Join the campaign to get Arsenal’s sponsors to condemn Kroenke

Stan Kroenke Must Go!

I have just understood that Arsenal’s majority share holder – Stan Kroenke, is launching a TV channel, in the UK, dedicated to the blood sport of hunting endangered wild animals such as lions, rhinos and elephants. Apparently this is a money making venture aimed at capitalising on the misery of endangered animals and giving the depraved and those who have more money than sense the opportunity to relive the experience of death of defenceless animals at the hands of cowards with the latest modern technology. Those who wish to view the channel’s contents will have to pay handsomely for the privilege to do so.

Records show that to date, all of Stan Kroenke’s sports franchises are struggling. However, not content with bleeding our club (and others) dry by taking money out of its coffers, it appears that now that he has his sights on bringing our reputation into disrepute by the mire association with his name. Even the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who is an Arsenal fan, has called for the ‘disgusting’ channel to be banned.

This is up there with the most depressing Arsenal related news I have heard in a long time (and there has been a lot over the years). I love animals and believe that we do not have the the divine right to exploit creatures for our entertainment. This man’s association with Arsenal FC is once again dragging our good name through the mire. As Arsenal fans we cannot turn a blind eye to this man and have to protest immediately. Some things transcend football. We have a voice.

There is one way that we can force some action against Kroenke, and that is by petitioning our sponsors to put pressure on the club, so please join the over 35,000 people that have already signed this. Here is their link and aims…..

Arsenal Sponsors: Say No to Animal Hunting! #KroenkeOut

Achieving #KroenkeOut won’t be easy. But the sponsors of Arsenal football club have a huge amount of power, and I think with their help we can create change.

With this petition, our demands are simple:

1 For Arsenal’s key sponsors: Emirates, Puma, Vitality to publically condemn Kroenke’s actions and call for him to stand down..

2 A meeting between the Arsenal Board, Key Sponsors to the club (including Emirates, Puma, Vitality etc), leading Animal Rights Charities and most importantly: representing members of the international fan bases regarding this situation

Sponsors Emirates, Puma and Vitality have all publicly said they stand against animal cruelty. How can they say this, and then give money to a club whose boss is celebrating and endorsing the killing of vulnerable animals and treating it as entertainment?

If we can show the most influential people in the club just how far reaching our disgust is at our owner and his complete disregard for everything we care about, then we have the potential to achieve change.

Please sign this petition, and together we can get our Arsenal back.

By Anonymous