Five things we can take from the Arsenal win over Colorado Rapids

For all us night owls that stayed up to the early morning to watch Arsenal play the Colorado Rapids it was definitely worth it.

Forget the 3-0 win, that was always going to happen, it was more the actual performances and overall look of the team that was more important.

Here are five things that I took from the game last night

The kids are very comfortable

There was a bunch of stand out performances, James Olayinka scored an absolute screamer, Eddie Nketiah ran their defence ragged and Bukayo Saka just bossed it. The other youngsters did just fine as well. Was a good run out for them all and they will take confidence from that performance.

Carl Jenkinson was a surprise

OK, it was against the Colorado Rapids in a friendly and not Liverpool at Anfield in the Premier League but even so, I liked what I saw, he got his runs perfectly timed almost every time, his crossing need work and while it is always easy to have a go at him when he plays poorly we should also be just as keen to say he done well and last night, he did well in the wing back position.

Gabriel Martinelli had a great debut

He scored a bit of a fluke goal but who cares, it was a goal on his Arsenal debut but what I really liked about him was two things, one his positioning, he knows where to be when the attacks unfold and secondly, the lad ran his heart out and more than once he popped up to help out in defence. This kid has something about him for sure.

They just love Mesut Ozil

Has to be said, the atmosphere changed when the German came on and they went bloody mental every time he touched the ball. We can say what we like about him and his performances but he is iconic and is clearly still the main man in terms of international audiences. Now, if his performances could reflect his image, nope, stop, not going there. They loved him, that is all I need to say.

Those yellow numbers

The yellow numbers on the back of the shirts were awful, they should be white, they look out of place and make the kit look, well, horrible.

Sorry, but that is how I feel about those numbers, I did not like them, I said it in the comments last night and I am still of that opinion.

In conclusion

Yes, it was just a friendly against a very poor team and we will know a lot more when they play the big boys later on the tour but I can only judge the team on what I saw last night and I liked what I saw.


  1. Ideal transfer window would be the signings of
    Saliba, Tierney, Soares + another CB
    And taking Malcolm on Loan

    Bellerin Sokratis Holding Tierney
    Xhaka Torreira Guendozi
    Soares Malcolm
    Lacazette or Auba

    Soares and Malcolm on both wins would terrorise defences.
    We also need a new CM but that can wait imo
    Would also love Fekir

    It’s annoying because if we got a reasonable budget of say $150m we could essentially sort out most of our team by being smart in the market

    1. We only need the players that can help us in this season, not the ones that are only available in the next season and not the ones that are still injured

      Having a big budget doesn’t always help. Fulham spent more than 150 M last season and got relegated, despite having Chambers, Mitrovic, Sessegnon and Seri

      Whereas Tottenham didn’t spend a dime last season, but they managed to become the Champions League runner-up

      1. Would you pass on VVD if it meant he had to sit out for a season?

        I’m not saying Saliba is that good but the talk about him is that he is pretty dam impressive

      2. I think Fulham spent about half that amount @gotanidea. Fulham were miles behind behind most teams already anyway and would have probably finished even further behind?

        You’re right, having a budget does not guarantee success but if spent well with a good manager it certainly improves your chances of success! Fulham did not have the right balance. Spurs had a good balance already so it’s a bit unfair to compare tbh..

    2. I’ll play…(IF Kroenke would once
      open the GD pursue strings)


      H. Ziyech (£30M)
      S. Chikwueze (£35M)
      D. Upamecano (£45M)
      B. Kamara (£25M)
      F. Kessie (£35M)
      A. Grimaldo (£30M)
      D. Sidibe (£15M)

      Roughly £215M spent but that eye
      raising # could be considerably
      reduced if AFC were able to move
      on Kola, Mustafi, Xhaka, Boss, El
      Neny, and Jenkinson for a cool £100M.

      Imagine this squad…


  2. I’m afraid everybody looked good because the opponent was a mediocre American team

    We still need skillful wingers that can terrorize the other EPL teams and the ones that can withdraw the opponents’ attention

    Preferably some inverted wingers with world class first touches and decent weaker legs, in the mold of Salah and Mane

  3. Yellow was truly abominable.

    In other news, from the Guardian: “Celtic have told Arsenal they will have to pay more than £25m for the rampaging left-back Kieran Tierney.”

    Arsenal should just stop any dealings with a deceitful club like Celtic who now want more than they originally asked.

    Unless you disbelieve the media, in which case why is everyone getting upset by reported Arsenal (in)activity in the transfer market?????????

    1. Get your facts right, Celtic was never trying to cheat Arsenal, all they requested was the 25 million pounds straight up for the player (whatever bonuses or add-ins can come later when completing the deal)
      rather it’s Arsenal, always embarrassing us and in your own words, the club trying to cheat Celtic.
      So they named his fee 25mills straight up, and we do what? we Make a bid of 18 million and 7 million for bonuses and add-ons making it 25, who’s trying to play smart here?
      Arsenal is always embarrassing in the market, don’t say Celtic are trying to cheat us, we all know what our club can do and can’t do in the transfer market

  4. Let’s wait for the bigger games. But that does not take anything away from the great job of giving these young guns a run out in our colours. Credit to the coach, credit to the boys too. The future is bright.

    And that yellow thing is nothing short of horrible. Somebody must be colour-blind to have approved that and unleashed that on the generality of the public. Man’s inhumanity to man.

    Good job ‘Night Owl’, for the exxellent report…

    1. I thought Giroud was the most handsome Gunner ever and Walcott was the second

      But I’m a man, so my judgement could be clouded ?

      1. Well gotanidea ?…they didn’t do it for me!!
        In all my time as a goonerette, I’ve only ever liked 3 – Petit, Podolski & now Kolasinac ?

        1. Even I fancied Petit. I would have had his babies!!!

          I’m a man, but my judgement is not clouded ?

          I hope my wife does’nt read this!? ?

      2. Sorry I just had to come in here…

        There’s been no gunner, facailly more beautiful than Walcott – jeez! None that I’ve known of over the past 15 years… And yes, I used ‘beautiful’. You’ve got no idea the number of ladies I’ve come across that though, uninterested in football, just want to take a while longer watching him. Giroud, Kola, sexier – that I agree.

          1. Sue, some how I could see you with a box of Ferrero Rocher on your lap (delivered by Giroud personally) with your feet up (being rubbed by the strong arms of Kolasinac) while Petit delicately brushes your hair. All the while you are just chatting with all here on Just Arsenal!


          2. Rubbed by those arms & having my hair brushed – that is perfect indeed, GunneRay! Then I’d empty the box of chocs & slap Giroud with it & say that was for the EL final ???

  5. What is clear is Emery admitted that Arsenal cannot manage the transfers. They factually cannot do them. When Mislintat, genuinely our expert, ran for his life, all his ablities and capability went with him. At the Spuds Daniel Levy has all the history of skills to deal with transfers. He is an expert. Kroenke, Venkatesham and Sanllehi don’t know how to deal with the many aspects of transfers and Emery is not allowed as head coach to oversee transfers as Wenger did. Our Three Stooges factually are not up to it. As Emery said…Arsenal need help….de facto. Shouldn’t the three stooges have dealt with this when Mislitat ran for his life from the Arsenal catastrophe.

    1. Well the main problem is with the previous two stooges of Wenger and Gazidis who have well and truly messed things up! Even the greatest negotiators in the world would struggle to ditch our deadwood, which is obviously holding up any potential signings. What fans do not realise is that Wenger/Gazidis were not just bad with buying, selling, and contracts, they were the worst anyone has EVER seen at ANY club, in the history of football! They may have been gone for about a year now, but the problems THEY created are still here, and will take years to fix. E.g. Ozil is one of our biggest problems, which probably will not be solved until 2021 (when his insane contract expires).

      I feel so sorry Emery.

      1. I feel sorry for Emery too, but he is being well paid and if not supported by Kroenke and the Board, then he only has to persevere until the end of the season to move on. He will not be short of suitors.
        Most sympathy should be reserved for the long suffering supporters, who can’t forsake their beloved Arsenal.

  6. @Gotanidea. Only the bravest of men (and women too!) will dare to argue with you on your judgement. One look at the blade you’re holding and all you will ever get is enthusiastic acquiescence!

    You have spoken well though, sword notwithstanding…

  7. Special appeal to Phil, can you please limit your banter to TH14 personality only. He isn’t the only Nigerian here. I’m one and I’m beginning to be offended with your disrespect of My country because of him. I like you also get bored with his obsession with Iwobi and his overhyping , that doesn’t mean you should disrespect our country. Regarding Saka and the other Nigerian kids in our academy except Amachi I’m proud of them all. You can call them English but that can’t take Nigerian out of them because it is in their dna. They may represent England or any other country the fact is they will come home eventually. If you limit players representation to their true nation so many European national teams won’t be as rated as they are now.

    1. I made a similar comment some time ago, appealing to Phil to ignore TH14 and his obsession with Nigeria and all that comes with it… Seems Phil’s always on standby to reply him.

      You do say some hurtful things Phil. Live and let live!

    2. Why would I only limit comments to @TH14? It’s not my problem he continuously writes such ridiculous posts about a talentless player.And it’s not my problem if you are offended by the obvious facts.Nigeria are not a very good National Football Team.That’s quite obvious.If your offended by that then it shows how the truth blinds some people.
      I didn’t watch any of ACON simply because I have far better things to do with my time.Ot is not a tournament that is taken seriously by anyone other than the nations that take part.That is a proven fact.
      Just to put the record straight I have nothing against Nigerians.I actually have nothing against any country.But it’s easier and convenient for people to believe what they want to believe.
      So your comments are of no concern to me at all.I don’t intend to offend but if you and your fellow Nigerians feel offended then as I say that’s your problem not mine

      1. And I would add it’s always the Nigerians on here that take offence to the littlest of things ,you don’t see some of us enlglish fans taking offence when Walcott used to get bashed .i just feel some on here go way to over the top with their feelings ,grow up and don’t take everything so personally .

          1. He said your football team was sh1t ,not your country ,this is what I mean over the top on everything,if someone said England was a sh1t country I would laugh and agree ,that’s the difference

          2. Dan Kit, I understand and fully agree with you. Just that its becoming too much of him, after such an appeal I expected he tune it down a bit not react the way he did. Am sure that’s what got must of us disappointed.

            NB: A country’s national team is a pride of the country, its not worth insulting because you don’t rate a player (Obviously a lot of us don’t)


      2. Phil I can tell you”ve missed some great games,the level has greatly improved,like Algeria who the coach is French and most players born and bred in France who are able to play for Algeria through their grandparents,most played for very good teams in France,Spain, Italy, Germany, Holland, England…Ryad Mahrez is the captain and has played very well scoring some Great goals!they actually best Nigeria in the semis!!

        1. Ok @Tissiam-I can only take your word for that but I do not doubt you.But the level will never be up to the Euros or World Cup which is as far as I go at International Level.I just look at the results and see who gets where and that is that because,as I say, I have no interest in the tournament at all.

    3. Eh!,,,,, What petition and to face who exactly?I have never not replied to anything put to me.The fact AdMin is trying to be Mr Political Correctness And is removing my replies is out of my hands.But I don’t exactly have much to worry about when asked to explain my comments.You can all say what you want but I haven’t exactly seen too many Nigerians disagree with whatever I say about Iwobi or the state of Nigerian football.Not a single person has actually defended your country in footballing terms.Sort of proves me right I would say,

  8. Ignore Tierney now. Celtic being douchy so we can move on to Grimaldo, Gaya or Rodriguez. When Celtic realizes this, they will lower their demands.

    Where’s our CB?

    Everton Soares could be a decent signing. I just wish we could get Ziyech and Fekir to replace Özil and Mkhi but we won’t be getting rid of them.

  9. Aston Villa are doing a lot of transfers. Puts us to shame
    They are going Fter their 8TH signing:
    Nakamba for £9-15 million

    So far:
    Wesley: £22 million
    Mings: £20 million
    Targett: £14 million
    Konsa: £12 million
    Ghazi: £8 million
    2 other signings

    1. I said it a week ago that by the end of the window Villa would have spent about 100M! putting us to shame.

  10. I hope the club gives these young guns every chance
    to develop by playing them in all the cup comps.
    There are at least 6-7 who can go all the way and become PL quality.

  11. I’ll play…(IF Kroenke would once
    open the GD pursue strings)


    H. Ziyech (£30M)
    S. Chikwueze (£35M)
    D. Upamecano (£45M)
    B. Kamara (£25M)
    F. Kessie (£35M)
    A. Grimaldo (£30M)
    D. Sidibe (£15M)

    Roughly £215M spent but that eye
    raising # could be considerably
    reduced if AFC were able to move
    on Kola, Mustafi, Xhaka, Boss, El
    Neny, and Jenkinson for a cool £100M.

    Imagine this squad…


  12. Martinelli was not a fluke,I watched it few times because I too thought so but you can see him puffing his chest before receiving the ball and positioning himself to direct the ball!

  13. To be honest with you,I believe I am well travelled.There are not too many places in the World I have not visited and will continue to do so.You will not be surprised to know Nigeria is not on my list.Never was.Never will be.

  14. AdMart-I just cannot understand why you have removed replies I have sent to posts received aimed at me.Not one of my replies was confrontational unlike some that you have left posted with me in the firing line.You need to play things equally.You seem determined to refuse any right of reply from me when I have deliberately made sure I did not step over the fine line you insist on.You can’t have this both ways.You either allow all or none.

    1. We are now operating a zero-tolerance policy on anything personal or denigrating or anything like that. There are 101 comments in the bin now, I think I deleted about 3 or 4 of yours so I am being as fair as possible and in no way picking on you or anyone else. If I have missed some I will get to them, we get hundreds of comments per day across all our articles so I will miss some but as time goes on I will get on top of it.

      1. Yes admin, i can confirm that. You deleted a post of mine calling Phil a coward and challenging him to a physical confrontation . Its over the line, accepted. Wouldn’t want to get to that level with any of our esteemed fans on here. I apologize.
        Iwobi is talentless or whatever dirty word Phil finds comfortable to use on him, we care less. Kindly warn him never to demean Nigeria henceforth. Whenever he mentions Iwobi and Nigeria in a post, kindly delete asap.
        Again, i apologize to you @admin, keep up the fairplay…

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