
Mesut Ozil – Will he stay or will he go?

Without doubt Mesut Ozil has been the most divisive figure amongst Arsenal fans in the last couple of years, and has strangely been continuing training with the Gunners first team despite not being registered to play in either the League or the Europa League.

Even after learning of his exclusion, Ozil has refused to move on to another club and continues to maintain that he is going to stay right until the very last day of his contract.

But now there has been rumours of clear the air talks with Edu, and even hints that the German has been looking for another club for the last six months of his contract, which would most certainly be a loan arrangement.

Now that the window has opened again and Arteta has started clearing out the fringe players in his bloated squad, the boss was asked if there was a chance of Ozil being registered to play for the rest of the season. “We will see what happens in the transfer window and we will assess that at the end.” Arteta told the Mirror.

“You have to respect the players’ contracts,”

“What you can do is just try to be open with them, tell them your intentions, the role that they have in the team and why that is.

“They are entitled to make the decision in their lives because they have a contract here. Some would like to move because they are not playing and some would like to stay. That’s something we cannot decide by ourselves.” ozil I would say that Edu and Arteta, if they have been open with Ozil, have made it clear that the German will NOT be reinstated to the side. So now we just have to wait and see if he can find a destination that is agreeable to him, and will ensure that he will still get his massive wage every week.

But personally, I think Ozil will stay right to the bitter end. What do you think?

Tags Arteta Ozil


  1. If there are suitors, he should go. If there aren’t any, he should leave at the end of the season. If it’s the latter, he should be reinstated to the team and finish his Arsenal career a fairy-tale ending. Or at least feature in a ‘last game’. Many won’t agree but I believe he deserve it for his ‘prime’ seasons, shirt sales and even the traffic revenue which many websites have benefited from. He has basically returned our investment on the business end of things – bar the China incident.

    Thanks for the memories MO10.

  2. While delay it?
    Just find a way to pay him off and get him out of the club.
    This is what any smart company company or institution would’ve done.
    Can’t allows him be around the team this long, it’ll definitely cause unrest because definitely he has his own clique in the team and damn sure he’s their Alpha.
    I love the man Ozil.
    I loved the footballer Ozil for the player he was.
    Right now the club comes first, my love for the club is more important than my love for the man.
    So he needs to be off

    1. absolutely now its just a disturbance to the cause to have somebody half in the team and half outside who is splitting the opinion.. the board and the player should come off their ego and try to find a way to buy out the reminder of the contract and this debacle as its helping nobody..

        1. Davi thanks for your comment yesterday as you were one of the few people who really read my comment and not tried to spin it around to hate, i appreciate it

          1. No worries mate, looked like you were getting hammered over something you didn’t say. It all was a bit over the top.

      1. The Maestro has done nothing wrong.He has a contract he is training he is the best midfielder in the world and Arsenal is playing Politics.If Aesenal want him him to go Pay him his full contract plus BonusesLets call a spade a spade.Mezut Ozil is one of the Best Midfielders in the World.PERIOD

  3. Ozil has done enough to warrant a happy ending at Arsenal. He is well within his rights to decide what to do with his contract. But I still hope he gets one last chance to show what he is capable of and prove his doubters wrong. He has his heart with Arsenal.

  4. Ozil has sat on his back side raking in his 350,000 a week for god knows how long so what does another few months really matter its clear hes in no rush to leave!!

    1. Easy to say when when you are not spending 350,000 a week and no returns.

      You know the saying, we are all brave till we realize ……………….

  5. We’ve been trying to offload him, and he’s been having none of it, so I can’t see anything changing.

    He seems content not playing, and I can’t see the club backing down and paying him off suddenly.

    Hopefully it does change, but can’t see it.

  6. “You have to respect the players contract” – Well said Mikel, that’s the old Arsenal way – what a shame the current Arsenal hierarchy haven’t the same ethics!!

    1. KEN DO YOU NOT ALSO THINK PLAYERS TOO OUGHT TO RESPECT THE CONTRACT THEY MAKE WITH THE CLUB? A contract, as older people should know only too well, is made between more than one party and needs to be respected by ALL who sign that contract. That has always been my passionate position though I do not think it is yours, to judge from previous posts.

      1. So Jon, apart from your PERSONAL opinion, please enlighten me as to what part of the contract that Ozil has broken and why they have had to keep paying his obscene salary (and probably will have to continue to do) until June?

        1. How about TRYING when he wears the shirt ! Of course if you fool yourself that he does try, you will never understand my comments, so no wonder you needed to ask.

          To those who actually let what they see reach their brain, the answer is blindingly obvious But not to you KEN, WHICH SAYS IT ALL!

          1. But Jon, Arteta played him in every game from January to the covid lockdown and we were unbeaten as you well know, but choose to ignore.

            So, my question to you is this, if Arteta is the manager you think he is, why did he not recognise the laziness that you have been on about since the 2018 SEASON, during that NINE game run?

    2. Explain Ken, how the current hierarchy are not respecting his contract? I do believe they could have done better by paying him off instead of letting him linger when they knew he wasn’t going to play. But what Arteta has said which you highlighted is exactly what the Arsenal hierarchy, whom you’ve slated, are doing. You forgot they even paid a loyalty bonus despite he not playing.

      1. Well Kstix, who do you think “leaked” the information regarding two parts of his contract that no one outside of the hierarchy would be aware of?
        1. The bonus that he received that was specifically quoted?
        2.The fact that the club were saving money by not playing him in games?

        It obviously cannot be the player or his agent, why would they?
        It wouldn’t be the players, as they would have no idea of each others contracts would they?
        3. The only people who would gain from releasing this confidential information, would be those who want to bring the player under extra scrutiny from the fans – unless you can think of any reason why we know more about Ozil’s contract than any other player?

        1. Ken, unfortunately my friend, you couldn’t reply with proven facts. From your first paragraph, I already saw the conspiracy theory, you don’t happen to be an employee at AFC do you? If you did, I would have taken your theory with a pinch of salt. How do journalists know who Arsenal are about to buy, how do they find out details about the contracts of players. A football club is a very big organisation incase you forgot Ken, run by thousands of employees. I’m very sure alot of people would have been involved in the contract deals of Ozil and any other player, as these types of things are not done
          behind exclusively closed doors, even a cleaner or a secretary or anybody could have stumbled upon the details of the contracts and leaked it for some cash to the media. These types of things are very feasible. Now tell me Ken, how the hierarchy stand to benefit from the leak as it doesn’t add up. Does leaking the information cause a breach in contract where they don’t have to pay the player his lucrative wages anymore? Absolutely not because as far as I can see, anything that will benefit them is anything that will make them stop paying the wages. And they are paying the said wages till the very last day of his contract. Those, my friend, are facts.

          1. So you want me to believe that a club like Arsenal would leave personal contracts laying around for cleaners or secretaries to “stumble across”!!!!
            Why would it only be Ozils contract that has been left around for the cleaners etc to glean sensitive information from?

            In all my years of being involved with contracts and /or individuals, never have I witnessed the scenario you try to explain – but if that is how you think The Arsenal conducts it’s business, then so be it.

          2. I forgot to answer your question regarding why the club would do this?
            Kstix, they are trying to offload the player, after realising the horrendous mistake made by rewarding such a ridiculously contract – they are already saving money by not playing him aren’t they?
            Let me ask you Kstix, how would you react to the release of this information?

    1. Good idea he will prob play out of his skin and get a new 400,000 a week contract then go back to his lazy idle ways and sit that out as well!!

      1. I don’t get this lazy tag which seems
        To have appeared in the last few weeks , not just Ozil but it seems half the squad are getting tarred with this lazy bull crap tag ,they are professional athletes for crying out aloud I don’t think the club or any other club would employ such players ,just Because some Loud month know it all
        On here says it doesn’t mean you have to jump on his bandwagon .
        Contrary to belief he does not speak for Arsenal fans world wide .

        1. well said Dan, I also never get the hate on half the squad when we lose, that they are lazy.. not only lazy people lose.. motivated people can be bad or lose too.. so its not that a defeat means that the ones who lost are lazy

          But sadly like you said the loudmouth who talks for the selfproclaimed majority in the world is feeding this hate

          1. lcw i wanted to reply to your comment some days ago, thanks for your support, you are right i shouldnt pay attention to some haters

          2. Excellent thoughts Dan and I think we all know who your referring to.
            The stupidity of this “lazy” claim, is that MA was selecting him for every PL game up and until the corona virus lockdown…. where we were unbeaten of course.
            What these self proclaimed realists can’t get their heads around, is the FACT that with Ozil in the side, we were creating chances and not losing.
            Krish, enjoy your views and the fact that you stand up for them – no idea what age you are, but does that REALLY matter?

  7. I follow him on Facebook he keeps quoting quaran verses but I don’t there’s any religion that promotes greed and and unjust enrichment.He want to milk the club every coin in his big contract and he purports to be a Charity man….

  8. His contract should be respected. It was the board who sanctioned it…He should only be put back into the squad, if a better quality playmaker can not be added.
    No one in there right state of mind would walk away from his contact…especially in these unpredictable times.
    Think about it…if he went to another club, he’d have to actually work for his money 🤣

  9. He is free to go and all we have to do is pay his remaining wage and thank him for the joy he brought us at top of his form. No hard feelings.

    It is all about cash, if offered him this option end of last season showing good form before covid, he would be gone picking a free transfer bonus he will at Fenerbace or Miami or we may be surprised by a top club bargaining.

    Rumours in Barca seemed untrue but i can see clubs as Dortmund Bayern or inter & juve or Athletico come for him.

    Ozil is prolific in a system suiting his playmaker role; meaning a strong defensive back up allowing him to focus on attacking.

    There’s no way to play him in a team with poor CBs and DM behind him, he is then asked to defend which is not his role but a playmaker.

    Ozil didnt turn to a bad player overnight, just as Auba did not; the system does not allow him to score.

    How can he scores burried at Left wing, what is he doing there? Nothing, a ghost, useless.

    Why? We play Saka behind him who as a natural winger flies on that wing all game long. Then you have the Tierny taking that wing by storm as a joke, so effortless flying up & down; amazing kid, growin as best in league.

    What can Auba possibly do on that wing then? Watch 2 ferraris flying by all game long.

    Not making excuses, even if Gabi, Pepe or anyone plays there with these two guys flying by, he will be as Auba, watching Ferraris all game long.

    I regret to not have seen Ozil if still in club this season; it is first time in decade +, that we have a reliable CB pair and DM; it is precisly what allows to get best of a playmaker. Rowe shines because of that, as soon as we play Luiz, DM has 2 players to deal with and all team balance & game lean that way, cant score if defending.

    I wish Ozil great things for remaining of his career and thank for magical moment he gave us; he did at some point and all we need to keep, that smiling magical Ozil providing us great moments and goals.

    Cant be eager and personal, it is at all; just a game of football & business clubs.

    We are too fast to judge players, it is not about players but system and position they are played.

    Ozil did not play, we been bellow most of season so far; won two games because changes were made in team; Luiz, Willian out mainly gave Rowe an opportunity to start or he wouldnt had.

    Because Arteta would have push Saka down to midfield to make way fof Willian. Then we Elneny and Xhaka, no more space for Rowe unless bench Saka or Martinelli.

    If he brings back these two players; we are back to misery; kills all balance and ruins our game. Ozil is not there nor has to do anything with this, just as Auba played there; it is coach as it is him who wins with a team he is forced to play but would not have.

    i hope he is not trying his non sense again but i doubt, he is guessing and we always lose or draw, wins when forced to not play these 2 useless Chelki’s rejects. Ceballos is always picked over our talented midfield youngsters , just ruining their chance to perform for no reason.

    I wish Arteta done way better but cant accept t’such poor result and embarrassing league position all season long.

    i simply dont see him progress overnite to level of experience required for a too club, no such thing, everyone else starts in lower league to work out of spotlight, make mistakes, learn and acquire experience they need eed.

    Have nothing against Arteta, he puts all his heart and energy but it is about gaining experience which takes a process Arsenal is not place to do so.

    Players are ready, squad is there to do well, the only one whi is not at players and club’s level is our apprentice coach.

    Even Lampard with over 2 years of experience before Chelsea is a risk but mistakes he made develloping to a coach at lower league are not made again….

    My scepticism is on his common sense, he is getting a good result by playing a team he would not.

    Then plays it again because they won but tired and almost a draw. Instead to rotate and put game to sleep.

    Niles willock
    Nelson Auba Pepe.

    We win by two or 3 with these fredh leg and able to make a team for wes brom.

    Niles Willock
    Nelson Martinelli Saka

    This is rotation allowing to keep everyone involve and youngsters to grow, create a great spirit.

    Not by playing Luiz, Willian, Ceballos to get ego fed.

    Tuchel should already be announced, not wait and regret as Klopp, we are not where we belong because arteta is not in first place.

    Cant brlieve to be in such a position and people to still not get that Arteta is simply not ready; the team is!

    1. GunnerDev you say: “Some players love the sport above the money.”

      And some players don’t. Some of us respect their opinions as well because they have that right.

  10. There are only 2 sensible options:

    1-) Correct mistake No1:
    Pay him off and that’s a STUPID business decision but better than the one that shelved him.

    2-) Correct mistake No2:
    Reinstate him even if he does not play all the time. It is obvious we can’t play without a creator and buying one in January is not feasible.

  11. thanks for your support some days ago, you are right i shouldnt pay attention to some haters
    and to your options i think i would even prefer option 1 as i dont want the hate continuing on as i am sure if özil plays and we happen to lose a game, all hell will break loose and that is detrimental to özil and to the team and club

  12. I’m sure both sides are wondering how the hell it got to this point. Small decisions made within atmosphere of perceived slights built on cracked foundations of mutual arrogance.

    No one is a winner in this. Be glad when it’s over so both sides can just move on.

  13. If I had to pick my best eleven Arsenal team since the arrival of Wenger, Ozil would not be in it nor on the bench.When it comes to the most controversial player in the same era, he would lead by a mile.Whether we like him or not as a player , his legacy with Arsenal has been completely tarnished as a result of decisions made by those in authority at the Club.The same can be said about Wenger to an extent, but in his case nobody could ever accuse him of freewheeling.At a time when the lack of creativity in midfield is accepted my most fans as a major reason for the downturn in our fortunes, to ignore a man who has, or did have these attributes in abundance, does not make sense and leaves a cloud hanging over our Club which outsiders find incomprehensible.The fact that he just happens to be our highest paid employee, merely rubs salt into the wounds.While I have never been a fan of Ozil, he ought to have been included in our player pool and given the opportunity to perform.If he failed to deliver, he should be left out like any other player who is found wanting.Perhaps our flirtation with the dreaded relegation zone without any input from Ozil will make fans realize that there are others who are more deserving of being hung out to dry.

    1. Fair comments as usual. I do think if we’d been allowed to register more players, Ozil would have been used a bit this season, but I highly doubt it would have improved our results.
      He’s a luxury player – amazing when the team is playing well, but he’s not the kind of person to take control and impose himself to get the team going when it really counts. This above all else is why he should never have been offered that contract.

  14. All the major sports press outlets seem to carry an article about Ozil. “Telegraph Sport understands Ozil has continued to demonstrate quality in training, with one source saying he is one of the best performers.” It also states that
    Mikel Arteta admits Arsenal will reassess Mesut Ozil exile if they can trim squad in January transfer window. Although Ozil is no longer the player he was, and his often stated stance, that he will see out his contract it seems that Arteta is at least considering his re-integration into the squad. As it is most likely that there will not be funds available to buy/loan a top class playmaker then this would be the best for all concerned. Arteta would still have the option to play or not play Ozil and nothing really changes except his availability if needed.

  15. I wonder what effect losing his pal Sead will have on his plans. If he stays he should be used in the squad.

  16. Liam summed it all.
    He’s not good a guy on the pitch and in the dressing room

    Liam knows Ozil better than any if u

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