“He’s not near it” Ian Wright discusses under performing Arsenal man

Arsenal has been struggling for goals in their recent matches.

The Gunners have scored just once, which came from the penalty spot, in their last four league matches.

This lack of goals has also affected their position on the league table as they have lost every one of those three games that they didn’t score a goal.

The likes of Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Alexandre Lacazette have been looked upon to score the goals, but they have been unable to do that recently.

Ian Wright, like most Arsenal fans, is worried about the club’s current situation and he has had a look at what is happening.

The former Arsenal striker was speaking about Lacazette’s positioning in games and he thinks that there are some problems there.

Wright claims that Lacazette doesn’t get close to the focal point that he should as the club’s top nine.

He said on the Wrighty’s House podcast as quoted by Express Sports: “I was talking about Mikel [Arteta] and how offensive he wants to be, and it’s literally impossible in this team.

“I saw some stats about Lacazette’s average position. For a focal point, he’s not near it. With the chance he had, for me, even with no one in the ground, you could see he’s going through that spell as a forward where he’s thinking about his next chance.

“Where that ball came in, you don’t need to think about it, you just need to get it on target. Just control it. I believe that even with no fans in there, he’s thinking about his next chance.

“He’s thinking about the consequences of missing. He’s thinking about the fact Arteta is saying: ‘We’re not taking our chances.’

“You need to get into the positions where you will score goals and then do what you’ve done for years.”

Arsenal will hope that this break will get their players refreshed and that they will return in better goalscoring form.

Tags Alexandre Lacazette Ian Wright


  1. So Gabon won last night. Auba scored again. And what’s Auba’s position in Gabon’s team?
    I’ll let you guess.

  2. This one is on Arteta…. I’m a big Arteta fan but I won’t let that cloud my judgement. When the season started Lacazette was on a good run then all of a sudden Arteta drops him to the bench, the most bizzare was using Willian as the striker. I observed that this affected lacazette as he is a player that strives on confidence. Since Artets reinstated him into the starting line up he’s been awful. Arteta why change what doesn’t need a fix? Laca needed one more goal in the next match to break a record for consecutive goals. Why deny him that opportunity to break the record when he was on a good run. I know Lacazette is no where near world class and he is always like this every season. But I’ll blame this particular poor run of his on Arteta’s poor management of a player who was is fine form.

    1. Come one… Give me a break. Before Arteta dropped him, he scored 3 fluke goals, then against Liverpool the goal he scored didn’t even connect with his foot and he would have missed it if Alison didn’t think his foot connected well with the ball, apart from that, he missed two clear cut chances(probably our best chances in front of goal so far this season) Nelson or Eddie would have buried those 2 chances he missed. Who wouldn’t drop him after that?

    2. Chapo I’m not sure we are watching the same Lacazette, please stop putting all the blame on arteta, is arteta the one who asked Lacazette not to score two good chances against Liverpool and one good chance against city and a free header against Aston Villa. Lacazette has been poor now for 3 seasons but when some of us say he’s poor some will tell us he works hard for the team and some will tell us aubamayang only score because of Lacazette, and the last I checked Lacazette has never recorded 8 assist before.

    3. Chapo I just don’t recognise any justification in the constant criticism Arteta gets from we fan novice amateurs who think they know better than him. Considering the positve and total transformation this wonderfulmanager has made in less than a year, , we should ALL be eating out of his hand and showering praise on him.

      But so many rather foolish fans think they themselves know better and feel qualified to give ehim advice Even in man management for goodness sake. in which he is superb.

      Comments like yours make me cross frankly, with the arrogance in thinking you , as an amateur know better . Because you, me, and all our millions of fans , DO NOT!
      Your opinion, to which you, I, and all of us are entitled is one thing; but to think you know well enough to blame Artea for not doing as you think, is damned arrogance of a high degree. It needed saying!

      1. I think you all misunderstood me. Firstly I’d rather have Auba through the middle than Laca. Remove the hard work and Laca is a waste, complete waste. How much did we get him for? And how many goals has he scored to justify the money we spent? Damn even Giroud gave us more than maximum value for money. I am not justifying Lacazette, how can you side with a striker who has never scored at least 21 league goals for us? My opinion is Arteta shouldn’t have dropped him when he did, yes he was missing chances but yet he was scoring, 3 fluke goals? At least they were goals. Allow him to build on that and with time he will gain more form and confidence.
        But to be honest with you all, do you think if Arteta benched Lacazette to play Auba as a 9 I will be here complaining? Nketiah doesn’t cut it for me, neither Willian as a 9. Until Martinelli is back if you are dropping Laca then play Auba as a 9 not Willian or Nketiah, he can even try out Pepe there too if he wishes. As for Nketiah, can someone tell the boy to start scoring? If our Hale End product was banging in goals nobody will be here debating about dropping Laca. I am not anti Arteta, the man has done a miracle within a very short time. I just didn’t support his idea of dropping Laca when he did and that’s my stand on the issue.

  3. Agree with you Chapo. There was no need to shift and shuffle the striker position and playing Willian as false no.9 must have brought down Lacas confidence even more. The onus is now on Arteta.

  4. Playing Willian as a number 9 was a disaster and we seem to have suffered since. Are the tactics confusing the players, are the players too mentally weak, are the players not getting into the right positions. There is something terribly gone wrong with our toothless attack and it seems like it needs some coaching and tweaking to sort it. With all our strikers available and all our fire power, we should be blitzing the opponents goal.

  5. I have always rated Laca’s overall talent more than Auba but I have to admit, what a disappointment he has been for us.
    It seems like we wasted;
    £50 million on Laca.
    Wasted £70 million on Pepe.
    Wasted £30 million on Xhaka.
    Wasted £30 million on Mustafi.
    Wastes £40 million on Ozil.


    1. “We wasted “!!
      I’m sure Stan will send you a bill through for your share of the transfer fees then mate

  6. Umm, don’t take this seriously, but hasn’t Lacazette been like a poor man’s Benzema for us? I kind of hope now we could have kept Giroud and targeted Aubameyang that Summer, because the conditions right about now need someone like Giroud. I hope Moller comes of age quickly and gets fast tracked into the team..

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