VAR decision Arsenal v Man Utd

Mikel Arteta admits VAR issues have to be discussed by Premier League clubs

(Photo by GLYN KIRK/AFP via Getty Images)

Mikel Arteta has spoken about VAR as Premier League clubs prepare to vote on whether it should stay or be scrapped.

VAR was introduced to the game to improve decision-making and reduce contentious calls.

Before the technology was implemented, there were numerous controversial decisions, and fans believed that introducing VAR would enhance the accuracy of officiating.

However, that hasn’t been the case, as human errors continue to affect decision-making even with the technology.

Several high-profile mistakes have occurred, prompting Wolves to call for the technology to be scrapped.

Premier League clubs will vote on the matter at the end of the season, and Arteta has shared his views on the technology.

The Arsenal gaffer said to AS:

“It is clear that we have to talk.

“There’s still not a lot of clarity, so when this is all over, we’ll sit down and talk about the rules again. From there, let’s see how much they listen to us, I still don’t have it very clear.”

Just Arsenal Opinion

Most teams have been at both ends of VAR decisions, and some have had more good sides than bad.

However, we can understand why Wolves want it scrapped, and most fans would not care if it goes unless the human errors are fixed.


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Tags Mikel Arteta VAR


  1. I assume that, when they discuss VAR, it means they will be discussing the officials who can’t seem to use it properly, along with the bizarre rules that have been introduced by FIFA etc?!

  2. Not sure what Wolves hope to achieve by this. The vote is doomed to failure for many reasons so I can only assume they want to raise the issue to get something done to get decision-making (by VAR officials) improved.

    One thing I’ve noticed which nobody talks about is how the clubs that are seen to be smaller clubs get the raw deal on the decisions – not just VAR officials – all officials.

    Before VAR, nobody was counting so nobody was noticing. If I had to guess I’d say the officials don’t want their decisions to be looked at come the end of the season and someone says “That terrible decision by that ref Fred Flintstone cost City the title”.

    Or maybe they are just fans and can’t help favouring teams they like. Dunno.

    But the elephant in the room is – why doesn’t it happen in other sports? Rules too subjective?

    1. To be fair to other sports, how many are anywhere near as subjective as in footbal?.ANSWER IS NONE!

      Rugby is the only one that is SOMETIMES , though nowhere near as often, even vaguely subjective.

      Rugby players foul , legally, every time they tackle and there is not a handball problem ,obviously. Those two matters cause by far the most controversy in football,if you think about it!

      Adding extra humans in VAR simply further complicates the likelihood of more subjective varying of opinions. Ken keeps asking for better VAR officials and refs.

      It wont ever happen, as they are all human and humans make mistakes, ALL OF US , by our own common inescapable human nature.

      But that is only ever considered by deeper thinkers and few on JA are of that type!

  3. I agree with SimonJordans view(Talksport co- show host presenter and ex Palace owner) who says he thinks the soon to beclub meeting on VAR will force PGMOL to start taking fans opinions into account and not to keep taking SO STUPIDLY LONG to reach decsions.

    Having now had VAR for five years, I accept, though do not like it, that an improved version of it, that treats fans withmore respect, will be enforced by clubs this summer.

    And that PGMOL will be forced to start thinkingof how fans think and what we want. And stop suiting ONLY themselves. I wish the whole wretched farce had never been brougt in at all, UNTIL it coud bespeedily automated with out direct Stockley Park people involved at all.

    It is th time it takes and tha tit undemines refs that I OBJECT TO.
    IF however it can be changed, so that refs call for its help WHEN THEY DEEM IT HELPFUL, INSTEAD OF VAR telling refs to use the screen, then and onlythen, provided it is also FAR speedier, I would accept it.
    The genie has, unfortunately, comeout of the bottle and cannot, after five long years, ever be put back in, regrettably IMO.

  4. ” …believed that introducing VAR would enhance the accuracy of officiating.

    However, that hasn’t been the case, as human errors continue to affect decision-making even with the technology.”

    That is factually incorrect.

    VAR definitely has “enhanced” the accuracy of decisions. The stats clearly show that. ken1945 has posted those stats here more than once.

    From that quoted wording, I’d have to guess the Administrative Martin has his own personal view on this.

  5. I always felt that a VAR system upgrade would involve both teams having a representative (probably a former retired footballer) in the VAR room who would point out issues missed or over-killed by the VAR officials in their team’s favour.
    Major VAR goofs this season have come from not looking at ALL the facts or over/under estimating the significance of one or more of such facts.
    We the fans see these things and call it out, moreso ex-players. So let teams have someone in the VAR room to help point these things out before a final decision is made.

    Too much?

    1. You are asking for common sense? And from PGMOL of all people? Well good luck with THAT suggestion! Refs are content , incredibly, wirth other officials(VAR) interfering and telling them what to do. But to ask experienced proper football people who know the game, to aid their decisions, though plainly a sensible suggestion, WILL never happen.
      PGMOL doesnt do “common sense” as all true fans know.
      If if did, which it plainly does not,it would immediately reinstate handball and abandon what has become “BALLHAND”.


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