It’s time for Wenger to give up his addiction to Arsenal

Wenger has done enough for football, time to take a bow from the game By SK

Addiction is a very difficult problem to deal with; especially if that addiction dates back too many years. A drug addict, who has been abusing drugs for more than half of his years, may find it difficult to get away from such a habit. He feels he is immune to any negativity that may arise due to the abuse, nobody can tell him it is dangerous for his health because he feels his body and health has come to accept the drug abuse. It takes a while to convince him to stop; and that is if he wishes to stop. But when he is determined not to give up the habit, no matter what you say to him, then you just have to pray to God to touch his heart.

Football has become an addiction for Wenger, coaching Arsenal has become an addiction to Wenger; he has lived over twenty of his years coaching Arsenal football club; he has become a part of the club and the club has become a part of him. He wakes up every morning to the joy of being an Arsenal coach and goes to sleep every night as a fulfilled man because of Arsenal, so why asking him to leave what gives him passion and joy, when he feels he still has a lot to offer the club, despite the evidence? Can you give him any other reason to leave Arsenal apart from the fact that the club is not doing well on the night? These are the thoughts on the mind of a man who is addicted to coaching the club. But is he right to think this way? No!

Monsieur Wenger has seen it all in football, he has done a lot for football and if he decides to take a break from the game today, the world of football will be grateful for his contributions to the growth and development to football. A wise man knows when to draw the curtain. He knows when to take a walk and he knows the time when appraisals turn to insults and at that moment, he quits! He is not quitting because he is a quitter, he is quitting because he knows that is the right thing to do at the moment. Wenger’s record in transforming a player from nobody to somebody, can’t be under emphasized. The likes of Thierry Henry, Kanu Nwankwo, Patrick Viera and others, will forever be grateful to this man who brought them out from being fringe players to being star players! Even our dear want-away Sanchez has no choice than to be grateful to Wenger for saving him from sitting on the bench constantly at Barcelona.

However, despite all he has done for football, Wenger has to leave the game alone for younger and fresher ideas. Not only should he retire from Arsenal, he should also retire from coaching as well. I know this may sound harsh but Wenger’s tactics of coaching are outdated and leaving coaching generally, will save him from being ridiculed some more. He doesn’t look like a man who wishes to change his ways, he is that stubborn, despite realizing how outdated his tactics are. After leaving Arsenal this season, he can take up a job as a football director at Arsenal or any other club of his choice. He can also decide to own and run an academy whereby he can continue grooming kids into becoming football greats, something he is adept at doing. Enough of the disgraces, enough of being beaten by younger managers who looked up to him while growing up!

Wenger is a wise man and as a wise man, he should know that this season should be his final season as a football coach. The offers from Barcelona and China may be tempting enough but a man should realize that period when a good name is better than riches or gold! A word is enough for the wise. What do you guys think? Is Wenger still needed as a football coach?