Is there to be a late twist in the title race? Supercomputer provides final prediction

Tottenham’s capitulation to Manchester City at home yesterday confirms Aston Villa’s qualification for the next Champions League.

There were wild scenes among the Villa players, but there is another race that may have also been decided.

Spurs needed to avoid defeat to give Arsenal a greater chance of winning the Premier League on the final day of the campaign.

However, City defeated the Lilywhites 2-0 last night, and now Arsenal has it all to do to win the title.

It is effectively out of their hands because they will need City to lose or drop points on the last day. How likely is that to happen?

A supercomputer has now predicted Arsenal and City’s chances of winning the league, with the Citizens facing West Ham and Arsenal hosting Everton.

According to the Daily Mail, the supercomputer gave City an 84 percent chance of winning the title, which means they have a better chance of winning their last game than losing it.

Arsenal is then given a 16 percent chance of becoming the next champions of England on the last day of the season.

Just Arsenal Opinion

Winning the Premier League title is now out of our hands, but we just need to work hard and ensure we win our final game of the season. 

That way, if Manchester City fails to win their game on the last day of the term, we can win the title.

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  1. Games have to be played. Odds aren’t great but they aren’t zero either – COYG!!!

  2. Here’s to West Ham sending David Moyse off with a fantastic scalp to end his time in charge!!!

  3. Every one who has something to do with Arsenal in football game playing. That’s included the supercomputer. And even the person who doesn’t have anything to do with football. All know that Arsenal will win the Premier League title this season. And win it at the expense of Man City not winning it.
    But who are odds ON favourites by the Bookmarkers to win it this season.
    But I won’t place my money bet on Man City to win the league this season. But on Arsenal to win it. And they will win it this season unfailingly.
    So therefore, Arteta SHOULD contact David Moyes the West Ham manager for assistance immediately.
    David Moyes signed Mikel Arteta from the Scottish top club side Glasgow Rangers. When he was the Toffees manager,
    And the duo worked together peacefully and harmoniously as manager and player at Everton. And without any ranchers breaking out between them up to the time that Arsene Wenger’s controlled Arsenal signed Arteta as a new defensive midfielder for his Arsenal team group.
    So Arteta SHOULD count on the good relationship that is existing between Mr Moyes and himself.
    And solicit for his supports. Pleading to him to instruct his Irons coached team, to play a World Cup final match game away to the Citizens on the final day of the season. To take points off Man City in the match. And take them off the Citizens unfailingly
    And I think that Declan Rice can also join in in this soliciting helps for Arsenal. From his former playing colleagues at West Ham. Who he left behind in the West Ham team after he joined Arsenal. And request from them to do the same thing for Arsenal against Man City in the match next Sunday unfailingly.

  4. If the supercomputer could factor in the hate of most of the country towards Man City, the percentage odds would favour Arsenal.

  5. Last year, someone here predicted arsenal we will the league on the last day,he said man city will be disappointed at the end of their game.

    It didn’t happen last year i hope it will this year

  6. I have read articles suggesting – some of them strongly so – that City may yet be docked past titles, if (I think WHEN) they are found guilty later this year of those 115 charges.

    Though I think think it unlikely, on balance of probabilities, it is not beyond the bounds of possibility and Juventus have been docked titles for their corruption, so there IS a precedent!

    IF football were always entirely predictable we would all be rich, from accurate predictions. And we are not! Are we !!!.

  7. Same hopes we had of a Spurs’ upset against City which never materialised!
    Gooners, time to face the stark truth: we have missed it again!. No way City will not flog West Ham and lift the crown. Best to start looking up to next season guys.
    I am typing this and hoping and praying that I am wrong!

    1. me too, but there is nothing wrong with hoping – as Jon Fox likes to add – I am including a healthy dose of reality in my hoping 🙂

      And Jon, I too doubt that anything happens with City. It is one thing to focus on the lower end of the table, another to look at the top.

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