With just 20 days to go in the transfer window, we would be forgiven for thinking that Arsenal had finished their trading, unless of course an “exceptional talent” falls into Arsene Wenger’s lap from out of the stars.
But according to a new report from Goal, who often claim to have insider sources at the Emirates, the French midfielder Matthieu Flamini has been told he is now surplus to requirements.
Since Francis Coquelin’s return to Arsenal in the New Year, Flamini has not made one appearance for the Gunners, and was not even given a space in the squad for the opening game of the season against West Ham United, which would seem to indicate that he is completely out of favour with Arsene Wenger.
The report goes on to say that Flamini is looking for a payoff for the last year of his contract before he leaves, to compensate for the loss of wages by not seeing out the end of his deal, and further (if this is true) it seems that Wenger is trying to make a space in the squad for th arrival of a new defensive midfielder as competition for Coquelin.
Could Wenger still be planning a big surprise for Arsenal fans before the window closes?
We did him a favor by allowing him to play for Arsenal, he must just leave
i don’t mind him being bungled out in a sack and flung out of the Emirates….. While we are at it….create more room in the sack for arteta and mert ….. Garbage!
When will people realise that not only does Kos have Per looking a better player but Per too has Kos looking better. How else can you explain France performances, how else can you explain Kos looking rattled last season when Per was not in team. This is true of many partnering CBs, how often have you seen the best CB in prem looking like a rookie soon as he gets a guy with a totally new and different pattern to his old partner ..(Kompany if anyones wondering) Similarly thats why Keown and Adams worked so well together, but you introduce another and it takes time. Keown the pacy aggressive dog without a bone and Adams the watching reading ordering and retrieving. Totally different time and one was the best unit of its day but you get my meaning.
Kos knows how to work off of Per and it suits him, hell use him as a sort of circumference or him being left side and Per right side circumference …but adaptable.
replace him with Grzegorz Krychowiak .
I watched him against barcelona…hes actually very good.
I watched him too but to be honest he looked clumsy and his passing isn’t that great. He is definitely not an upgrade on Coquelin. I will be surprised if we go for him considering that we let Kondobia join Intermilan!
Thats what most arsenal fans say wen we are linked with a gud playr…until he joins a rival club its wen we realise hw gud he was,he aint that bad n we already knw wenger knws hw to turn playrs into world class…who the hell was koscielny be4 we signed him…its nt lyk he z anothr sanogo or flamini…you dig me?
No, most fans want to sign every player being linked to us that is over fifteen mil and if its over 20 30 mil well then its usually a must need so spend the F money.
According to reports……… “Krychowiak have asked Sevilla to accept Arsenal’s bid……he wants the move” …….. If this is true, and we ain’t selfish to make the move happen…..i would assume DM is covered!……. But thr’d still be much work on ground to be done!
According to reports mars is not made of rock but made of chocolate and is were mars bars come from. According to reports humans never set foot on the moon because you can spell the word alien in Neil Armstrongs name. According to reports the internet is going to come alive one day and take over the world like a terminator movie ..be afraid, it knows all our secrets.
So you watched him against Barca, they scored 5 goals dude ..and he was the DM, then tell me what is very good about it.
@MK3……….u can’t disagree Barca has one of the most potent front three in the La Liga…..did u really expect there to be shortage of goals?………… Plus in a transfer window where all available good DMs have been poached away from right under your nose….. Would you not man up and consider Krychowiak an option?
You have given answers to all your questions bro…. I know Barca have the best attack on planet may be, but we are not talking about 1 or 2 goals here, at the most 3 goals, he was among the defenders who have conceded 5 goals, then how he will be better than Le Coq. Thats why we needed someone like Kondogbia, he is player who plays with an authority, leadership, breaks attack when they are still developing in the midfield, goes for crucial interceptions, brave in tackling, gets a booking if required. Why the hell on earth Wenger didn’t buy him despite his availability, now we will pay 22 million pounds for a player because we are desperate, isn’t it. The fair point being, Wenger buys players like Gabriel, Debuchy, Monreal, Flamini, Arteta…See they are not at all bad players they are very good, but are they excellent, the answer is NO! They will give you silverware every year may be like FA cup, Capital One Cup, Community Shield but are they gonna be that consistent and serious like Alexis is for the whole campaign and give you the EPL title or Champions league? Believe me they can but we do not have Manager of that Caliber who can get best out of everyone in a single campaign, Invincible’s is history do you see your beloved Arsenal winning EPL this year with this squad + Krychowiak…be honest man…
@MK3……… If u’d noticed……. I had wanted kondogbia so badly in this team……. But Wenger watched him take a walk to milan and did nothing……… Many have joined new teams or re-signed new contract…….name em…..schneirderlin, imbula, kondogbia, etc …the market is getting scanty…….and i’m only a fan who wants something even out of nothing…… Krychowiak or nothing?…..what’s ur choice?
@SoOpa, Off course Krychowiak is better than nothing and Flamini……..
Frustrated though…..
@mk3 I’m assuming you’ve not seen the game because if you have you would’ve seen the 2 free kicks messi scored, the 5th also from a free kick, suarez’s goal which came from a misplaced pass from the defender and the other created by one long ball by rakitic. Also Didn’t Sevilla score four goals against a team with the best Dm in the world?
@ Wizardry…friend why cant you see conceeding freekicks is also responsibility of denfense and DM. Conceeding 3 freekicks against Barca is a crime. But I do understand ur point that he can not be considered alone at fault.
But please for god sake never say that Busquetes as best DM in the world. As he may get a Oscar for best acting on pitch and best supporting role for a player who was fouled…;-)
For 1 He didnt play dm that game he was put in as CB due to lack of squad depth. If u watched the game u would realize that the first two were free kicks the fourth was a poor pass from sevilla who gave the ball to busquets who then played a simple ball to suarez. The last goal was a rebound from a free kick. Only on of the goals was a CB back mistake so get your facts straight or go watch the game.
Krychowiak is Class, I have no regrets saying he is better than Coq. All you people watch is EPL and critisize players from other leagues based on score line. And they played against BARCA U TWIT. Trebble wining side last season. How would Arsenal have done against barca currently.
Mathieu Flamini’s time is surely up and i hope he leaves for his own career’s sake. Coquelin too needs someone to keep him on his toes as does Giroud. On last Sunday’s evidence, Coquelin seems to think that he is irreplaceable in the team..His role is to win the ball back, give it to the more creative players in the team.. but most of the time he tried to play spectacular passes which more often than not found a Westham player. I am hearing rumours about Grzegorz Krychowiak..hope there is half truth in it
Now everyone here knows how appreciative of Cock I have been. But he should not miSs the one thing that has made him stand out: knowing his role and sticking to it. There’s something I call the “Makelele mentality”, that’s what every DM should have: be a defensive midfielder, play as a defensive midfielder.
You appreciate cock, as he stands out, and sticks to it…
Hahahahahaha!!! What are you trying to say??? Of course, he stands out firmly.
Dude, you should distance yourself from that 1st sentence…LOL
At this juncture!………. I would Take Krychowiak over any other DM in the market and play him alongside Le Coq in some matches…….. One of OziL or Carzola must be used on the No.10 role…..and this nonsense of Ramsey or ozil playing on the wings must stop!……Pure wingers like welbeck,ox ,sanchez or theo (when not in play as ST) must be used on the wings…… Mert must be relegated to the bench and more game time given to Gabriel/chambers……Ospina should not be neglected in most games… I’m not in for Cech between the sticks all the time……..I dn’t even knw what to say about Giroud, but i’m tired of him…….. Flame, Arteta, Mert, Etc….should all be shown the door
Ramsey was suppose to be the creative player beside him.the truth is ramsey can’t win midfield., too much misplaced passes, and wants to score goals and abadons his primary duties as his daddy, arsene has ordered him.
I can’t believe a player like ramsey would bench someone like Walcott on flanks.rosicky, wilshere, cazorla are just way above him in talent . but just as mert and giroud they are plaquing the team
i wouldn’t be too surprised if wenger goes and puts in a good sized bid for reece oxford before the end of the window, we all know how he likes to spend big on young english talet if its great prospect, he looks very promising and in a position where we could do with some more young English talent. he can play d/m and c/h like hayden another player like him couldn’t do us any harm, especially if he can boss a midfield already at 16yrs old pretty much. wenger hasn’t really splashed out good money on an english youngster for a while, usually Southampton are the club we get them from, but if he is gonna be a class act we had better get in there now. what does everyone think?
People are giving credit to that young Oxford guy for nothing here. It wasnt very difficult for his to sit with Koyouate on the base of a mdfield and disrupt play especially when playing against soft players like Ozil!
Koyouate is also a player who we should have put more of an effort to get in, he has taken to the p/l very well last few seasons, a very good player would have been great back up in our squad. very strong and robust in midfield shame we never got him in. very cheap too would have been classic wenger signing really.
Flamini should leave. He doesn’t play, and if we need someone old and slow we have Artetifact.
Got one very serious question for Arteta: where does he get his gels?
@KickAssFan……..Those Curls cost a fortune…… Why should he ruin em on football?
Off topic but Akpom scored again.. Good going lad.
And Afobe scored as well.. How on Earth we sold him when he was the top scorer in England, homegrown and then kept Sanogo?
Thank you very much.
Many on here failed to see how good Afobe is, especially in comparison to the guys we kept…
Man, I’ve always felt bad watching Benik play so well and knowing he’s not ours anymore.
We sold him because wenger didn’t want a new competitor for giroud. If there should be one, then it will be sanogo because he is french too.why on earth would wenger not give welbeck more chances in the no.9 role.he doesn’t want him to be direct competition for giroud, he can at least 30mins there.welbeck will grow into d position and destroy oppositions.only few no.9 are as rugged, fast and skillful as welbeck.
i agree against west ham le coq thought he was a zidane or becks trying long balls he needs to keep it short and simple he needs to get back to basics!!
The midfield was crowded and that is why Coq tried those long passes!
The main issue was- coquelin wins the ball looks around…ramsey bombing forward, cazorla on the left….the next thing on his mind- long balls to switch play. And most times wayward. Cazorla was our chief Orchestrator. How can wenger forget the man city match last season so easily! Cazorla + coquelin had the best midfield performance in the league that day!
In a sane environment where quality is placed over sentiments, Flamini won’t be in this club this season.
Last on the first day our season, first on the last day of our season. #COYG
I think we would getting krychowaik as they have already got nzonzi and it makes sense as club would not be willing to sell until spanish super cup is over !!!
fingers crossed !!!!!
I won’t lie, I’ve not watched this guy on tUbeYou, and I don’t know much about him, but everybody’s now sounding like he’s the grandson of Gattuso, like they’ve known him all along.
I lay money on it, he’s injured and the club has kept quiet about it.
lets home it’s to make room for a new cdm like kyrchowaik wo can play as cdm & cdm his big physical presence will be good for us
but flamini won’t leave that easily wants compensation
If he won’t leave on his own accord..
Tell him he needs extra medication for his stamina, dope him with rohypnol, put him in a large bag and fly him to Siberia and let him play for ‘Iza FC’ (Freezing Cold)!
Wenger to me commits football self-harm. Early in the Window we saw Kondogbia, Carvalho, Imbula all available. Wenger was not interested because in his eyes, and in his eyes only, the team as it was, was good enough to mount a PL challenge. Well first game in and we were stuffed by West Ham’s very own DM. Comical. Now, too late, Wenger may well end up buying a third choice DM in Krychowiak. When Mourinho called Wenger “A Specialist in Failure”, he was right. In both the Premier League and the European Champions League, that is what Wenger is…a failure. A stubborn man who believes only he knows how to win. Sadly in the big trophies he does not know at all how to win. Like I said ‘football self harm
Early days for Kondogbia at Inter but Inter not looking great at the minute and GK not really impressed. Carvalho still at SL – mate, there has to be a clue there, this guy has been on the market for ever and no-one whatsoever has come in in for him. Imbula to Porto – meh, again not exactly in demand is he? If Wenger has missed out big time on these guys then so have every other serious team/manager in Europe. If they were £10-12M then a punt could be worthwhile but these guys are serious money.
kyrchowaik In 32 Matches
82 Tackles.
97 Interceptions.
109 Aerial duels
Where were all these stats before now?
They are there for all to see at WhoScored. I actually got 107 tackles in 32 matches, with the tackle succession rate of 80%. Other stats match.
In addition he made 80 fouls which resulted in 13 yellows and 1 red. And suprisingly he was fouled over 50 times, which would indicate he isn’t a stranger holding to the ball.
He beats Busquests in tackles, interceptions, won aerials, blocks, fouls and shots on target. However his passing % is only 80% while Busquets’ is 92%. Then again he does the same amount of succesful long balls and I guess that’s one thing we are missing with Le Coq.
According to reports……… “Krychowiak have asked Sevilla to accept Arsenal’s bid……he wants the move” …….. If this is true, and we ain’t selfish to make the move happen…..i would assume DM is covered!……. But thr’d still be much work on ground to be done!
Yeah welcome back @admin we Missed you!I hate it when @Bob is on the site he deletes some of AOBs comments,and his articles goes for less coments it says it all really he is not suitable for job.,
I predict arsenal will lose its three first season games and it will be hell for wenger,palace and liverpool are organised team while arsenal is completely out of tune,cech was to bring us 15 extra points he has already costed us 3points.we still need players who can strengthen this team otherwise our title hopes will have faded by september
Czech FA confirm that Tomáš Rosický is out for 1-2 months crap……….
Rosicky has had Knee Surgery & expected time of recovery is 4 to 8 weeks
we need a replacement for him…
spend some money Wenger
All time Fans Fav Fellani is available too
Aymen Abdennour’s agent:
“The truth is, he wants to leave. There are opportunities in Italy, Spain & England.” he would be the perfect mertasacker replacement he was really good against us for monaco
its very simple the 2 biggest problems we are not clinical enough hence the calls for a world class striker now if that is possible unfortunatley were going to have to rely on sanchez having another blinder and hope Theo,danny and giroud each chip in with 15-18goals unlikely but hey what can we do. Now on the other hand were also very very easy to play against abit of rough and tumble and we lie down and start crying, barring coquelin we havnt got any other aggressive tackling midfielder and il go as far to say that koscielny is our only defender of the same mould and that just isnt enough. So i personally would welcome this new D.M if it helps us sure things up and concede less, you dont score you dont win but if you dont concede you dont lose either. A solid base will only help ozil and santi flourish further as it will give them less defensive duties and for heavens sake when will Wenger realise that Aaron ramsey is not a winger or a hard tackling midfielder hes a lightweight and to be honest too inconsistent, if i want to watch some running il go watch athletics!!
Sort it out Arsene or it really might just be his last season
Is he out of favor…I don’t believe that is accurate; it is simply not Wenger’s way of doing things that way. That being said Flamini deputized well when he came back to the club in 2013 but is simply not good enough anymore. He doesn’t have the same speed, he’s not the physical type of player nor the finesse type with tremendous technique.
It doesn’t make sense for both him and the club to continue this partnership Le Coq is in front of him and if he were to be rested Arteta would be next. Last but not least both Ramsey & Wilshere can have a go as well even thought they don’t have the same defensive qualities.
I think at this point Wenger is looking to offload before buying. Hopefully he is aware that for exceptional quality you have to pay and that there’s less than a month left to do business.
Everything is about stats on here, i encourage some of you doubters to watch a couple Sevilla matches. Krychowiak is very good.