Arsenal Womens Miedema says North London is Red “Always Red. What a stupid question!”

You have got to love Arsenal Womens superstriker Viv Miedema, who has broken all WSL and international records since she arrived at Arsenal 5 years ago.

In that time she has played in many North London derbies, and never lost a game against Tottenham, so she was relishing the chance to play them again yesterday, in a recordbreaking game at the Emirates.

Arsenal duly won 4-0 with a great display of superiority, and Miedema scored her first two goals of the season in front of a record-breaking 53,000 crowd, and she was understandably very happy after the game.

She told after the game: “I mean, it was obviously unreal with all the fans here in the stadium, 53,000 I think it was. That’s the games you want to play in and that’s the games you want to win, and obviously that is against Tottenham with all the extra Arsenal fans. We just need to prepare now for Wednesday, but this one felt really good!”

She was then asked if having such a large support behind the team made a difference, and she replied: To be fair, you just feel like you’re playing a game and that’s amazing. I think you all get a bit of extra energy from it and I think you could see that today as well in all the girls. It just a lot quicker and a lot more comfortable that we expected it to be, but we’re just really happy that we won and hope that everyone keeps coming back to our games here.”

Miedema obviously knows how important our games against Tottenham are, and at the end of the interview she was asked what colous North London was, and she responded: It’s red, always red! What a stupid question! ”

Once a Gooner, always a Gooner!

Michelle Maxwell

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