all its history is unacceptable. So I say the fans are patient. They are paying the most expensive ticket price in Europe to see the team play and each time the fans end up disappointed.
So in your dream world you have put up a very brilliant argument? On what basis are you using 10 years as a yard stick not one year, twos, or thirty years? On what basis are you saying FA cup is not a major trophy? You create parameters that will support your conclusion and you call that reasoning? You are the very reason why this article was written.
you are comparing the F.A with the champions league??….. your level of mediocrity is amazing……
F.A=Champions league, hahahahaha, what a pathetic analysis..
On the basis of trophies? Success maybe? 4th place and CL qualification is great, but club shouldn’t be content with only that. Push on for more. I know taking risks are scary and success isn’t guaranteed, but either put on big boy pants and sail out to deeper water or graciously step aside for a manager who will.
-no major titles in last 10 years
-Highest ticket prices in europe
-£8m a year manager
-£2m a year chief executive
we tolerate all this & we are worse fans
and you are forgetting the million dollar we donate to mr kronke for his excellent ‘consulting’ services
yeah right he took 3m last year arsenal have become a joke can’t see us winning big unless legenius leaves
Nice to see you in good spirit. Please post the numbers for Citeh, Chavs and Manure. You will be in a shock. And you will not even wake up if you look for Bayern, Real or Barcelona. Maybe you should pay the board more.
And this $hit with the tickets gets really boring. First of all the price is based on more games than any other club. Secondly, you pick the MOST EXPENSIVE ones not the cheapes ones. The most expensive ticket is 97 while the cheapest one is 23. The most expensive season ticket is 2013 pounds while the cheapest one is 1035 pounds. And that is for a package of 7 games more than the others. That means that Arsenal are more expensive with almost 2 pounds that the next one. And that is only the cheapest segment. What I think? I think these are still TOO EXPENSIVE for the average fan but it pi$$es me off when people fabricate arguments just to justify a lie.
anyone would pay that sort of money to see barca/Madrid/city because they are winners unlike arsenal
Unknown to John Horins he has followed, listened and bought into Wenger’s lies so much he now thinks like him. He now believes in mediocrity and has learnt to accept third best. He even dared to say we are not entitled to success? Can you beat that? Thats how low Wenger has reduced the expectations of his AKBs. Sorry John but we the true Gunners believe that success is our birthright and we wont accept anything less, thats the champion mentality! And thats what Arsenal is, CHAMPIONS!!!
What a load of rubbish. Nobody is entitled to success. It’s nobodies birthright.
Commercially and fan based size we are a top club, but in recent history our success has diminished our standing on the pitch, how long has it been since we were favourites to win the league, apart from pundits saying we’ll challenge before a ball is kicked, then when it is we’re brought back to reality with a bump.
I’ve never been in favour of buying your way to league titles, but in the last five years I’ve come to the realisation that it’s the only way to keep up with Chelsea, City and Utd, even Liverpool are trying to buy their way back into the top four. Wenger has to realise he needs to buy, spend some real money, or we’re in danger of dropping even further behind than we already are.
its all in the joy of the struggle the ups and downs the goals you score and the ones you miraculously miss the tackles you receive and the tackles you give the rum you loose the run you win remember its a sport played with a ball full of air its got its own character too it can bounce differently every time
This article is spot on in relation to some so called fans that frequent this site. For them supporting Arsenal is seeing flaws of the club, team and players. For them every other other club is doing well except for Arsenal. These people suffer from neighbor’s wife syndrome. They always think whats next door is the best. As an example, Cech has two underwhelming games, these people were all over the net claiming that we should bring back Ospina, Cech is a Mourinho agent, etc.
These are people who thrive on bitterness. If they are not bitter about something they do not feel right. Maybe psychologists may find this lot a very good study group on how not to live your life. What they fail to realize that the club management will run the club in the manner they fill is in the best interests of the club.
Is that On or off the pitch you are talking about?
What more self righteous, pious drivel defending Wengers undeniable failings.
You yourself seem to only post to tell others what they are doing or saying wrong. Very few of your posts actually discuss the topics at hand and I have never had the pleasure of reading one of your articles.
Your behaviour that wreaks of accusing others of not meeting your own fabricated and high exacting standards would also be of much interest from a physiological perspective so don’t be too quick to judge others when they choose to state their displeasure at the running of our club…
Whoever wrote this article get ur f***** head out of wenger bkside, it’s always been a case of his arrogance and stubbornness that has cost arsenal and every fan football person n thier dog knows this.
Striker n d m now the latter for 7+years has been a problem and some might debate Coquelin is good enough and I might agree but boy arteta n flam are certainly not, Pedro Benteke would be more then good enough for arsenal.
Spurs have snapped up a quality player today from bayer leverkusen and city will carry on doing what they do in fact all the rest will barring our Arrogant manager.
Forgot to mention champs league draw well last 16 again it is then lol
Arsenal have become a laughing stock of a team across the world now that’s a FACT.
We are not entitled to win the title. lol. As if we could win it anyway.
If we cant aim big, whats the point in earning 8mil a year and having players around who earn 140k a week.
If you all want to be like Spurs, act like them and never ever dare to speak about Arsenal being a big club. Also, dont get angry and offended when other fans call us out for what we are.
I agree with the article.
I myself criticize but I never gobi to extremist criticism like putting down wenger for the trophies. Let’s put him down IF he has a bad season!
Wishing for the team to lose or predicting to get out of a competition….too far.
We shpiuldnt wish for bad stuff happening to ARSENAL in order to punish WENGER.
as long as he isn’t he manager and as long as these are he players I will criticize objectively but never wish for them to fail..
10 years without major trophy.
10 years of the same mistakes
paying the highest tickets price in Europe,
the manager has made it plain that he doesn’t listen to the fans. you equate us with Chelsea that they have the same points as us but you fail to realise that they are the defending champions thus failure to win the trophy this season wouldnt cause any alarm for concern.we have stuck on the team for years and all we are demanding is to make the obvious changes so we can win the league and all you say is that we are the worst fans?
ask real Madrid who sacked their manager for failure to win a major trophy even though that very same manager won them the champions league the previous season for the definition of a worst fan.
10 years without major trophy.
10 years of the same mistakes
paying the highest tickets price in Europe,
the manager has made it plain that he doesn’t listen to the fans. you equate us with Chelsea that they have the same points as us but you fail to realise that they are the defending champions thus failure to win the trophy this season wouldnt cause any alarm for concern.we have stuck with the team for years and all we are demanding is to make the obvious changes so we can win the league and all you say is that we are the worst fans?
ask real Madrid who sacked their manager for failure to win a major trophy even though that very same manager won them the champions league the previous season for the definition of a worst fan.
YES… next.
It’s a good article, but the point is….in my view, we have enough money, we have enough prestige and we have a respected manager, so we are under performing according to our pedigree.
We probably should have won the league at least once in the last 10 years, and yes the FA cup double is great, but most fans and pundits see the league as the true test of a top team.
So maybe people are just a bit sick of what they perceive as mediocrity. Yes in comparison to other clubs we are doing well, but in comparison to our glorious past, we are under performing. That to me, is why people are a bit peed off, and they have a right to be. It’s frustrating. You cannot win the league with expectation and belief, you have to spend money, not because its cool, but because everyone else at the top is doing it, so that makes it essential in order to compete…
the writer is a typical business man or wenger second in command
comparing EPL TROPHY with 3rd or 4th place is like taking riches for wealth.
Hope I see you write many more articles John Horris.
Also hope to see naysayers bugger off and pester some other fan base. Gooners only need apply.
Sorry, JonnHirons ..again nice article.
Chelsea won the league last season and the haven’t started well. What has Jose, he has look into his squad to address the problem. The signing of pedro a great statement. Totenham and sot why r u breaking our heart the more. R they title contenders. AW said we r going for the title this season fueling our expectations but here we about to repeat what happened last year. Except AW stop playing players out of position or he starts buying what is needed in the team not what is available in other teams. Arsenal title contender heheheheheheheheheehe…
Thank you JH. It’s clear that the lack of transfer activity is getting most fans wild! Which is understandable given the history, but that’s still No EXCUSE for some of the abuse people are slinging about! Probably just a bunch of kids and fifa stars venting their frustrations. But it’s still premature, especially given the circumstances and our history. But let’s be patient and see if Le Prof has any tricks up his sleeve.