There have been many Arsenal rumours saying that Willian will be signing for Arsenal in the coming week, with most papers seeming certain that the Brazilian will be getting a three-year deal with the Gunners.
Now Frank Lampard, the Chelsea manager, has been asked directly why Willian was left out of the Chelsea squad for the FA Cup Final, and if he would be disappointed if Willian left Stamford Bridge to join the Gunners. “It actually doesn’t matter about disappointment from any party in this situation,” said Lampard on TalkSport.
“I haven’t got an answer for you (if Willian will leave) first and foremost, because Willian remains our player at the moment.
“He’s injured for Saturday, and he was injured for the cup final. He would have given everything to play in those games.
“I know Willian well, I’ve seen him, he’s carried this injury a little bit from the latter part of the restart.
“In terms of being disappointed, certainly as a club I think we have done everything we can to explain to Willian, and mine and his relationship is really close.
“I would have no feeling of disappointment if he does move on.
“I’ve played with him, coached him, he’s a fantastic man and a fantastic player.
“I think he will feel like that about Chelsea, I’ll leave him to say his own words.
“But I don’t want anyone to try and find a negative attitude, because the club have acted very well in this as well.
“I don’t have the answer, if he moves on I personally would wish him well. And that’s kind of where we’re at now.”
So, although Frank doesn’t say anything directly, it would appear that the Brazilian is indeed leaving Chelsea, and I would not be very surprised if Arsenal were buying a currently-injured player either, as most of our signings arrive with that sort of problem.
What do you make of Franks’s words?
“I would have no feelimgs of disappointment if he does move on” say Lampard. Lampard doesn’t care. Its only Arteta and his fans who cares
Top Gunner you are starting to sound like a broken record, if you cant support the coach decision, then go and support man city at least you won’t be disappointed with their transfer dealings.
What exactly is FL supposed to
:This is a dark day in the history of
CFC, Willian is a player that cannot
and will not be replaced @ Stamford
Bridge. Although the club looks
forward to next years EPL and
CL season there isnt serious team
belief that much will be accomplished
without the Brazilian maestro.”
We get your disdain for MA, but does
it have to dominate EVERY single
thread you reply 2?
It’s just tiring having to open every thread and reading him complaining about Arteta and Willian.
People like him spread toxicity around the fanbase, complain about every single thing, never see the good in any situation.. A pessimist.
It’s not a crime for him to go support City or Liverpool though.
He’s a joke totally now
all ways landon is red
Let us try new legs he (Willy) has truly tried. I know that he knows Chelsea fc club law on players of 30 if he whishes to move Chelsea fc should look for good legs
TG, YES YOU ARE RIGHT . ONLY ARTETA AND HIS FANS. We are called Gooners . What team do YOU support, BTW?
Three year contract over a two year contract Pur and simple. What to people expect Frank Lampard to say?
Arsenal will expect Willan to pass a medical assessment.
I love Lampard he is wise and God fearing .Nice words man
FL is an educated man who knows when to be diplomatic .His Club,s policy is to restrict contracts to the over 30,s to a maximum of two years and for whatever reason this does not appear to satisfy Willian.Personally, I suspect he has been told that he will no longer be first choice on the right wing but surely that would apply at Arsenal too given the 72m spent on Pepe?In any event Willian has certainly been a very fine player for Chelsea and let’s hope he can continue to perform to a high level during his time with the Gunners.
I much respe3ct Lampard and take his words at face value as I feel sure they are sincerely meant. LAMPARD IS A GOOD PERSON AND WILL PROVE A FINE MANAGER – ALREADY HAS IN FACT. Though I have despised Chelsea going way, way back into Ken Bates ownership – and what a maverick he was to non Chelsea watchers – you can and I do still respect many of those who played for many of my despised clubs. Spuds, Chelski, United, City, Millwall, Stoke, Leeds etc.
You may notice the absence of Liverpool. I will be honest and say I have always admired the way that fans are such an important and valued part of that club. I am in NO WAY a fan of theirs but I cannot dislike them. How do others feel with various clubs and why?