Lotte Wubben-Moy’s fully deserves her award for Arsenal Women’s Player of the Season

Lotte Wubben Moy, Arsenal Women’s Player of the Season, was absolutely fantastic for our Gunner women in the just concluded 2023–24 season. At the beginning of the season, Jonas Eidevall had to introduce a new defense for this campaign. This was necessary because Rafaelle Souza left the team and Leah Williamson was still recovering from a long-term ACL injury.

Arsenal made two defensive signings, with Amanda Ilestedt and Laia Codina joining, which would have formed an exceptional central defense partnership. But Eidevall, not wanting to overhaul the defense completely, chose to build upon Wubben-Moy as the central defense’s core. He successfully paired her with either Ilestedt or Codina.

All season, the English defender has been rock-solid in Arsenal’s defense. Unfortunately, a foot injury kept her out of action for the last few weeks of the campaign, and the injury will also prevent her from joining the England Lionesses Euro qualifier squad. It’s a shame, as she had just earned her spot in Sarina Weigman’s starting lineup.

That said, how did the English star emerge to be so dependable for Arsenal Women? Renee Slegers, Arsenal’s assistant coach, has shared some thoughts on Lotte Wubben-Moy’s resurgence and the factors that contributed to it, saying: “The biggest thing that stands out is her mindset and the way she takes ownership of everything she can control.

She is very humble. She likes to listen and learn with everything in life. She is a very thoughtful and mindful person. She has an endurance, mentally. She doesn’t give up easily or lose patience.

“It’s all about what she wants. She is very motivated to get the most out of herself. With her mindset, she can fulfill her potential. I don’t know where the ceiling is, but that’s the fun thing about it.”

Lotte’s performance in the recently concluded league campaign has been absolutely incredible! She has really stepped up as a defensive leader, just like everyone expected. It’s impressive how she has been able to thrive even when working with different partners. It just goes to show how talented she is.

Michelle M

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