Elneny sends a message to Arsenal’s fans as he departs the Emirates

Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny has sent a heartfelt message to the Gunners fans as he announced his departure from the club this summer.

Elneny is the longest-serving player in the group, and he surprisingly signed an extension at the end of last season.

Since Mikel Arteta moved to the club, the Egyptian has mostly been a fringe player. He was kept on because of his positive influence in the dressing room.

Elneny is a lovely character and gets along well with most of the players, making him an ideal professional at the Emirates.

He is now set to leave Arsenal and sent a video message to the club’s fans. The Daily Mail quotes him saying:

‘Gooners, I’m here today to send you a message, to say goodbye and thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

‘The love, the support and the kindness. I’m really going to miss you so much and you’ll be in my heart forever.

‘I wanted to say how much I love you and how much you mean to me. I will never forget the way you supported me.

‘I’m going to see you on Sunday at the Emirates to say goodbye face to face, see you then.’

Just Arsenal Opinion

Elneny has enjoyed a good run as a player at Arsenal since he moved to the Emirates in 2016.

At 31, he can still play in a top European league, and we wish him success in his next career move.


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Tags Mohamed Elneny


    But not by me. I have always said he ought never to have been bought and expected to play at a level way too high for his very moderate ability.

    I will be glad he leaves, though I will gladly wish him well in his next venture.

    But I still wish he had NEVER ARRIVED, even so.

    A player of his very limited ability had no place ever being at a club of our standing.

    And THAT is the bottom line.

    1. I never even started “ranting”! What I did do was to give my opinion, which was a definite one and easy to understand. However I do not understand why you canot use English properly and why you misuse “rant” for a mere opinion!
      Though I could hazard a guess that you are among those easily satisfied fans who think a poor player like Elneny is suited to a club of our standing.

      NO wise fan can understand THAT opinion.

  2. Elneny might not have been the most exciting midfielder in the game, but I thought he was pretty solid, could go all the game without tiring, and never let Arsenal down. He was usually injury-free, always available, and never once did he complain about being on the bench. And what great hair!
    Thank you Mo and good luck.

    1. “Great hair”. Ye Gods!

      Just what an ambitious title challenging club MOST needs!

      1. Elneny always gave his all when he played, he was a perfect squad player even for training and moral purposes. Good luck to the man.

        1. Yes, and lets not concern ourselves that at the quality level of player we ALWAYS need, he was WAY SUB PAR!

          To real thinkers, who support the clubs success far above that of any individual player, THAT is what matters!!!

  3. Good luck to loyal servant Mohammed Elneny. He did his best in the eight years he was with us even though his quality prevented him from being a regular starter. It is always good to appreciate one’s efforts even though they might not have been at the highest level.

  4. Elneny is part of the backbone of ANY squad – a player who gave his all, never complained or brought the club into disrepute.
    A TRUE professional and I’m surprised he hasn’t been offered a back room position, but thank you for your loyalty to our club and good luck in the future.

    1. Has he given any hints as to his future Ken? I’d love to see him stay at the club in some sort of function.

      1. Just got back to my hotel after the game Jax, so sorry for the late reply.
        No, I haven’t seen anything, but as he’s still playing international football, I guess he still sees himself playing for a while yet.

  5. A good, solid professional who always gave his best when called upon.
    Unfortunate that injury curtailed his contributions in the last couple of years.
    Wish him all the best.

  6. I wish you well Mo, you have been a loyal servant and a much underrated member of our squad and have never let us down when called upon. Good luck wherever you go.

  7. As any savvy fan knows you need player’s in a dressing room that are willing to die for the crest(figuratively speaking)mo was one as was xhaka, I wish you the same success as the latter, good luck young man and thank you.

  8. Mo i wish you all the best.we are greatful of what you have done to us, and we really appreciate your effort, you have been here for eight years.THANKS YOU SAFE JOURNEY MO

  9. Thanks Elneny for your service to The Arsenal, and wishing you all the best for whatever you decide to do next.

    Some great comments here, apart from one poster 🙄

    1. And that ONE poster is the only REALIST, sadly for the rest of you, amongus all.

      Would Elneny have been allowed eight long years at City?? All honest Gooners know he would NOT! He would never have been bought at all, as we all know.


  10. Hear to go again, trying to make out that you are better than others with the REALIST crap 🙄.

    1. I notice that VAR did it’s job today HD, when allowing our legitimate second goal, that was the decision by the referee on the field.
      That’s the realism of var when it’s used properly, as those of us who understand it can appreciate.
      As for comparing city, with its 115 breaches being looked at, to The Arsenal, that sums up the mentality of those who have no understanding of how to treat players and WHY The Arsenal are admired the world over.

  11. Just got back to my hotel after the game Jax, so sorry for the late reply.
    No, I haven’t seen anything, but as he’s still playing international football, I guess he still sees himself playing for a while yet.

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