
Is the Aubameyang contract delay just a PR stunt to fool Arsenal fans?

Aubameyang Is A PR Stunt! by Dan

It’s a case of when and not if Aubameyang extends his contract, so to avoid on that actual day of being accused of being negative, I’ll call out Arsenal beforehand and leave my fellow gooners to have their moment to celebrate in peace.

First of all, of course it’s positive our star striker wants to stay, but it should be the minimal requirement fans should expect. To be a big club, you act like a big club. The Manchester sides, Liverpool and Chelsea are not building up ‘keeping a player’ as their highlight of the summer.

Yes, Auba will be the exception to the rule in terms of so many big names didn’t sign a new deal, but I’m not going to say ‘well done’ just because for once those in power did their jobs right. If the Post Office kept losing your mail you wouldn’t applaud them the day a parcel finally arrives, would you?

Just because our top scorer is staying does not mean I will be manipulated into not focusing on what we are not doing.

Fans are wondering what’s the delay.

The man went on holiday wearing an Arsenal shirt, he’s interacting with fans on social media, heck he even took a video of the Community Shield wearing a seat belt. Unless he’s got a twisted sense of humour, you don’t do those things if you plan on leaving.

It’s not like negotiations wouldn’t have started months ago either. All parties would have known for a while how realistic a deal was. So, why’s an announcement taking so long?

My theory?

As I write this, we are less than two weeks away from the Premiership kicking off and we have spent 0.
Compare that to the business being done at Stamford Bridge.

While it’s fair not to judge this transfer window till October I will be very curious what our net spend ends up looking like.

So Auba is a card they are waiting to play. The plan being fans become so happy and relieved that we don’t question our owners lack of ambition. All the talk will be on Auba putting pen to paper and not how 55 redundancies are in fact not funding the squad but simply saving a billionaire a couple of million.

It’s a PR move and to be fair a genius one that will most likely work. The Kroenke Family have some customers predicting a title challenge despite them overseeing our worst finish in over 2 decades. It’s music to their ears.

A year ago, fans were so excited about Pepe’s capture we ignored that we had swapped Koscielny for David Luiz.

Now we are going to be so ecstatic we have Auba’s goals for 3 more years, we are going to ignore the fact his goals didn’t change us finishing 8th, so logic wise, without better players around him what will change?

You can see why I wanted to write this before the good news.

Just don’t let our owners fool you.

Chelsea finished 4th and have added Ziyech, Werner, Chilwell, Sarr and Thiago Silva because Roman Abramovich cares.

We are going to keep our captain and I’m meant to settle for that?

Prove me wrong Mr Kroenke.

Dan Smith


  1. So much negativity from you recently, Dan. This time you’re in tin-hat territory.

    The deal will be announced when all parties are ready to announce it. No more excuses for impatience, please.

      1. This messi transfer will create a domino effect which can see PEA in either in Barcelona or Juventas. May be he is waiting and watching. Now that Man city needs to pay 700m, Barca is going to have cash to burn. Expect another unstable transfer window.

        Please Dan explore this in an article.

        1. Nah I think he’s signed ages ago buddy
          It will be announced. Next week to distract fans from lack of signings
          Remember Barca might sell for say 100 million offer if messi makes it clear he will leave for free next year ?

  2. I can understand that this could be a consipracy for now but i see Edu and arteta as honest men with integrity and if this was the ploy, they would have nothing to do with that!

    1. You put your finger on something important here. The writer may want to continue his usual dirt throwing on the owners. But the problem here is, he is actually also accusing Auba, Arteta and several more of being blatant liars.

      1. You mean how we be at Bayern Munich level by now if we moved to Emirates?
        Or nasri won’t be sold if fabregas is ?
        Or vanpersie is staying ?
        Ramsey doesn’t get new contract because he doesn’t suit emerys plan….Then plays him
        Emery was on top of a shortlist not a cheap option
        Everyone gets a fresh chance apart from two players
        Ozil not selected in which he himself has questioned honestly
        Players never again being allowed to get into last two years of contract
        It leaked Ozil refused a pay cut
        Arsenal claiming they don’t get involved in politics
        If players take a pay cut it will stop jobs being lost
        Jobs being lost but that will help boost the rebuilding of squad – yet let’s see what net spend is
        Covid hurt us but Stans made 300 million
        We had to make redundancies but can afford to rip.up contract
        So lies a bit strong but no I don’t trust everything I hear mate
        Again I agree , I’m negative at moment
        We finished in worst position in two decades and just want to see us give ourselves best chance
        I look at Chelsea business compared to ours and sorry , don’t matter how many names you want to call me my opinion is 8th is not good enough
        Now if we get to October I’ll be delighted to say I’m wrong but so far we have Ceballos and Mykytaryhan off wage bill , which covers Willians wage
        Plus players took wage cut and 55 staff sacked
        So as things stand despite our worst position in 25 years we are making money / saving a billionaire money
        So if saying that’s bad makes me negative….I’ll take it

        1. I am merely pointing out, that if the Auba situations is, how you describe it, not only the owners, but also our manager (Arteta) and Auba + people involved in recruiting/signing players are in effect liars, as they also must be part of the cover up.
          You probably haven’t really thought about this in your quest to at all times throw dirt on the owners, and I think that if you think it through, you might come to the conclusion, that it really is uncalled for.

          1. Well no
            I never said they are lieing
            He’s lieing about Ozil
            Contract is done
            They are just waiting
            Do you not think he’s not agreed contract then ?

  3. I made a call AMN would get an england call up before it happened, so il take another punt and say that Auba annoucement will be followed by news that Gabriel has signed.

    Double impact! Instant

  4. Dan like Sean said, you’ve become the new Konstantin Mitov. The almighty pessimist who digs out negativity out of everything.
    You said you’d be waiting to see our net spend at the end of the season.
    Tell me, are you monitoring Chelsea’s net spend? Are you aware their net spend isn’t up to 50 million?
    Did you studied Liverpool’s net spend when they got Van Djik?
    You and everyone know the club put up a couple of players for sale.
    You of all people know the number of average players at the club that we are trying to move on.
    How do you sign players when you don’t have enough money and can’t move players on?
    Arteta an Edu already identified their targets in the market, it’s no secret who they want.
    If we’re looking at it, we’re talking about 135 million for the three players they club wants. Are we supposed to pull all of it without selling players first?
    Where do you expect the money comes from amidst all the financial restraints? Are we supposed to buy players and add to the ones we can move? Are we meant to run the club down into debt?
    Jesus, for the past one year, even Konstantin writes more positive and fair articles than you do

    1. for once I’m in agreement with you. Tired of someone berating his goals, without them who knows where we would be.The whole team failed to click the whole season and after the lockdown Mikel found his winning combination and we are going places. Lets look forward to the new season.If the gaffer plays Elneny so be it. If he plays Ozil and he wins us games so will i applaud him.

    2. Have Chelsea strengthened ?
      Running into debt ? We have signed a free transfer
      Let’s see come October

        1. Chelsea Sold: Hazard £103m*, Morata £50m, Pasalic £15m, David Luiz £8m, Aina £10m, Kalas £9m, Hector £6m, Omeruo £5m

          Hazard could rise to £115m because of the clause inserted in his deal.

          Bought: Kovacic £40m, Ziyech £33m, Werner £47m, Chilwell £50m, Sarr £0m, Thiago Silva £0m.

          206M sold, 170M spent.
          Now if we add Havertz 72M.
          That’s 242M.

          36M net spend so far, so please come again with the lies that their net spend is over 50M.
          If you’re coming at Me, you better not miss.. To further let you know how crazy Chelsea’s transfer dealings are I didn’t even add the money they’ll get from AC Milan from the sale of Bakayoko, not to ignore the fact that they have a few players in their transfer list that might leave.
          Once again, I repeat Dan if you’re coming at me, you better come with facts and not miss

          1. Lol… ACE the guy is getting annoying with his negativity and whining. I don’t know what he’s trying to get from telling lies about Chelsea’s transfer dealings though.
            He’s just trying to make us look so bad.
            Chelsea have the best business model so far during the past 2 seasons.
            They loaned out a lot of players repeatedly, and sold them all for decent fees.
            Made huge money from first team sales also, and someone expects us to be as active as they are under this COVID situation

          2. So don’t know why the attitude and I better not miss ?.what does that mean ?
            This summer Chelsea net spend is over 50 million by a mile
            But.if you wanted to include last season ( don’t no why ) can we add on 73 million for Pulisic
            Add that to your 36 , that’s over 50
            So.did I hit lol ?

          3. Dan Don’t change the narrative to this summer. Under Legal FFP rules, their net Spend remains this amount.
            It’s in the bookings, they sold players and left the funds untouched.
            Now they made use of it, don’t give me this summer and that summer talk. Everyone knows the money they were spending were from last summer’s earning.
            So how can you ignore that fact and say this summer?

          4. Dan Chelsea signed Pulisic halfway in the 2018-19 season, before they got banned.
            That was 2018-19!!

            Chelsea sold these players around 19/20 and already had an agreement to sign Kovacic.
            So I don’t know why you’re trying to drag that 18/19 deal into everything they made in 19/20 and now…
            And no, to answer your question you missed again.
            You didn’t hit.. Also Pulisic was bought January 18/19 season for £58M.
            Like I said, and I’m repeating you better not miss!!! Lol..
            You’ve missed twice now, dude I’m stating and pulling out facts and receipts.
            You’re making up lies, come at me again, I give you one last chance 😂😂

          5. Well okay ill clarify there net spend this summer I think will
            .be greater then our s
            No right or wrong , it’s an opinion
            If in October your are happy.then great but at moment under Koronke yeah I’m negative

          6. I do feel.they spent on pulsic knowing that was the hazard money though
            Don’t even know why your offended
            It’s clear Chelsea have more ambition

  5. Creative midfielder, game controller, game changer, natural 10 is needed. As good as arteta, he supposed to know we lack Cazorla now, and we need one, not many but one creative midfielder please

  6. It is frustrating seeing other teams purchasing whilst we’re just linked with players… but hadn’t it always been stated that we’d have to sell first before we could buy big?!!
    There is interest in our players, so hopefully the next couple of weeks will see a lot of action…I can’t see it all being completed in 12 days though, unfortunately!

    Why we’re still waiting for Auba/Gabriel though is baffling – maybe tomorrow 😉

    1. Haha Sue. Got to admire your optimism. You give a nice ring to the James bond movie “Tomorrow never dies”. It’s always maybe Tomorrow. The club will prove you right one way or the other. One of these tomorrows, we’ll announce. Lol

      1. 🤣🤣🤣 love it, Kstix!! Yes and you’ll hear me cheering/screaming/roaring – you get the gist 😉

  7. Sometimes it’s good to just read and walk past some post it sadden you that someone could put alot of strength in writing just to spread negativy.

  8. Yes Dan, the earth is flat, Covid is caused by 5G, man never went to the moon and Konststantin is a Gooner 🤔

  9. The truth hurts though. Yes, we have won the FA Cup and Community Shield that does not mean we should relax.

    The work carried out must progress and be on full motion, so yes things has to be done. Kroenke should be proactive and sign players like Abramovich is doing.

    Chelsea has already taken the spot as the 3rd best squad on paper. I wouldn’t be surprised if they win the coming title.

    Imagine a squad of


    Pulisic, Havertz, Ziyech,

    Jorginho, Kante,

    Chilwell, T. Silva, Sarr, Azpillicueta.

    That is a well balanced and skillful squad, I must admit. Abramovich is backing Lampard.

    That tells a lot of work that we need to be done at our club.

    I am still hopeful that we see one or two more midfielders cause that is the only place we need reinforcements.

    A window of Willian, Gabriel, Partey, Auoar. Is it too much to ask?

    1. They’re supposed to be loaning Sarr out for a season. I noticed you haven’t put a GK 😂😂 not surprised!!
      All joking aside, that ain’t a bad team at all, pains me to say it… they’ll be expected to challenge with that line up! Shame if they don’t 😝
      No, it isn’t too much to ask and luckily there’s still 35 days left… hopefully our most important piece of business will be wrapped up tomorrow – Auba 👍

      1. With all the signings I see the end lampard if he has a bad run of games. Good backing from the owners. That thing about the goolie!😂😂

    2. S. J, Kroenke would not know an association footballer, if he fell over one. Do you honestly believe that Kroenke decides who Arsenal signs? He employs people to do that, within the total budget allocated. The situation is that the people he employs don’t appear at the moment to be doing a very good job.
      The end of the transfer window will tell, but unfortunately that is well into the season and points could be lost because Arsenal has delayed strengthening.

      1. Topic was on Auba.

        He wants to stay for sure or be gone, will sign, it wont make more effect in October, he can sign today.

        All a money talk or he is waiting to look at options offered to him this month.

        Gabriel did not have us as first choice but ManU who rather focus on Upamenco. They spending money to get the best as every team..

  10. There are some variables though. On paper Chelsea look strong. But T Silva is already 35-36, Ziyech is I guess better at Cam because he doesn’t have the explosive pace of a Mane (more of a technical winger, kind of like early MO at RW), Werner’s best season came playing off Poulsen and I see him more as replacing Giroud than playing with him, Sarr is going to be loaned out according to reports. So these are hopefully the reasons that will keep Chelsea as the 3rd or 2nd strongest team on paper only,😅😅

  11. DAN, I guess almost all Gooners would agree with you on the pain that is Kroenke but on your conspiracy theory of delaying the \Auba announcement , sorry I just don’t buy that at all. I believe it IS what is seems; namely that it is NOT yet done, though likely to be done soon. Hopefully. There is not sense in delaying an announcement, IF it is completed. But it is NOT. I much respect your intelligence and almost all of your articles are fine ones, well written and properly thought through.
    But on this SECTION of your article DAN, I think that either you are barking up the wrong tree, or you are just barking!
    I do not mean to be rude but I will say what I think, as dishonesty and fence sitting is not something I can even consider after all these years of being straight and upfront with folk. The weak reason you give for your thinking just does not ring true. Some will agree with you though and that is their choice. Not for me!

  12. Sue P. I didn’t put a keeper cause I wouldn’t be surprised if Kepa is sold out. Lol..
    Makes me grateful for having two great young keepers in Leno and Martinez. What a headache Arteta has in selecting who to play between the both of them.
    I hear Martinez is been wanted by Schalke and Leeds so far. I hope we don’t sell him.
    If I was Arteta, I will ask the both of them to flip a coin and chose who plays home games and away games, I think that will keep them both happy.

    If we end up not signing any other players it is not all doom and gloom cause we have a squad that can finish 5th.

    1. Less of the P, I’m a G 😄
      Well, they’re holding out for over 50m for Kepa hahaha, so don’t be surprised to see him on the bench next season!!
      Yes, we’re blessed to have 2 excellent GKs…
      Ooh Mkhi’s gone on a permanent deal to Roma!!! This is the start of the exodus….

      1. Seems we can’t even get to sell our players all have been going for free lately exempt a certain iwobi😜 that was some business 😂

        1. That’s a big chunk off of the wage bill though, Kenya! Sokratis next….
          Haha after that, Everton don’t want to do business with us anymore 🤣🤣

  13. If we don’t sign any other player then we should stick to the back formation.

    Willian, Aubameyang, Pepe,

    Tierney, Xhaka, Niles, Bellerin,

    Gabriel, Luiz, Saliba,


    Subs – Saka, Martinelli, Nketiah, S. Rowe, Nelson, Willock, Luiz, Cedric, Leno.

  14. I put it down to Auba and Maglhaes contract deal extension and contract deal signing negotiations paper works not yet ready for signature signings by Auba and Maglhaes to sign to thereafter allow Arsenal to announce the two deals done.

    Dan Smith, I can understand your been apprehensive in this regard and it’s not out of place but in place. For, us Gooners need to search deep and deeper into the depth of players transfer deals taking place every windows at Arsenal. So that us don’t take things happening at the Gunners on face value after which if us had done could start crying wolves that us have been suchanged. Hmmm.

    Despite that this summer transfer window still has a month to close, and Arsenal are yet to conclude all the incoming deals they will want to conclude. But even then no Gooner or Arsenal is talking of a proven senior top League 20 goals/season and above striker signing by Arsenal this summer. But i consider a top league goals scorer striker signing of Danny Ings 29 caliber a necessary signing that Arsenal shouldn’t skip this summer but do it. Efforts making to improve their squad by Arsenal this summer have been over concentrated on the defence and the midfield departments in the first team squad for the simple reason the club have Aubameyang to count on him to score the goals in their high numbers for Arsenal in the Premier League campaign next season as he has done for 2 seasons running for the club. But has his high goals scoring for Arsenal for the past 2 seasons gotten the top-four PL table finish for Arsenal talk less of to help win the PL title for Arsenal since he has been scoring those high number of goals for the club? NO! It hasn’t. Therefore, Arsenal need to support his high goals scoring efforts for the club in the PL by doing a new top quality grade striker signing this summer. Who should be a proven top League 20 goals and above per season striker kind to support Aubameyang. So as to increase the goals scoring tally per game played in the PL and up the win ratio next season. Which if achieved by Arsenal, it will see the club out of the woods next season.

  15. Can’t agree with you here. Firstly we’ve brought Willian in, doesn’t matter if he’s free, he’s a quality signing. Hopefully we have Gabriel and it looks like we will fingers crossed get another midfielder. I’m f all this happens and we tie Abu down and maybe only sell one or two players toriera defender or two we’ve had a fantastic window, of some how we get Ozil of the wage and we get Coutinho in, WoW.

  16. Sue. I am sorry for the mistake with your name. Thank you for the correction.
    I like the way you reply to posts on here, you are mature in thinking and reaction, your family must love you.
    You are one of my top favorites
    on this site along side Dan Smith and Jon Fox although I don’t seem to agree with their opinions sometimes.

    Added to the fact that you are a woman, got me tripping.
    I wish to get married to a female Arsenal fan like you Sue G.

    Mkhitaryan gone now.
    I hear Al Nassir of the Saudi Arabia league is offering to sign Ozil, that will be amazing.
    Ozil, Sokratis, Kolasinac, Elneny, Holding, Guendouzi, Torreira. Won’t be bad to get some reasonable sum of money from this players to fund Partey and Aouar

    1. 🙂 aww thank you for your kind words, SJ… Haha yes my family do, just not on match day, especially if we lose 🤣

      Looking forward to the next few weeks.. a lot of outgoings – you’ll certainly be tripping over that, as will I!!! Word has it, Ceballos is on his way back – very happy about that!!

  17. Guys , let me confirm
    I am being negative
    We finished in our worst position in over two decades
    Should I be positive?
    We should demand Koronke spends money
    I want to be wrong but our owner has zero ambition
    It’s not negative to say if Chelsea finished above us and sign who they have we can’t compete
    Over a decade Koronke doesn’t take that next step
    But we will.see

    1. But Chelsea never signed any player last year, may be they are trying to make up for last year lack of activities in the transfer market.

    2. DAN. What some call negativity, I call being realistic. It is clear that our squad is far less talented than those of all our top rivals and to say so and then blame the real cause, Kroenke, is not being negative but is beingrealistic. Only realism helps of you have problems, as unless you first identify that you even have a problem, then you have not a hope in hellof ever dealing properly with it.


      Some less bright fans seem to imagine that when a realist comes along who is not biased to his own club and who willingly identifies the needs, that he is (in their daft heads) personally insulting them and the club.

      We realists know that is nonsense but this is a battle realists everywhere in all walk of lives face constantly,as it take guts to admit a problem. It is easier to pretend to yourself you don’t have one. Guts and character is what MA has in spades and THAT is clear to many. Shame that so many fans , not merely GOONERS but at all clubs, lack HIS character.

  18. Oh for the days when the first you knew your club had signed a player was when it appeared on the back pages of the newspaper, carrying a picture of the just signed player signing his contract with the manager or a club “suit” (Burtons, remember them ? ) beaming beside him.

    All it took was to offer him a tenner more than he was currently on !

    ‘Apply days – but something tells me we may just have more happy days ahead 🤗

  19. The “will he, won`t he game” is for children one Arsenal have played quite a bit since Kroenke arrived. He`s American and likes a bit of drama Hollywood style. He loves t keep people guessing it`s fun (until Auba accepts another offer).

    1. AJ, Kroenke employs people to manage all this transfer negotiation and contract administration and there is no argument, that it appears to be managed poorly.
      As for Kroenke, he wouldn’t know an association footballer, if he fell over one and the only way that he knows the way to the Emirates, is that he requests his driver to take him there.

  20. Probably right, everything seems to take forever at Arsenal, we always focus on a single issue and forget the big picture.
    Are we going to get Gabriel? We have 8 other defenders and a very large squad. We need to focus on reducing squad of unwanted players, and strengthen team were necessary. If Abu goes, it’s because the board had diverred again. Let’s get the business done,and then challenge for more honors please

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