Five players Mikel Arteta can sell and raise funds for upgrades

Mikel Arteta should sell off some Arsenal stars in the summer including most improved player

After signing two new players in the last transfer window, Mikel Arteta will be looking forward to the next transfer window as he looks to stamp his vision on the Arsenal team.

He has been interested in several players in the last few months, it is left to be seen who he will get in.

However, before anyone can be bought, the Gunners would have to offload some of their first-team players and Football.London has listed five of those players below.

Mohamed Elneny
Arsenal fans who don’t remember that this Egyptian is still an Arsenal player can be forgiven given how little impact he has made for the entirety of his spell at the Emirates.

He is currently on loan in Turkey and at the age of 27, Arsenal will be more than happy to recoup the £5 million they spent on him.

Henrikh Mkhitaryan
It is unimaginable that the Armenian earns £180k per week at the Emirates yet he has made so little impact that most fans won’t remember him despite playing some games for the club this season.

Mikel Arteta was being diplomatic when he said that there might still be room for the former Manchester United star, I think he will be sold off.

Sead Kolasinac
Kolasinac is another high earner who isn’t doing much to earn his money at the moment.

The Bosnian is so injury-prone that I don’t think he even deserves half of the £120k per week that he is earning at the moment.

With the emergence of Bukayo Saka, Kolasinac should be sold off this summer.

Sokratis has been reliable when called upon to represent Arsenal but I think his time has passed and the coming of William Saliba will make him even less important to our long term plans and he won’t exactly be missed.

Shkodran Mustafi
Mustafi has been one of our most improved players under Mikel Arteta and the Spaniard must be thinking of giving him a new deal.

However, the emergence of Pablo Mari and the return of William Saliba next season could see him struggle to play games.


  1. Selling players seems to be the way to raise transfer funds.Club will be make record financial loses with the possibility of the season being declared null and void ab initio and or games being played indoors due to this global crisis that has affected all club and sponsors.I think many clubs will not want to do business in the summer and will like to hold keep their prized assets ,as such we can only target players who are contract rebels and whose contracts are running down ,take full advantage of the situation.

  2. Mari has played 2 games against poor opposition. I’m not even convinced we should sign him. My list of players that we could sell are Torriera, Lacazette, AMN, Bellerin and Kola as I believe we can get good fees for these. Next up Elneny, Mki, Ozil, Sokratis and Elneny just need to get off the wage bill. I would offer every club in Europe a proposal deal for Abameyang. If he’s not going to sign we could do a decent swap rather than lose him to united and spend 20 of the 50 we got too replace them.

  3. And why is the shirt selling merchant not on the list with 350 per week.The mercenary should be sold to China by force, that’s where draw wages without giving a fuss because of a ‘big name’

    1. Counsel- can you explain why you feel Ozil is a mercenary. The Club agreed the wage and a 3 year contract. Ozil accepted. How is he being mercenary? Did he put a gun to the Board Members heads? Wenger agreed the deal? So to me, it seems all parties agreed everything. Again, how can Ozil be seen as mercenary?

      1. @uncle Phil Ozil is in the top ten highest paid footballer in Europe the last time I checked. If you look at the caliber of footballers in that list with his quality & performance he can only clean their books we’re talking of players like Ronaldo,mbappe,suarez, bale,neymar etc.Further Wenger himself said since ozil was running down his contract it made economic sense instead of buying a replacement to extend his contract. I mean a decision was made purely on wage demands versus funds to replace him simply the club was HELD FOR RANSOM. In contract law there three types of contracts:Void contract,Voidable contract and a valid contract for me Ozil’s contract is voidable contract as it was made under unduei-nfluence which is a vitiating factor in contracts,Wenger expressed that himself only that raising it as an issue would embarrass the arsenal.Even with offer and acceptance there are other factors that go to the root of a contract.Ozil loves the money not the arsenal.

        1. @Counsel-you still haven’t answered the question PAL. You use the term Mercenary to describe Ozil, then rattle on about 3 different types of contracts. You are either a Politician or a Lawyer. Can’t answer a direct question but full of going round the houses pretending to

      2. Phil, you are wasting your time on these people. There is simply nothing you can do help a man who has committed him to ignorance. Sadly, most of arsenal fans are in this category regarding Ozil’s salary. No that they don’t know just prefer to deny what they know.

    2. Get rid of Leno, Belerin, Socrates, Luis, Kolasinac, Xhaka, Lucas, Pepe, Auba, Laca and let’s retain Ozil. It was never his fault and never will be.Its just every one else at AFC from the doorman to everyone to blame for his lackluster performances.Sell all these players and renew his contract for next 5 years with option to extend by another 5 years with 500k/week and see we will win the EPL and EL/ UCL for the next 10 years! Trust me.
      Back to the topic all those mentioned are not our requirement and quality, the sooner they go the better for the club

  4. @phil he’s a mercenary because Ozil is primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics. Wanted to Ran down the contract so he can go on a free and get sign on fee plus high wages since no transfer fee would be involved by the buying club.Alternatively hold arsenal for ransom to get the best out of the deal his contract was extended on an economic perspective that a replacement would still cost even more not based on his ability. Wenger clarified about ozil high wages in fact it forced the club to change its transfer policy you extend your contract before entering the two the last two years of your contract to tame the mercenaries like ozil.I would not call Auba a mercenary even if he moves due to wage demands he has performance to show.But as for the frail ozil even with the money he’s on should first get tested for kwashiorkor before we offer him a new deal,can’t tackle just runs around the pitch looking bitter always.

    1. Firstly @Counsel, what player isn’t interested in making money. And whatever amount he asked for, the Club were not forced to pay were they? It was signed off by Wenger and Kronke.So rather than blame the player as you do, those two are equally to blame.The fact is, they both felt that 1) the player was worth paying the amount he was asking, and 2) the Club could not afford to lose him.The fact that consecutive managers, up until Arteta, were unable to get the consistency of performance his salary demanded again put the blame at their door as much as Ozil’s. And as for the workrate issue you and others continually rant about, just check the statistics.While I accept his playing style often makes him look as though he is not interested in putting in the effort, the stats prove yiu all wrong.And do you honestly suggest Arteta would pick Ozil if he wasn’t contributing to the team as well as performing? If I ever need a solicitor I would not be picking you PAL, I would want one that knew his facts before attempting to spout off

      1. A happy Ozil surrounded by the right players is an advantage to us, I’d keep him, players to get rid of, first one out should be Xhaka, then Mustafi, Luiz, Bellerin, Mkhy. We’ve got to do all we can to keep Auba, bring in a box to box midfielder, a central defender and a right back. We have lots of promising youngsters, get them nailed down on long contracts then I’d be happy

  5. Just because someone mentions a few vaguely legal terms (in the wrong context) doesn’t make them a lawyer

  6. Some of us pleading ozils case really need a rethink. what stats are we talking abt, KDB, dybala, fernandes etc play similar position compare d stats.
    i saw some old clips of ozil when he was still in germany nd spain..
    dis guy is now too lazy 4 Arsenal

    1. @Son, why do you feel he is lazy? The statistics that are there for all to read and study suggest otherwise. And if your correct, why does the manager continue to pick a lazy player? Surely Arteta should be sacked immediately should he not? And let’s just say Ozil is dropped.Who would you play in his place? Can’t wait for this answer

  7. Arteta said he will give everybody a chance, even mustafi gotva chache and made the best out of it.Ozil on the other got how many goals or assists? He’s an attacking midfielder what other stats are talking about defensive! Just saying he covers ground doing what? Is he a headless chicken..When he will be benched what will be your excuse.As for not hiring me as your solicitor I don’t hustle for clients am a trade unionist,I represents
    trade Unions on labour and employment disputes.

  8. Ok so your a solicitor. Is that meant to impress anyone?
    Why does Arteta continue to pick Mesut Ozil? He has not dropped him from the side once, so in my mind I would suggest that the player is obviously doing something right wouldn’t you? Whereas Pepe, who continues to be inconsistent, has been in and out of the team. Ozil has no doubt benefitted from Arteta coming in, as have most players, and he has, without doubt, improved his consistency of performance. It’s there for all to see PAL. If you don’t like the player, that is your choice, but don’t ignore the facts Rumpole. And who exactly would you have in the side as an CAM if Ozil wasn’t playing? So you say it’s wrong, then what is the line-up to make it right? Let’s see you actually solve the issue you say is wrong.

    1. Modern games doesn’t need the traditional no.10 I would play Ceballos or Nelson we’re shot in attacking midfield so I t know that’s an area that the club will strengthen, no goals from midfield the tale of arsenal with ozil behind the strikers.

      1. Not too many goals from the Strikers either PAL, with the exception of Aubamayang.
        Cebellos will never function as effectively playing high up the pitch, and Nelson? He can’t even get in the team ove4 an inconsistent Pepe, but you feel now he is to be trusted as a CAM.
        Again I ask the question PAL, why is Arteta continuing with selecting Ozil? Surely if the player is as bad as you state then we have a manager who hasn’t a clue what he’s doing and should be sacked immediately

        1. Arteta knows best remember I wanted him even before Emery came here. However he has limited option in midfield I promise you Ozil will be rotting on the bench next season when we get a proper CAM even ESR can do the job.

          1. We will wait and see on that one shall we? And his options are not limited are they. What about Ceballos and Nelson if they could do a better job than Ozil, why let ESR go on loan if that was another option?

  9. Funny Phil. the last lawyer i knew who knew anything about the game was my old captain and centre half Ronnie Moss at Wingate back in 1968. After not seeing him for many years I had to appear at Westminster Magistrates Court in Horseferry Rd for an offence that occurred in the cab. Would you believe it Ronnie was the Judge, I’m standing there suddenly I heard “I can’t judge this case because I know the defendant” ha ha, couldn’t believe, I said, “alright Ron, so you made Judge after all” all he could do was blush and go stumm

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